Pete's World?

Rose woke with a start. She was laid in the middle of a field, she had no idea where. When she had gone to sleep it was dark, in a forest, surrounded by wolves and rivers and fire. That was in Pete's world. Not her world, never hers. She heard the distant sounds of a helicopter fly over her, and she looked up, expecting to see sunshine and zeplins and hear Mickey or Jake or even Tony laughing not far from her. But no.

She was alone, completely alone. The moon keeping peeking in and out of view as she watched the sky, and the clouds role smoothly past, their course never faltering. The helicopter had moved on, just a sound in the distant. She guessed that is what had woken her.

The rustle of the leaves from trees around her grew louder as she looked around her, trying to work out where she was. All she could tell was that she was in a field. The grass had been mown recently, but there were no buildings for what she guessed was miles. Faint sounds of creates echoed around her and the night sky hid from her behind a vast black cloud, hardly allowing her to see anything.

Shadows shifted and Rose grew frightened. She'd been used to this, when she was with the Doctor, but that had been so long ago. Nearly 20 years had passed since then, and Pete's world was so bright and full of noises that nothing there really scared her. But this wasn't Pete's world, it couldn't be. There were always zeppelins in the sky in Pete's world, here there was nothing.

Rose wondered for a moment if she had died, and this was her heaven, or hell, or afterlife, or something. She didn't really know what it would be. But she did always imagine that with death came stillness, and all around her seemed to be so alive. She pinched herself to check that she wasn't dreaming before she stood up. A wolf's howl in the night made her smile, she didn't howl back, but she could sense that it was for her. That was something Bad Wolf had given here. The beauty of wolves.

She stumbled for a while her feet bare as they were when she went to sleep, and tried to gain her bearings before heading towards a faint light in the distance. Her jacket was wrapped tighter around her as she moved shakily forward. She wanted to know what was going on, where she was. If she was in her own universe again, then where was the Doctor.

As she was walking the glow from the moon grew fainter, and she glanced up at it briefly, but saw nothing. The cloud had completely blocked it, and Rose shivered. She'd never been scared of the dark before, but the last few years in Pete's world had made her apprehensive and she carried on, silent as possible, towards the civilisation she saw.


It was many hours later that Rose knocked on the door. Her eyes wide as she stared at it, the light of the sun blinding her, as her eyes failed to adjust properly to the blinding light.

"Hello?" a welsh voice said as they opened the door. "Look, if you're selling anything, I'm not buying it." A young man said, not initially looking at Rose. He frowned when he finally saw her.

"Where's the nearest town?" she asked, her voice hoarse from lack of food and drink. She squinted to get a better look at the guy. He was fair haired with brown eyes, similar to his, Rose noted, but she shook her head at the thought.

"Cardiff," the male said, more sympathetically now. "I'm about to leave to go actually, would you like a lift?"

Rose shook her head. "Could you just point me the way?" she asked, squinting to look at the man. His features were soft, and he had a small amount of stubble. Rose hid her cry as she thought about the Doctor when he regenerated, and his side burns.

"It's that way." He pointed down the road, not quite back the way Rose had gone, but nearly, and she groaned. "Can I get you a drink or anything before I go?" the man asked.

"I'm fine, thank you," Rose said simply. "Thanks," she said again, for no reason, turning to the road. She could see the buildings in the distance so knew it wasn't too far.


Rose had been walking most of the day now. She'd still not had much drink and no food, so as she heard the running water, she headed towards it, lowering her head down to it as a wolf would, and she drank for many minutes. If there were passers-by, they would've wondered what this female was doing, but thankfully the fields and forests were quiet.

The city was close now and Rose could hear the cars on the streets and see the life move around the city. Her eyes blazing as she walked on again, getting closer to her final destination. She had planned it now, and she would wait on the rift. She knew the Doctor would return there one day, and this way she would have her best chance of seeing him.

She stumbled into the city as the sky was once again getting dark. Rose wanted to eat something but lack of money made it hard, and being arrested here wasn't a good plan, since she currently didn't exist in this world. How would she explain that to the police?

She was still wondering, about an hour later, when it was nearly completely black, clouds once again baring her view to the moon. She sighed frustrated, wishing she had been to Cardiff in her own world, and then she may have known the way to at least the rift. Stumbling along, her bare feet bruised and cut from the terrain that she'd tortured them to, she rounded another corner. Then stopped. There was a vehicle down here that she recognised from Pete's world and her heart race quickened. Had they followed her here to?

Without giving herself time to find out, she turned quickly on her aching legs, and burst into a run, her legs protesting for every second, but her mind egged her on.

AN – A bit of a mystery thing, yes :D but all is revealed in a later chapter. This will be finished before I continue my other Who stories! To all reading Recognition, the next chapter is nearly In Progress, I just need to get my bum in gear :P Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I know it's slow, but it picks up next chapter, promise! This is only a short story, currently 5 chapters planned. Hopefully around 7000-10000 words! Also I know the title's unorigional, sorry! I couldn't think what else to put! Next chapter will be up in the next week! :D