"Are you sure this one is a good idea? It looks kinda sketchy."

"Benny, of course it is. It's obscure enough. All we have to do is spend a night in the place, record our night there, then we can leave and get donuts and coffee in the morning somewhere. Everyone knows it's a load of bullshit anyways."

The young man called Benny sighed in defeat, knowing better than to pick a fight with his friend. When the other got going, there really was no stopping him at all and you just had to go with it, even if you didn't want to.

It had only been a couple years prior when the two secondary school friends came up with the brilliant idea that had been taking them from place to creepy place with their video cameras and laptops. After watching a horribly faked show about families in haunted houses, they decided to go on paranormal adventures of their own and document them on videotape before posting them to the internet. However, while Benny did believe in the paranormal and believed they weren't things to be messed with, his friend Lucas was absolutely skeptical about every new case they came across. Thus, they had decided to call their duo Believe it or Not.

Benny finished packing his overnight bag, being sure to pack his copy of the Holy Bible and making sure he had the silver cross around his neck he always wore. He looked down at the stack of papers they'd printed out about their newest target from a few hours of Internet research.

They had found plenty of sources concerning the short life of Ciel Phantomhive and the Funtom Corporation. After looking over a few they'd decided it might be worth their while to go to the old manor that had been supposedly been abandoned for over a century.

After a bit, they were loading their duffel bags into the back of Lucas's Oldsmobile. Benny slipped into the passenger seat while Lucas took the role of the driver for the trip. Living in Canterbury, it would only take about an hour to drive to London.

As they got on the road, Benny took out his video camera and turned it on, turning it to face himself as it began to record.

"Hey again, guys! Welcome to another installment of Believe it or Not. I'm Benny and that's Lucas," He said to the camera, turning it over to the man to the right of him. "So, Luke, where are we off to this time?"

"We're going to the Phantomhive estate, Benny-boy. It's totally abandoned now and it has been for over a century. It used to be the home of the little lord Phantomhive until he met an untimely end at the age of sixteen. He grew up in the home until his tenth birthday when it mysteriously caught on fire. The earl at that time was Vincent Phantomhive, who died with his wife and the family dog in the fire." Lucas said, providing the background for the viewers.

"Dear god, no, not the dog."

"I know right? Fucking tragic. Anyways, their son Ciel was assumed to be dead with them. However, about three months later he reappeared out of nowhere and the old manor had been rebuilt to the state it had been in before burning down. The only thing that had changed was that when Ciel reappeared, he came with a young man in a suit who'd apparently been hired as the boy's butler. No one knew where the butler came from at all or what exactly had happened to Ciel in those three months. Six years later, when the earl died, the butler disappeared along with him. The maid, cook, gardener, steward, and footman of the house all went their separate ways and the place has been abandoned ever since."

"So, are you saying the manor might be haunted by the teenage earl Phantomhive?" Benny asked as they rode along the highway.

"Maybe. There are some people on the internet who claim there might be something darker lurking around in that manor." Lucas replied with a laugh as he drove. "Either way, it's a Victorian place. Meaning no electricity. Probably no indoor plumbing either. I hope you're good at digging holes, Benny."

"No, man, they had non-flushing water closets. Basically holes in the ground with a toilet seat over it. Plus, the kid was loaded, so he had a bathtub and sinks and stuff."

"How the hell do you- oh yeah, you did that report on the history of bathrooms in primary school." Lucas laughed.

They drove for a bit more as the GPS directed them through London and to the outskirts of the city were a bit of a forested area still grew and down an old dirt road. Benny took out the camera again as the car drove down the road, video taping their new surroundings.

"Okay, so we're getting close here to the manor. It's kinda creepy out here, not gonna lie." He narrated as they approached a large metal gate that lead to the large yard and grand manor. "Why doesn't the lawn look like shit?"

"Oh, it's the ghosts. They enjoy gardening." Lucas replied as Benny took the camera and got out to see if he could open the gate. He gave the old metal thing a push, amazed when it opened with a loud creak, the metal obviously needing to be oiled.

He walked in through the gate and stood aside as Lucas drove up the rest of the old driveway and parked the car.

"Hey, let's get this show on the road." Lucas announced happily to his friend, walking around to get their bags. "Besides, this might be the only time you ever sleep in a house this nice."

"Oh please, I'm gonna find a honey with money." Benny replied with a laugh, continuing to record as they walked through the front door of the old manor. They weren't surprised to find that the place was only lit by the sunlight streaming in through the many windows along the walls.

They set their bags down on the floor, soon noticing a few black feathers scattered around the floor. "I guess some crows decided this would be a good place to nest." Lucas said.

"Yeah, fucking Godzilla crows. Look at these things." Benny replied, picking up a dark feather that was about the length of his forearm.

"Five minutes here and things are already getting weird. Why don't we explore the place?" Lucas suggested, looking around at the large feathers on the floor and wondering if some mutated bird had found its way there or if a crow had decided to nest there and start taking steroids.

Benny nodded and walked off with Lucas to look through the large house. Other than the feathers, the place was oddly clean for a house that had been abandoned for decades upon decades. They found the large dining room, the long wooden table inside shining like it was new. Then the ballroom was nice and large and flawless. They found the kitchen of the home along with some small bedrooms they could only assume were servants' quarters. When they'd opened the door to one of the small rooms, they were met with a cacophony of mews as about twenty cats streamed out of the room to roam about the large home contently.

"This place is proving to be weird as hell." Lucas said with a small laugh, as they looked around the small room the cats had all been in. It wasn't anything too drab, though not too showy either. The room was somewhat small with a bed, wardrobe, and small desk. They soon left the clean room to walk up to the second floor, both of them paling a bit when they heard classical music start to fill the air.

After a bit of searching, they found the source was a vinyl record on a gramophone sitting in the middle of what they could only guess had once been the earl's room, as it was far grander than any of the other bedrooms.

"How're you doing over there, Mr. Skeptical?" Benny asked, pointing the camera over at Lucas's face as the other stared in awe at the gramophone.

"I'm sure it's just someone fucking with us. You know, like dumb twelve year olds or something." Lucas replied to him, trying to keep a calm face. He'd seen a lot of shit, but not everywhere they'd gone had actually been haunted. A lot of times they were all pranks from sadistic kids.

"Mr. Skeptical is still in business." Benny said to the camera as he let it sweep around the room to show their audience the entire room.

The boys both felt their hearts stop for a bit when suddenly the drapes had been thrown shut and the room was plunged into total darkness, the gramophone continuing to play the music.

Benny ran to the door to try and get them out of the room, though finding that the thing was locked. They felt their blood run cold when a voice as smooth as silk filled their ears.

"My, my, such misbehaved little boys. Weren't you ever taught to let someone know before you come visiting them?"