"It would be a lie if I said I never had any fun…" said the voice of Chihiro.

"I just always assumed everyone was like me…"

"Hiding their painful secrets behind their smiles…"

The screen reveals Chihiro watching a zombie movie with an intense interested look on the movie.

The rest of the screen reveals that Chihiro was watching the movie in the bowling alley in the hotel with Rea while she was making the potion.

"Um… These people are ripping that guy's stomach open and eating his guts… But weren't they friends just a couple of minutes ago?" asked Chihiro without removing his eyes from the movie.

"That's because they're zombies, they don't really care if he's they're friend anymore, now all they want is to eat flash and guts" explained Rea.

"Oh I see now" said Chihiro and leaned closer to the screen in an even more interested look on his face.

"I have to admit I'm surprised… He said he never seen a zombie movie before but he's really into to it… Not the reaction I was expecting from a mama's boy…"

"I'm glad you like it but I remember you came here to help me and not have a movie night" said Rea sarcastically and it snapped Chihiro back to reality.

"Oh sorry! I was so into the movie I forgot" said Chihiro and closed the laptop.

"Can you pluck these?" asked Rea and handed Chihiro mushrooms.

"Sure thing" said Chihiro and started plucking.

"So, what kind of poisonous plant will you use today?"

"I couldn't think of one…" said Rea and Chihiro looked confused.

"But if you don't have a poisonous plant how are we going to reanimate Babu?" asked Chihiro in worry.

"I guess I'll have to bury him…" said Rea and Chihiro gasped in shock.

"Well it would be a waste… maybe we should eat him instead!" said Rea darkly and Chihiro looked even more shocked.

"What!? How could you say that!? How can you even think eating your own precious cat!?" protested Chihiro and Rea giggled and Chihiro looked confused at her.

"You're so easy to fool!" giggled Rea some more and Chihiro faceplumbed.

"Believe me you won't need to make a potion to reanimate the dead because your rotten attitude will make them run out of their graves!" mocked Chihiro and Rea got angry and pulled his hair in rage and in return he pulled her hair.

"What did you say!? How rude!" complained Rea.

"Look who's talking!" complained Chihiro and the two of them looked at Babu and then they looked at each other and released their grips from each other.

"Okay now seriously, I don't know what else to do, I used all the poisonous plants I could think of: water hemlock, lily of the valley, morning glory, Chinese plum and that all I could think of" explained Rea and Chihiro looked disappointed and looked at her but then his eyes lit up as he saw her hydrangea flower hairpin.

"Don't give up yet! I've got an idea!" said Chihiro excitedly as he ran to the exit.

"Wait! What idea?" asked Rea but Chihiro was long gone and she sighed.

"That guy…"

"My mother's affections were always felt calculating and unbalanced…"

The screen shows a mansion and inside it what seems to be a 2 year old Chihiro playing with the servants.

"Come here master Chihiro, Mr. Teddy want to play with you now" said a servant holding a plush teddy bear and little Chihiro smiled and he stood up and walked slowly not to fall to the teddy bear. A woman with black hair in a pixie cut with hazel eyes and purple lipstick smiled at the boy obviously it was Chihiro's mother. Chihiro then stumbled and fell on the floor and started to cry.

"Don't cry master Chihiro, you're big and strong, a boy like you shouldn't cry" said the servant and held his arms to help him get up but his mother didn't look too happy.

"It wasn't long before that servant was released from our employment…"

Outside the mansion, a cat came out of the bushes and a 4 year old Chihiro smiled excitedly at the cat and ran to the cat and petted it and he giggled as the cat enjoyed the petting and the 3 servants who were beside him also giggled at the sight. Chihiro's mother watched them from the window and looked mad.

"It was the last time I've seen a cat… or those servants…"

A man with black hair and green eyes looked in dismay at Chihiro's mother in the hallway.

"The only constant in my life was my father Kizami's despiteful hatred of me…"

Lights turned on in an unknown room in the mansion and it showed Chihiro's mother behind a camera was aiming it to a naked 4 years old Chihiro who's standing in front of the camera with his eyes closed and smiling, the background he was standing in front was a jungle and his private part was hidden with a bush like bottom.

"Alright Chihiro, open your eyes and smile to the camera for your annual birthday photo" smiled Chihiro's mother and Chihiro opened his eyes and smiled.


The camera flash then revealed a naked 6 years old Chihiro with sky background with angel wings and holding a harp on his private part.


A naked 10 years old Chihiro with a forest background with a blanket hiding his private part.


A 12 years old Chihiro with a beach background with a towel hiding his private part.


Chihiro's mother was adjusting the camera at a 13 years old Chihiro who was looking plainly now at the camera with a Greek background wearing a leaf crown and a sheet covering his private part and his mother smiled at him.

"This was around the time I realized how not normal these pictures were…"


The screen showed 14 years old Chihiro in a middle school uniform eating breakfast with his mother and father.

"My father stopped hiding his hatred of me in front of my mother's feelings towards me…"

Chihiro's mother smiled at Chihiro and Kizami looked angry at this and glared at Chihiro. Chihiro's head was down obviously looking upset.

"The treatment was unbearable on both sides…"

The screen shows Chihiro walking with other students to the middle school entrance and then he stopped and looked behind him to see a black car with an elderly person watching him.

"No matter where I went, my mom kept me under surveillance… I could always feel their gaze curling over me like insects…"

A boy with glasses with blue eyes and brown hair came up to Chihiro.

"Good morning Chihiro! How are you?" asked the boy and Chihiro looked at him sadly.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

"Oh me? No nothing, everything's fine. Good morning" said Chihiro putting on a smile and the boy smiled back and the two of them walked to school together.

"Touka was my first true friend… The first one I could feel myself around… He was from a wealthy family too so my mom allowed our friendship…"

The screen shows Chihiro and Touka entering a house which belongs to Touka and he's family. Touka's parents came to them and greeted Chihiro to their house and Chihiro blushed shyly and said it's not necessary to be so formal and out of nowhere a white cat petted his leg and the family giggled and Touka remarked that the cat likes him and Chihiro smiled and petted the cat but his smile soon turned to a frown and he told Touka they should go to he's room and he agreed and both of them climb up the stairs as Chihiro kept frowning.

"I always believed I was perfectly normal and that everyone was hiding their secrets behind their smiles… Soon I began to realize that their happiness was real and I was just unhappy…"

"You're not joking?" asked Touka in his room with Chihiro.

"No joke… It's the first time I ever told anyone about it…" said Chihiro seriously.

"What she's doing is just playing wrong! I mean taking naked pictures of her own son is just absurd! You've got to tell her to stop!" protested Touka.

"I don't think it's a good idea…" said Chihiro in worry.

"Look, me and my mom argue all the time, you got to tell her to stop even if it causes a fight" said Touka and Chihiro hung his head down.

"I don't think my mom is like yours…" said Chihiro in a depressed tone.

"What the worst she can do? You're her son" said Touka and Chihiro sighed in despair.

"I soon regretted ever telling him about this… And even more for taking his advice…"

Back to the present, Rea was watching a zombie movie and looked irritated.

"Where is he? I hope he didn't get lost in the mountains or something" Rea paused for a moment and then she looked worried but shook it off.

"Relax Rea there's no way he got himself hurt badly in the mountains" laughed Rea nervously but still looked worried and she got up and came up to the window.

"Maybe I can see him from here… But I'm sure he's fine it's not like he'll do something stupid like climbing a cliff or WHA?!" yelled Rea as she noticed at the edge of the cliff Chihiro was climbing to the top.

"What the hell is that guy doing!?" yelled Rea and she ran to the exit.

Outside Chihiro was climbing the cliff.

"Come on… Just one more step…" said Chihiro as he climbed carefully but not carful enough as the rock beneath his leg crumbled.

"AH!" gasped Chihiro and he slipped as he thought he's finished something grabbed his hand revealing Rea hanging onto a tree.

"Rea?!" said Chihiro surprised to see her and Rea struggled to pull him up.

"Geez, look who's the damsel in distress here! Are you sure you're a guy?" complained Rea.

"Excuse me!? I was doing perfectly fine before you came!" complained Chihiro.

"So I should let go then?" asked Rea sarcastically and Chihiro looked at the long way down and gulped.

"Well… Since you're here…" smiled Chihiro nervously.

Back at the hotel,

"May I ask why you went to all that trouble to the extent of climbing a cliff?" demanded Rea.

"For this" said Chihiro and showed a hydrangea flower.

"When I saw your hair pick I remembered seeing those flowers grow in the cemetery below and not to waste anymore time I thought climbing up would be faster than the long way" explained Chihiro.

"You're pretty bold for a mama's boy" remarked Rea.

"I survived, even if you hadn't been there to catch me you could just bring me back as a zombie" comment Chihiro and Rea anime fall from his comment.

"Wait a minute! I can't even reanimate my own cat yet! Besides I don't remember ever saying I'll bring you back to life" protested Rea.

"Fine, I'll say it for you…" said Chihiro in a serious tone and Rea looked at him curious of he had to say.

"I want you to bring me back… Whenever I die…" said Chihiro in a very serious tone while slightly blushing and Rea looked at him seriously and surprised by his request and the two remained silent.

Back in the past, Chihiro's mother was opening a secret room behind the library.

"What was that?" said Chihiro mother in a serious tone.

"Um… I think I'm too old for this and I want you to stop…" said Chihiro in hesitation trying his best to avoid eye contact with his mother.

"Where is this coming from sweetie? It's only natural that a mother wants to commemorate her son's growth" said Chihiro's mother in a softer tone.

"No there's nothing natural about it!" snapped Chihiro and his mother's expression became serious and she sighed.

"Did you tell any of your friends about this?" asked the mother and Chihiro flinched in worry.

"Of course not!" protested Chihiro and looked away to not make eye contact.

"I want you to tell me who it is and the truth young man" demanded the mother.

"It doesn't matter who anyone thinks it's wrong!" protested Chihiro angrily.

"Chihiro, it's really hurts me that you don't understand but I'll try to explain it to you" said the mother and she got closer slowly and Chihiro back away slowly.

"There is one thing you need to know Chihiro and it's the undying affection of a mother feels towards her son" said the mother and she was about to touch Chihiro's cheek and he flinched in resistance and she stopped and sighed and walked away.

"Mom?" said Chihiro in confusion and she closed the door after her.

"I knew it couldn't be the end of it…"

"Transferred?" said Chihiro in shock as he asked one of the students at school about his friend.

"Yeah something with his dad's job" said the first student.

"I heard he had to resign, I have no idea why" said the second student and the he and the first student walked to class as Chihiro stood there shocked.

"She did it again… She took someone else I cared about…"

Chihiro is seen running in the street and saw Touka coming out of the house with a cage with his cat in it and Touka saw him heading his way.

"Oh thank god you're still here! I thought I'll never see you again!" said Chihiro in relief but Touka frown at him.

"My parents told me to leave her at the animal shelter, I'll never get to see her again" said Touka referring to the cat.

"Both of my parents acting pretty messed up right now treating me like I did something wrong but I didn't" frowned Touka and then he grabbed Chihiro by the shoulder.

"Did you tell something bad about me to your mother that we have to move!?" confronted Touka.

"No! Of course not! I would never do that!" protested Chihiro in shock and Touka released his grip from him.

"Being your friend was the worst thing that ever happened to me…" said Touka in hat tone and walked away and Chihiro hung his head down in despair.

"She takes everything from me… Everything I care about…"

Lights lit up in the unknown room in the manor and there Chihiro was standing in front of a space background.

"I see you still don't understand, happiness isn't one thing it's different for everyone" said the mother.

"And my happiness is loving you and knowing you're not in harm's way"

"Like every mother in the world who cares about their children" said Chihiro obviously upset and the mother had a serious expression.

"My love to you surpasses all of those mothers because my love to you is one of a kind unlike anything else in this world" said the mother and she held up Chihiro's head by the chin to look at her in the eye.

"Not accepting my love to you will only make someone else unhappy Chihiro" said the mother in a very serious tone and she pushed Chihiro by the chin and she walked to the camera.

"Now undress and get ready for your birthday photo" smiled the mother and Chihiro looked depressed.

"If my attempted happiness will only ruin someone else's… Then I'll have to accept a life without happiness…"

Back to the present,

"Well? What are waiting for? Let's mix the flowers I picked while risking my life!" said Chihiro excitedly.

"Don't joke about that and are you sure these flowers are poisonous?" asked Rea skeptically.

"Yeah it's a hydrangea"

"Wait you're telling me even normal every day hydrangea are poisonous?"

"Yup! I know it's not a well-known fact about them but it's my mom's favorite flower and she always warned me not to eat them ever since I was a little boy"

"Are you sure? Because I swear I saw my grandma eating hydrangea leaves before…"

"Huh!? Well… I guess some people are immune to them…"

"Well I guess it wouldn't hurt if we try it… Alright here goes nothing…" said Rea and took the hydrangea and started making the potion after adding some more ingredients to it and the result a purple potion was made.

"Can you hold it for a sec Chihiro while I get Babu?"

"Sure no problem" said Chihiro quietly and took the potion from her hand and while Rea was getting Babu, Chihiro looked at the potion in hesitation and took something out of his pocket when Rea wasn't looking.

"I'm ready for the potion…" said Rea quietly and Chihiro handed the potion to her gently and Rea poured the potion into Babu's mouth and lad him, down gently and her and Chihiro waited.

"Come on Babu… today's the day…" said Chihiro quietly.

"Come on buddy… Come back to life…" said Rea quietly as well but Babu didn't move at all and stayed motionless and silence surrounded them.

Rea and Chihiro walked outside the hotel and they came to Rea's bike.

"Too bad it didn't work… But let's not give up hope! There's always tomorrow!" said Chihiro to Rea trying to cheer her up.

"No… It's time to give up…" said Rea quietly and Chihiro looked at her in concern.

"I feel really bad putting Babu through all this just because of my own selfishness of wanting to see him again but I have to face the fact that he's gone… I'll miss him but I can't keep going with this… It's time to put you in the ground little buddy…" said Rea while petting the cooler.

"Yeah I guess you're right…" agreed Chihiro.

"It's a little late to bury him tonight, let's meet up tomorrow and give him a nice service and I really appreciate your help for the past few days Chihiro, you've been a huge help" thanked Rea.

"No problem, well I guess after tomorrow we wouldn't ever see each out again…" said Chihiro shyly.

"What…?" said Rea slightly blushing.

"Ha joking! Well I'll be heading home now! See you tomorrow!" said Chihiro blushing and started walking but Rea noticed something weird about his walking.

"Hey, are you okay? You're kinda limping" said Rea and Chihiro turned and looked at his right leg.

"I may have twisted my ankle when I fell earlier but no biggie it looks worse than it is, I'll be fine" said Chihiro and continued walking and Rea looked irritated.

"Geez…" said Rea and grabbed Chihiro by back collar of his shirt and pulled him.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!? Stop it!" complained Chihiro while struggling to get out her grip.

"Sit!" said Rea and sat Chihiro on the bike sit much to Chihiro's surprise and Rea began to ride the bike while Chihiro stayed quietly blushing and holding the cooler.

"I don't know why I was born into my family…"

"Why couldn't I be born into a normal family like everybody else…? I just want to have a normal life… I want my smile to be genuine not a mask…"

"That why I want to be reborn… I want another chance… Free from my family…"

"And if I can't be reborn… I'd rather be…"

"Are you sure it's okay?" asked Rea in the middle of the street.

"Yeah it's fine" said Chihiro and got off the bike.

"Your house it all the way on top of the hill… I don't mind getting you closer"

"No it's okay the only reason I'm out now it's because my mom didn't caught me yet, I think I'll really need your zombie potion if she finds me…"

"His mom sounding worse and worse by the second…" thought Rea.

"Oh I almost forgot to bring Babu back!"

"Oh right thanks" said Rea and Chihiro gave the cooler and for a brief second their fingers touched and both of them slightly blushed.

"Well, see you tomorrow" said Chihiro and went to the hydrangea bushes.

"Don't be late to Babu's funeral tomorrow!" said Rea and Chihiro turned around.

"I won't! Promise! See ya!" said Chihiro with warming smile and went back into the bushes. Rea stood there blushing slightly and then rode home but unknown to her someone was watching her from afar revealing Chihiro's mother.

"What the hell?" said Chihiro's mother vile in her voice.

In front of the mansion, in the hydrangea bushes Chihiro head popped out and looked if the coast is clear. He got out of the bushes and limped his way to the backdoor but suddenly:

"Chihiro!" yelled the mother and Chihiro turned around in shock and a slap sound was heard.

Back in the Sanka house, in the bathroom Ryou was taking a bath and then he heard a bike parking.

Outside Rea chained her bike, picked up the cooler and walked quietly towards the house.

"Look who decided to come home" Rea jumped in surprise and she turned around to the voice revealing Ryou hanging the bathroom window with his chest exposed.

"Ryou! You almost scared me to death! Why are in my bathroom?" said Rea in surprise.

"I came to borrow a zombie movie and I waited a long time so I decided to take a bath here, is that a problem?" said Ryou annoyed.

In Rea's room. Ryou now dressed in jeans and sleeveless shirt holding Rea's zombie toy.

"Alright, now are you going to spill where you were or I'll have to squeeze it out of you?" said Ryou and squeezed the toy as a hint of what's to come.

"He caught me off guard! What should I say!?" thought Rea in panic and looked the part too.

"Well… I ate some ice cream and took a nap by the river…" said Rea in worry.

"That's the best you got?" said Ryou and dropped the toy and Rea flinched.

"Too bad it doesn't match what Yuki told me" said Ryou.

"Yuki…!" thought Rea in anger and flinched as Ryou bended over face to face with her.

"He said you have been sneaking out of the house and coming home late at night ever since Babu died" said Ryou and Rea tried to avoid eye contact.

"And that you always carrying that cooler with you" said Ryou looking at the cooler.

"Well… You know… You can't go to a river without a cooler…" said Rea obviously lying.

"Okay spill, what's in this thing?" demanded Ryou about to open the cooler.

"No! There's nothing! Really!" panicked Rea and Ryou was holding her back by the head with his hand.

"Don't tell me your zombie obsession made you do something sick with Babu's body!" teased Ryou.

"No! Don't!" panicked Rea and Ryou opened the cooler and they looked in surprise and shock as something came out of there with shining white eyes and it jumped out the window.

"BABU!" it revealed to be Babu by his meow and Rea and Ryou looked in shock.

"That did not just happen…" said Ryou in shock.

"It's… alive…!" said Rea in shock.

The screen shows Chihiro looking through the window.

"I'm sorry Rea… And Babu… I won't make to the funeral tomorrow… She said I'm not allowed to leave the house again… Not even to school…" said Chihiro and took out from his pocket a little vial with the potion.

"I hope you don't mind me taking some of the potion… I know it doesn't actually bring the dead back to life… I concerned about the poison in it… I want it to work in reverse…" said Chihiro and tears started to stream down his cheeks. He opened the vial and drank the potion in one gulp and collapsed on his bed motionless.

"If I can't be reborn… I'd rather be… dead…"