
Summary: The lab rats are trying to coup with a new addition to the family and danger is never far. Darkness is always around the corner of happiness.

Sequel to Lovely Tragedy

Warning(s): Bullying, slash, mpreg, language...etc.

Disclaimer: I don't own Lab Rats.

Chapter One: Baby Blues

Chase's P.O.V

The baby's crying again and quietly I get up from the bed and head to the nursery where Audrey is whimpering. Sighing and sleep deprived I pick her up and cradle her in my arms. She latches on quickly and suckles hungrily. I've learned to sleep topless with the baby waking every few hours hungry.

"Should've let me get her," Adam yawns.

I turn to face the open door and see Adam standing rather sluggish.

"I want you to rest you have school tomorrow," I smile.

"Dad said I can stay," he pouts.

"Mr. Dav- I mean, our dad can say that but I want you to go," I reply.

"I prefer being with my family," he says.

I sit in the rocking chair as he sits at my feet. They're still a bit swollen from my pregnancy and he gladly relieves the pressure.

"Hmm thanks," I smile.

"Anytime baby," he winks.

A week ago I gave birth to our baby girl Audrey Sophia Davenport. Though Adam technically has three more weeks off until he has to go back to school I rather him not stay. I want him to graduate on time this year and next year I'll graduate and we can both start our lives.

"Chasey," he calls.

"Hm?" I hum.

"What are you thinking about?" he asks.

", us," I answer.

I rise once Audrey falls asleep and lets go. Not wanting her to throw up when she just ate I decide to burp her. I put a cloth over my shoulder just in case she spits up and pat her back.

After some time trying to coax her to burp she doesn't and starts whimpering again. Tears well up in my eyes and Adam takes her from me doing what I couldn't easily. I feel like such a failure.

"Don't cry sweetie," he whispers as I turn away from him.

I can hear him sigh and soon strong arms wrap around my waist. His big callus hands landing on my slightly swollen stomach not completely flat like before.

"Sshh it's okay baby, you're just tired," he soothes.

I nod hesitantly and turn in his arms. I feel disgusting and horrible. My emotions are everywhere and everything affects me.

"I hate baby blues," I sniffle.

"Aww I know but you have me to take care of you," he kisses my cheek.

"Thanks 'dam," I rub my watery eyes.

He smiles and takes my hand in his. We leave the nursery door slightly ajar and head to our own room. Adam picks me up and deposits me on our bed gently and carefully since I'm still healing from the birth.

"Sleep," he orders softly.

I curl into him and close my eyes. I can feel his arms snake around my smaller body, his breath evening out. I don't stay far behind before I'm sleeping albeit a bit unpleasant.

As I close my eyes I can picture my little family in peace. My baby girl healthy and growing everyday. Adam always by my side loving and amazing. And, of course, the rest of our family always a constant.

When I open my eyes I can tell it's morning by the steadily rising sun. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I stretch and get out of bed. I pad into the bathroom to take a quick shower before Audrey wakes up again. I'm guessing Adam got her so I could sleep till morning.

I undress and stares at my disheveled reflection only to notice a sticky note on the mirror.


I actually listened and went to school but I'll be back by noon, no exceptions.

Love, Adam

I roll my eyes and continue to stare at the note in my hand with a loving gaze. I suppose this is better than nothing.

I change after my shower and head to the nursery. Audrey is lying wide awake staring at the ceiling making a gurgling sound. I smile as I carefully pick her up. She stares at me with an unfocused gaze and 'smiles' at me. I can see her teethless gums and soon she starts chewing her tiny fist.

"Papa is hungry, let's go get you breakfast," I smile.

I read in a book and since it's also in my database I know that anything I eat converts to the nutrients in my milk for Audrey.

Trying not to jostle Audrey who is quite comfortable in my arms I make my way downstairs. Tasha is in the kitchen making pancakes. Mr. Dav- I mean my dad is sitting at the table sipping coffee and reading the paper.

"Morning," I greet.

"Good morning my darlings," Tasha smiles

"G'morning," Mr. Davenport replies.

"What time is it?" I ask easing into a chair.

"7:30, the others already left," Tasha informs.

I nod thoughtfully and peer down at my daughter.

"How'd you sleep?"

I turn to face my dad and shrug.

"About the same as every other night after having my princess," I answer.

The nursery walls are sound proof so no one hears Audrey cry except for Adam and me since we have the baby monitors. This way everyone can sleep peacefully while we take care of a cranky baby at 2 am. I don't really mind though but by the end of the day I'm exhausted.

"Here you are," Tasha places a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me.

My mouth immediately starts to water.

"Let me," she takes Audrey from me.

Gratefully I begin eating my breakfast drinking milk instead of coffee. I'm not a big fan of caffeine anyway.

"Chase, come to the lab after you're done with everything," Mr. Davenport says.

He neatly folds the news paper and puts the dirty dishes in the sink. I smile and nod. When I'm done I take Audrey from Tasha and lift my shirt. She starts to eat and her eyes droop.

"No baby girl, we need to take you a bath," I coo.

"Want me to do it while you go down to the lab?"

I nod and hand her back. I go down in the elevator and take a deep breath. When the doors slide open I hesitate a second before stepping out. Slowly and reluctantly I enter the lab where my dad is working hunched over a desk.

"Did you need something?" I ask cautiously.

He doesn't answer right away.


"You're going to a new school," he interrupts me.

I gawk at him completely befuddled. A new school?

"Your new school is based on intelligence and therefore you will graduate this year with Adam and Bree. They will place you in the classes that you are capable of but considering you're bionic it will be easy," he explains.

"When do I start?" I ask curiously.

"You can take the etrance exam tomorrow," he answers.

"Okay," I smile a bit.



"Are you okay?" He wonders concerned.

"I'm fine," I assure.

He nods and sends me off. I go upstairs to find Audrey fast asleep in her bassinet. She's wearing a light pink onesie with a similar cap. Her tiny fist are hidden by white mittens. She's covered by a pastel yellow blanket, a baby duck embroidered in the corner.

"She's burped, bathed and dressed," Tasha smiles.

"Thank you," I smile back.

"You should rest," she says.

"I can't," I sigh.

"Why?" she asks.

"My bionics are settling in again and they're screaming to be alert of my baby," I reply.

"Don't worry, she has a very protective family. It's not just you sweetie," she hugs me tight.

"Thanks," I sniffle.

"Awe Chase," she coos softly.

"I'm still emotional sorry," I wipe my tears away.

"Completely understandable. I was like that when Leo was born," she says.

"Eww~ I don't know who to feel bad for, Leo or Chase for listening," Eddy whines.

My lips turn to small smile as Tasha starts arguing with Eddy.

"I think I'll go take a nap," I say before getting the bassinet with Audrey and heading for my bedroom.

I close the door and place Audrey on the bed in Adam's side. I snuggle close to her small body and we both continue to sleep.