Fifth Year Comes to an End

I'm stopping this portion here. This wasn't even the main part of the originally story, with that being said. The sequel will go up later today maybe tomorrow where they all play a rather equal roll which was the plan to begin with.

Hermione and Harry found that their examination schedule was rather enjoyable considering they only had one subject per day for the first full five days of testing. Even on the second week they didn't have a double schedule until Harry had his Divination and Arithmancy test at the same time. Hermione had opted to take the International Ordinary Wizarding Level's which had her taking her Divination test on Friday after her last regular OWL which as History of Magic. Unfortunately, Ron hadn't studied as hard as he probably should have, which was nothing new, and he was emitting stress to the point that Professor McGonagall had sent him to Madam Pompfrey, not wanting him to know just how much Pepper-Up potion that Harry and Hermione still had stored, as they had opted to brew several more batches over the course of the last month so as to add to their stock for when summer came.

Students other than the fifth and seventh years had their finals left to take which left the castle still in an uproar but not as bad as the two months leading up to their OWL's and NEWT's when it was considered even dangerous to talk to a fifth or seventh year student in fear of one's personal health, as several had broken down and thrown a spell at a student that was talking, walking, or breathing to loudly.

Once their last test was taken that Friday, Hermione started the process of packing up her room. All the books where pulled out of her office and added into the book compartment of her trunk before she gathered her supplies from her desk, placing them all into one large box which she shrank before placing it in the last compartment of her trunk.

From there she moved onto her brewing room. Deciding it was best to start in her overly stocked storage room she began the slow process of placing the bottles and various jars of potions supplies into boxes before placing the boxes into her trunk and within two hours she had her storage room completely boxed, labeled and added to her personal trunk. From there she moved onto the cupboards within her brewing room which contained vial upon vial of finished potions which were placed into carrying cases, up to one hundred vials per case before they were placed in the same compartment as her the potions.

Once the finished potions where added, she gathered the numerous cauldrons, stirring rods, and Bunsen burners to the correct compartment before she moved onto her bedroom, taking the time to lay out an outfit for the train ride home before waving her wand as her clothes started folding them shelves and adding them shelves to her trunk at a rapid speed.

Moving onto her bathroom she boxed up all of her personal hair and beauty supplies, which thankfully fit in one box, before they were also added to her trunk which latched itself with a wave of her wand.

Looking around at the rooms she had occupied for the last several months she found she was going to miss having her own personal brewing room and a library that could be expanded as large as she could ever wish for before she made her way out into the Common Room, not surprised to find Harry sitting in the couch that sat in front of the fire place, looking as pensive as she had ever seen him.

He never liked leaving Hogwarts and returning to the Dursleys. If he had his way he would stay at Hogwarts year round just to avoid going back to the family that had done a very poor job of raising him and hated anything to do with magic.

Ron on the other hand had decided to leave his packing until the morning, which earned him an earful from Hermione who then proceeded, with the help of Harry, to get Ron's room packed up in less time than it had taken her to pack up as he didn't have a personal library or brewing room to pack and was still living within Gryffindor Tower.


Before long the next morning came and it was time to board the Hogwarts Express and head back to their homes; something Harry always dreaded with a passion. Thankfully they had almost a whole day before they reached King's Crossing Station which allowed Harry, Hermione, and Ron to find an empty compartment and spend the rest of the time goring on sweets and talking to one another.

"Something is coming Ronald. The Ministry finally acknowledges Lord Voldemort's return. There's something their keeping out of the papers or it hasn't reached the ears of the magical world yet." Hermione said for what felt like the hundredth time on the ride back to their respective homes.

"We would have seen something in the newspapers." He said, stressing his point through his unnatural passion and punctuation that he placed in his wording.

Hermione rolled her eyes which caused Harry to stifle a laugh before giving Hermione a small smile; he knew she was right. It was why he had practically killed himself trying to pass every single OWL that had been offered at Hogwarts.

The rest of the ride was spent with idle chatter about their summer plans and before they knew it they were at King's Crossing, exiting the train. Ron just waved as he met his siblings and his parents before Hermione crushed herself to him in a hug which he returned, pressing a kiss into her hair.

"Thank you for everything this year Mione. It meant a lot." He said, feeling guilty that she had been forced to write lines with a Blood Quill like he had; unfortunately it was still craved across her hands but faint enough that her parents wouldn't notice it, or so she hoped. The rest of the school year had been rather hard, even though Harry had somewhat mastered Occulumency thanks to the meditations Snape had started him on. It hadn't been enough, Lord Voldemort had used the connection they had against him and because of it, Harry's godfather, Sirius had fallen through the veil in the Department of Ministries.

"You're worth it Harry. One day you'll believe that." She said, return the kiss into his hair before she pulled back just as her parents walked up. It wouldn't do for her father to see her wrapped in what could be considered an intimate hug with a boy, even if that boy was her best friend of five years.

"See you in July." He said, squeezing her hand one more time before they went their separate ways for the summer.