Hey guys, I'm back! My other stories will hopefully be updated within this next week, so look forward to that. This story was originally thought of by BambooFox so the credit goes to them and go check them out! In this prologue, all the kids are seven, except for Jake and Cake who are a year older. Anyways onto the story, I hope you guys enjoy :)

The weather outside was rather gloomy, but that didn't ruin the mood of two young kids, who are excitedly looking outside and waiting. The young boy, who was wearing a bear hat that was a little too big for his head, was practically shaking with excitement. "What do you think they will be like?" The boy asks the girl, who had a similar hat but was a bunny instead of a bear. The girl smiles widely, "I hope they are fun, like James." James was the two kids foster father, who had raised them since their mother died, just a week after giving birth to the kids. The father of the kids was not in the picture during the time of their birth.

The door to the young kids room open revealing a middle aged man. "Finn, Fionna, are you sure you have everything packed?" The man questions the two. Finn nods his head, "Yes, James, we have checked a couple of times now." He explains then quickly looks back to the window. James gives a small laugh before coming and sitting beside the two kids. "I'm going to miss you two running around playing your little 'adventures.'" James says softly as he ruffles the kids hats. They both laugh and hug the man. The three of them are brought out of their hug when they hear car doors close. "That must be them." James says as he stands and makes his way to the front door. The two kids follow close behind him.

"Hello!" James welcomes the two families inside the house. The girl hides behind James and nervously tugs on her hat, while the boy looks curiously at the new adults. "Hi I'm Finn!" The boy says excitedly. A woman with brown frizzy hair kneels down next to him and says, "Well aren't you just adorable. I'm going to be your new mom." Finn smiles and hugs the lady. The lady's husband also introduces himself to Finn, "Hi Finn, I'm Joshua. It's nice to meet you. Jake, who is going to be your brother, is really excited to meet you." While this exchange was going on, the young girl who was hiding behind James, built up some courage and stepped out from behind him. "Hi, I'm Fionna." She says quietly to a lady with dark straight brown hair. The lady gives her a warm smile before saying, "Hello sweetheart, its very nice to meet you." Fionna left all of her worries behind as the woman spoke with kindness. "It's nice to meet too. Am I going to have a sister or a brother like Finn?" Fionna asked with her voice full of curiosity. The woman nodded with a small laugh, "Yes, you are going to have a sister named Cake." Fionna smiled. James stepped back into the conversation, "If you would be so kind and follow me, we can finish that paper work and you guys can be on your way." The adults all nodded and followed James into his office. Finn and Fionna stayed behind and talked to each other.

"Joshua said that my new house is only going to be four houses away from yours! So we still can see each other everyday." Finn says smiling really big. Fionna smiles as well. "It's still going to be weird not doing everything with you though." Fionna says after a couple minutes. Finn nods. They hear the door to their room open and Joshua comes in. "It's time to go kids. Cake and Jake are waiting for you with a couple of their friends." He says. Fionna and Finn smile and start grabbing their stuff. They give James one more hug before leaving the house and getting into the car.

Meanwhile, a group of kids wait at a park for the two new kids. "When are the going to be here." A dark haired boy named Marshall Lee complains for about the tenth time. His twin sister, Marceline, hits him and says very annoyed, "They will get here when they get her. Now shut up and stop whining like a baby." She holds the bridge of her nose in frustration, until she hears a sweet little giggle come from a pink haired girl, named Bonnibel. This causes Marceline to blush and look away from the girl and earn herself a smirk from her twin. "Yes, you should really listen to your sister, Marshall, your whining is kind of annoying." Gumball, who is Marshall best friend and Bonnibel's cousin, says. Marshall slumps on the swing and sticks his tongue out at Gumball, who doesn't see it because he is to busy playing chess with Bonnibel. Marceline sits next to Marshall and starts to hum a song. Cake and Jake sit on a park bench and look across the road where their houses are, waiting for their new siblings.

After about a half an hour the cars pull up and the two kids step out. Cake and Jake walk over to them, and the rest of the group follows after them. Finn introduces himself to all of the kids first, staying a bit longer to talk with Bonnibel, which slightly annoyed Marceline. Fionna takes a little longer to build up the courage to take to the other kids. Marshall Lee is the first one she takes with. Then his stare follows her as she goes to meet the other kids. After getting to know the kids names and asking questions, Fionna and Finn make their way into their new houses, to start their new lives.

So there is the prologue. Now hopefully the rest of the chapters will be longer then this one, this one was just the introduction. Again, the original story idea was not mine, but BambooFox so go check them out. Tell me what you think! Have a great day :)