Season 6: Happy to be back among the living, Enzo starts hitting on Caroline, but she cruelly rejects him. Enraged, Enzo leaves.

Also, it turns out Qetsiyah resurrected herself right before TOS was destroyed. But there is a big problem - Silas got sucked away and maybe even found peace with Amara. NOOOOOOOO ! What to do now ? Of course - go after Elena and sacrifice her to make the ultimate spell - restore TOS and bring back Silas from wherever he is, only to kill him. As a result, Alaric dies too, because his connection to Elena's life was restored when he came back from TOS . So Qetsiyah makes Alaric the new anchor and kills herself to torture Silas for eternity on TOS. So far so good. However, Caroline is devastated, so she goes after the twins and kills Luke to make Liv resurrect her friend (wait, haven't we already seen this before ?). Anyway, Liv brings back Elena and the MFG starts plotting revenge on Qetsiyah. But wait - she is dead - what do we do ? Oh, I know, I know ! Let's resurrect the b*tch so we can kill her ! So Caroline goes after the twins and kills Luke to make Liv resurrect Qetsiyah ... (Luke: Damn, why does it always have to be me !?) Furious, Liv kills everyone and brings back her brother and everything is good. But it turns out Matt wore the Gilbert ring, so he comes back. Desperate, he goes to look for Enzo. Enzo is shocked to hear about Caroline's death and decides to help. He kidnaps Luke and threatens to turn him into a vampire.
Out of options, Liv brings the MFG back by sacrificing her coven to overwhelm Alaric.
Silas sneaks with the others and Qetsiyah tries to follow him but is too late and gets stuck on TOS.
Unfortunately, overwhelming the anchor makes TOS unstable again. Alaric says goodbye to everyone,
but Caroline gets too emotional and sleeps with Stefan. Enzo is completely mad and kills Stefan out of jealousy. Needless to say, Caroline goes after the twins and kills Luke to make Liv resurrect Stefan ...
Liv uses her last powers to bring Stefan back and sacrifices her life to save her brother.

In the meantime Qetsiyah gets sucked away by the unknown force. Soon after TOS collapses. Alaric meets Damon and they become drinking buddies again. Out of nowhere, Jenna, who found peace long ago, appears and the two with Alaric have a happily ever after. Back in the land of the living, Silas is now finally free from the curse of TOS and kills himself to find peace with Amara. Stefan gets together with Caroline and the two travell the world.
Ultimately, Elena is so screwed she kills herself in a desperate attempt to find Damon, but instead she ends up in the Dark world. She wakes up in an unknown place and is greeted by Katherine: "Miss me ?".