A/N: So I'd also like to take this opportunity to apologize for my half-year long hiatus. Between barely passing and graduating High School, work, and getting into college has been a rather difficult endeavor. But summer break is summer break, so I can't say I have any more excuses now for updating :3

This chapter kinda mulls over some of the stuff a confused Sayla has been wondering about, and more. But I have good news! She is finally at a new setting :D!

Who else was sick of Hollow Bastion lol? I know I was :S

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts buttttt my friend gave me a late Birthday present which was a Kingdom Hearts lanyard! WOOOHOO :3

Chapter 14: Home, Sweet...Wizard Home?

All I remember was that one minute the poison made my body ache somewhat terribly, and that my head was throbbing in alot of pain. Needless to say, I remember the beautiful, sweet, lovely pain. Notice my sarcasm? I also remember this bright light at the end of the corridor. I tripped and was about to pass out, I believe. I slipped into the light, and suddenly just appeared in some weird dark cave. And it was there that I could not bring myself any further. I had no clue as to where I was. All I know past that moment was that I fainted.

But that's all I could recall, anyways. I was very ill then. But I awoke to find myself laying on the cold wooden loorboards in a small dark, dusty room. I bet I was picked up by one of the heartless. This had to be a room in Hollow Bastion it was so dark and creepy. That, or my own room back home, which was just as plain and dirty. But I remembered my room was much more colorful.

"Ah, she's finally come to, she has!" cried a very loud voice belonging to what sounded like an elderly woman.

"Merryweather, shush!"

"She might be a spy sent by Maleficent! I bet she is going to attack!"

"Shush, shush! She's moving!"

Huh? I looked around the room, but there were no people here or even life forms. And it sure didn't sound like Victor, Hugo, or Larvene. I looked around, and saw a vase with three different colored roses in the corner. Like, for real. There was no other colors in this room. This room was boring. But the colored vases were just sketchy.

"Huh..." I stood up, and almost fell back down. I grabbed my side painfully.

For some weird reason, I was alive. With the high dose of mana that I consumed using Summon, I poisoned myself to where I felt as though I was not going to survive.

"Hey, don't overdo it, dear," a rose magically emerged from the vase and transformed into a...red old lady?

I backed away to the closest wall and looked distastefully at her. Was she a heartless? It was too hard to tell. But I wondered who it was who revived me. It might have been this one. But still...creepy.

"I'm not overdoing anything, I'm just fine, really," I spat quickly. I was done throwing my trust around. Riku used my trust and played with it like a dog that would play with a brand new chewtoy.

"It didn't seem so awhile ago. If it wasn't for Merlin finding you, you definitely would of died in your sleep," said a blue lady, emerging from another rose. Which I thought was freaky, but in a freakish, kinda beautiful way.

For some weird reason, my instincts told me that last colored rose was another creepy old lady. It was my intuition at its finest (common sense, really).

But when the blue woman said Merlin, I couldn't help but raise my eyebrow. I wondered who this Merlin dude was. I hardly remembered a few events that took place at Hollow Bastion. I guess I could thank him, for not letting me die and all, you know? And not thinking I was some wicked spy?

"Maybe he should have let me," I half-joked, holding my forehead painfully.

Surprise. The green flower transformed into a small, old lady as well. Who could have guessed? Not me. "Now, now. Merlin wouldn't do that to any passerby, good or bad. Speaking of which, he should be back here shortly."

I didn't say anything. I felt cornered and that I should just listen to the three strange, short old women prattle on about what happened. I sure as hell didn't know for myself, so I would just let them fill in the blanks for me. I didn't even feel like asking any questions.

Truthfully, I felt like getting away from all of this dark, ominous scenery, including here too. I've been around this scenery way too long. I missed my general everyday life at home. I liked being around people who weren't evil or had bad intentions. Which, I'm not saying these guys are bad, but I am just ready to go.

"The amount of poison in your system was awful. Merlin's advanced magic skills and arts took hours to fix you up. He doubted he could heal you due to the high amount of toxins within you. And he usually can heal anyone in no time stat," said the blue lady.

I suppose he really did revive me. I felt less uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Then why do I feel pain still? I mean, it's not that bad anymore. But it kinda hurts."

"Watch it! Merlin did everything he could for you! The poison damaged some areas that he couldn't recover, but it should heal by itself eventually," snapped the red grandma.

"Geez, okay, okay, chillax," I held my hands up. I got the feeling that these old women worshiped him or something. Well, he was a wizard, so I could see why. He was probably a leader figure for them. "Oh, by the way, my name is Sayla."

"It's a pleasure to meet you! I am Merryweather, and the red one is Flora, and the green one is Fauna," said Merryweather, running up to me and merrily shaking my hand, rather forcefully.

I nodded. Wait a sec. Holy cow! I couldn't believe I didn't figure it out right away. These crazy old ladies were the fairies in Sleeping Beauty. It wasn't like me to forget this stuff, especially since it was Disney. And, if memory serves me right, they weren't in Kingdom Hearts 1. So I was absolutely clueless as to where I was right now.

As long as it wasn't Hollow Bastion, I could care less. I don't even want to hear, or even SEE, a castle again for the rest of my life. Palaces were no exceptions either.

"Thank you. I heard one of you guys say I might have been a spy, haha...But I swear - "

"Darling, you shouldn't swear. It's improper," inquired Fauna gently.

I just rolled my eyes. Even though Fauna meant well, I could tell this was going to get annoying real fast. I was silent for a brief second, took a deep calm, patient breath, and continued. " - I promise- I don't have anything to do with that freak Maleficent or the heartless that accompany her, honest."

"But can you prove it? You're wearing a heartless dress," asked Merryweather uncertainly, backing away from me.

"Well, no..." I said slowly. It was much harder to prove I was on team protagonist than team antagonists, especially since heartless were drawn to me. But I suspected Ansem would change that soon, and have them hunt for me.

"I don't think she is helping them," said Flora coolly. She drew out her wand, and poked it at my chest. It made me feel uncomfortable.

"Um, what're you doing?" I asked, as a light shunned at the end of the wand poking me.

"Your heart is pure, like a maiden's. But your conscious is dark and wicked, like a witch's. Don't let either control your heart. There is a balance to maintain," said Flora, withdrawing her wand.

I couldn't believe she just said that. My conscious was not wicked. I was purely good. But...maybe I wasn't all that good either. Did I belong on the villains' side? Heck no! They tried to kill me!

"So she's good," stated Fauna.

"Yes, mostly. I can tell she has good intentions too. We should trust her," said Flora.

"Let's let Merlin decide, he knows best, he does," said Merryweather.

"Yes, yes..." the three fairies huddled up and started whispering. I heard my name pop up a few times in their conversation, but distinctly.

My body didn't ache as bad anymore once I adjusted to standing. All I really felt was a stinging sensation. But it didn't hurt too terribly.

The three finally finished their discussion as they turned to face me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Merlin will be back shortly. But we think you should stay here for awhile, and not go outside and show yourself in town," said Flora.

"Its...boring in here, though," I sighed.

"Oh, right! Let's put Merlin's stuff back together and organize it just the way he likes. I hope he won't be mad if we clean a little!" explained Fauna.

If someone cleaned my room, I wouldn't be mad. It looked like a tornado ran through mine quite a few times to be quite honest. I probably should hire a maid or something when I get home. "Why would he be mad about that?" I asked. I loved these fairies, don't get me wrong, but magical beings customs' were so strange. But then again, maybe our custom's were just as strange to them.

"How did the Fairy Godmother do it? Bippidy Bobbidy Yoo-hoo?" asked Fauna.

"No I believe it was boo," explained Merryweather

"That's right. Let's do it altogether ladies," explained Flora. The three fairies lifted their wands, and started waving them around. "Bippidy Bobbidy Boo!" They cried in unison.

The room itself scared me a little. Chairs and tables and a whole crap-load of normal items you'd expect to see at home started bouncing around and organizing itself in certain places in the room. A giant table placed itself in the centre of the room, and tiny candles leaped on top of it. When all of the items figured out where they wanted to go, they stopped.

"That was amazing! I wish I could do that!" I cried excitedly.

I just realized this was Merlin's house in Traverse Town, hidden in a remote location. I knew I was safe here. I was also surrounded by magical beings who could protect me.

"Merlin likes to make his house look abandoned when he goes out. He doesn't want Maleficent or the heartless to find out where he stays," said Flora.

That would make sense. When Sora entered Merlin's house in Kingdom Hearts 1, Sora saw a vision of Kairi. But there was nothing in the room, as it was empty.

Ah, good ol' Sora having hallucinations made me feel a little bit better about the few I've had at Hollow Bastion, that I had kept confidential...Or should. There was this time I was talking to other statues that couldn't move when the Entrance Hall was occupied and I was unable to talk to Victor, Hugo, or Larvene.

"Where is Merlin now?" I asked.

"Who knows?" a person entered the house, without knocking. It alarmed the four of us, but the fairies eased their tension as the tall blonde came into perspective. That was Cloud...Wait, Cloud?! What on earth was he doing here? "Your guess is as good as mine. Merlin always goes out without letting anyone know where he is at," shrugged Cloud.

"I expect he should return soon. He's been gone for awhile now," said Fauna.

I can't help but wondering why...Why Cloud was in Traverse Town when he should be at Olympus, while Sora would be getting prepared for his upcoming trials.

"Who is this new kid? I'd be surprised if one of Ansem's pathetic lackeys actually discovered his location," stated Cloud, glaring down at me.

"She isn't a spy. Apparently she is a Summoner of Heart," said Flora.

"Don't go telling everyone, Flora," Mayweather nudged her quickly.

Cloud studied me. I felt uncomfortable. Plus, this room was starting to feel just a wee bit crowded, not to mention awkward. I wouldn't mind leaving here soon.

"Summoner of Heart? I thought her kind has been dead for years," laughed Cloud, flipping his hair carelessly. "She doesn't look like she has much potential to me. Was her ancestors summoners?

As far as I knew, I am pretty sure I was the first born in my entire family tree to enter some real-life videogame journey. Hold on, just lemme double check...Oh, wait, I can't. I'm stuck in a game.

I was going to say something snappy at Cloud, but bit my tongue. The funny thing was that I was never ever cut out for combat with the magical arts. I was cut out for simple things such as reading fanfiction, and making friends. And eating. But everyone knew was good at eating too.

"That's not likely. She doesn't have the gene. She just can use the power that's in her heart," said Flora uncertainly. Even I didn't understand. I had this amazing power, but this said power can also recoil and hurt me.

Wait, wasn't that the entire point of being here? Sitka told me to find out how to control my powers through a wizard, who I assumed was Merlin.

"Right. Even so, I don't see any point in her being a Summoner if she can't even handle her powers without succumbing to the negative energy too easily," shrugged Cloud. He must have noticed my fatigue. I hoped I wasn't that obvious. My legs were rather shaky. "With that said, I needed to tell Merlin something. Seeing as he is out, it wouldn't do me any good to do so. So I suppose I will be back later."

"We'll let him know you stopped by!" cried Fauna cheerfully.

Cloud exited as fast as he entered. He made me mad, though. He basically said I was a useless Summoner who couldn't handle my powers. But what angered me the most was that he was right; I couldn't. But if I learned to use my powers correctly, then I am sure I could prove Cloud wrong.

"What a jerkwad," I murmured.

"Beg your pardon?" asked Merryweather, with something short of a surprised expression on her face.

I almost forgot that these ladies were sensitive to 'damaging language'. I should properly act and learn from these ladies ethics, because my personality started becoming bitter after my stay at Hollow Bastion.

"Nothing. I said what a cool guy. I wonder what he wanted to let Merlin know," I shrugged. But let's be honest. I didn't really care one way or the other what Cloud had to ask. I just hoped he wouldn't be like the Riku of Traverse Town. Well, at least I didn't have to expect Cloud to stalk me all the time. That was a good thing.

"Beats me. He left before we had a chance to ask," said Fauna. She turned to me, and looked at my clothes. "Ick. Surely you can't go out in town in that. Let's give you...A green sundress!"

"Wha - wait a sec - " I started. Flash. I found myself out of my Heartless attire, but wearing a plain dress with a pale green color.

"Oh, Fauna, you are silly!" laughed Merryweather, firing her ray of magic at me. "Blue!"

"Hey, you both are making her look hideous, stop it! It's clear she needs red!" exclaimed Flora, firing a bright red color at my dress.

"Hideous?!" I snapped half-heartedly. For some reason, this scene reminded me of the exact same exact thing Sora endured in Kingdom Hearts 2 when he was getting an outfit change. This was probably the closet thing that the fairies had to clothes shopping here.

They argued and debated my outfit for minutes. Why did these fairies have to argue over color, though? It felt like an elementary school quarrel to be quite honest.

Finally, they decided. When I glanced in a nearby mirror, I was given orange jeans and a bright blue long sleeved shirt covered by an orange overcoat; the sleeve had a metal glove thing hidden under my right sleeve, and forcibly attached to my arm. I was fascinated by the fact that they even added a heartless belt to the equation.

I looked modern, like from my world, but with brighter colors. But what I didn't understand was..."Why this thing?" I pulled up my sleeve.

"It's not a thing; It's a gauntlet," explained Flora.

"Oh. Um, I like the outfit, but not this so much," I laughed jokingly. I tried to remove the gauntlet, but it felt stuck. Like I was pulling at my skin.

"You should not be messing with that. Merlin needed you to attach that to yourself," inquired Fauna.

Attach it to myself?! I was scared of the look at first, but now it is one with my arm. I would have been angry if I had the energy to do so. Or even be panicky. I was just relaxed, in my usual Whatever-state-of-being.

"...But it's annoying," I disagreed.

"He is going to help you control the summoning arts with that, and keep you from poisoning yourself. Don't break it dear," said Flora coolly.

Huh. I suppose this gauntlet might be useful after all. Just so long as I could summon without having to be poisoned, this would come in handy. But I dared not to test it without Merlin.

"Oh, okay. Then I think this is sorta cool!" I admired the gauntlet. I disliked the fact it was apart of my body now, but could hide it under my sleeve. It didn't even feel like it was attached to my arm. My arm felt like it always had before.

The only problem it posed? It was just...ugly!

A flash of light appeared in the center of Merlin's house and guess who appeared? Yeah, it was exactly who we've been expecting!

The Fairy Godmother from Cinderella appeared. Haha, don't tell me you were expecting someone else?

I probably shouldn't have let you down then, readers, because Merlin happened to appeared with her, but moments later. But the weird thing about that was he was on fire, like he was burned to a crisp on his way in. That's what I called a Well-Done Wizard.

"Merlin, thank goodness you've returned! We've taken good care of her while you were gone!" cried Merryweather much more enthusiastically than she should have. I was about to tell her to pipe down just a little.

"Oh, thank you, ladies! And you even arranged my house for me!" said Merlin happily. "If you would like to get back to assisting Master Yen Sid, you may. I already let him know of your absence and all!"

"Oh, thank you, Merlin! C'mon, ladies!" cried Flora, turning into a tiny, glowing red thing. It was clear Flora was the leader of the group. The other ladies followed her out as they disappeared.

"You must be the summoner named Sayla!" said Merlin happily, shaking my hand.

"I guess I am..." I shrugged.

"Here, darling, have a seat," the Fairy Godmother waved her wand, and a chair gladly bounced over to me. I looked at it weirdly like it'd eat me, and the chair tilted as though it was sad.

"Oh, sorry," I said awkwardly, sitting on the chair. Why the hell did I feel bad for letting a household item be upset?! Anyways, I continued. "How is it you know all of this about me?"

I was kind of confused. I mean, I didn't hear the fairies let Merlin know who I was. But I assumed Merlin knew of my summoning through my poison and mana or some big Kingdom Hearts stuff like that.

"That girl who called herself Sitka had warned us you were going to face Ansem with your powers at fault, but she was going to help you get away from the battle and bring you here," explained the Fairy Godmother.

"It doesn't hurt to mention that she predicted the outcome that you wouldn't survive, and she would hand you over to me to help clear the poison," said Merlin.

My calm look on my face turned to anger very quickly. She knew I wouldn't be able to handle the battle and waited till the last minute to save me? I shook it off, and looked at Merlin. "Okay...I'm lost. Sitka is your guy's enemy, right? You can't just trust her like that," I snapped.

"No, the Destroyer of Hearts is not our enemy. She was helping us by pretending to aid Ansem," said Merlin cheerfully.

I twitched. I was lost and felt like fainting again in confusion and frustration. "But what's this Destroyer of Hearts thing anyways?!"

I remember hearing that back at the dungeon. I didn't know if Sitka was playing a good role or a bad role. And I honestly didn't know if I could fully believe she was on the protagonists' side.

"The Destroyer of Hearts is born for the sole purpose of destroying Kingdom Hearts. Every Destroyer has failed and died trying from what I could gather from Yen Sid. Smart man, he is," chuckled Merlin.

The Destroyer of Hearts...Sitka couldn't be trying to destroy Kingdom Hearts?! It existed for a purpose. I saw zero point in destroying it, either. I was starting to feel like she was indeed a bad person. I found zero surprise in that too.

"Ansem is trying to revive Kingdom Hearts. Why would he let the Destroyer help him if he knows she will try to ruin it for him?" I asked quickly.

"I'm sure he has his purposes. I don't know that much about Kingdom Hearts itself, but my role is to teach you how to control your summoning. So don't worry, be prepared to learn, and become a good summomer!" laughed Merlin.

All I knew was that none of this really made no sense. The only thing I could do is just go along with it. "Okay."

Even though I got away from Hollow Bastion, I feel like there is something much bigger going on here, and I was somehow caught in the middle of bad things that are soon going to happen, even though I thought I was away from all the evil.

Light was feign, and darkness was starting reign.

A/N: This chapter was annoying to write but I somehow reached the top of the hills I call writers block! Muhaha :P

Sorry if you didn't like this chapter in particular but I promise next chapter Sayla will finally be able to meet better characters; NOT fairies XD

What do you think about the gauntlet and Sayla's new appearance? Snazzy, amirite xD?

And we learn a little more about the Destroyer of Hearts. Uh oh. Any thoughts on this one?

Looks like Sayla is starting to get caught in the middle of this entire mess.

REVIEW AND I PROMISE A KH MOON WILL APPEAR TONIGHT XD (I'll carve the moon into a heart shape if I have to. It could take a while though)


Wait. 'Eat'? 0.o