We pick 10 years after Ikuto left Amu for the first was very depressed due to ikuto leaving Tadase turning his back on her and the rest of the guardians have to move away because of school grade except Yaya and Tadase. Yaya and Tadase soon started going out which no one expected but it happened and they really look like a good pair but that just depressed Amu after their first date amu locked herself in her room with a connected bathroom and family members bringing her food she stayed close enough to healthy a depressed girl could. Amu had been in her room for a little over and her mom gave a years worth of textbooks and poetry book for amu to be ready for college but she was only 14. She hasn't heard from anyone since the last time she was at school. At the end of 2 years Amu was moved to a different school because she couldn't go outside and was driving her family insane. She tranfered into the school but shunned everyone except the teachers so she could keep her record straight as possible. She spent the rest of her school days and in the process her personality really did become 'Cool and Spicy' but no one commented anymore. 23 year old Amu so 28 year old Ikuto. Amu First person POV. As I walked inside my new-bought house. The only house I have been in since graduating High School. It has new smells and my Shugo Charas' seem to be happy about my graduation on college. Now she can be a Journalist. I open the door to my room and gasp. All my stuff was already there and unpacked thanks to Ami. In the the far left corner a black and pink laced bedspread laid over top a large king sized. With a white sparkly skull with a pink sparkly bow on the right corner surounded by black rug beside her bed with a black vanity next to the slide door opening to the ledge. my closet on the same wall as my door with all my cloths. I opened the closet and got out my PJs and stripped down. Suddenly when im fully naked except for the butterfly hairclip keeping my bangs out of my eyes. I turn around and there's a guy with midnight blue hair that looks soft to touch and matching eyes. My eyes widen at the sight as I reach for something to cover my nakedness. "Ikuto!" sorry its short but this is my first time writing a fanfiction EVER! Read and review.