An: Hello guys! Thanks for checking out my latest story, Shadow Heart. I know the title is a little weird, I was tired, and couldn't think of anything else. So if you have not already checked out my other story, please do. It's called Undying Love. So thanks guys for giving this story a chance, and enjoy!

I lay in bed, looking at the posters on my walls. They mock me. They always have that look that says, "At least we have a life. A life that doesn't suck!" I sigh. I have always been a shadow kind of girl. I do not actually mean I'm a shadow, but I mean I have always tried to stay in the shadows. Like I will wear over sized sweatshirt, and keep the hood on. Or just sit in the back of class, and alone at a table in the corner of the lunch room. I don't talk much, sometimes at all. I never talked after the third grade. If I did talk, it would be one word, maybe two. I was always a bright student, sometimes the brightest in first, second and third grade. But fourth, fifth and sixth were a whole other story. I rarely got a C mostly D's and F's. But that's because of why I don't talk much. The accident. I do not talk much about it. I don't like too. It brings up too painful memory to remember. So I stay in the shadows, hoping no one will notice me. I get up at 5:50, 10 minutes before my alarm clock is set to go off. I take a really hot and quick shower. I let the scorching water ease the pain of the memories. I step out of the shower, into a steamy bathroom. I wrap my body in a towel, and look in the mirror. It's foggy because of the steam. I leave it like that. I don't like mirrors, they remind me of who I am. I do not like her. The girl I am. She is not Tris. She is Beatrice Prior, the girl who cannot be her self. The girl who has too hide the misery of her past. She does not have friends because she knows she will screw up and loose them. I don't know how to even get Tris out. Tris, smart, beautiful, brave Tris. When the accident happen, Tris left me, and burrowed deep inside my mind, while Beatrice crept up. Now, I'm not saying I have multiple personality disorder, but I am just saying. A part of me went away in the accident. A part I loved. A part my first, second, and third grade teachers loved. Was replace by someone, that was ugly, cowardice, unintelligent, also known as me. Beatrice Prior. The shadow girl. I walk into my clean room, and slip on some underwear. I dig through my dresser, looking for a bra. But as I figured, I should have done laundry. Every single one of my bras are in the dirty hamper. I dig out my plain tan one and slip it on. I look trough my closet deciding on which plain, colorless outfit I am going to wear. I grab a grey tank top, a pair of whit jeans, and of course, my grey sweatshirt. I run down stairs, and grab an apple of the counter, and write a note to Andrew, my dad but I don't like to call him that. He doesn't deserve to be a dad. I hop in my black Ferrari and set my back pack down next to me. I really don't wanna set my apple down on the seat, so I bite into it and hold in my mouth while I start the car. I can't drive with an apple in my mouth, so I just set it in my seat anyway. My family is rich, as you can kinda infer by me having my own Ferrari. But this isn't my family anymore. I drive off to my new school, wondering what my new school will look like. We moved to Divergentville 3 months ago. It was on the second day of summer, so I got lucky. I am going to Dauntless high, one the five schools in this town. There is Erudite High, Amity High, Candor High, and Abnegation High. The school you go to is determined by your personality. For instance, Dauntless High is the daredevil school. All the rebels, jocks, cheerleaders, and just plan crazy people go here. Amity is the hippies, or the peaceful people. Candor is honest, Erudite are like the nerds and geeks, and Abnegation is the selfless. The Abnegation are known to extra community work, FOR THE FUN OF HELPING OTHERS. Losers. I am a daredevil. Well...sort of. I don't do crazy things like jump of the building, like people say some kids do there. But i am competitive at sports, and I like to horse around. But not too much. I plan on not talking at all this year and not be competitive, just so I stay in the shadows. I pull up to the school and park my car. I step out and gasp. The school is magnificent. Its shiny black, with the school mascot, the Dauntless Daredevil, painted red on the side of the school. There is a lake a few yards away from the school and a secluded area of woods. It's a little much to take in. I start to walk across the street, my eyes glued to this piece of heaven I get to call my school. I am snapped out of my gaze by a honk. "Get out of the street!" Some guy yells. He looks tall, has a black SUV, and has ocean eyes. I walk fast to the sidewalk and face palm myself. "So much for not being noticed." I think. I walk to the main office and ring the bell. No one comes. I ring it again, twice this time. Again, no one. I ring it again. This time hitting my hand on the counter. I smile. It's actually not a half bad beat. I ring the bell three times the hit my hand on the counter repeatedly. Someone starts beat-boxing in the hall. It's a guy, tall and tan. He has blond hair and blue eyes. I smile. Just as he ends the beat, someone immerges into the office. "Sorry I took so long, I couldn't find a students schedule. Nice beat by the way." She smiles. I blush and look to the floor. " Ok, are you new?" She asks. I nod. She looks through a shiny grey file cabinet. She pulls out a white paper. " Tris, is it?" I nod again. She smiles and hands me my schedule. I nod and smile, that's my way of saying thank you. "I'm Ms. Tori by the way. I teach music and gym. You don't talk much do you?" she asks, a curios glint in her eyes. I look at my shoes and shake my head. "Not since the accident." I think. She nods and goes into the back room of the office. I look at my schedule

1st: Mrs. Mathews Advanced Algebra

2nd: Ms. Tori Music

3rd: Mrs. Henderson Art

4th: LUNCH

5th: Free Time

6th: Ms. Tori Gym

How can Ms. Tori tech two classes? I will have to find that out. I keep looking over my schedule, until I collide into someone. "Hey watch where you're going!" She says. She is kind of tall, tan and has black hair and chocolate eyes. I look to the side and bite my lip. "Hey, I'm sorry. I'm kinda stressed. I can't find Mrs. Mathews class. I look up. I point to myself. "You have her class?" I nod. "Do you know where it is?" I look at the ceiling trying to remember. I nod. It's room 625 at the third story. I think. I signal her to follow. We reach the class, and she turns to me. "I'm Christina by the way. Want to sit together if we can?" I give her a questioning look. "Mrs. Mathews is rumored to be the most evil teacher EVER." I smile. I don't think that's possible. We walk in and there are assigned seats. She sighs. We look split up and look for our seats. I'm looking for mine, until I hear a squeal. "Your seats over here! Next to me, uh..." I she doesn't even know my name and she is squealing because she has a seat next to me. To make matter worse, almost the entire class is in here. They all look at me. I blush crimson red, and give Christina a look that says, "Really?!" I walk over to her, everyone still staring. When I sit down, again still staring. " STOP STARING! IT"S NOT LIKE I HAVE A SECOND HEAD!" Yells Christina, scaring the crap out of me, and my eardrums. I face palm, everyone now sneaking glances at us like we are crazy. This class went by soooooo slow. One kid even fell asleep. He got detention. I walk out of the class and check my schedule. Next up, music. I am kinda good at singing, but I don't because I don't like to talk, and singing is talking musically. "Let me see your schedule." Christina snatches my schedule before I can resist. She sequels, catching the attention of everyone in the hall. I face palm. Again, there goes not being noticed. "We have everything together!" She sequels. Of coarse we do. Note the sarcasm. We arrive at the music room and walk in. I gasp. It's huge! It has it's own stage! The room goes lower as you walk. You have to walk on steps it goes so deep. the bottom has about 15 feet between the first row and the stage. "Hello class, I am Ms. Tori. As you can see, we won't be doing just music. We will also do improv!" I mentally groan. I can't do improv if I don't speak. "Now you guys will get up on stage in a minute and sing a little, so I know how you are, at it, and how you range is. This will help with me putting you in spots in plays, or improv we do. First up, Four." The guy who honked at me in the car goes up on stage. He sings a little of "How To Save a Life" by The Fray. Everyone claps lightly. He was pretty good. Not bad but not spectacular. Then a guy name Peter goes up. I am nervous for my turn. I don't wanna sing. It brings back the memory of the accident. I wait my turn as people go up. Al, Molly, Eric, and Drew. "Zeke Pedrad." (I Don't know how to spell their last name.) He goes up and beat-boxes a little bit of "Bangerang" by Skrillex. He is phenomenal. He goes off the stage as everyone claps and a few whistles burst out. Then, his brother ,I think, goes up. What he does shocks me. He runs backstage for a minute and immerges in a huge fluffy pink unicorn suit. He sings one of my favorite songs. "Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows." I hold in my laughter, even though everyone else already erupted in laughs. I smile and mouth along. I don't actually say the lyrics but mouth along.

Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows,

Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows,

Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows

Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbow!

Let's test your test your knowledge and see what you've learned so far

What color are the unicorns? Pink!

Where are they dancing? Rainbows!

Please use one word to describe the texture or their-

"Tris!" Christina yells over the laughter, snapping me out of my mouthing. I look at her. "You know this song?!" She yells. I make a heart shape with my hands. "By heart?" She still yells, the laughing never quiets, just erupts more the more the brother does the song. I nod. I love this song! After a while, the brother stops singing and the laugher dies down. Tori wipes her eyes, from her laughing so hard. "O-Okay class we have had enough f-" She bursts into laughter again. I smile, but do not laugh. "Ok. Sorry. Tris, do you wanna do anything?" I shake my head vigorously. She nods. "Why does she get to do nothing?" Some guy, Peter I think it was, says. "Because she doesn't talk." Everyone looks at me. I scoot down in my chair. Maybe if I scoot far enough, I will find a portal to Narnia under a chair, and I can escape from this embarrassing scene. But I can only scoot far enough. The rest of the day went by fast, except gym. I am really good at sports, but I don't wanna stand out, so I sit in the bleachers, watching the soccer ball being kicked back and forth. As soon as the bell rings, I run to my Ferrari. I hop in, and throw my lack backpack to the passenger seat. The windows are tinted, so no one can see me. I don't like people knowing who I am. I was in the newspaper because of the accident about a year ago. I don't like pity. I don't like walking in public, and people start whispering things like, "Did you hear about that girl over there? She was in a horrible accident." Or, "She must be un human, both her mom and brother died." So I died my hair temporarily red, and put in grey contacts, so no one would know me. But I have to be careful. The red die washes in water. That is why I skipped showers after gym in my old school. I reach my house and search for my keys in my backpack. I unlock the door, peeking inside quickly, just to make sure Andrew isn't here. I sigh relieved and pick up the scribbled note on the glass coffee table.

Dear Bitch,

I am going to be gone for 2 months on business. Here attached to the note is 2,000 dollars. I don't care what you do with it but NO RECKING THE HOUSE!

See ya soon Bitch,


I never liked my dad after the accident. He never like me. He blamed me for what happened to mom and Caleb. Let's just say I will never like belts ever again. I sit on my bed, doing my usual routine. Staring at the posters on my wall, as they mock me. They will always mock me, until the end of time.

Please review! Comment! Follow! The next chapter will be up tomorrow. Stick with my on this story. I know the whole High school plot is over used, but the next chapters will have a plot twist. Trust me; it will be worth the wait. Until then my Moustaches.

Embrace The Weird!
