Kakarotto (more commonly known as Son-Goku) is going be sent to Earth to destroy it, and Bardock saw what was going to happen to planet Vegeta, in despair he rushed to his son's space pod.

Bardock arrived just when his son was going to be sent away, the navigator asked "Bardock, why are you here? Have you got a new mission already?" Bardock had a look that resembeled the pits of hell and growled "You WILL send me together with my son! Understood?" The navigator nodded, delayed the launch of Kakarottos pod for two minutes, and sent them both to Earth.

When they landed the old man Son-Gohan saw the crash and investigated it. He then saw two wird nearly identical looking tailed people, an infant and a grown man in weird armor, the grown man got the child out of his pod.

Bardock noticed him and imideantly ckecked his scouter, it started beeping and said he had a power level of 118. Bardock thought to himself: "Not worth my time." He picked up his son and levetated slowly, Son-Gohan screamed "Wait! Come back here!"

Bardock turned and looked at the old man, he then flew closer and landed in front of him. They looked at each other for a long time, the old man finally was brave enough to ask "What are you, and where are you from?" Bardock takes a deep breath, then says "We are Saya-jin, a proud warrior race from the planet Vegeta."

Just as Bardock was about to fly away, then Son-Gohan said "Come live together with me. I have a small hut, I could learn about your race and you about mine. How does that sound mister Saya-jin?" "My name is Bardock, and this is my son, Kakarotto. And I would like to live with you."

Years passed, the old man Son-Gohan and Bardock trained together nearly every day, Bardock showed Son-Gohan how to properly control his Ki and teached him about the Saya-jin race, and Son-Gohan taught both of the Saya-jin about the human race.

Then, when Kakarotto had turned twelve the full had come out, Bardock and Kakarotto both turned into great apes, Bardock tried to restrain his son, but he couldn't stop him from killing Son-Gohan. In a fury Bardock put all his power into one punch and immanently knocked his son out.

That was it for chapter one, please review and tell me what you think, I'll try to come out with the next chapter as soon as possible.