All eyes gazed at Sebastian. "And? What is it?" Natsu asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. They were all outside the guild. Sebastian looked back, then fourth. He then lowed his head and took a knee.

"Young master, except my deepest apologies?" Sebastian asked as if it was a question. Ciel cocked an eyebrow. "I-I have seemed to got my white gloves dirty." He lifted up his gloves that were covered with strawberry cake and icing. Ciel threw his palm to his face.

"That is all?" Ciel asked.

"... Not quite." Sebastian said. He got off his knee. "Our train departs within the hour." Sebastian said calmly.

"Is that the bad news or the good news?!" Lucy asked. She was clearly frustrated with Sebastian and his poor humor. Sebastian made eye contact with her.

"The good news is the train is departing soon, the bad news is I got my gloves dirty." Sebastian said. Lucy's mouth dropped.

"Its okay Luce." Natsu said. "They have to leave eventually. Especially with Erza still on her cake rage." Natsu added, even though he baked her a year supply of cake.

"True." Ciel said. "We may need to head back considering that our clothes are back at your place." Ciel pointed out. Ciel was the damper of the moment. All he thought about was disobeying the Queen. Lucy shook her head as they made that long, awkward walk back to her apartment. They finally broke the silence.

"... Hey! Ciel! Sebastian!" Lucy turned around before unlocking the door. Ciel and Sebastian's attention went to Lucy.

"What is it?" Ciel asked.

"I know when we first met we didnt like each other or care much about each other." Lucy stated. " But, it was nice to catch up again and become friends." Lucy smiled as she wiped a tear from her eye. Ciel looked at Lucy as she turned around and started to unlock the door.

"It was an honor meeting you both, Lucy Heartfillia and Natsu Dragneel." Sebastian spoke before Ciel could.

"Yeah, same." Natsu said.

"To be honest-" Ciel tried to speak again

"You two were cool yourselves." Natsu cut Ciel off. "You two got me fired up the first time I met you guys." Natsu said as he was leaning, waiting for Lucy to open the door.

"Ah-ha!" Lucy shouted as she opened the door.

"As I was say-" Ciel began.

"Happy!" Natsu yelled as the blue cat flew towards Natsu. Ciel grew frustrated. "You do as I say?" Natsu asked.

"Aye sir!" Happy shouted.

"What did you ask Happy to do?" Lucy asked.

"Hehe." Natsu paused. "Stall the train until they leave." Natsu smiled.

"Well, thank you." Sebastian said.

"As I was saying before we got into-" Ciel continued.

"Who wants tea?" Lucy asked.

"Would everyone shut up and let me talk?!" Ciel shouted. It got quiet. "All I was trying to say was." Ciel cleared is throat. "I never thought I would become friends with anyone the likes of you. But, you two have been great companions." Ciel said. All eyes widened.

"Young master? Did you just thank them?" Sebastian asked. Ciel turned a bright shade of red. He then shook his head in a yes motion.

"Awww!" Lucy shouted and hugged Ciel. She put her mouth to his ear. "We couldn't do any of this without you two." Lucy said as Ciel turned a brighter red. Ciel stepped away. Almost as if he was avoiding her. Natsu and Happy went into Lucy's bathroom and grabbed Ciel and Sebastian's clothes. Happy, carrying Ciels clothes gave them to Ciel. Natsu had Sebastian's clothes. Knowing if Happy took Sebastian's clothes to him he might walk out of Magnolia with a new flying, blue cat.

"Thank you." Sebastian said as Natsu handed him his clothes.

"No problem." Natsu said as he walked over to Lucy, gesturing to the door so they can change.

"Just knock on the door when you guys are done." Lucy smiled as she shut the door. "Ah!" Lucy sighed as she leaned against the wall.

"Whats up Luce?" Natsu asked.

"Oh, only... Its just Ciel and Sebastian." Lucy explained. "I don't want them to go so soon." Lucy confessed.

"Well, they eventually have to go home." Natsu said, trying to comfort her.

"Yeah, I know. But, do you remember when they left the first time?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah but that wasn't a surprise. We knew they were going to do that." Natsu stated.

"You would think they would keep us around. After all we watched the death of Ciel's Aunt and we know about Sebastian." Lucy slipped down the wall until she hit the floor. Natsu bent down in front of Lucy and he smiled.

"I bet..." Natsu began. "I bet you fell in love with Sebastian!" Natsu said, smiling and laughing. "Haha! Lucy and Sebby sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Natsu began to sing. Lucy blushed.

"That's not true!" Lucy yelled at Natsu, he instantly stopped.

"It was a joke Luce." He said. "I would never let someone like that take you." Natsu said. Lucy blushed even more. Not realizing what Natsu said to her, he continued to act the same.

"Umm..." Lucy said but then swiped it away.

"How long does it take to get dressed?" Natsu asked, becoming impatient.

*Over in Lucy's apartment*

"Sebastian." Ciel began. "This is an order." Ciel finished.

"My lord, I-I don't we should do this. It would be considered rude." Sebastian worried.

"I don't care." Ciel said coldly. Sebastian nodded and then bowed.

"As you wish, my lord." Sebastian got up and walked to the bathroom. He opened the medicine cabinet to find, a variety of pills, makeup products, face washes, bath soaps and razors. Sebastian reached for the razors. "Hmm... These seem to be really dull." Sebastian said to himself. He went to the bath tube and started to fill it up. He then went back to the cabinet and grabbed the bath soap and poured it into the bath. "My lord, your bath is ready." Sebastian said as he walked out of the bathroom with a towel. Sebastian had been fully dressed into his butler uniform. After he put Ciel in the tube he went to the front door and opened it. "Sorry for the wai-" Sebastian looked down at the sleeping Lucy and protective Natsu. Natsu stood up.

"It took you forever." Natsu said, looking down at Lucy. "What have you two been doing?" Natsu asked.

"Preparing my young master a bath." Sebastian said. Natsu bent down to Lucy.

"Hey, Luce. Wakey wakey!" Natsu said. Lucy's eye shot open.

"Huh?!" She sprang up. "What time is is? Did I miss Ciel and Sebastian's leave?" Lucy asked, worriedly.

"No, Ciel is taking a bath and Sebastian is right there." Natsu pointed to the doorway where Sebastian stood.

"Oh." Lucy sighed and wiped away her sweat.

"Sebastian!" A yell came from the bathroom. It was Ciel. Sebastian turned and went to the bathroom. Natsu and Lucy stood outside for a moment and then walked in. Sebastian was in the bathroom, drying off Ciel. "What time does the train leave?" Ciel asked.

"Patients, young master. The fluffy blue cat said he will tell the train people." Sebastian stated. It went silent. "Do you really want to leave?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, the Queen gave us an order that we need to complete. Face it, if we stay here, she'll only get more attached." Ciel said.

"You mean Ms. Heartfillia?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes, she seems to really enjoy our company." Ciel said.

"Are you falling in love with her, my lord?" Sebastian asked.

"What?!" Ciel said, dumbfounded.

"It is fine. I wont tell Ms. Elizabeth." Sebastian chuckled.

"As if!" Ciel said stubbornly. A knock at the bathroom door came. "Yes?" Ciel answered.

"The train cant be held any longer." It was Happy. "It'll be leaving in less than an hour." He stated. Sebastian opened the door. Him and Ciel were now fully dressed.

"We must be going." Natsu said. "Or you'll miss the train." Natsu finished. Everyone shook their heads, ready to go. "Well, who's fired up?!" Natsu shouted as he ran for the door.

"Aye sir!" Happy said as he followed Natsu.

"Well, I guess its time to go." Sebastian said, dusting off this butler suit. Ciel shook his head.

"We aren't running." Ciel states as it stopped Natsu and Happy in their tracks. They turned slowly to look at Ciel and his sanity.

"B-But, we wont make it..." Natsu stated.

"I know." Ciel answered.

"Were just wasting time! Lets go!" Lucy interrupted. She opened the door and gestured everyone to the door. "Get out! And make it snappy!" Lucy said. Everyone walked out, without a word.

"Man, Lucy sure is mad." Natsu said.

"Aye." Happy said. Lucy locked the door and started to walk,

"I cant believe these will be our final memories." Lucy said, sadly. They all began the long walk back to the train station.

"We all did have a blast!" Natsu added.

"Yes, thank you for having us." Sebastian grinned.

"Yeah, thanks." Ciel added. They continued their walk to the train station.

"Look! I see it!" Lucy shouted. "It looks like its boarding right now." Lucy added. She was right, the train was boarding, the last people.

"So?" Natsu said as they got closer to the train. "I guess its almost time for a goodbye." Natsu stated.

"Yeah, huh?" Lucy said. After that it got quiet and awkward. "Are you two excited to go to the circus?" Lucy asked, to break the silence.

"Not really, its a job from my Majesty." Ciel said, bluntly. Lucy stared at Ciel as if he was insane.

"Your majesty?" Natsu asked.

"Yes. The queen of England." Ciel questioned. "Haven't you heard of your majesty?" Natsu scratched his head.

"Pst! Luce... Do I know who 'majesty' is?" Natsu asked, trying to be secretive. Lucy lifted up her hand, then did the most painful face palm ever. Natsu just stood there, either judging the way Lucy would face palm herself or who 'majesty' really was. Who knows with Natsu's extreme dim-witted mind. "Isn't majesty like a ruler, a queen or king?" Natsu asked.

"No Natsu its-" Lucy paused. "Y-you're correct?" Lucy questioned.

"Yeah Luce! Have more faith in me next ti-" Natsu tripped over his own shoe and hit the floor, ending his sentence. Lucy gave out a giggle.

"I'd hate to ruin your little moment but my lord and I need to aboard the train so it doesnt leave." Sebastian said, trying to be polite.

"Oh yeah!" Lucy went back to her train of thought. "The train is boarding right now." Lucy pointed in the distance, the line was unusually longer than before. "Maybe we can sit and talk until you guys have to leave?" Lucy asked.

"Sure, but only until the last person is in the front of the line." Ciel said, finally breaking his quiet game record.

"Um, what did you mean when you said it was an order from your majesty? Do you work for the queen?" Lucy asked.

"We don't work for her, we only work with her." Ciel paused, he looked past Lucy to see the line. "This job we are on consists of many factors." Ciel stopped and waited for Lucy to ask anything else.

"Factors? What kind of circus has factors?" she questioned. Ciel gave a small, quiet sigh as if he was explaining rocket science to a toddler but told her anyway.

"There have been kids going missing all around and we think its the circus, most likely the only factor here. These are no fun clowns and childish game circus, this is where all the victims from the kidnappings are being held." Ciel finished.

"Oh! I have one!" Natsu said. Everyone went silent. "Okay so, what ever happened to that red headed dude that looked like a chick?" Natsu explained carefully. A slight quiver came from Ciel and Sebastian.

"Oh, that." Ciel said, gulping down the presence of his name.

"Grell Sutcliff." Sebastian said, calmly. "That is a boy who has homosexual shinigami." Sebastian gave a faint smile.

"That is a disgrace." Ciel paused. "Make that a huge disgrace."

"Whats so bad about him?" Natsu asked. "He was a good fighter." Natsu banged his fists together.

"Don't you forget, he did kill Madame Red, my aunt." Ciel said, remembering that fateful day when blood was shed in front of strangers. The day Ciel would of died in that gays arms.

"My master is still a little disappointed about the lost." Sebastian said.

"Not disappointed, relieved." Ciel said, going back to his usual thinking about life face.

"I am sorry about your lost. I remember that day well enough." Lucy said, thinking about that day, the day were she witnessed someone die at arms reach.

"What day was that?" Natsu asked. He thought for a moment and clenched his fist. "Oh, that day." Natsu said.

"Like they say, you cant choose what battles you win." Ciel said, looking past. "Sebastian, the final passenger is going to the door right now." Sebastian looked over.

"We will walk you over there if you'd like?" Lucy suggested.

"I think we will be fine, but thank you." Sebastian said. "Thank you, Lucy Heartfilia and Natsu Dragneel for letting us stay here." Sebastian looked at Ciel.

"Yes, thank you." Ciel said, emotionless. Ciel and Sebastian began to walk over towards the train as they waved goodbye.

"Hopefully see you guys soon!" Lucy yelled as they got onto the train.

*Magnolia train will now be taking off, I repeat. Magnolia train will now be taking off.*

The intercom stated. "I've never thought that Ciel or Sebastian would come back." Lucy said.

"Me either but I knew somewhere down the road we were going to run into them." Natsu said. "To be honest, I feel as if Ciel has grown closer to us and this arrival was planned." atsu made a great point, even though it was clear as day it was planned.

"Sebastian wanted Ciel to see us again. He made this trip out here knowing the consequences." Lucy paused as the train begun to take off. With no Ciel or Sebastian near the windows Natsu and Lucy waved anyway.

"Luce, why don't we head to the guild and prepare for the games?" Natsu asked.

"Yeah, great idea." Lucy and Natsu began to walk back towards the guild.

*On the Magnolia Train*

"Sebastian." Ciel said.

"Yes, my lord?" Sebastian asked as he sat down to his chair.

"I don't want you to ever pull a stunt like this again, okay?" Ciel saw through Sebastian's cold, hard plans.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian paused. "I only wanted you to have a break from work and our reality." Sebastian stated.

"I will have my break when you devour my soul and all my needs are completed." Ciel said. Sebastian had a wide grin on his face. "Also, we will not tell Liz about me sleeping in Lucy's bedroom." Ciel said, being worried about the all might Liz that would literally turn the Phantomhive Manor to a play house.

"Yes, my lord." Sebastian said. "Now onto the circus subject, do you have any form of a plan?" Sebastian questioned. Ciel smiled.

"We will do what those idiots did the first time to our house." Ciel paused. "We will go undercover and role-play." Ciel smiled as Sebastian looked at his with an odd look on his face. "Its called, plan Lucy and Natsu, or Fairy Tail." Ciel stated as the Magnolia train took them to the Noah's arc circus where they would try out plan Fairy Tail.