The sound of Ciel's hand striking his butler's cheek seemed to echo throughout the room. After that everything went silent until the spirit of the earl began yelling into the face of the ravenous demon.

"You stupid dog! How dare you defy me, your master?" He screamed, his pale face burning with fury.

Benny looked over at Lucas and gulped a bit, getting the feeling that they should probably do their best to get out of that situation and that house as quickly as possible. Sure, they'd intended to stay the night, but a part of him believed that if they didn't leave while they could, they wouldn't be leaving for quite some time and the last thing he really wanted was to be dragged into the earl and butler's issues.

Lucas couldn't help but bite his lip, watching with fear as the butler's eyes flashed to their fuchsia form with anger. He glanced over at Benny, meeting the other's eyes for a second and coming to a silent consensus with his friend and agreeing that it would be best to leave that house as soon as possible and scrap the Phantomhive project. He didn't want to have anything to do with their issues, either, after all.

"Why can't I leave, Sebastian? If you're so adamant about keeping me here, tell me why?" Ciel challenged, frowning and crossing his arms.

Sebastian blinked before standing up and looking down at his master. "Because you don't exist anymore, master. A spirit tied to his house cannot leave it."

Ciel blinked at that before bristling. "What are you on about, man?"

"Ciel Phantomhive was murdered in his sleep over a century ago. You're dead, master, and now it's time to uphold your end of the bargain." Sebastian said, his face changing to an expression a beast might have before devouring it's prey as he leaned down, his face a couple inches from Ciel's.

Ciel blinked at that and leaned back and away from his butler, or at least as far away as his chair would allow. "What do you mean? I never got my revenge."

He protested, obviously scrambling for whatever he could to save his immortal soul.

Benny looked over at Lucas again, then at Ciel. He could almost see the fear in the earl's wide blue eye.

"You didn't get your revenge, true. But I agreed to stay by your side until you either got your revenge or passed away. Your soul refused to believe it was dead, though, and kept this collar around my neck. Now you know the truth. It's time to pay up." Sebastian replied, keeping close to his master, a wicked smile forming on his lips.

Ciel had no idea what to say to that. He knew Sebastian was right, though. It was far past his time to uphold his end of the contract. He suddenly couldn't help but regret ever making the thing to begin with.

He'd been in a pinch, absolutely desperate when he called out to the demon. It had been an act on selfish impulse. He'd worked the demon like a dog, disciplining him until the other had been molded into the perfect butler and wouldn't move without a direct order.

Every so often, Ciel would almost forget the other man was a demon and what demons really were. They were horrifying beasts sent from Hell. Sebastian had never once truly cared about his wellbeing; he'd only ever cared about the wellbeing of his soul. Now he could truly see just how starving and ravenous the demon was. It had been over a century that the other had been starving himself. That sort of thing was sure to drive anyone mad.

He gulped a bit, looking into the glowing eyes of his butler. He knew he had to give himself over to the demon in repayment for everything he'd done for him.

"Will it hurt much?" he asked after a bit of silence.

"No, not at all. It'll be like going to sleep." Sebastian replied to him honestly.

Ciel nodded. "Do it, then." He finally decided.

The next thing that happened was positively the gayest thing Benny and Lucas had ever seen in their short lives. Though they hadn't had too many experiences with the other sexuality just yet, having figured they'd have plenty in college.

Their eyes widened a bit as they watched Sebastian raise a hand and slip off Ciel's eye patch, his hand seeming cupping and caressing Ciel's cheek. They didn't know if they ought to turn away or not as they watched the butler shut his eyes and lean in, pressing his mouth against his master's in what looked like a kiss at first glance. Though, when one looked closer, they could see Sebastian's cheeks hollowing out, then returning to normal, then hollowing out once more as he literally sucked at his master's face. They could see Ciel starting to disappear, becoming more and more translucent until he simply wasn't there anymore.

To put it simply, it was the weirdest fucking thing they'd ever seen before.

The boys blinked and turned to each other, feeling rather awkward.

"Um, well, on that note, we'd better be heading out…" Lucas said softly, standing from his chair and nudging Benny to do the same.

Sebastian looked up at them at that, a smile on his face that clearly told them that he was no longer the composed butler he had been. His smile rather reminded the teenagers of a feral dog.

"Whatever gave you the idea you'd be leaving?" he asked with a smirk, letting himself take his natural demon form, all the lights in the room blowing out and leaving it pitch black.

Benny frowned a bit, keeping close to Lucas and starting to shake with fear. He felt his friend stiffen up with fear beside him, both of them backing up as they heard the clicking of the demon's heels on the tiled floor coming closer and closer until their backs hit something hard and they knew they were cornered.

"You little idiots, did you really think I'd let you go after all this? After all you've found out?" The demon purred to the pair of teenagers as he walked closer to them.

Benny could just barely see the side of Lucas's face through the darkness. For the first time since he'd known him, his best friend had visible tears rolling down his cheeks. Lucas never cried, not ever. It was always him who was the one crying. When his pet dog died or his grandmother passed away, he was the one who cried and Lucas was the one to take him to his favorite ice cream shop and buy him his favorite chocolate ice cream. Lucas was the one to comfort him and make him feel better; Lucas was the brave one.

However, Lucas hardly looked his brave self now that they were staring into the eyes of the devil.

Benny turned back to the glowing fuchsia eyes in front of them and gulped once again.

"Hey, Luke, it was really nice being your buddy." He whispered to his friend, starting to cry out of fear as well as they heard the chuckling demon come closer and closer until they could see his tall, lean form in front of them.

"It was great knowing you, too." Lucas replied between gasps as he cried, keeping close to his friend.

Sebastian smiled wickedly as he walked forward towards the pair of boys against the wall.

"That's right, little boys. This play date is over, it's time to say bye-bye." The demon mocked before reaching out to the teenagers and gripping their faces in his clawed hands.

Benny looked over at Lucas, smiling weakly through the tears at him. "I love you, man. You're great."

"Yeah, you too. I'll see you soon, I guess." Lucas replied to him with a nod, the tears still streaming down his cheeks.

Benny turned back to the demon, watching as the demon's face lurched forward, his mouth opening just before he hit Lucas's throat, the teeth latching on and sinking into his flesh before pulling away, tearing his throat and jugular as he lurched back.

Then, it was his turn.

He gasped softly as he felt the teeth sink into his neck like it was Jell-o, in some sort of sick, demented version of a hickey. He felt pain for a second as the demon pulled back, tearing out his throat, making his blood spurt out and onto the pale face of the beast in front of him. The world went black in an instant and his corpse collapsed down limply next to his best friend's.

The demon licked his lips and smiled softly before turning on his heel and leaving the room. He went up to the second floor, finding the teenagers' video camera. He picked the thing up and promptly crushed it between his hands with ease. Then, grabbing a small lit candle, he willed the flame to grow, letting it catch on the curtains of the room, then the walls, letting the flame spread.

Then, once again, the Phantomhive manor burned. The demon once named Sebastian Michaelis changed his appearance to blend in with the modernized humans, walking out into the streets, the beast blending in with his prey.