

It was supposed to change. After Coulson made her put on the bracelet, everything was supposed to go back to normal. They were supposed to treat her as they did before it had all happened. But they didn't.

It was like she didn't exist. Nobody talked to her. She was avoided. Her pathetic attempts of trying to start a conversation always ended in awkward silence. Simmons responded only few out of many tries. Fitz just left the moment Skye appeared. May….well….it was still the same. Coulson was rarely seen on the BUS at all, always cooped up in his office doing who-knows-what .Ward…..hated her. She could still remember what had happened that morning.


'What?!' He had responded harshly, making Skye wince slightly.

'I was wondering if you could show me any new attack moves? You know, being my S.O. and all….' She trailed off, desperately praying that Ward would say yes.

Ward had spun around, a move so sudden that it had made the young hacker stumble backwards slightly. 'I am not, and never will be the S.O. of a traitor. And that is exactly what you are, Skye.' He spat out, tone full of menace. With that, he turned and left the kitchen, leaving Skye alone in the room.

Skye was snapped out of her memories when a soft knock was heard from the door. Instantly, she was aware of her surroundings, blade in her hand, blood splattered on the sheets and her right wrist covered with bloody cuts. She had lunged off her bed, dashing to press the deadlock key on the door's panel.


It was Simmons.

"Simmons? What's up?' She had responded, voice slightly wavering.

'Well… I made some spaghetti, you know today being the day where we all eat together? To bond and stuff.. so you care to join us?'

'I'll be out in a bit. 'Skye replied, and the moment Simmons moved away from the door, she leapt into action. She wrapped the wounds up with some bandages before changing into a long-sleeved shirt and going outside. The moment in which her door opened, the soft laughter in the air had disappeared, and so did her smile on her lips. She walked up to the table grim faced and Simmons pushed a plate of noodles to her, giving her a small smile. The rest of the meal was in awkward silence and sooner or later, the rest either finished up their meals quickly or excused themselves, leaving Skye eating alone in the kitchen. Tears flowed silently down her cheeks as she finished up the last of her noodles. Days passed by in this manner, with her bunk being Skye's only solace, the only place where she did not have to be constantly reminded that she had betrayed her team. Months went and Skye learnt a hard lesson. Expecting too much would only result in disappointment. Whenever she had worked her Hacktivist magic to get the team out of a tough situation, she was never thanked. Instead, she was ignored. She learnt to only come out at the last few moments of dinner, to eat a few bites before heading back into her bunk. She always lost her appetite whenever she was alone. She trained harder than ever, even without Ward there to tell her what to do , or to teach her new moves. She trained at night, so that she never run into anyone. Then, she decided to not eat at all. The other agents were all bone thin, so to be someone as awesome as them, she had to first look like them.

However, on one mission everything she had done to make her world in balance again had come undone. One mission that had made her life completely different again. Another one filled with pain. Only this time, it was physical.