chapter 6

When Kaname Kuran reached home his heightened senses tensed smelling the scent of the Kiryu male. Why was Zero here he did not know. Suddenly his tension doubled thinking if something actually happened to Aiyora but her smell was absent from there and he figured she must not be home. Curiosity sparked his mind, if Aiyora is not home then what could be Zero's reason for visit. To find out more Kaname too entered the manor concealing his own presence.

Kaname could not even sense his own daughter Ai, but after asking a passing maid he learned that Aiyora took Ai with her outside. Now the idea if catching Zero and Yuki alone entertained him. He tracked their scents down and found his feet leading him towards their bedroom, how ironic.

To his favour Kaname found the door to the room slightly parted. He managed to conceal himself in such a manner that neither Yuki nor Zero had any clue that he was just outside before he decided to peek in.

"Yuki, it is for her betterment you should consider my offer." Zero said pacing though the room impatiently. "Sending her to London is the best option for her. Besides I have some of my distant relatives there, they will look after Aiyora."

Standing outside Kaname could only smirk. Now they are teaming up to separate Aiyora from him.

Then he heard Yuki and decided to focus again. "Have you gone mad?" her voice was fuming with rage. "Are you even thinking throughly? I don't think so. I mean how could you even suggest such a thing? Sending her to London..." She paused for a breath and unknowingly or knowingly scooted closer to Zero. Kaname noted her movement. She grasped onto the fabric if Zero light blue blazer and hissed.

"Zero... she already got herself pregnant here once. If we send her to London by her self who knows what she will do, What if she turns into a prostitute there!" Both Zero and standing outside Kaname chocked at her imagination.

"Sending her to London will do worse."

"So what do you have in mind?" Zero asked back.

"Get her married."

"Excuse Me!" Zero almost hissed with his eyes going wide.

As for Kaname standing out, his eye closed down while the end of his jaw tightened.

"Yuki what are you saying...?" Zero spoke in disbelief. "How can you think of her marriage? She is so young!"

"She is nineteen!" Yuki reasoned "...her age is more than perfect!"

"Yuki I am not sure." Zero did not feel confident about her decision.

"Zero getting her married will solve all our problems!" Yuki said closing the gap between them. "Kaname cannot stand her," Zero raised his eyebrow at that statement. She really was still naive even after all these years. "As for you I don't want to create a burden on you."

"She is my daughter Yuki," he pointed out "she won't ever be a burden to me."

"Zero that is not what I am trying to say..." Yuki took another step that took her dangerously close to him. "I just want her to settle down and have a family, a proper family some thing that we failed to give her."

"To give her a family... it is me you should have chosen..."

Yuki could not bring herself to comment on that matter further while her eyes stared at him in longing gaze.

Outside the door, Kaname still stood with his eyes closed, jaws tightened and hands balled into fists. With intake of deep breath the pureblood finally opened his eyes, and this time they were not the normal wine shade but shinning crimson with hidden rage the was trying his level best not to burst out. But being the clever being he is, he did not act on his rage instead remained there hidden patiently waiting for the right time. And from what Kaname could see the sexual tension between Yuki and Zero was heavy. They were inching closer without even realizing and the very fact they thought they were alone at home made it even more tempting. As per knowledge serves Kaname Yuki is sexually starved since it's been over a year since he stopped bedding her and as for Zero he highly doubts that the hunter can bring himself to sleep with anyone but Yuki.

The window to the room was open and with gust of wind Yuki's long hair blew all over giving the silver haired hunter the chance to look at his most desired neck, under which the blood that streamed is the only blood in the world that can quench his thirst. Yuki too noticed the changes in Zero, how his body tensed, his blood lusted eyes turned red from its usual lavender hue.

"Zero..." She called gathering all her hair to one side.

"stop it Yuki," he quickly turned around almost panting. "Please don't come any closer. I do not wish to do something that I will regret for the rest of my life."

Kaname watched with amused eyes and at the same time prepared him for the upcoming act.

"Don't turn back on me Zero," Yuki's voice clearly reflected her sexual tension. zero felt her ha landing on his shoulder give him a tender teasing squeeze.

"Yuki please..." he begged her to stop before it was too late.

"Let me help you Zero... let me help you." She said turning Zero around and then arched her head back giving the hunter full access to her delicious neck.

Zero squeezed his eyes shut but only for them to shot open seconds later. He wanted to resist Yuki, he really wanted to but his thirst refused to listen and before he could have another moment to think his mouth already parted wide, his tongue darted out and was already tracing through her pulse before his ferocious fangs finally sinked into neck.

By the time Zero could take the third gulp of Yuki's blood the door burst open to reveal a livid Kaname Kuran standing before them.

"Kaname...!" Yuki exclaimed quickly pulling away from Zero. " me it's not what it looks like."

Kaname's eyes moved to Zero only to find him looking the other way, the trail of Yuki's blood still on the corner of his lips. Kaname was glad that he was not trying to lie like the other one.

"Kaname you have to believe me, it's not what it looks like." She rushed towards him and threw her arms around his large torso. "Kaname you have to believe me." She was in a way repeating the same thing again and again.

The sight of Yuki tightly embracing Kaname was still hard Zero to bear, so before the husband and wife gets all lusty Zero decided to make his exit.

But was stopped by the male pureblood's call. "Where is it that you are going Kiryu?"

"It's your house, she is your wife, your family, I do not belong here." with that Zero that Zero resumed to walk out but only to be stopped again.

"Wait Kiryu..." Zero stopped in his track and turned to see Kaname pulling out of Yuki's grasp.

"There is no need for you to leave," both Yuki and Zero looked at the dark haired vampire king with confused eyes. "You belong here with Yuki."

"Kaname stop it." Yuki cried out in protest hoping he would quit this sick joke.

Ignoring her completely Kaname told Zero "It is you who was always there in her heart. I on the other hand was nothing more than a mere infatuation."

She came around once more and wrapped both her arms around her pureblood husband from the back.

"Kaname I beg of you please stop this non-sense." Zero could see how desperately Yuki was holding onto the pureblood shirt like he is her last resort to live. "I only love you and you only. Nothing remains between me and Zero."


"No Kaname let me speak."


"Let me show you what you mean to me."


"The moments that happened in the past no more matters. It no longer means anything. You are the only thing, only one that matters to me now-"

"ENOUGH!" Yuki completely flinched at the sound of his yell and let go of her grip on him. Zero too was shocked. In fact this was the first time he heard Kaname Kuran shouting this loud.

"Think before you speak Yuki," Kaname said turning around to face her. "It is you and I that no longer mean anything. Zero always meant something to you. He did, he does and he will forever matter to you."

"Kaname please,"

"LET ME FINISH YUKI." he once more raised his voice at her. "If I indeed have mattered, then you would not have chosen to bring that girl into this world in the first place. You heart would have known I will never be able to bear such betrayal."


"Perhaps we are better as siblings."

"Don't say that!" She once again grabbed him by the collar and brought him forward. "You must understand I am not in the right mind. Aiyora's pregnancy, then abortion has effected a great deal on my mind. Please try to under my situation Kaname."

"It is always about Aiyora, or Zero."


"And why are you not trying to understand, I am here trying to give you your desired family back. I am not asking you to leave this house. You were born here you have more right over it than I do."

"Kaname?" Yuki uttered his name confused. Zero too threw a confused stare at him. Something about this fight did not sit well with Zero. For a moment there was a pause. A real pin drop silence where one can easy hear the sound of the other breathing, sound of the clock tick tocking and other heartbeat.

"I am leaving the house."

The male pureblood declared finally turning on his heels. Now Zero knows what the hell he is up to.

"You can have Ai's full custody but her financial responsibility shall remain mine…"

Another pause followed by during which Zero fully heard Yuki's heart coming to a stop.

"I shall send Seiran to retrieve my belongings." Those were the last words from the pureblood mouth before he started to march out of the room. For few seconds Yuki remained frozen on the spot but when realization hit her she ran, she ran as fast as she could giving all her effort to catch up to her husband in order to stop him. But right before Yuki could catch up his body dis integrated into millions of bats and flew away leaving out a single trace.

By the time Zero was able to catch up he found Yuki already on the ground at the bottom of the stairs sitting on her knees crying helplessly out loud o top of her lungs. Wasting no time he rushed towards her and scooped her form into his arms before she could collapse onto the ground.

Once Yuki was safely collected into his arms he quickly took out his phone and dialed Aiyora's number.


Almost a week has passed since Kaname moved out of the Kuran mansion and moved into his penthouse located in the heart of downtown. Aiyora though stayed back with Yuki but comes almost every day for few hours to spend time with him. But tonight is not like most day where she would show up, they would do the…things and then she would go home. For this night she managed to get permission from her mother for stay over with the usual excuse that she will be spending the over at one of her friend's house. Therefore this day gave them a chance to do bit more than just to fuck. And they decided to utilize this time by having a bath.

Taking another deep breath Aiyora took one last look at the burning rose scented candles all over the bathroom floor before her closing her eyes letting her sense relax allowing the sound of his greedy gulps invaded her ears. Aiyora really hated herself for being in this position, here mother is yet not removed from the pain of heartbreak and here she is enjoying a warm bath with the reason of her mother's very heartbreak. What a terrible daughter she is, a real disappoint to being with.

Taking another breath Aiyora decided to divert her mind, concentrating on his gulps. He must be really thirsty, Aiyora noted since he always tries to be gentle while drinking from her but tonight he was drinking like some new born cub feeding for the first time from its mother. His fangs suddenly dug in deeper making the young vampire squeeze her eyes shut and moan out loud. Aiyora could feel their entangled body going deeper into the tub making foam flush up. She felt his body behind her vibrate; the same could be said with her. An intense orgasm was building up inside their body through this intense exchange of blood.

Trying to not gone insane in this unbearable pleasure Aiyora decided to open her eyes and focus on something; and their feet that rested on the other end of the tub was what caught her attention. She took notice of how small her red pedicured feet looked resting in the middle his large ones on each side of her. To her the sight suddenly looked so full of love and protection that somehow it managed to send some kind of warmth into her heart.

She heard him tearing his fangs off her neck with a wet pop. Aiyora turned her head only and saw her blood running down the corner of his lips. She leaned forward to lick it off and once the last trace of blood licked away Aiyora found her lips being captured by her lover in a hungry ferocious kiss.

"Come home Kaname," Aiyora pleaded pulling out of the kiss. "Mama is on the verge of breaking down." He did not reply just continued to trail down a series of small kisses starting from the nape of her neck then passing by the shoulder blades and then moved down to her arms. Aiyora tried to ask once more but this time only to have him place a hand over her mouth and block her advocacy of her mother. Leaving no choice for Aiyora but to give up...for now.


"Mama pick your color blue, red or white?"

Aiyora asked Yuki holding up the three different types of gown in those colors and also hoped this diversion of topic will cheer up the pureblood. But Aiyora's efforts went in vain when her mother did not even respond. Yuki was seated by the window leaning her head on the frame of it, her eyes looking outside trying to take the sight of starry night sky.

"Mama red, blue or white?" she still received no reply leaving Aiyora to sigh in defeat.

It not only increased Aiyora's tension further more. It have been over month since her mother discovered about her pregnancy since then she has not been the same. Yuki was not just pissed but furious especially about the fact that both Kaname and Zero knew about it and hid the truth from her. By now Aiyora has even lost count of the number of fights she had with Kaname and Zero about this same matter. Though the fights with her own father did not bother Aiyora much since Zero knew how to handle her but when it was with Kaname, it was dangerous. The pureblood king came close to spilling out everything almost twice. If not for Aiyora's interruption Yuki would have known everything by now. And even to this day Aiyora cannot bring herself to imagine what sort of self-destruction her would have brought it upon herself upon learning it all.

Handing the gowns to the maid beside her Aiyora went up to Yuki and crouched down before her.

"Tell me Mama," she took her mother's hand in her "…are you not at all excited? Tomorrow marks the 18th year of your marriage to Kaname oji-sama, are you not excited about your anniversary at all?"

Tomorrow is 1st of April, the date that has been special in calendar for Kaname and Yuki Kuran since it was this very day they tied the knot and bonded themselves into a beautiful bond of marriage eighteen years ago. And to make this special day appear even more special Aiyora took it all upon herself to arrange for the best anniversary for her mother and step-father. She is determined to make this party keep everyone mouth hanging. It will be her chance to show the world that even to this day pure love strong bond exist just the way it exist between their king and Queen. Although Aiyora herself knows her effort is in many ways phony and futile.

Mainly because the Yuki-Kaname relationship has escalated from bad to worse, probably the worst of kind! Their last fight led to Kaname moving out the house abandoning Yuki with the children. Neither does he call nor does he answer her call. Gossips have already tried to in the vampire society that too mainly because of Yuki telling her best friend Yori who in turn shared it with her husband Hanabusa and it is common knowledge that the young Aidou lord cannot keep anything inside his stomach.

But the positive part of this spreading rumour is that some truth came out and yes one of it was very reassuring to Yuki's ear that Ruka is not the other woman of her husband. Neither it is the other greedy Sara Shirabuki who constantly has on and off affair going on with Takuma; basically using him for her need. That however gives birth to the important question, if not Ruka or Sara who is it then? Seiran? Yuki is not sure whether to keep an eye on that one or not. But how can one keep an eye on Seiran? She is the hardest of all to trace.

Despite knowing her effort may not even bring any good result but still, one can try right? This is what Aiyora constantly reminded herself through every second of her party planning.

"Mama…?!" Aiyora calls her mother again this time giving her hands a firm shake.

Yuki turned to her daughter. Her deep brown eyes locked with her daughter's lavender ones. The older female was not able to speak but emotions however overwhelmed her mind and shone as bitter tears on her eyes.

"Everything will be okay." Her daughter assured.

"Will it...?" Yuki could not bring herself to believe her words. "Tell me how will it all be okay?" this time Yuki demanded. "Then please tell me how will it be okay when I already know I am surrounded by liars."

Aiyora's mouth dropped in shock.

"Your father lied to me about your pregnancy, God knows what else you are hiding from me, and kaname too knew about this situation of yours but not even for once bothered to share anything with me..." Yuki broke down only to have Aiyora quickly stand on her feet and pull her mother into her arms.

"And then...and then... he has an affair going on with some whore..." Aiyora chest tightened at those words because no matter what, truth always hurts. "I'm sure it's because of her he decided to leave the house and abandon us!" Aiyora's heart felt heavy, so heavy with guilt that suddenly she could not find air to breathe.

" Aiyora-chan I know how hard you are working for this party but I will request you to stop if you are unsure about Kaname attending it..." Yuki said between her cries sobbing into her daughter's chest. "There is only so much of heart break one can take. He has already broken my heart and pride by bedding another,"

Aiyora had to part her mouth to let air in, from this point onwards guilt of inferno was burning her to ashes inside

"If he choses to insult me publicly I don't think I can survive."

"Mama, Mama listen to me please, Kaname Oji-sama loves you." Aiyora chose the best words she could find to console Yuki. "Believe me your Kaname still loves you, and I promise you that he will come back. He will come back Mama. I give you my word Mama that I will bring him back."

Her hot young blood made Aiyora take that oath right on the spot not even knowing if she really had the ability to fulfill that. But this time she made up her mind that she is going to try, she will try really hard give all her efforts and bring Kaname at least to this party. But now the question remains will her heart be able to handle if kaname actually decides to renew it all with Yuki?!

Why not? Aiyora's heart argued back. After all she wasn't not even a part of this equation it was always Kaname and Yuki. Aiyora is only a third person among them.


"And this is the last time I am going to repeat myself," Kaname Kuran said reclining on his chair behind the large oak desk "...Yuki and I are over." The words left his lips so smooth that it did not only surprise Aiyora, but took him by certain amount of shock as well. Even last five years ago Kaname Kuran did not even imagine a day would come he would utter these words. Not even such thought came anywhere near his mind but today here he is uttering them with no regret.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Aiyora almost screamed in frustration.

"Why are YOU doing this to me!?" The pureblood hissed back. "You are picking that women over me? Why is that Aiyora? Why is that...?"

Aiyora's whole body becomes alerted as her lover stands up following those words. He calm walks around the desk and stop right in front of her. His wine colour eyes trying to hypnotize her under his dark hungry gaze.

"Please," her voice sounded like she was being polite and begging at the same time. Despite that he leaned further down just so that he could feel her warm breath brushing over his face. "...Please come back home Mama awaits for you Kaname Oji-sama."

"Please... don't call me that," he said finally cupping her face. "I hate it when you address me with that title... It makes me feel old." There was a naughty hint in his voice that suddenly brought a change into the young female's mood making her almost forget the reason why she is here.

"And if do not listen?" Aiyora asked with a cheeky smile tugging at the end of her lips.

He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Then I'm afraid I have no choice but to punish my naughty little niece." with that said he grabbed her by the hips, pulled her up and sat her down on the table while his mouth attacked her neck with open mouthed kisses and hands started to undo the upper portion of her school uniform... the famous night class uniform!

"Kaname please..." Aiyora decided to try her luck one more time. "Please return home. Mama needs you, I need you, Ai needs you, we need you."

"hmmmm..." he only moaned out a response.

"No promise me first," Aiyora demanded pulling away as much possible "...that you will come to the anniversary, your and mother's anniversary."

He did not answer only looked at her for a long moment before pulling her down for deep dark kiss... Forever some one to see it visually would look like he was drinking down her lips.


Outside the pureblood's Ruka Souen has been knocking on the door for quite a while. She has actually returned successful with the task completed that he has assigned to her.

She was really looking forward to handing over these files to him and return home, she had a tiring day after all. But probably her Kaname-sama had it already planned to make her suffer bit more by not answering to the door that she has been knocking for over a good minute. As luck would have it for Ruka that even Seiran was not present at that moment she was sent away on a different task and although Kaname Kuran does have other office assists but the files that Ruka is holding are contains confidential information for which she was instructed strictly only to hand them back to Seiran or Kaname Kuran him self.

And now, neither is Seiran present nor is Kaname-sama answering the door. It all put Ruka in a serious situation. For a moment the female vampire debated if she should just take the files with her home but figured Kaname may not like it, so she preferred the second option that is to knock once more if no response then just enter leave the file in a secure place.

Ruka chose to go with the second option, she knocked several times more and still got no response and finally she opened the door only become frozen on the spot at the sight before.

The room was not empty like she expected but there he was Kaname Kuran being tightly held by the arms another woman. Ruka blinked not being able to register but when she did she saw something that complete changed her mind and the way she viewed the pureblood- all the while as the female is tightly holding him into her arms he had her seated above his desk, with one hand covering her mouth muffling her screams, the other hand down in between her tightened legs and his mouth feeding from her breasts!

It took Ruka another good second to realize who the female was and once she did, her eyes turned as wide as plates and...the files on her hand dropped! The couple parted right away. Thus there was no turning back for Ruka Souen.

Ruka found herself torn between two options one is to leave everything and run for her life, the second one is to stay back and confront. And decision was already made when Ruka chose not to not move from her spot.

Her hazel eyes danced between the pureblood who in fact was glaring cold daggers at her to his step daughter beside who was in desperate attempt to cover her dignity. Ruka decided to keep her eyes on Aiyora and took notice of her details since staring down Kaname Kuran was out of the question. The young vampire, the only thing from her uniform that remained intact were her shoes and the skirt, her stockings were misplaced, her underg actually ripped and now lying down few feet from her along with the bow of her uniform. Ruka's eyes slowly scanned up...the blazer was half way pushed down her shoulders, shirt fully unbuttoned, bra unhooked but Aiyora had pulled them together in order to cover her naked chest.

The situation was so much more insulting for Aiyora that she could not bring herself to look up. She could already feel Ruka's poisonous glare on her form. Never in her life has Aiyora actually felt so low about herself. Getting caught with a man is degrading, getting caught with a married man is insulting, and getting caught with the man who happens to be your mother's husband is a whole different story. In fact it was the first time Aiyora ever found herself wishing she was never born.

Kaname still had his eyes fixated on Ruka openly challenging her. But then moments later a sound of soft sob gets his attention. Looking to his side he finds that Aiyora has broken down. His eyes once more makes contact with Ruka's who was now staring at him to see what he would do and without breaking the eye contact with Ruka Kaname pulled the younger girl into his arms and soothed her with the following words while tenderly rubbing a hand over her head and back.

"It's alright, it's alright Aiyora, she saw nothing, your aunt Ruka saw...nothing!"

But when Aiyora did not seem convinced by his words, he was left with no choice but to put a hand over her head and put her to sleep.

With Aiyora past out Ruka was brutally left alone to face the pureblood. It is probably the most awkward situation she ever faced in life. She really had no idea what would be the best way to react. She wished to dig her own grave and burry herself here. Not only because of her fear for the pureblood, not even because of the love she held for him, not even the fact the she caught him in the arms of another. But what hurt her the most was the fact he was not whom she thought he was all these time... a man of discipline, a man with honor but he proved her wrong so very wrong.

Now that she looked she could not Kaname Kuran but devil in his disguise as he glared at her with his dangerously red glowin eyes.

"Remember Ruka..." his voice laced out as command "You saw nothing, absolutely nothing."

"Yes..." The word left her mouth out of force, against her will like she was hypnotized.

a.n. I'm back with this after a really long time. this time I tried to make this chapter long hope you guys enjoyed. thank you all for reading. your support always means a lot. also special thanks to Kumakipureblood who practically pushed and encouraged me to write this chapter. this is for you hope you enjoyed.