I own nothing except the plot! Thanks everyone who likes my stories. I would especially like to thank Invader Johnny for the positive reviews.

Losing a bet makes for a bad day. Losing a bet to Tucker makes it a horrible day. I don't know why I even agreed on it. The bet was that if Danny was on time for school I would have to ignore Danny for a week. If Danny was on time, I would buy Tucker ten PDAs in an arrange of colors. Of course, this happened to be the one day Danny was on time! Why did I even make that bet? What angle is Tucker playing at? All I know is, this is going to be the longest week of my life.


I was still trying to figure out what Tucker was planning, but every time I got near him, Danny was there. I hated trying to hide from him. There is so much I wanted to say, but I keep my word and honor my bets. Danny just keep giving me these sad looks all day. Every time he gave me a note during class, I threw it away. It would be way to tempting to answer back. Just six more days.

Lunch was horrible. The only seat available was next to the carnivorous nerds. When I tried to explain the horrible processes and cruelty that had occurred to those poor innocent animals, they all fought back with twice the power of Tucker behind each one. By the end of the day, I was considering never going back.

I turned off my phone for the rest of the week. I only text two people. One that wasn't allowed to talk to. The other I was too mad at to talk to.


I had to talk to Danny just one day way from him had been too much. Don't tell anyone I said that.

Danny came in later than usual. He was holding his phone like it was the only thing keep him alive.

"Mr. Fenton, no cell phones in my class room. Hand it over," barked Mr. Lancer. I wounder what ghost had kept him up last night. He doesn't have injuries, so it wasn't Ember or Skullker. He seems sad. Maybe Box Ghost just annoyed him all night, but he was holding on to his phone pretty tight. It could have been Technus, Master of technology and really long, annoying, and really boring speeches.

He looks so sad. I can't take this anymo-. My thoughts were interrupted by the lunch bell. This was my chance. I looked at Tucker. He just smiled devilishly. I still didn't understand his angle on this punishment.

"Danny, are you okay?"

"Am I okay? Am I okay! I spend the last twelve hours waiting to talk to you! I gave you so many notes. I called half a dozen times. I sent nearly thirty messages! When I realized you were ignoring me, I went completely depressed! Do you realize how horrible how horrible it is to be ignored by the person you've been in love with for two years?!"

Note to self: never ignore Dann- wait did he just say he's in love with me? "Did you just say you're in love with me?"

"Did I? Well, I umm- Welll. You know- I umm-"I shut him up by kissing him for two reasons. One, that was getting kind of annoying. Two, I had wanted to do that for a few years now. This definitely topped all of our fake-out make-outs. I will have to get use to this.

I only stopped when I heard a camera followed by, "Jazz owes me twenty bucks." I didn't even care that this was a part of bets. I was two happy to be mad. I will mention that Tucker's PDA went missing the next day and has been missing ever since. I hope he thinks before he makes another bet.