"…in other news, local authorities remain perplexed by the animal attacks plaguing beacon hills."

Scoffing, Kate switch the radio to a different channel, some loud pop music blaring through the speakers instead. "God those idiots are so blind."

"It's not like they know what they're up against," Zach told her, looking out the window as they drove through town.

"If they did know, they would be in for a rude awakening," Kate smirked, looking into the mirror to check her make up.

"Could you try and focus on the road please?" he asked her, steadying the steering wheel when they started to go off the road a little.

"Relax, I'm the best driver you know," Kate smiled, putting both hands on the steering wheel.

"You're the only driver I know," Zach muttered, receiving a smack upside the head.

"Respect your aunt. I didn't spend eleven years raising you only to be disrespected," she told him, noticing something in the review mirror.

"And I appreciate every minute that you spent taking care of me and raising me right," Zach babbled, having noticed something too.

"I'm sure your parents would be very proud of how you turned out," Kate said nonchalantly, looking out her window.

"I'm sure. So why are we even here, it's not like they needed us to come right?" Zach asked, opening the glove box to reveal a concealed gun, as he pulled out a road map.

"You haven't seen your uncle and cousin in a long time, I thought it would be good for you to see them again," Kate replied, shaking her head, forgetting whatever she saw.

"You're enrolling me in school here," he said, rolling his eyes.

"It'll give you a chance to start over, to start fresh. After what happened at your previous school, I don't think-" Kate began to say.

"Look out!" Zach shouted, seeing the car before she did, making her hit the brakes.

"Sorry, sorry," she apologised, laying her head on the head rest of her seat.

"Nice driving Kate, nice driving," he joked, receiving a light punch from his aunt. The car was silent as Kate let her heart rate slow down, ready to start the car up again, when there was a loud bang on the roof.

"Shit," Kate said, looking up at the roof.

"What was that?" Zach asked, opening the glove box to get out the concealed gun while Kate reached into the back seat to grab her own weapon.

"I have no idea." Suddenly, the glass of Kate's window shattered and a large, furry hand smashed through, grabbing at her.

"Kate!" Zach shouted, firing his gun at the hand to make it let go of her. As soon as it's hand staggered back, Kate pulled out her shotgun and fired at the roof, hitting whatever was on top of it.

"Out of the car!" Kate ordered, throwing her door open at the same time as Zach, both of them rolling onto the gravel to aim up at the roof. Looking up, the creature that attacked them was nowhere in sight, having vanished after getting shot.

"Where could it have-" Zach began to ask when he was cut off by Kate firing her gun in the air.

"Come on! Come back and fight!" she shouted, reloading her gun.

"What the hell was that for?" Zach questioned, watching his aunt move around to the boot to open it.

"We hunt werewolves, if it isn't here we can't kill it," she replied, throwing her shotgun in to pull out a hunting rifle. Zach went around to join her and watched her pull out a small wooden box, full of strange looking bullets, along with a flashlight.

"What are those?" he asked curiously, having never seen them before.

"Wolfs bane bullets," she replied, closing the boot to walk past the car, loading one of the bullets into her gun.

"You have got to teach me how to use one of these," he said excitedly, watching his aunt handle the gun.

"Maybe when you're a little older kid," she told him with a smirk, readying her gun. Hearing a noise, Kate suddenly bolted off into a nearby building, leaving Zach behind to try and catch up to her. He looked up at the rooftops and saw someone climb up to the roof with almost super speed and strength, managing to make it to the top with ease.

"Is that…?" he trailed off, watching the man run across the rooftops.

"One of them," Kate finished, firing her gun as the man leap across to the next roof, knocking him off of his intended path.

"Do you think you got it?" Zach asked, as a pair of headlights appeared out of the darkness.

"I never miss," Kate smirked, picking up her flashlight as she walked towards the car, not waiting for it to approach her. Zach followed behind her and when he saw who was getting out of the car, he smiled.

"Uncle Chris," Zach greeted the man, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey Zachary, good to see you," he returned the greeting, turning to address Kate. "Both of you need to get in the car, now."

"No, Hello? Nice to see you?" Kate joked, smiling at her brother.

"All I've got at the moment is 'Put the assault rifle and the handgun away before someone notices'," Chris replied, looking around to make sure there was no one else around.

"Now there's the brother I love," Kate grinned, turning to look at Zach.

"There were two werewolves here before you arrived," he told Chris, surprising his uncle.

"Was one of them the Alpha?" Chris questioned, addressing Kate again.

"I don't know, but one of them tried to kill us," Kate replied angrily.

"Well one of them will probably lead us to the other then if he isn't dead," Christ theorised, glancing at Kate's rifle.

"Well I can't kill either of them, if one of them kills me first, now can I?' Kate retorted with a glare.

"How long do you think it will take?" Chris questioned after a few seconds.

"For the one I shot, I give him around forty-eight hours. If that," Kate answered, stepping past Chris to walk to the car. Zach began to follow her when something caught his eye, making him look over to a nearby alley to catch a glimpse of something disappearing.

"You coming Zach?" Chris asked, following his gaze.

"Yeah, I'm on my way," Zach replied, forgetting about what he saw to get into the car, to go to his new home.

Hello everyone, here is my long awaited Teen Wolf fanfiction

Don't expect anything too out there, this story mostly follows the plot of the show, with a few extra chapters where my OC is involved.

If anything, this is more of a story to introduce my OC into the world, so hopefully as time goes by, he can be a part of the story itself more and more. Fingers crossed ^_^

Farewell everyone :D