Chapter 25

DISCLAIMER: However much I wish it was so, I do not own these characters. I'm going to simply let them play for a little bit and then put them back a little happier.

WARNING: Slash story - you have been informed! A little Tim and Ziva bashing - I think you already know how I feel about them.

A/N: Sorry for the long delay in posting, bad flu swept the family twice - not fun :-( Okay. Not what you probably wanted to hear, but this is the last chapter. I actually went further with their time off than I had originally intended, but that's where the characters wanted to go, so I was happy to follow along! Everything I wanted to say in this story has now been said, so this part is done. This is not the end of this universe though, I have several ideas percolating for these men, that I will be posting in the future. Just to give you an idea, I have a whole story planned about Senior and what he has done to Tony in the past, there will be some threats to their relationship in the form of M. Alison Hart and Col. Mann and a few others. I may even bring Vance into this universe in some capacity to provoke them. I want to thank everyone who has favorited, followed and reviewed, and all the silent readers out there, I hope to see you all back for future stories. This chapter is one of my longer ones, I hope you enjoy ;-)


Six weeks later.

Tim McGee fidgeted nervously as the elevator rose up to the bullpen. Today was his first day back after his suspension and re-training at FLETC. Looking at the training from the prospective of already having been in the field, he felt he had gotten much more out of it. His cheeks tinged pink as he recalled the instructors constantly using him in role-playing scenarios in regards to chain of command. They would give him and whatever other trainee he was working with typed dialog to use in "hypothetical" situations.

He had nearly choked on the words when he realized the situations were taken directly from real life interactions he and Ziva had with Tony. In the beginning, he always played the part of Agent McGregor, who the other trainees had dubbed "Agent Asshole", not knowing that they were in the presence of the real life Agent Asshole. His face was in a constant blush as he was forced to act out some of the most painful confrontations he had subjected Tony to. It started out with just him and one other trainee, taking Tony's part, but it soon grew to three as "Agent Lisa" was added to stir up more trouble and gang up with Agent McGregor to denigrate their 'hypothetical' boss, Agent Tommy. After each session, they would dissect it and endlessly talk about what Agent McGregor and Agent Lisa had done wrong.

Each discussion had always ended with the other trainees laughing at what arrogant morons McGregor and Lisa were and joking that they sure wouldn't want to be either of them when 'Agent Tommy' had finally had enough! The other trainees had no problem immediately seeing that Agent Tommy was trying to push them into being better investigators and that he obviously had more education and intelligence than his subordinates gave him credit for. Plus, the fact that every moron would know what the qualifications were for an SFA, they didn't just give the title out on a whim! McGee had slunk lower in his seat during each of these discussions and usually kept all comments to himself unless one of the instructors specifically asked him a question, which they invariably did. He saw the thinly veiled disgust on their faces and knew they were aware these scenarios were actual conversations he had been involved in with Tony and Ziva and they were going to make damn sure the point was driven home!

Near the end of training, he had graduated to the part of Agent Tommy, but that was no less painful. The insults and attitude directed at him by the other trainees, gleefully portraying McGregor and Lisa cut deep. His instructors knew he had gotten the point when during the discussions where he had been Agent Tommy, the other trainees had commented, and he had agreed, on how delusional and self-important McGregor and Lisa were. They said more than once that both of them should have been fired, not just for the insubordination, but for not seeing the qualifications Agent Tommy obviously possessed, therefore being sub-par investigators and not worthy of field agent status. Both of his instructors had sat him down after the final class for a final, private discussion.



"So, Agent McGee. I'm guessing you've seen the error of your ways?" Agent Tomlinson asked him.

"Yes, sir." McGee answered in a small voice.

"I think you're finally starting to see how unacceptable your behavior was." Agent Mackey stated.

"Yes, sir." McGee replied quietly.

Both men exchanged smirks before imparting their last bit of wisdom to McGee.

"Well that's good Agent McGee, because we wanted you to know that these little role-playing 'hypothetical's' with Agents McGregor, Lisa and Tommy will now be a permanent part of the teaching curriculum here at FLETC." Agent Mackey informed him.

McGee's head shot up and his eyes widened as he realized the implications of that. He had foolishly believed that this course had been designed specifically for him, to illustrate without a doubt where he had gone wrong and to allow him to hear the derision his fellow students had unknowingly showered upon him. Too late, he realized his self-centeredness was again showing itself.

"Sir! Are you, I mean, is that allowed?" McGee squeaked, quite rattled to think his arrogant words would echo through these classrooms for years to come.

"Allowed, Agent McGee?'' Tomlinson asked sarcastically. "Everything you do as a public government employee is open for scrutiny, and that's just what we're going to do." He told McGee sternly before continuing. "This change in curriculum came from Sec Def himself! After reading the transcripts, he thought there was no better example of what NOT to do, so he made it a mandatory teaching tool, and you know what the best part is?" Tomlinson asked conspiratorially as he leaned in.

McGee swallowed thickly and managed to force out, "No sir, what?" Very sure he really didn't want to know what was coming next.

Mackey took over and smiled in a shark-like way, that reminded McGee strongly of Tony, as he replied, "Sec Def has decided that the whole agency needs a refresher in chain of command, so everybody will be taking this class again in the next year! Isn't that great news?" He told McGee, very much liking the green hue McGee's face had taken on in the last few minutes.

Unable to speak, McGee had just nodded stiffly as the two older agents had chuckled.

Tomlinson spoke up next, saying, "You passed McGee, report to the director at headquarters Monday morning at 0800 hours for your next assignment."

Chilled by the thought of still being sent to another team, McGee had simply nodded again and gathered his things to leave. Before he could slip out of the door though, Agent Mackey's voice called to him.

"Oh Agent McGee?" Waiting until McGee turned around to face him before continuing, McGee was dismayed to see the feral, predatory look on Mackey's face as he said, "Say hello to Agent DiNozzo for me if you see him. We went through the police academy together in Peoria, we've known each other for a long time."

McGee had swallowed again convulsively. Mackey's meaning was clear: 'Don't even think of messing with Tony again, he has friends everywhere!' McGee nodded again and made his escape quickly.

End Flashback.


McGee was still blushing in embarrassment as he thought of every agent he had ever met taking that course and finding out what he and Ziva had said and done. He had no allusions that it would not get out. There were too many agents right here in DC who had heard some, if not all of those conversations, soon everyone, including his fellow trainees from the class, would know exactly who "Agent Asshole" was. McGee sighed as the elevator stopped on his floor with a 'Ding!'. He had made his bed and now he had to lie in it. He just hoped people would see how remorseful he was and that he had changed his way of thinking. Taking a deep breath, he stepped off the elevator and into his future.


SFA Agent Cassie Yates took another sip of her coffee as she reviewed Agent McGee's file. Shaking her head in disgust, she started perusing his training scores from his FLETC instructors. She smirked as she saw his mediocre marks in the role playing exercise, apparently he was reluctant to participate, but he still squeaked by. She snorted softly to herself when she read the exercise transcripts, no wonder he was reluctant, it must have been torture to have your own words used against you.

Serves him right! She thought to herself. She still couldn't believe everything he and Ziva had done. He was damned lucky Tony was giving him a second chance. Although, he might not appreciate it when he got in, Gibbs really didn't seem to be feeling the forgiveness. It was no accident that his desk would be right in Gibbs' line of sight. She guessed they would finally find out if Gibbs could actually stare a hole in someone. As hard as Ziva would have it working for DS Reilly, at least she didn't have to withstand Gibbs' ire everyday.

Cassie glanced up when she heard the elevator ding and sent a morning smile to Agent Jardine as the other woman made her way to her desk, the younger woman was usually in early. Cassie glanced around the area and again approved of the new bullpen design Tony had come up with. They had taken over the entire row, on both sides. Tony had moved over to where Ziva had sat and he and Gibbs had two L-shaped desks connected to each other, although both still sat facing the desks across from them. Gibbs was still sitting where he always had and Cassie was sitting on his other side in another L-shaped desk. Nikki Jardine was in the desk across from Tony, where Tony had used to sit and Dwayne Wilson was sitting in a desk across from Cassie. The desk in the middle, next to Dwayne and Nikki, and directly across from Gibbs, would be McGee's. The screen that had been in between Tony and Tim's desk was still right where it was, but now almost directly behind McGee's desk. The screen that had been next to Gibbs was now at the end of the aisle by Cassie's desk.

Tony and Gibbs were already upstairs with the director, hashing out details and ready to deliver McGee's fate. The junior agent still wasn't sure if he would get his spot back on the MCRT, and none of them were adverse to making him sweat about it a little longer.

Cassie heard the elevator ding again and McGee nervously stepped off. He looked curiously around the bullpen and seemed to be quite disappointed when he noticed Nikki and Cassie already there, His face fell further when Dwayne breezed in and informed them Abby had some results for them. Cassie knew McGee thought he had been replaced, and she wasn't about to tell him differently as he trudged upstairs to the director's office.

As soon as he had disappeared into the outer office, Nikki and Dwayne were standing at her desk.

"Is that him?" Nikki asked quietly.

"Ummhmm." Cassie responded with a smirk.

"Huh, not the big, bad wolf I expected!" Dwayne remarked.

"Don't let him fool you, that pup has some sharp teeth!" Cassie warned him. "You've both read the reports, don't by taken in by the innocent look! Just remember, you both have more seniority on the team than he does, everything he had before was wiped away, he's starting new. If you see or hear one whiff of insubordination, you let me or Tony or Gibbs know, he's gonna be on a tight leash for awhile." Cassie instructed them.

After receiving stereo "Yes, ma'am's!" from both agents, Cassie told them to start working on their reports from yesterday until Tony and Gibbs returned with McGee, while she went down to see Abby. Cassie picked up her coffee and made her way to the back elevator, a smile on her face. Oh, yes, Mr. McGee was in for a shock. If he thought training was bad, wait until he got a load of the new team dynamic, he won't know what hit him! She chuckled to herself as she got on the elevator and hit the button to take her down to Abby.


Director Jenny Shepherd smiled to herself as she sat down at the head of her conference table, Tony and Jethro flanking her. Both men sat comfortably and she saw a soft grin pass from Jethro to Tony as they settled across from each other. Tony answered with a small smirk and then everything was wiped away as they got down to business.

"So gentlemen, everything still working out with our new team arrangement?" Jenny asked them, knowing full well it was. Tony and Jethro had quickly established an efficient partnership to lead the team after Jethro had been re-instated, and their close rate was consistently 98%. The SecNav was thrilled, he was the toast of the other alphabet agencies and the hill.

They shared the lead on calls and both worked to their strengths. While a keen interviewer, Gibbs wasn't always subtle and could not coax out unknowing details as quickly as Tony. Gibbs was the quiet observer. He could look at a scene and catalog details in his mind, usually constructing an accurate account of the mechanics of what had taken place. Tony was the talker, while seeing the same details Gibbs did, he was more likely to slip into the shoes of the victim, teasing details out of distraught family and friends, and then taking the perp out for a spin, working out the motives and picking up on small things that Gibbs might not find important.

Their new team was gelling fantastically. Jardine and Wilson were both inquisitive and sharp at picking up on clues. Jardine took the analytical approach, compartmentalizing the clues, evidence and victim information to compile convincing arguments to back up her theories, usually with a spreadsheet. More than once, Jenny had heard a variation of Tony say, "So, it was Col. Mustard in the library with a knife!" getting chuckles from the entire team while Gibbs smiled indulgently.

Wilson seemed to have the same soft touch with an interview that Tony did. Getting valuable information that the person was not even aware they were sharing. He also had an easy rapport with local cops, again just like Tony, and was able to smooth any feathers Gibbs may have ruffled, like a pro.

Cassie was their spy. While very proficient as an investigator, she had worked with nearly every agency in town as an undercover operative and had nearly as many contacts as Tony did. She was also first rate in hand to hand combat and quite good with a knife. She was helping their probies improve their martial arts self defense while Tony and Gibbs assisted with their shooting accuracy and street fighting techniques and they were all helping Jardine with her germ phobia. Though they were hoping that would abate somewhat since her brother had awakened a few weeks ago and had been moved to a rehab facility to recover. He may not ever be 100% again, but he would have a full life.

Jenny was happy to see that both of the junior agents had no problems with their co-leads and after speaking to them individually knew they thought Tony and Gibbs together, made up the perfect agent, and they were happy to be learning from them. They were also getting quite a lot from Cassie and everyone seemed generally happy with the way things were going. While Gibbs was known for his 'second B', Jenny had not heard his legendary temper flare as it had in the past. In fact, the only time it came out, was in interviews with suspects, whom he was still happy to make cry or wet themselves, whichever came first. The only time that 'second B' was aimed at them was when he and Tony had sat them all down to explain what had happened with Tim and Ziva and why it would never happen again.



After assembling their new team in the conference room, Tony sat down with them and then cringed as Jethro came in behind him, slamming the door. He sent a glare in his direction, but Jethro just huffed angrily and sat next to him, crossing his arms and glaring at everyone, causing the junior agents to shift uncomfortably in their seats. Cassie just raised an amused eyebrow at Tony. She already knew what the meeting was about and what was coming. She was curious to see how her junior agents reacted to a full-on, pissed off Gibbs.

"Okaay, now that everyone is here, we can begin." Tony started, sending a pointed look at Jethro, which he ignored.

"Jardine, Wilson," Tony began. "Tell me your version of how you believe you came to be on the MCRT." When the two junior agents glanced at each other nervously, but did not speak, Tony clarified his request.

"What have you heard about the two agents you replaced?" Tony asked them pointedly and added, "Jardine, you first." His order brought a seemingly inattentive Gibbs back to the proceedings. He sat up straight in the chair he had been slouching in and narrowed his gaze at Jardine, making the younger woman squirm.

After swallowing and coughing nervously, Jardine began. "Um, well, we, that is Agent Wilson and myself have heard some unflattering and unprofessional behavior was maybe the cause of why they are gone?" Jardine managed to get out under Gibbs' and Tony's intense scrutiny.

A disgusted snort from Gibbs and a mumbled, "Unprofessional!" had Tony rolling his eyes as he responded, "Yeah, unprofessional is probably the PC terminology, although insubordination is closer to the truth."

Both agents eyes widened at that, but they did not comment as Tony continued.

"Both Agents McGee and Officer David believed they knew better than I, even though I was their superior and have many more years of investigative experience and education than they do, and they decided my orders were not worth following." Both junior agents glanced nervously at Gibbs when he let out an involuntary growl and looked even more pissed than before. They gratefully turned their attention back to Tony as he went on.

"Their unwillingness to see me as their superior and their inability to look beyond their first impression of me, led to their downfall. Both of them will be taking remedial classes in chain of command at FLETC and Officer David will be re-assigned to another department. Depending on his scores, there is a good chance that Agent McGee may be rejoining our team. I'm sure you've noticed the empty desk." Tony asked them.

Getting nods from both junior agents, Tony leaned back in his chair before he continued. "Make no mistake, McGee will not be stepping back in where he left off. All his team seniority is gone, it will be like he's a brand new agent, you will have more seniority than him." Getting another nod from them both, Tony moved on.

"Now, you both seem to be adjusting well to this co-leadership Gibbs and I are sharing, and you both have no problem following Cassie's orders. That's good, you both must have paid attention in your own chain of command classes. Unfortunately, Officer David put herself on par with Agent Gibbs and never once saw me as her superior, even if I was the SFA at that time, I was still her superior, she was the most junior member of the team, even Agent McGee was ranked above her, a fact she never acknowledged and tossed aside as unimportant."

"Well, sir that's just stupid! How could she think it was okay to act like that?" Agent Wilson asked agitatedly.

The two junior agents jumped when Gibbs slammed his hand down on the table before growling out, "THAT'S why they're gone and you're both now on this team!" Cassie and Tony traded amused glances as they both sat back and allowed Gibbs to take over. They were both curious to see how their probies did against Gibbs' wrath.

"If I ever, EVER see, or hear about either of you being disrespectful or insubordinate to Agent Yates or Agent DiNozzo, you will have my boot so far up your ass they'll have to remove it surgically!" Gibbs was leaning across the table and was glaring threateningly at them. Both Cassie and Tony had to smother smiles as they noticed Jardine and Wilson push their chairs back slightly from the table as they nodded vigorously in agreement.

"It's on me for not straightening those two out sooner, but I guarantee you, it will NEVER happen again on my watch! Do you understand exactly what I'm saying Agent Wilson?" Gibbs asked him in a dangerous tone.

"Y-yes, Agent Gibbs!" Wilson stuttered out.

Gibbs nodded once before turning his glare on Nikki. "Am I clear, Agent Jardine?" He growled out.

"Yes, yes, Agent Gibbs, yes!" Jardine managed to get out.

Gibbs sat back in his chair, crossing his arms again and glaring, as he ground out, "You better be sure I'm clear, this is your only warning."

Tony sat forward again, clearing his throat to get the junior agents attention, which they gratefully gave back to him.

"I should have corrected them sooner than I did also, but we've all learned from our mistakes." Tony's tone turned icy as he delivered the final message to their junior agents.

"Like Agent Gibbs told you, this will NEVER happen again! It's not only myself and Agent Yates you have to worry about. If I ever hear a hint of insubordination directed to or about Agent Gibbs, you'll have to deal with me, and believe me, my methods of correction can be, let's say creative." Tony warned them, wearing his shark smile that only got bigger when he saw both agents swallow nervously and nod in agreement.

"Any questions?" Cassie asked them.

"No, ma'am." Both agents replied, turning to look at her with wide eyes.

"Then you're dismissed, get back to your reports." She told them.

All three senior agents smirked as Jardine and Wilson nearly tripped over themselves in their haste to leave. As the door shut behind them, Cassie turned to Jethro, saying, "Damn Gibbs! It's been awhile since I've seen the bear! We almost had to clean up a mess!"

Gibbs snorted as Tony started laughing before adding, "Nah, he's more like a wolf, everything's okay, until it's not." as he smiled at Gibbs.

Gibbs reached out and squeezed the back of Tony's neck fondly as he replied, "Don't care which one, as long as they know where the line is and what will happen if they cross it!"

"Oh, I'm sure they know!" Tony replied as he gathered up the papers he had brought in with him.

"You're no slouch either Tony! I think the temperature dropped ten degrees in here when you laid out your orders! Remind me never to get you pissed at me!" Cassie told him as they all stood to leave.

"Yeah, not a place you want to be." Gibbs told her ruefully.

"I don't think either of you have to worry about that, and I doubt our probies will set one toe out of line, not that they've given any indication that they would, but just in case." Tony winked at them as they walked out the door and back to work.

End Flashback.


Jenny had smiled for two days following her viewing of the security footage of that meeting. She had no doubt that her new MCRT would never fall into that abyss again. Jenny also had a feeling their newest team would be getting an eye opener really soon when Agent McGee rejoined them. Jethro had been almost pleasant since he had returned, she knew that was largely due to Tony's influence, but she knew her ex-partner. McGee's slights against Tony would not go unpunished by Jethro.

Jenny smirked to herself when she thought of all the things Jethro may do to the younger agent to make up for Jethro's lack of attention in the past.

'Nothing he doesn't deserve!' Jenny thought to herself. She had been astounded at the level of arrogance McGee had displayed towards DiNozzo when she had read the transcripts and watched the security footage. She had also chastised herself for not identifying it sooner and taking action. Sighing to herself she focused back on the two men flanking her, that were explaining how McGee would fit back into the team.

"…needs to work on his hand to hand combat, Cassie can take care of that." Tony was saying.

A sharp bark of laughter from Jethro had Tony and Jenny turning towards him as he said with a feral grin, "Oh, I'll take care of his hand to hand combat training to start, Cassie can have him when I'm done."

Tony sighed deeply as he responded, "You can't break him Jethro, and no maiming!" He quickly added when he saw Jethro open his mouth to speak. "He needs his hands to type. I want him to show the rest of the team some of his hacking tricks so the team learns from each other. Me and Jardine are going to start teaching the others some of the languages they don't know and me and Cassie are going to work with them all on undercover skills. I think I'll have Dwayne work with McGee on social skills too, he's light years ahead of Tim on being able to talk to real people." Tony advised him.

Jethro snorted, but reluctantly agreed, before adding, "Fine, but he's gonna have bruises!"

"Oh, I expected him to!" Tony replied as he shared an evil grin with Jethro.

"Alright gentlemen, now that we've all agreed on the level of discomfort we will be subjecting Agent McGee to, have you given any thought to the joint operation the Coast Guard is proposing in regards to the drug ring uncovered on the USS Ronald Reagan?" Shepherd asked them.

"We go in undercover." Tony told her. "Assign me as Agent Afloat and Cassie as a new addition to the crew. Abby Borin has an agent who can also go under and Borin can shadow the boat with her team in a Coast Guard cutter in case things go sideways." Tony explained in a calm tone, not making eye contact with Gibbs.

"DiNozzo!" Gibbs growled out threateningly.

"It's the only way, Gibbs. Jardine and Wilson are still too green and McGee could not be on the boat with his, seasick problem." Tony told him calmly. "I trust Cassie and she's good undercover. I talked to Borin, her guy is also an undercover pro, we can probably crack it in a week, maybe two. You can certainly handle the probies on your own for that long." Tony finished up.

"That's not the issue DiNozzo, and you know it!" Gibbs heatedly replied, leaning forward and slamming his hand on the conference table. Jenny was impressed that Tony didn't even flinch in the face of Jethro's anger. "We don't know how far up this goes, hell the Captain could be involved for all we know, and he probably is considering what they've gotten away with!"

Tony sighed and started to say, "Gibbs…" before Jethro interrupted.

"NO! I am NOT risking you and Cassie and Borin's guy on this!" Jethro answered vehemently. "I KNOW you can do this. I KNOW Cassie can do this. Hell, I'm sure if Borin vouches for him, her guy can do this, but I KNOW how a ship works! If the Captain or XO are involved, there is NO PLACE you can hide!"

Tony leaned forward saying, "Gibbs, listen…" to plead his case before Jethro cut him off again.

"NO! You listen to me - if the Captain or XO are part of this they're going to be suspicious of anyone new, especially a new Agent Afloat that's friendly with two other new recruits! Borin can't tell us how many are involved, it could be hundreds! You know as well as I do how a ship works, orders are followed without question, any orders." Gibbs had an anguished look on his face and Tony lowered his gaze to the tabletop. Jenny remained silent in the charged atmosphere.

"They could do anything to you three and no one would ever know what happened to you. Even with Borin trailing the ship, she would still be out of their radar range and that's two hundred miles! If they were kind enough to just toss you in the water, you would never be found in time. More than likely they would dispose of you on board and then toss your bodies out with the trash, again, we'd never find you. This is too risky, I am NOT losing you over this!" Jethro finished in a low voice, with a determined look on his face.

Tony looked back up at him and swallowed, before replying, "Okay." with a nod of his head.

Jenny saw Jethro's anxiety ease as he slumped back in his chair. His relief could be felt throughout the room. Jenny observed Tony also relaxing back into his chair, she thought he also seemed somewhat relieved. She let the silence last a few more minutes before commenting, "Alright, we shelve the undercover plan. We'll find another way to handle it, I have some ideas."

Tony finally spoke up, "I might have some alternate ideas also, ma'am."

"I had hoped you would, we can go over them together." Jenny told him. She did not miss the proud smile Jethro aimed at Tony.

All three of them started when Jenny's intercom buzzed. Leaning forward with a wry smile, she answered. "Yes, Cynthia?"

"Ma'am, Agent McGee has arrived." Her assistant informed her. Both Jethro and Tony straightened in their chairs and she was amused to see a predatory look manifest itself on both of their faces. Smirking at the two men, she replied, "Send him in."


McGee was supremely disappointed to see that he and Ziva had easily been replaced. There was no sign of Tony or (Thank God!) Gibbs, but he knew one or both of them were probably somewhere around. He wouldn't be surprised to find out they were just avoiding him, he couldn't blame them.

He puzzled about all the extra desks in the bullpen as he made his way upstairs to the director's office. He wondered if Tony had been given his own team and they shared the space. He was sure he'd find out soon enough. Walking into the director's outer office, he was sad to see the smile quickly fall off Cynthia's face when she recognized who had entered.

McGee flinched when she spat out a frosty, "You're early, sit down agent." and went back to her typing, ignoring him for another ten minutes. At precisely 0800 hours, Cynthia thumbed the intercom and advised the director he was there. Hearing a simple "Send him in." in response, he rose and moved towards the door, Cynthia glaring at him the entire way.

Placing his hand on the doorknob, he took a final deep breath to calm himself before turning the handle and stepping inside.


Tim McGee's steps faltered as he took in who was waiting for him in the director's office. The director (of course), Tony (a surprise, but he could handle it), and Gibbs.

Crap, crap and double crap.

The look Gibbs was directing at him, didn't help either. He had seen that look on Gibbs' face before, when he had been staring down a particularly loathsome suspect in interrogation. McGee swallowed to wet his suddenly dry throat and jumped when the director spoke to him.

"Agent McGee, close the door and take a seat, we don't have all day!" Jenny Shepherd ordered him in a sharp voice, pleased when he jerked as if she had slapped him. Jenny followed his movements closely as he slowly closed the door and reluctantly sat at the other end of the table, within swatting distance of both Tony and Jethro.

"So, Agent McGee, how did you think your training went?" Jenny asked him as she leaned back in her chair.

Clearing his throat and moistening his lips nervously, McGee looked directly at her as he replied, "It-it was very informative, ma'am. I learned a lot and realized I missed a lot the first time I went through training. It was great..." His voice trailed off at the end and Jenny allowed the silence that fell after he stopped talking to linger for a minute.

Tapping a perfectly polished nail against the tabletop, Jenny continued. "I see. Tell me how your chain of command course went."

McGee shot a quick look to his left and right, noting the frown on Tony's face and the piercing stare Gibbs was giving him before he cleared his throat and answered the director. "I was…" he hesitated briefly as he sought the words he wanted to say. "The class illustrated, very clearly, how wrong I was in my treatment of Agent DiNozzo. I…" McGee lowered his gaze to the tabletop again before steeling his resolve and looking back up, directly into Tony's frowning face. "I can't believe I treated you so badly Agent DiNozzo. I was unbelievably arrogant and blinded by my own superiority." No one in the room made a sound and Tony's expression did not change. "We, um, we did these role playing scenes, and they were actually conversations we had. The other students, they started calling my character in those scenes Agent Asshole. It stung, but I listened to everything they said and I agree, I am Agent Asshole. I should have known better. It was almost worse when they made me play your part and I had to listen to the stupid crap me and Ziva said to you and I realized how much you had to put up with. There's no excuse for what I did, I should have known better." Tim mumbled this last bit, but everyone could hear him clearly in the silent room.

Tony sighed deeply before speaking. "I only ever wanted you to be a better agent, McGee. I wasn't trying to hurt you or make fun of you. You need a pretty thick skin to work in this profession, and you were greener than green when you came to us, but I think you've come a long way. Do you still think you can learn from us?" Tony asked him.

McGee's head snapped up before he replied eagerly, "Yes! I sure do! I thought a lot about it when I was off and I realized I would never feel as safe with anyone else, you and Gibbs never let me down or left me out to dry. I still have a lot to learn…" His words trailed off when he got a look at the feral smile Gibbs was directing at him. 'Oh, crap!' he thought. 'What if they put me on a team with only Gibbs! He'll kill me!'

McGee swallowed nervously again and caught the smirking smiles the director and Tony were exchanging before the director started talking again.

"Alright, Agent McGee, here's what's going to happen…" Jenny started.

McGee spent the next hour learning about the new expanded MCRT with both Gibbs and Tony in charge and learned about his new team mates. He also found out he was on the bottom of the totem pole, but he was strangely okay with that. He needed to earn his position and found he had no problem working for that. He was actually looking forward to working on a team that was not being tainted by Ziva's poison and where he felt secure in his place and in the support of his team mates. It would be quite a difference to work in an environment of mutual respect. The scariest part of the meeting was the part when Gibbs made it quite clear that insubordination would not be tolerated, EVER! He had also said that he had been wrong never to correct his and Ziva's behavior, and that it would not go unnoticed again.

After making sure McGee understood all the rules of his new team and what was expected of him, the director signed off on his new assignment and Tony and Gibbs marched him back downstairs to meet his new team mates and get settled at his desk. Which, McGee was horrified to discover was directly across from Gibbs. McGee swallowed again and forced his shoulders to relax as Gibbs followed his every movement with a hawk-like stare from behind his own desk. His new team mates were a bit reserved in their greetings, but he had not expected anything more. They must have heard what he had done. It only made his resolve stronger to let them see his best side and earn their trust. He watched in awe as Tony stood in the center of the bullpen and advised the junior agents about the cross training he and Jethro and Cassie had planned for them all. He had never seen such confidence in the other Agent and he was a little jealous at the easy rapport Tony had with the others. His biggest shock came, though, when Gibbs started teasing the younger agents about their upcoming hand to hand training and who thought they could take him. He must have been sitting with his mouth open because Cassie moved into his line of sight with a smirk and sat facing him on his own desk as the light banter went on behind her.

"It's a new day Agent McGee, think you can handle it, and us?" She asked him seriously.

McGee looked back at the rest of his team and noticed for the first time how relaxed and happy everyone seemed and how content Gibbs looked as he tilted his head back in laughter, something he had never seen before, and he realized Gibbs might not be so scary after all. He looked at Tony and saw his easy authority, but authority nonetheless and he watched how the rest of the team seemed so comfortable with each other and he realized, he wasn't the only one who had changed, and it was a good change and he wanted to be a part of it. Looking back up at Cassie, he smiled a wide, genuine smile and told her, "Yes, ma'am I do!"

Cassie smiled back at the sincerity she saw in his face and heard in his words and gently clapped him on the shoulder, saying, "Alright then, McGee, welcome aboard!" before standing and re-joining the others.

McGee felt that something had slotted into place in his life. He knew he was in for some tough times, but everything would be okay now, his team had his six. He went back to organizing his desk with a smile on his face.


Two Months Later.

Ziva David nervously checked her reflection in the mirror on her sun visor before exiting her car. She was about a hundred miles from DC on the grounds of the FLETC training facility in Virginia and she would be here for the next month. Ziva had spent a large portion of the last three and a half months re-evaluating her life and where she wanted to be.

Jenny had helped her a great deal by just being a friend. They had shopped and visited museums and spent long hours talking. It had been very therapeutic for her. She had refused contact with her father, and after a month he had stopped trying to talk to her. That had hurt her, to think that he wanted nothing to do with her if she could do nothing for him, but it did not really surprise her. She had known since she was a child that her worth depended on how useful a tool she could be to her father. When that was no longer an option, he had cut his losses.

Taking long walks, reading books she had never had time for in the past, and just sitting quietly thinking had helped her ground herself and find an inner peace she thought she had lost forever. In the beginning of her suspension, she had spent long afternoons talking to McGee while he was also on suspension. He had shared everything he had found out about Tony and they had discussed him at great length. She had been surprised to discover his education was even more extensive than what she had been aware of.

Her prior knowledge of Tony's education had almost cost her that contact though. McGee was incensed that she had already known about some of it and had still treated him the way she had. He had not spoken to her for three days and it had taken a lot of pleading on her part for him to come around. He had made it clear though, that he would never forget her deception and it would take a very long time for him to trust her again, if he ever did. She was just grateful that he had even given her a chance. Since he had returned to work, their meetings were not as frequent, but she heard from him at least once a week.

She had also spoken to Tony and Gibbs, at their house, and she had again expressed her regret at what had transpired. Although more forgiving, Tony had also made it clear that it would be best if they did not contact each other. The best they could ever hope for was a civil, working acquaintance, if they ever crossed paths at work in the future.

Gibbs had not even gone that far.

He had sat, stony-faced while she had talked, but he never acknowledged her words. He had stood when she had finished and spoke the only words to her that he could force himself to say: "Don't ever come back to our home." before turning his back and exiting the room. She had been shaken by his easy dismissal, but after talking it over with Jenny and McGee, she agreed with their assessment that she had gotten off lightly with the two men.

She still, sometimes missed hearing their voices, and not a day passed when she didn't chastise herself for everything she had thrown away. Abby, Palmer and even Ducky had refused to speak with her and McGee told her it wasn't likely that would change soon. It had taken two months after he had returned to work for the ice that had built up between him and the three of them to start to melt, and their reception to him was still frosty at best. He told her he still sported a bruise on his arm at least once a week from Abby, she didn't talk to him unless it involved the case, but she always made sure to leave a bruise.

Ziva had been incredulous at the new expanded MCRT and how everyone was working together. She did not believe Gibbs could ever joke with his team until McGee had taken a clandestine video of the team laughing and had shown her. The video had shaken Ziva as she realized again what all she had lost. She could have easily been a part of that if she had not thought so highly of herself and alienated everyone in her life. McGee secretly doubted that Ziva would have ever been able to fit in like that, but he kept that opinion to himself.

Taking a deep breath, Ziva grabbed her duffle bag and entered the facility, checking in at the reception desk. After discovering who she was, she was not surprised to see the contempt for her, plainly visible on the face of the agent at the desk. After tersely ordering her to take a seat, he had made a brief call, before glaring daggers at her while she waited. About ten minutes later, the door behind the check-in agent opened and a tall man, with military bearing stepped out, eyeing her like a predator.

"ZIVA DAVID, FRONT AND CENTER!" He had barked at her and she had jumped up to stand at attention in front of him, dropping her bag at her feet.


"Yes, Sir!" Ziva answered him, while still at attention.

"I CAN'T HEAR YOU DAVID! WHAT WAS THAT?" He shouted into her ear as he circled her like a panther.

"YES, SIR!" Ziva screamed, as loud as she could, trying to stay as still as possible.

Reilly stopped behind her and leaned in close to her ear to whisper, "I'm going to be your personal instructor, David, and guess what? When I think we're all done here, you're gonna come work for me on the firing range, if you don't wash out." Reilly smiled when he saw Ziva flinch at that news. He would have to thank Jethro, his idea of taking over David's training and evaluating her was stellar. He would know in a few days if she was worth the effort and if her contrition was genuine. He had gotten the whole story from Jethro personally and had watched the security footage with the director. What he had seen disgusted him and he was determined to highlight David's lack of character, and correct it. Plus, he would know if he wanted her on his team. The director had given him carte blanche in deciding David's fate, if he sensed he couldn't trust her, she would be gone.

Other recruits for this class had arrived while Reilly was dressing David down and they stood mute behind them. Obviously wondering what they might have gotten themselves into. Reilly traded a smirk with Mackey, who was manning the desk today to greet the new recruits, and decided to cut the others some slack. Striding back over to the desk, he took the file that Mackey handed him and announced, "I'll take care of this one Agent, special case. Think you can handle the rest of the class?"

"Oh, I think we got it covered, sir." Mackey informed him before turning an evil smile in David's direction and adding, "See you in chain of command class, Officer David." in a mocking voice.

"DAVID! GRAB YOUR GEAR AND FOLLOW ME!" Reilly bellowed as he marched back through the door he come in from, knowing David would be scrambling right behind him. He smiled to himself as he heard the sounds of relief and comments from the other recruits, glad they were not in Officer David's shoes.

'They oughta be relieved!' Reilly thought to himself as he strode briskly down the corridor, hearing David struggling to keep up with him. 'This is gonna be fun!'


Tim McGee groaned as he gingerly lowered himself into his car. Cassie's tai-chi 'training' had left him sore in places he didn't think he could get sore in. He was seriously starting to wonder if Gibbs, Tony, Cassie and Abby had a schedule of what bruises he had and which ones they were going to inflict on him at their next meeting. He had thought Abby's were random, but she always seemed to give him a new one when the ones he already had from training were starting to fade.

He had hoped for a quiet day on their last working day of the year, but Gibbs and Tony had decided the team needed to have a little PT to burn off energy and he had been paired with Cassie. Not that Dwayne and Nikki had fared any better. Tony had done hand to hand training with Nikki and Dwayne had sparred with Gibbs. While he loved his new team, he couldn't help feeling a little better when the other two junior agents had been moving almost as gingerly as he had.

He sat hunched over in his cold car as the snow fell, head on his steering wheel as he worked up the energy to start the car and drive back to his empty apartment. Normally, he would have been eager to have the last two weeks of the year off, so he could enjoy the holidays, but he had nothing planned and no one to share the time with. His mother was on a cruise with her new husband, his father was on a ship somewhere (not that he would have jumped to spend time with the bastard), and his sister Sarah was on a ski trip with her friends.

Both his mother and sister had been very disappointed in him when he had told them why he had been suspended and he didn't think their sudden holiday travel was coincidence. They were very vocal in their belief that he had to take time to think about what he had done and get his head on straight again. The irony of his solitary holiday was not lost on him. He knew Tony had spent the majority of his holidays alone, before getting involved with Gibbs. He figured it was just karma repaying him for being such an arrogant shit. He couldn't even talk to Ziva, she had reported to FLETC a few days ago and he didn't expect to hear from her for another month.

Resigned to his reclusive holiday season, McGee sighed deeply and was just starting to push himself up to start his car and go home when he was startled by a loud rapping on his car window. Slowing his heart rate down when he identified Tony on the other side of the glass with a smirking Gibbs behind him. He wound down his window, almost hoping they had a case so he would have something to do.

"Hey McPrancer! Glad you haven't dashed off yet. Be at the house on Sunday and bring your jammies. We're gonna have hot chocolate and cookies and movies and if you're really good, we'll let you wait up for Santa!" Tony told him as Gibbs' smile grew.

"Really?" McGee excitedly asked, before backtracking. "A-are you sure? I don't want to intrude, I'm sure you both have better things to do…" he stuttered.

"McGee! We wouldn't have asked if we weren't sure! Nobody should be alone on Christmas." Tony told him with a soft smile.

"How did you know…" McGee started to say before Tony interrupted again.

"Very Special Agent, McGee! I see all. Besides, you won't be the only one there, so you're not crashing our party. Bring a nice suit too, Gibbs and I may have some things to say to each other. See ya, Sunday!" Tony waved enthusiastically as he dragged Gibbs to his car, pushed him into the passenger side and then jogging around to the driver's seat before they peeled out of the lot.

McGee felt a smile taking over his face as he mentally reviewed all the things he'd have to get done between now and Sunday. He didn't even notice his sore muscles anymore as he started his car and prepared to drive out of the lot.

Wait a minute! Did Tony say to bring a suit and he and Gibbs would be saying things to each other? McGee sat in his car and blinked a few times as Tony's words sunk in. Holy crap! I think Tony just invited me to his Christmas wedding to Gibbs!


Gibbs chuckled to himself as Tony raced them home in his Mustang. "You enjoyed that too much, babe."

Tony grinned wickedly as he responded, "I can't help it, McProbie is just too easy."

Shaking his head fondly, Gibbs asked, "How long do you think it will take him?"

"Only a couple minutes, I hope! He's still a little dense, but I think he's come a long way." Tony replied conversationally.

Gibbs snorted out a laugh before replying, "You sure about this? I know he's not the same snot he was four months ago, but it hasn't been that long."

"I'm sure." Tony quietly replied. "He's trying so hard, and he really has changed. He doesn't bat an eye at any of the McNicknames I come up with, and that used to be his biggest trigger." Tony explained.

"Yeah. I really expected something when you called him McPrancer, but he just looked happy that you were talking to him. Kinda makes me feel a little bad about how I've been treating him." Jethro told him.

At Tony's skeptical raised eyebrow, he added, "I said kinda, not that I really was feeling bad, he deserves more than what he's gotten for what he did!" Gibbs grumbled.

"Okay, okay! Did you say mom was cooking tonight?" Tony asked, skillfully changing the subject, he didn't want to go there again!

"Yup!" Jethro brightly responded, sitting straighter in his seat. "She's making her pot roast and broccoli rice casserole!"

"Mmm! She's making that casserole for Christmas Eve too, isn't she?" Tony asked.

"Oh, yeah! She promised you she would, don't worry!" Jethro chuckled.

"Is Christy coming tonight?" Tony asked.

"Nah, she's busy working on that bill for Senator Barnes. She said she would be there on Christmas Eve and Christmas no matter what the Senator wants." Jethro told him.

"What about Jake and the kids?" Tony asked.

"Shaun has a final tomorrow morning, they're driving down after he takes the test." Jethro said.

"Cool." Tony replied and then lapsed into silence. It had started to snow and Tony had slowed down to be safe.

Tony thought about how much his life had changed in the past few months and about how lucky he was. He and Jethro had gained a mother officially when Jackson and Sarah had wed on November 22nd, last month, just before Thanksgiving at the Fielding Farm. Both he and Jethro had gotten to know and really like both of Sarah's children, Christy and Jake. Christy was a career woman who worked for a Senator, here in DC and had never married or had kids. Jake was an assistant DA in Philadelphia who was divorced with two kids in college, twins Sadie and Shaun, both going to NYU.

Sarah's kids and the twins adored Jackson and were very happy for them both. They all had no problem with Tony and Jethro's relationship and Christy had actually huddled with Abby to discuss strategies for Tony and Jethro's upcoming wedding in a few days. Jake's daughter Sadie had immediately hit it off with Abby too, and had traveled down to DC on the weekends to meet with her aunt Christy and Abby to also help.

There really wasn't a lot to plan. He and Jethro were having the ceremony at home on Christmas Day. Jethro had called in a few markers and a local judge would be performing their ceremony. The man was actually happy to do it. He had no living family and was looking forward to joining them for Christmas dinner after he married them.

The girls had told them both when and where to go to be fitted for their tuxes and were taking care of the flowers and cake. They did have invitations, but they had all been hand delivered, either at work or at Thanksgiving last month. Sarah's children and grandchildren were invited, of course, and at work, Jenny, Ducky, Jimmy, Breena, Abby, Cassie, Nikki, Dwayne and now Tim. They were doing a buffet style dinner on Christmas Eve, because they had a full-sit down dinner planned for Christmas day. Tony had also insisted on a real tree this year. He had always been okay with his small, fake tree on top of his piano in his apartment, but not for their house. They had a full-size tree in the front window, that Tony was very proud of.

His piano, that was now housed in their den, was now the setting for Tony's miniature Bedford Falls lighted village. It had taken nearly a day to set it up and get it just right to Tony's specifications. He couldn't believe that in four short days, he would be marrying Jethro. His life was certainly charmed.

Tony came out of his contemplations as they turned onto their street and Jethro squeezed his knee. Smiling warmly at his fiancé, Tony parked in their garage and shut off the car. In the silence after the garage door had rumbled down, Jethro unsnapped his seatbelt and slid over to cover Tony's mouth with his own. Running his fingers through Tony's hair, Jethro deepened the kiss and started to caress Tony's chest with his free hand. Tony moaned and moved his own hand over to slide around Jethro's waist. A few short minutes later, both men pulled away, gasping for breath, with cheeks flushed.

"We better get inside before we can't walk straight." Jethro told him.

Tony chuckled, but agreed, saying, "Yeah, we'll have plenty of time to play tonight. You said we could test out your workbench in the basement after the parents went up to bed?" Tony questioned as he exited the car.

Jethro barked out a laugh as he came around the back of the car and pulled Tony into a quick embrace, pecking him on the cheek as he replied, "I think I can arrange that."

Tony stole another kiss before they heard Jackson's voice through the door into the house informing them that dinner was ready. Jackson would have been inclined in the past to open the door and catch his boys in a compromising situation, but Tony and Jethro catching him and Sarah knocking boots in the fall had cooled that impulse. Both couples had an unspoken agreement to leave each other alone. While they still occasionally teased, Jackson and Sarah no longer sought to catch their boys out, they had learned their lesson.

Jethro released Tony, with one final kiss, and pushed him towards to door into the house, smacking his ass as Tony started up the four steps. Tony looked back with a smoldering look and commented, "We could do that tonight too, Jethro." Before disappearing into the house through the door.

Jethro groaned and adjusted himself as thoughts of a naked Tony made his trousers tight and made him wish the evening would pass quickly. He couldn't wait to get his man naked in their basement tonight. Jethro ran up the short flight of stairs and closed the door behind him as he again thought how good it was to be home.


Tony moaned into the makeshift gag Jethro had shoved into his mouth to keep him quiet as Jethro pounded deeper into his ass. Both men were completely naked and Jethro was soundly fucking Tony, who was bent over the workbench in the basement. As much as they loved Jackson and Sarah, they had been very anxious for them to go up to bed and let them sneak down to the basement for some one on one time.

Tony moaned again into the rag stuffed into his mouth as Jethro changed his angle, hitting Tony's prostate and reached around to wrap his hand around Tony's dripping erection. Tony mewled as Jethro expertly worked his cock, quickly bringing him to the edge of his endurance. Tony lay his cheek down, directly on the workbench, bringing a sharp smell of wood to his nostrils. The scent, which was so much Jethro, was enough to send him over the edge and he pushed back onto Jethro's cock, clenching his internal muscles as he came all over Jethro's hand and the side of the bench, moaning into his gag.

The feel of Tony coming, the sounds he made and the sight of Tony bent submissively over the bench in front of him, while he thrust deeply into him were enough for Jethro. After milking all the come out of Tony's cock, Jethro grabbed onto Tony's hips and started thrusting sharply in and out. Jethro looked down and was mesmerized at the sight of his large cock being swallowed by Tony's tight hole. He gave a few more deep thrusts and then pushed as far inside as he could as he came inside Tony, suppressing his own roar.

Both men were panting harshly and Jethro leaned forward to pepper little kisses on Tony's shoulders while Tony sighed happily. They both held each other up until Jethro's softened cock slipped out of Tony, allowing a torrent of lube and semen to run down Tony's legs. Jethro kissed Tony's shoulder one last time and removed the gag from Tony's mouth, chuckling as Tony spit cotton fibers out, and then tried to clean up the mess escaping from Tony's ass. Jethro had squatted down behind Tony, to better clean him and this vantage point convinced him more would be needed.

Jethro stood up again and placed a gentle kiss in the small of Tony's back as he told him, "Wait here, babe. I need to get something else to clean up."

Smiling at the sleepy "Okay." he heard from Tony, who was still bent over the bench, Jethro caressed Tony's hip and then jogged upstairs to get a wet washcloth from the bathroom directly off the kitchen. Making sure the coast was clear, Jethro quickly cleaned himself and then took a warm cloth down to do a better job of cleaning Tony.

Finding Tony had not moved a muscle, Jethro efficiently cleaned his lover, back and front, and gathered their clothes before steering a very sleepy Tony up the stairs and to their bedroom, switching off lights as they went. Jethro took a chance by not dressing again, but they did not encounter anyone as they both walked naked to their room. Tony was asleep on his feet as they finally reached their destination and Jethro tucked Tony into their bed, not bothering with even boxers as he pulled the covers over them both. Tony had rolled onto his side and Jethro spooned himself closely behind him, pulling the younger man tight against his body. Sleep had already claimed Tony as Jethro placed a tender kiss behind Tony's ear and followed his love into a deep, contented sleep.


Tim McGee shut off his car and took a deep, calming breath as he looked at the festively decorated house. He had never known Gibbs to decorate, but he was sure that was Tony's influence. After figuring out that the two men were together months ago, Tim had done some serious re-evaluating. He recalled incidents and conversations in a new light and he determined that he was lucky to be alive. If Gibbs had heard some of the things he had said to Tony, they would not be able to find any trace of his body. He had inwardly cringed at some of the things Gibbs had heard, and he could only conclude Gibbs had been distracted or Tony had brushed it off as nothing significant. Another thing he really owed Tony for.

After Gibbs had come back from Mexico, he had been a new man. He was easy to smile and his laughter rang out in the bullpen almost as much as Tony's. While Tim still had a healthy respect for Gibbs, he didn't shake in his shoes every time the man spoke anymore. In fact, Tim's stuttering was at an all time low and his confidence grew every day. He had realized that the more easy going Gibbs had always been there, that's what Tony had always seen and why Tony had never been afraid of Gibbs. He had quickly seen beyond the bastard image and sought out the real man. Tim sighed, another example of him not being smart enough to look beyond the mask.

Catching a glimpse of Gibbs laughing with an older, petite woman near the fireplace, shook Tim out of his musings. He exited the car and retrieved everything he had brought with him from the back seat, including the garment bag that contained his best suit. He had been pleased beyond measure that Tony and Gibbs had invited him for Christmas and to their wedding, so he was going to look his best to honor them. Every day he was grateful for the second chance he had been given and he was not about to waste it.

After ringing the doorbell, Tim waited anxiously on the porch. A few seconds later the door was flung open by a smiling Tony who waved him in saying, "Get in here McGee! Put your stuff upstairs, first door on the left and then grab some food!" After piling everything in the room upstairs, Tim quickly made his way back down and was introduced to everyone. He was surprised to find out that Jackson was newly married and that his new wife had grown children and grandchildren that Tony and Gibbs seemed close to.

McGee had been there about an hour, mingling with everyone, Christmas music playing softly in the background, when he heard the front door open and a blur of black and cold air rushed past, jingling all the way.

"Tony! Tony! Tony! I can't believe its almost time! Are you excited? Wait 'till you see what Christy and Sadie and I planned, you're gonna love it! Where's Gibbs?" Abby asked him breathlessly while she searched the room for Gibbs. Her gaze fell on McGee, who was sitting on the couch debating the merits of online gaming with Jake's son Shaun. She did not frown, nor did she glare at him. The only reaction she had was to tilt her head to the side as if she needed to see him from a new perspective. Her attention slid off of him and McGee saw her face light up with delight. Thinking Gibbs had finally found his way to her, he was therefore very surprised when his team mate Dwayne Wilson walked up and handed her a gift bag that she must have forgotten in the car.

McGee blinked as he watched the scene play out before him. Abby had squealed and enveloped Dwayne in a tight embrace as he kissed her cheek. Gibbs and Jackson walked up to them and McGee watched the warm welcome both Gibbs men extended to the couple.

Couple. Abby and Dwayne were a couple.

How had he missed that! He was so intent on figuring out that puzzle, that McGee was unaware that Shaun had gotten up to get some snacks and someone else had settled on the couch next to him, so he jumped a little when a strong hand clamped onto his shoulder. Whipping his head around, Tim smiled sheepishly at Tony.

"You gonna be alright Tim?" Tony quietly asked.

"Yeah! Sure. I just," Tim looked down at his hands before continuing. "I still have a lot of work to do I guess, I didn't notice that at all." Tim responded while fiddling with the glass he was holding.

"Don't beat yourself up, they're keeping it quiet and Dwayne is almost as good at that as I am, if I do say so myself." Tony informed him with a touch of pride in his voice.

"Yeah, he sure is. I had no idea." Tim responded, keeping his eyes firmly on his glass.

"McGee, look at me." Tony said in a gently commanding voice, compelling Tim to raise his gaze and look straight at Tony. Tony searched his face for a few minutes before asking, "Is this gonna be a problem Tim? Are you still hung up on Abby?"

"What? NO! No. She's like a little sister now, that's not it. I'm just disappointed in myself for not picking up on any clues or even getting a feeling about it! I thought I was getting much better at that." Tim let out a frustrated sigh as he flopped back into a slouch.

Tony chuckled before responding, "I told you, you didn't miss anything! Both me and Gibbs have been watching Dwayne since we found out and the kid doesn't give anything away. I think he'll be as good undercover as I am, which is a relief, because I'm really not wanting to do that anymore. As for Abby, you really don't interact with her that much and frankly, she's usually pissed when you're down in her lab. Anger overrides all other emotions, you wouldn't see it when she's pissed."

"Yeah, I know." Tim said morosely, absently rubbing his freshly bruised shoulder.

Tony chuckled as he patted McGee's knee, "So, everything's cool then?" he asked as he stood up.

"Yeah, everything's cool." Tim replied with a soft smile as he took another sip of his drink.

"Get something to eat man, you want to be awake when the movies start!" Tony told him enthusiastically before moving off to find Gibbs.


Gibbs watched Tony making his way over to him from across the room. He was sidetracked by the arrival of their last guests for tonight, Ducky, Jimmy, Breena, Tobias and Emily. Jenny was at an official function and Cassie was spending time with her parents. Both would be there for the ceremony and dinner tomorrow. Nikki was spending the holiday with her bother Arthur at the rehab center, but would be present for the ceremony also. Hopefully, both she and her brother would be able to join them for Easter. It's a good thing Tony was detail oriented and Gibbs thought with military precision, if not, they wouldn't be able to keep track of who was sleeping where.

Gibbs ran over the plans as he watched Tony fussing over Emily's dress and coordinating the coats and presents and food. Jake and his kids were staying with Christy. Ducky was providing accommodations for Jimmy, Breena, Abby and Dwayne. Jack, Sarah, Tobias, Emily and Tim were all staying here. It's too bad Ducky sold Reston House last year when his mom passed, they could have all stayed there in one place.

Jethro sipped his drink with an amused expression, still amazed Tony was able to wrangle so many things at one time. After getting everyone unwrapped from their coats and putting everything where it needed to be, Tony walked the final few steps and snuggled into Jethro's side, sighing as he buried his face in Jethro's neck, breathing in the calming scent of his love.

"Jeez! This family thing is exhausting! You sure we need all these people here?" Tony asked as he tightened his arms around Jethro.

Jethro snorted out a laugh as he kissed the top of Tony's head, saying quietly, "Hell no! You know I'd be happy with just you, naked under the tree!"

Apparently it wasn't quiet enough though, Sarah smacked Jethro's arm as she walked by and scolded him to "Behave!", while Christy snickered and winked at the two men as she followed her mother past them with a tray of nibbles. Tony shook against him with barely contained laughter and Jethro blushed red, before grabbing Tony's hand and dragging him back through the kitchen and down into the basement. Jethro set his glass down on the bench and pulled Tony in for a deep kiss, leaving them both breathless.

"You think that's funny, huh?" Jethro teased him as he pulled him in closer and kneaded Tony's ass through his tight jeans, making the younger man moan and harden immediately.

Tony wriggled against Jethro, feeling his answering hardness through their layers of clothes. "A little bit, yeah." Tony teased back before leaning in and nibbling on Jethro's jaw line, getting a responding moan.

Jethro allowed Tony to play for a few minutes before pulling back and telling him, "I think you forgot something though, babe." as he kissed Tony's hands.

"What's that?" Tony asked him in a husky voice.

Jethro leaned in and whispered in his ear, "You're wearing jeans that look like they were painted on, they show everything!" Jethro emphasized this point by running his hand over Tony's prominent erection, making the younger man's breathing increase and a soft moan escape before he continued, "and I'm wearing baggy pants that don't show a thing!"

Tony's eyes popped open and he quickly looked down, verifying that, yes, Jethro had opted for the baggy black pants that hid his arousal perfectly. His head snapped up and he scowled at Jethro, as the older man chuckled and kissed him on the nose before heading back upstairs.

"Damn it Jethro!" Tony exclaimed to his retreating back, Jethro's laughter echoing down as he closed the door behind him, leaving Tony alone in the basement with his big problem.

Tony stalked over to the bench and downed Jethro's drink in one gulp. Sighing, he looked out at the gently falling flakes and resigned himself to a self-imposed 'timeout' in the basement, until he could get things under control. He poured himself another shot of bourbon from Jethro's stash as he thought of cold showers and blue lights. Yeah, the blue lights were enough to calm any ardor he had. Tony sat quietly on the stool as he watched the snow and finished his drink, thinking how very lucky he was to be alive.


Their evening plans went off without a hitch. Everyone settled in to watch A Christmas Story as the light faded from the sky. Ralphie's quest for his Red Rider gun had everyone laughing and in a good mood as they ate their way through a delicious buffet style dinner. Not long after the leftovers had been put away, singing could be heard from outside. Everyone crowded onto the porch to listen to the four carolers, dressed in authentic Dickensian garb, singing on the front walk. Tony dashed inside before they finished and gifted them with four cups of hot mulled cider before they moved along to another house.

After unwrapping the presents they had gotten for each other (after assuring Emily that she would have presents from Santa to unwrap in the morning), and oohing and ahhing over their bounty, they all settled down to watch It's A Wonderful Life, complete with caramel popcorn and more mulled cider, hot chocolate for Em. As the final credits rolled, those who were sleeping elsewhere, gathered their things and said their goodnights, promising to be back by 1100 hours, so they could witness Tony and Jethro's vows.

After supervising the placing of the milk and cookies for Santa, and carrot sticks for the reindeer, a very sleepy Emily was tucked into bed in Kelly's old room upstairs. Tobias would be sleeping on a roll out cot in the same room. Tony was very proud of Jethro, he had not questioned the need to use the room and had thought it very fitting a little girl would be sleeping there, dreaming about Santa.

Jack and Sarah went up right after Emily was put to bed, after getting assurances from Jethro and Tony that no additional help was needed to set up for tomorrow. They occupied the larger of the guest rooms, with their own attached bath and Tim would have the smaller room, sharing the main bathroom in the hall with Tobias and Emily.

Tobias came back downstairs and helped Jethro, Tony and Tim set up the table for tomorrow's sit-down Christmas dinner/wedding reception. Jethro and Tony put the leaves into the dinning room table and added the extra folding tables on the end, making enough room for the nineteen guests they would be having tomorrow (Nikki was taking plates back to the center to share Christmas dinner with her brother). The tables extended from the kitchen to just inside the living room. The space by the fireplace was left alone, that's where Tony and Jethro would be standing, next to the tree, to take their vows. After the large tablecloth was placed, you could not tell it was not all one big table. Tony and Jethro placed the centerpieces and all the place cards Abby had made while Tobias and Tim made sure each place setting was complete and perfect.

Stepping back to admire their handiwork when they were finished, the four men were quite impressed and thought their guests would approve. Their last order of business was getting out the presents. Tobias ran out to his car to retrieve Emily's presents from Santa from his trunk, while Jethro disappeared into the basement to retrieve what he had hidden down there. Tony extracted presents from his car in the garage and the front hall closet, while Tim collected his extra stash from his car. When everything was arranged under the tree, all of them smiled when they realized that everyone would be getting a visit from Santa tomorrow, not just Emily. Allowing McGee to drink the milk, the four men each grabbed a cookie and made sure to leave some crumbs on the plate. The carrot sticks were divided between Tony and McGee, both older men declining to impersonate flying elk.

Tim and Tobias said their goodnights and made their way upstairs to sleep. Tony and Jethro sat wrapped around each other on the couch watching the fire and the twinkling lights on the tree, the only source of illumination in the room.

Both men sat quietly for some time, each lost in their own thoughts before Tony sighed deeply and asked, "You ready for tomorrow?"

"Sure, Santa comes every year, Tony." Jethro replied.

Tony snorted out a laugh and playfully smacked Jethro on the leg, "Smartass! You know what I mean!"

Jethro chuckled and hugged Tony tighter to him, kissing his temple he said, "Very ready, can't wait actually. You will officially be mine."

Jethro could hear Tony's smile as he replied, "And you will belong to me, not that I didn't think you already did!"

"We better head up, big day tomorrow." Jethro informed him as he disentangled himself and stood up to put out the fire.

Tony moaned and snuggled back on the couch pouting, "Do we have to? Can't we can just sleep here?" He asked in a pleading tone.

"Nope, let's go. We both need our beauty sleep for tomorrow and Emily is going to have everyone up at the crack of dawn." Jethro replied, grabbing one of Tony's hands and hauling him up from the couch.

"Arghh, I forgot about that!" Tony groused. "At least we could pretend not to hear her, Tobias will have to get up." Tony replied hopefully as they made their way upstairs.

"Nah, we're getting up. A kid on Christmas morning is not something to be missed." Jethro softly told him as they entered their room.

Tony closed the door and kissed Jethro tenderly before saying, "You know how much I love you, right?"

"Yup. As much as I love you." Jethro replied, returning an equally tender kiss.

Ten minutes later both men were snuggled together under the covers, snoring lightly. The excitement of the day and the late hour putting the kibosh on any romantic thoughts they might have had. The snow continued to fall, covering everything in a fluffy white blanket as the quiet house slept, anticipating the laughter and happiness tomorrow would bring.


As predicted, Emily was up before the sun. A little after 6:30am all the adults in the house were roused by an excited child trying valiantly to get her father moving quicker so she could see what Santa brought.

All four bedroom doors opened at once as six, barely awake adults and one hyper child spilled into the upstairs hallway at the same time. Emily was hopping up and down in front of Tobias excitedly saying, "Daddy, Daddy, c'mon, we have to see what Santa brought!"

Tobias Fornell wiped his hand down over his face, trying to wake himself up a little as he said, "Alright Em, calm down, I'm coming!" He sent an apologetic smile to everyone else in the hall, all in their jammies and robes and saw five knowing smirks looking back at him.

"C'mon daddy, c'mon!" Emily pleaded as she pulled him down the hall and down the stairs.

Tony kissed Jethro on the cheek as he told him sleepily, "You need to make some coffee, soon!"

Jethro and Jackson chuckled as Sarah reached up to pat Tony's cheek saying, "Jackson will start the coffee and I'll get breakfast going after the presents are opened." Turning to smile at a disheveled McGee, Sarah lead the way downstairs, Jackson right on her heels and Jethro behind him.

Tony sidled up to McGee, throwing an arm over his shoulder and guiding the younger man down the stairs, commenting, "Nice bed head McGoo and the Spongebob jammies are a nice touch. Did you sleep well?"

McGee, giving a pointed look at Tony's own spiky bed head, and making Tony chuckle, replied, "Yeah, pretty good, and Spongebob was a birthday gift from Sarah, they're comfortable!"

"Noted. I'm a fan of Bikini Bottom too, and they do look comfortable." Tony chuckled. Both men came to a stop just inside the living room, marveling at the pure joy that was radiating off of Emily as she whirled around the room pointing out all the magical transformations that Santa was obviously responsible for. Pointing out the dining room table and how it was set, and the empty plate with the cookie crumbs and one gnawed carrot stick left, plus the empty glass, thrilled her.

Jethro walked up to Tony, handing him a doctored cup of coffee and telling McGee to help himself, McGee smiled and moved off to the kitchen. Tony brought his cup up to his face and inhaled deeply, saying, "Bless you!" Jethro chuckled and steered Tony over to the easy chair next to the tree. Sitting down, Jethro pulled Tony down next to him, nestling them both on the chair. Jackson and McGee walked out of the kitchen, both holding two mugs. Jackson passed his extra mug to Sarah and then sat close to her on the couch. McGee handed his extra mug to Tobias, who smiled gratefully at McGee before the younger man settled on the floor next to the couch.

"Now, Daddy? Now?" Emily chanted while she bounced on the floor in front of the tree, making all the adults chuckle.

"Yes, Em, now. Make sure you check the tags, they're not all for you!" Tobias cautioned her as she started tearing off wrapping.

Tony leaned in and whispered to Jethro, "Ya know, I didn't expect her to think Santa did the table, but I'm okay with that." Jethro leaned over and kissed Tony's cheek, whispering back, "Yeah, that surprised me too, but it's kinda cute." Tony turned to look at him as he replied, "Yeah, it is." with a brilliant smile. Tony snuggled a little closer to Jethro and placed his head on the older man's shoulder as they watched the little girl in front of them tearing into her presents.

Both men were enjoying the spectacle they were witnessing, both for different reasons. Tony was remembering the last Christmas he had with his mother and smiled at the rare, happy memory that rose to the surface of his mind. Jethro was remembering the joy of Christmases long past and the delight of another little girl, and his heart ached a little at the bittersweet memories. Tony, sensing Jethro's distress, pulled Jethro's arms tighter around him and laced their fingers together over Tony's stomach. Jethro pulled himself away from the pain and reminded himself how lucky he was to have the time he had with Kelly and how fortunate he was to have found Tony.

Jackson and Sarah watched the proceedings as they snuggled together on the couch. Jackson had visions of Leroy, when he was little and just as excited on Christmas morning. Sarah was thinking of her children when they were small and the happy Christmases they shared with her late husband. Tim McGee was having a ball, reliving his own happy Christmas memories and remembering the fun he had when he and his sister had been young.

Tobias sat back comfortably on the couch, sipping his coffee and thoroughly enjoying the precious memory that was unfolding before him. Em would soon grow out of this stage and her infectious joy would wane as her teenage hormones took over, but he would always have this. He was grateful to Jethro and Tony for creating such a wonderful holiday for them, this was more than he could have ever hoped for. Locking his gaze with Jethro's, he raised his coffee cup in a silent toast of thanks, receiving a smile and nod in acknowledgement.

After the flurry of wrapping paper and squeals of delight, the adults had a leisurely breakfast while Emily slept off her adrenaline crash on the couch. Tony and Jethro stayed downstairs to clean up any stray wrapping paper while the others went upstairs to get ready for the ceremony. Jackson and Sarah were the first back downstairs, freeing up their room for Tony to use. With a parting kiss to Jethro, Tony jogged up the stairs and grabbed everything he needed, retreating to the guest room. Jethro waited until Ducky arrived with his young charges, bearing food, flowers and the wedding cake, which Abby refused to let him see. With Jackson, Sarah and Ducky all pushing him towards the stairs, Jethro finally relented and made his way up to the second floor. Pausing briefly at the closed guest room door, he finally entered the master bedroom and closed the door to prepare himself for the ceremony that would make Tony his forever.


While all their guests mingled and chatted quietly downstairs, Tony and Jethro emerged from their bedrooms and regarded each other in the hall outside their rooms. Both men were stunning in perfectly tailored black Armani Tuxes. Jethro wearing a blue tie that complimented the color of his eyes and Tony a green one, for the same reason.

Both men were speechless at the sight of the other. Moving close, but not touching, they were close enough to detect the scent of each other. Tony inhaled the familiar scent of Old Spice, sawdust and Jethro. Jethro detected the light scent of the expensive cologne Tony wore and the enticing musky scent that was all Tony. Both men were aroused, but by mutual silent agreement, they simply leaned forward and pressed their cheeks together.

Jethro murmured, "You ready, babe?"

"For years love, let's go." Tony responded, pulling back and taking Jethro's left hand in his own right. The moved to the top of the stairs and waited for the music to start.

Both men were looking down the stairs when Abby appeared at the bottom and squealed at the sight that awaited her above. Running back out of sight and telling everyone to be quiet. Tony and Jethro smiled at each other as they heard the first bars of the song they had chosen to walk in with, Let There Be Love by Nat King Cole. Taking a final breath, Jethro brought their clasped hands up and kissed Tony's hand with his eyes locked on Tony's. With a final nod, the two men walked downstairs, hand in hand and past all their smiling friends and family to stand next to the tree, in front of the fireplace and Jethro's friend, Judge Andrew Clark.

The ceremony took less than ten minutes. They went with a traditional ceremony and Jack burst out laughing when the Judge asked if anyone had any objections and Jethro glared everyone down, daring them to say a word. Jethro ducked his head sheepishly when he looked back at Tony and saw his head shake and fond smile.

The most memorable though, was during the ring exchange. The two men had opted to say a few words to each other as they placed the ring on each others fingers. Jethro went first.

Sliding the platinum band on Tony's finger he said, "I promise to always be there for you. You gave me my life back, and I will never let you go. You've made me so happy, I love you so much, Tony."

Tony blinked back a few tears (along with most of the room) before he placed the simple band on Jethro's finger, saying, "I don't think I ever truly loved anyone until I met you, and now nothing could compare. It's good you'll always be there, because I'm never letting you get away. I love you with all my heart Jethro."

Judge Clark beamed at the two men as he said, "Then by the power invested in me by the Commonwealth of Virginia, I now pronounce you married. Gentlemen, you may kiss your husband!"

Wolf whistles and loud cheering and clapping could be heard as the two men held each other close and kissed for the first time as a married couple.


The next few hours were a whirlwind of toasts and kisses and the joy of being newly wed and spending Christmas with their family. Tony and Jethro were never more than a few feet away from each other and usually stuck to each other, with strong arms around the other's waist. They shared a sweet, slow dance to Linda Ronstadt singing (I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons, holding tightly to each other and oblivious to all others.

A particular highlight was the cake cutting. The four-tier masterpiece, topped with two little grooms and ribbons of silver, blue, green and gold was a vision to behold and Abby assured Tony she has gotten plenty of pictures of it before he and Jethro cut into the lovely confection. As both men got their individual pieces and were preparing to feed each other a mouthful, Tony caught a glint of mischief in Jethro's eye and warned him, "Oh, no you don't! You get a drop of icing on that suit, or mine, and you're sleeping alone tonight!"

After seeing the sincerity in Tony's eyes and listening to the crowd teasing them good naturedly, Jethro re-thought his plan and gently fed a forkful of cake into Tony's mouth. After accepting his own mouthful, from an equally careful Tony, Jethro pulled the younger man to him and shared his cake with Tony in a blistering kiss that had the women fanning themselves and the men blushing nervously, after all, two men kissing wasn't supposed to be that hot!

A short time later, as the party continued, both men made a quick exit and stole upstairs. After changing into comfortable traveling clothes, made harder by the frequent stops for kisses, and carefully hanging their tuxes side by side on the closet door, the two men snuck back downstairs and out the front door without anyone seeing them. After retrieving their luggage that had already been stashed in the garage, they piled into the taxi that Tony had waiting and disappeared into the evening dusk.

About fifteen minutes after the men had departed in the taxi, Abby realized she had not seen her guys for awhile and started looking for them. Not finding them anywhere on the ground floor and after checking the basement and garage, she tiptoed upstairs with a naughty grin on her face, intent on catching her favorite men in a compromising position. Not hearing any noise behind their closed bedroom door, Abby quietly turned the doorknob and peeked in.

The first thing she saw was their tuxes hung up on the closet door and a quick check of the room and bathroom confirmed they were empty and Tony and Jethro had gone. Seeing flowers on the dresser, she walked over and gently smiled at the sight. A black rose was laying on top of a cream envelope addressed to her. Abby recognized Tony's flowing script and took a deep whiff of her flower before opening the note.


As you've probably guessed, we've already left for the airport. Neither one of us are big on sloppy goodbyes and it probably would have taken an hour to get away. We didn't want to miss our flight. I know you didn't know we were going away, but the director knew and promised to keep our secret until we had left. We will be in Key West for the next week. I found a private home (on it's own Key!), right on the gulf, with a private boat dock and sailboat included! That part is a surprise for Jethro, Shhh!

We both wanted to thank you for all you did to make our wedding special and tell you how much we appreciate having our Goth Girl in our lives. There is another stack of envelopes on the dresser, please give them out to everybody, they are Thank You's for attending our big day. I hope you enjoy the enclosed certificate for a spa day as an additional Thank You for all your hard work. You have probably already seen the other flowers and notes, please also give those personal notes and spa certificates to Christy and Sadie.

Thanks again for being the best friend anyone could ask for. Your friendship means the world to us. See you after the New Year! Oh, yeah - HAPPY NEW YEAR!


Tony & Jethro

A little sad she didn't get to say goodbye, Abby sighed deeply, but she perked up quickly, she was happy for her guys. They would have a great time in Key West. Picking up the stack of cards and the two other flowers (White rose for Christy and Pink rose for Sadie), Abby took one last look around the room before closing the door and heading downstairs to deliver the cards and inform everyone their grooms had already taken off on their honeymoon.


Six Days Later - New Year's Eve.

Jethro thrust deeply into Tony, loving the moans that produced from his husband.


Jethro still got a shiver whenever he thought that Tony was now his husband. That would never get old.

They were lying on the deck of the boat Tony had rented for them, The Eclipse. It was a little after eleven on New Year's Eve. They had sailed out into the Gulf and had anchored in the calm waters, not another boat in sight, intending to watch the fireworks that were due to go off at midnight from the Keys, but after finishing their dinner, they had decided to set off a few fireworks of their own.

A full moon was shining on the water and gentle waves lapped at the boat and rocked the two men as they made love. The warm Gulf breezes caressed their skin and cooled their sweat-slicked flesh as Jethro picked up his pace, driving into Tony. Tony was flat on his back beneath Jethro, legs spread wide and back arched as he panted and urged Jethro to go deeper and harder.

Jethro was happy to oblige, thrusting deeply into his husband as he watched Tony come undone. Tony screamed out Jethro! His come shooting out and painting his chest with creamy jets that looked like pearls in the moonlight. Jethro was right behind him, emptying himself with a roar into the gorgeous man below him.

Jethro lowered himself gently down, covering Tony's body with his own and moaning when he felt Tony's arms and legs wrapping around him to hold him close and keep them connected as long as possible.

Kissing Tony deeply and then nibbling along Tony's jaw and shoulder, Jethro smiled at the laughter that bubbled out of the younger man.

"Damn, Jethro! I was going to wait until after midnight, but you are insatiable!" Tony teased him as he caressed Jethro's back.

"Didn't hear you complaining!" Jethro teased back, running his hands through Tony's hair and down his side.

Jethro was taken by surprise when Tony rolled them over, Jethro now flat on his back and Tony sitting up, straddling him. "We should clean up, I'm all hot and sticky and I don't want to start the new year like that." Tony informed him, leaning down to steal a quick kiss. Before Jethro could respond, Tony had jumped up and then done a cannonball over the side of the boat. Jethro quickly recovered and dove into the warm Gulf waters after him. After playing in the water for about fifteen minutes, splashing and chasing each other and sharing deep kisses when one of them caught the other, they hauled themselves back onto the boat and Jethro retrieved towels from below to dry their hair and get most of the moisture off.

Jethro poured the champagne that the owners of the boat had left for them and turned back to Tony. The sight before him took his breath away. Tony was standing by the railing on the boat looking out over the water. The moonlight glistened off of his beautiful naked body and Jethro drank in the sight. Long, lean legs, round, perfect ass and trim waist leading up to broad muscled shoulders. Tony turned his head slightly to the right, giving Jethro a profile view of his lovely face. The man was magnificent, and he was all mine.

Walking up behind him, Jethro kissed Tony's shoulder and reached around to give him his flute of champagne as the fireworks started to go off in the distance. Tony leaned back against Jethro and turned his head to receive the deep kiss Jethro bestowed on him. After turning back to watch the fireworks, they both took a sip of the champagne and Tony said, "Happy New Year, Jethro."

Jethro pulled Tony tighter against him and splayed his left hand over Tony's stomach. Tony covered the hand with his own and their wedding rings glinted in the moonlight against Tony's tanned skin. "Happy New Year, Tony." Jethro replied, snuggling his cheek against Tony and settling in to watch the fireworks, holding his husband and absolutely content with the world. Watching the colors bloom in the sky and reflect off the water, Jethro wondered if Tony would be up to breaking their record of twelve tonight. His cock twitching at the thought, Jethro sipped his champagne wearing a wicked grin thinking, 'Yes, it's gonna be a good new year!'


The End.

A/N: Well, that's it. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Just a few notes: I own nothing (Except Sarah, Jake, Christie, Shaun, Sadie, Emily Rathburn, Carol Martin, George Martin, George Mooney, David Ramsey, Tom Ramsey, Damon Gantry, Agent Ted (Teddy) Franklin, Agent Mackey, Agent Tomlinson, Agent Seamus Reilly and Judge Clark - Huh, I guess I do own something!) and am making no money off of anything, this was just for the pure joy of writing.

I know gay marriage is not legal in the state of Virginia, yet, but this is a work of fiction and my universe does not tell people who they are allowed to love.

NYU stands for New York University.

A Christmas Story is the property of Warner Brothers (1983) & It's A Wonderful Life is the property of RKO Radio Pictures (1946).

Bikini Bottom and all things Spongebob are the property of Nickelodeon.

Let There Be Love by Nat King Cole is from the album The Very Best of Nat King Cole, Disc 1. If you've not heard it, I highly recommend it.

(I Love You) For Sentimental Reasons by Linda Ronstadt is from the album For Sentimental Reasons - also, highly recommended.

Oh! The hidden movie quote from a few chapters back was from Blast From The Past.

I hope to see you all back for my new stories and more installments in the Just Once universe. If you haven't already, check out my story Regrets and it's companion piece, Giving Thanks to tide you over until a new story is posted. You guys are great, thanks for taking this journey with me - see ya soon! ;-)