Author's Note:

Elder Tales, Log Horizon and various characters, items, locations and other specific story elements belong to Mamare Touno. The majority of characters, events, and things in this story belong to me. Any similarity between characters and whatever else in the universe we actually live in is either a complete coincidence or I jacked it off of someone else... keep in mind it's all just a work of fiction anyways.

Additionally, I am always open to reviews, except when I'm not.

Wednesday, May 02, 2018

10:59 AM Eastern Standard Time

Outside Miami, Florida, it was hot and muggy. It rained during the night previous leaving the freshly cut grass of the suburban nightmare smelling sweet and tolerable.

But for a few true nerds last night's rain was all the confirmation they needed to stay in and gear up for the release of {Elder Tales}'s 12th expansion: {Pioneering the Novasphere}.

There was a moment of anxious anticipation for the expected message announcing the formal launch of the expansion. And then-