"Perry, I need you to keep an eye out on a scientist. He is involved with the evil society named L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N this is a top secret mission and nothing should come between it. His name is Heinz Doofenschmirtz." Major Monogram informed him. The man clicked out from the computer and it went black.

Perry nodded,"I've heard that name? Where?" his deep voice echoed through the room. He knew that name, in all his years of being and agent he had never forgotten a name. "Computer, aquire files on Heinz Doofenschmirtz."

"Files opened. Send?" the computer animated voice asked.

"No, if you may, print the files immediately. I have family over and I'm sure they wonder where I am." Perry started to get ready, he had to see his brothers. They were his everything. He took off his hat resting it on the hat rack.

"Files are Complete, Agent P." Perry picked up the files that were spit out of the super computer and safely tucked them under his arm. He thanked the machine and turned off the lights to leave. He pressed a button on his phone. His car rolled up on it own and opened its own doors. Being a secret agent had its perks, you always got new toys.

He drove home listening to the radio. It seemed that Lindanna was being brought back. He knew her songs all too well. He pulled up to be greeted by his younger siblings. "Hey Perry!" Phineas jumped up in excitement and Ferb ,though he wasn't really showing it, was in excitement.

"Aye Perry, I gotta say I love what you did with the place." Candace said walking out of the large mansion like house. "Hi little sis." He pulled her in a hug almost choking her.

"Aye, I'm not little anymore! I'm a grown woman!" She put her foot to the ground and pouted childishly. He grabbed all three of them and embraced them in a hug. "Its been along time since we've seen you big bro." Candace hugged him tighter now.

"Yeah, at least we have today to be together! I mean we can have tons of fun!" he gave them a little shake. "Lets go inside and have some fun."

Just like Perry promised they had fun. They played games, ate as much as they wanted, and watched scary films without parents permission it was a kids dream come true.

"I'm glad today was fun Perry, you always let us have fun here." Phimeas said smiling at his blue haired brother.

"I wish the same. We never get to see each other that often." Ferb said,him too smiling at his older brother.

"Come on guys stop with all this mushy stuff! You're killing my vibe...but I miss you too." Candace said blushing she wasn't good at sharing feelings. "Its time to go boys, Perry we'll catch you later." the boys groaned and walked out the door.

"Bye Perry!" they said simultaneously. Candace shook her head wondering how they do that then looked to Perry. "Mom and dad miss you big bro, come visit us for a change. Please?"

"I'll try." it was a poor answer. He knew because of his job he shouldn't visit family members. It was a high risk for someone figuring out who he really was and taking his family hostage. Candace smiled and left the house without a word, who knows how many times she had heard him say those words. But she believed in them deeply.

Perry thumped the wall twice with his back. The secret wall door opened and he went to his secret office. He has an office inside the house but that didnt hold all documents of every villain he took down and government secrets which no one should know. He sat in his large black swivel chair and took out the files on Heinz from his desk.

"Lets see, Heinz..." He read the files out loud."Married, divorce, rich ex-wife, yada, yada, yada, threaten the Tri-state area, boring, created the enhance-inator?" Perry re-read the last sentence. "What is the enhance-inator?" Perry thought back to all his missions he never heard of this thing.


"Good evening Agent P. what is the command?"

"What is the enhance-inator?"

The computer scanned through her data base."No enhance-inator is located in my data. May I try again?"

Perry tapped his fingers against the wooden desk,"Yes Computer." he was getting impatient, he needs info on this guy. The Computer screen went dark, Perry was on full alert. The Seal of U.S.A popped up in red traced in black.

"This is Federal affair. What in the hell did this guy do?" Perry never took his eyes of the screen.

"You have been located onto Federal business of the United States. You are now able to click off and leave. Do not come on to this site, you do not have a police record but an F.B.I record. You are now in watch list of government agents , we do not wish for you to be harmed in any circumstance." Computer said reading allowed the governments words below the Seal.

"Computer, override the system. I want answers." Perry said. The Computer overrides the system in no time.

"Thank you Computer." he had talked to fast. The Seal once again popped up in red and traced with black.

"We have warned you. You're location is put into the data base of agents near you. Please remain where you are, leaving is not an option. The-" the screen of the computer went black then a face appeared. Major Monogram.

"Agent P. you have stumbled upon work you weren't suppose to. You are to keep an eye on him." Major Monogram frowned at his agent."Do not go deeper than what it is."

"What was so important about the enhance-inator?"

"I cannot tell you this."

"When do I start my observation task?" Perry asked he could get his answer by the source. Major Monogram eyed him cautiously, he knew that look Perry got. It was one of winning.

"Maybe, I should take you off the task."

"You know I'm just going to go undercover like before so why change?"

Major Monogram grumbled and cursed underneath his breath. Agent P. is his best agent and could do anything if he wanted to."Fine."

"You start tomorrow, alert any suspicious behavior, you know the rules. Major Monogram out." the man clicked out before Perry even had a chance to talk. The blue haired man walked out his office and went to prepare his spy kit. This was going to take all day.

Perry woke up at his regular time 7:00a.m sharp. He got ready as usual, his schedule was always on point. He took a look in the mirror, he always looked his best even when he just woke up. He grazed his hand threw his hair,"Damn I look good." he took his shower, brushed his teeth, ate breakfast, exercise, then to work.

He walked into his secret office and yawned"Computer, give me address to Heinz Doofenschmirtz. Please." the computer gave no response and just gave the directions on screen. "Thank you, Computer."

This was too easy."Agent P. would you like more files on Heinz?"

"No thank you, Computer." Perry grabbed his keys."I'd like to figure the rest out for myself." With that said Perry was outside the door.

"Agent P. what's your mission today?" Perry looked to his left to see Agent Pinky sipping on coffee while violently shaking. The pink haired man was wearing all pink sweat pants and his curly hair was put into a pony tail.

"You know its against rules to give out your mission." Perry stated earning a shrug from the other. "Pinks, your shaking more than usual. Are you cold?"

Pinky shook his head violently,"No, I'm just excited. I get to see Isabella again! This might be my last chance seeing her." Perry knew that Pinky loved Isabella more than anything in the world and would hurt anyone that would lay a hand on her.

"What do you mean last chance?" The blue hair asked pressing the same button on his phone making his car pull up. He has a huge drive way.

"I'm being shipped to Paris in a few days. I want to see her before I go, she won't be able to visit me if I'm in a whole different Country."

"Paris? You'll love it there, the romance, the food, the people. Your going to have fun and you'll be back in no time."

"That's right, you've been shipped to Paris as well. How was it?" Pinky asked his already big eyes getting bigger with curiosity. Perry always smiled when someone was curious about him or his adventure.

"It was great. I must go, I have a mission to go to." Pinky nodded and sipped more of his coffee as he watched Perry leave. He turned on his heels and skipped home, he lived down the street in a little yellow house. He wasn't much for overdoing things and didnt like big houses since he was so little.

Perry made it to Doofenschmirtz 'lair' in milliseconds. He snuck in through the window not wanting others to see him if he would have came through the door. He walked in eyeing the house. "Looks pretty normal." he had his hands in his pockets his eyes wondered everywhere. He stopped when he had saw a picture. It was a woman smiling, an unhappy child growing and crossing her arms, and Doofenschmirtz. "I didnt know he had a kid."

"Yeah I do and her names Vanessa but the question is who are you and what are you doing here?"

Perry smirked and turned around to be face to face with Doofenshmirtz. "Oh nothing." he said innocently. Doof held a look of anger and tiredness.

"You work for the O.W.C.A.? Don't you?" Doof drooped his arms and sat in his recliner chair. "I'm not doing anything so tell you're people to leave me alone." Soof sigjed waiting for Perry's reply.

Perry tsked then shook his head,"Sorry can't happen. I was sent to watch you." Perry walked over to Doof circling the chair."And I'm not stopping till I've known every single inch and part about you."

"Aren't you suppose to be a "SECRET" agent?" Meaning I'm not suppose to know you're here? Your not very good at your job." Doof said not making eye contact instead just looking to the ground.

"I'm just going with what ever happens. Apparently whatever you did got yourself on government 24/7 watch list. I'm here to survey you, I'm like the real-life agent that you see in movies. So make yourself honored to be in my presence." Perry said and walked to the couch sitting on the soft cushion.

Doof groaned in annoyance,"Please get over yourself. If your going to be staying here then go right ahead, I have another room. I'm telling you there's nothing going on so why, why should you want to stay?"

"I won't be here, but I'll be here." Perry got up and walked to the door and stopped."I wanted to see you for myself. Oh, and my name is Agent P." Doof looked up from his chair to see the blue hair man gone.

"Thank you, he finally left." Doof grabbed the remote and turned on the tv."Peace and no worries."

Perry entered his home taking his hat off. "Now that was quite exciting, Computer open-" he stopped when he saw Agent Pinky in his living room sipping his coffee and watching a soap opera.

"Agent Pinky, what are you doing here?"

"Hmmm? Oh, when you left I walked home then remembered why I walked down to your house. I was going to ask for sugar for my coffee so I walked back down then remembered you left for a mission so I just hacked your security code and came in. I saw your house and loved the decor so I made myself at home. You have the best HD tv." Pinky didnt even look away from the screen.

"Did you reset the code?" Perry asked be wasn't fazed, Pinky did this on the daily. The pink haired male nodded.

"Computer, open Cameras on Heinz." Perry went to his secret office. Pinky was too engrossed in his show to notice Perry gone. Perry sat at his desk watching Doofenshmirtz, he had installed cameras while walking around the house and while he was talking to Doofenshmirtz without the man knowing.

"Lets see what the docs up to. Hmm?" he watched the man for hours. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Perrys ears perked when he heard his door close."Must be Pinky leaving." he mumbled to himself. He was still watching him with a close eye, something about him made Perry tick like a time bomb. "What's up with you?"

"Agent P., it is your time to retire to bed. Please rest, your health is relied on by the O.W.C.A."

"Thank you, Computer." Perry went to his nightly routine,it was similar to his morning routine but kind of in reverse.

His observations on Doof had him conclude one thing. The man is lonely, Perry watched him for ours learning about the little things that made the scientist tick, his useless mutters when no ones around, and he knew the mans whole schedule. Perry couldn't bring his eyes off the man. "I'm becoming a stalker." Perry didnt like this, this feeling he got. Every second he was off the computer spy cam he had to get back on to see the man to make sure he wasn't hurt. This had been going on for months and it needed to stop.

"I need to take myself off this case." Perry said, he knew the feeling of loneliness too well and seeing someone sharing his feeling made him feel much better in a sadistic way. "Computer, shut off inner camera." he went to the kitchen to fix him something to eat. It had been hours since had eaten, his stomach gave an animalistic growl.

"I need to eat." his mind flashed to Doofenshmirtz."I wonder what he's eating?" he shook his head,"I need to stop." he ate and went back to his office."I don't have to think about that doof." Perry paused,"Doof, eh, funny. Doofenshmirtz and Doof. I just gave him a new nickname."

He closed the files he had opened and put the back in his desk. He turned off the lights and went to his room to go to bed. "I'm stopping whatever this is." he said and went to sleep.

Perry woke up in cold sweat. He had dreamt of the scientist, this wasn't the first its just that this wasn't just a dream. He dreamed of more wetter dreams, it scared him so badly. He needed to prove something.

Perry got ready at his regular time and left out the house ready to give the doof a visit. He drove in silence his eyes squeazed in anger and drove faster. He made it in faster than the speed of light.

He didn't bother knocking as he walked into the doofs house, surprising the man. "You're back?-"

"What did you do to me?!" Perry asked angrily closing in on Doofenshmirtz. The older man seemed scared and ran to the other side of the room.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't done anything!" Doof cried as Perry caught him. He struggled to get free, and tried hitting the secret agent who dodged it with ease."Let me-" the scientist didnt get to finish his sentence as two lips met his own.

Perry deepened it, he couldn't stop. The plan was to prove he could hold back, it was failing, badly. He wanted him, in all his years the one thing he was most known for was willpower. He needed this, the man, his body, the love. Perry broke the kiss for air.

"If this is a plan to tell you of work I've been doing, its not working. You know why? IM NOT DOING ANYTHING!" Doof screeched. Perry shook his head and kissed the man again. Perry was taller and had an advantage of blocking him. Perry went down on the kiss moving to his jawline, neck, and back to his lip.


Perry pushed him into his room shutting the door. It was dark as usual, he pushed the older on to his back. They broke apart and looked at each other, Perry's eyes were hazed over with lust. Doof's eyes were glazed over in confusion and innocence of not knowing what was going on.

"Heinz," Doof trembled at the voice. Perry's deep tone vibrated the dark room, he looked down at Doof. He couldn't hold back anymore, watching this man had brought a side he had buried deep inside of him. He stripped the scientists naked, Perry couldn't look away.

Doof tried covering himself but Perry didnt allow it. The older man looked shameful as the agent eyed his body. Doofenshmirtz didnt have the best body. He didn't like it one bit, he didn't want Perry to feel disgusted. He was conscious about his body and always made sure that it was covered from the outside world. It was one of his reasons his wife divorced him, he couldn't have anyone see his body.

This is just how Perry imagined it. It was a sorry excuse for a human body, it was thin, frail, and visible bones. Perry smirked he always is right. He kissed down the others chest pecking at his ribs. Doof tried pushing him away but what was the use? Perry was stronger than him.

"Keep still." Perry said. Doof did as he said with no complications and kept still. "Thank you." Perry licked and sucked the other making him shiver and whine. The older made a mix of a cry and wail.

"Have you ever had it this way?" Perry asked. To be honest he didn't want the answer, jealousy would be eating at him if the man answered yes.

"No." Doof whispered wincing his eyes when the other began to bite into his skin. Perry felt happiness well up inside of him. He was the mans first...he smiled. He got up from doof, but he was too far deep to stop now. He stripped himself, Doof watched the agent carefully then jealousy slipped in.

Agent P. had a very built body as if he had lifted weights everday. Doof looked away mad and jealous. Perry leaned down and kissed Doof on his cheek,"There's no need for jealousy. I love your body, I think you should too." Doof looked at Perry with an unbelievable expression. "I do." Perry repeated. Doof's heart beated like an 808 drum.

Perry chuckled,"I love that color on you." he seen Doof turned redder and breathed hard as Perry's hands began to go lower. "Relax, I'm going to end all of our loneliness once and for all." Perry lifted Doof so that he was able to enter inside of him. Perry slowly went in he wasn't passed the tip when Doof had screamed. He had to shut him up quick, he swallowed the scream with his mouth.

When Doof stopped he quickly tried to get him to relax."Shhh, your the prettiest thing to me. I want you to feel this like I do. Your the most precious thing I've ever seen and been with."

"No I'm not. Your just saying that." Doof said moving up trying to remove himself from Perry. "Why are you doing this? I never consented and I'm damn sure this is against O.W.C.A rules!"

"Don't you think its fun to have secrets? I do." Perry had knew about many hookups other agents had made and he knew about the relationship between Monogram and his intern Carl. "I want you and I know too well that you want this as bad as me."

Doof went silent and blushed deeper. Perry did his went to work on his body like no one had before. Perry touched and licked every part of his body not leaving out an inch. "How many lovers have you had Agent P.?" he asked in amazement. Agent P. didnt answer but kept at his work. He lifted doof again, entering him, not fully. Doof moaned painfully then pleasurably.

"I've been with many, but not as good as you." Perry tried going in a little deeper but he didn't want to hurt him. "Damn you're tight." Doof blushed all the way down to his feet. Perry chuckled again,"I wondered how far your blush would go."

"Perry..." Doof mumbled. It was slow, passionate. Perry wanted this all to himself and he did. "Remember to not cover your mouth." Perry stated. The noises, touches, the feels, and emotion were put into one motion. They went on for hours til the sun dropped from the sky.

They laid in the bed panting. Doof was fast asleep sweat dripping from him. Perry had to leave soon or the Computer would send out a message to Monogram. He looked over to the sleeping scientist and got out of the bed but first he kissed the man on the cheek. He looked for his clothes, he had put them on slowly. Afterwards he left the house with no noise.

He made it home and rushed to the shower. For some reason he just needed to be clean before he went to bed.

The morning sun hit him straight in the face through his blinds. He looked to his clock 12:30 p.m. "I slept all morning? Hmm" he got up streching. He didn't bother changing from his nightwear as he went to the kitchen. He walked to the fridge then turned his head to his table. Agent Pinky was sipping on his coffee with a knowing smile plastered on his face staring at Agent P.

"Oooh somebody had got some last night." Pinky said drinking his coffee."Mind telling me who was it?" Pinky wiggled his eyes and Perry groaned. "Aw come on. I wanna know who was good enough to sleep with the 'Agent P.'!"

Perry drank his orange juice ignoring the pink haired individual. Pinky huffed and bit into an apple on the table. "I thought I was you're right hand man, meaning you can tell me anything."

"When did I say you were?"

"You didnt I did." Pinky said pausing,"I think you're the best Agent I've ever met... I think I like you the most out of every agent I've met. You know why?" Pinky asked and Perry shook his head."On the day we met and all the other agents were flirting with me thinking that I was a woman, you appeared and addressed me as a man. I've never had anyone to do that before. I gave all my respect to you."

Perry nodded he remember clearly what happened that day. Agent Pinky had just arrived at their squad, many men had believed the other to be a woman and rushed to talk to him with Pinky not able to get a word in. Perry came to see what the commotion was about. He saw the shaking male trying to explain something. Perry knew the differences between a woman and a man, automatically knew it was man. He had walked up to him and this is exactly what he said,'Hello,and who are you Mr.?'

Those words shocked all the men surrounding Pinky. Pinky had jumped Perry into a hug. He broke away quickly and happily shook. 'Thank you!'

"That's why I like you more! Plus you let me sneak up in your house and steal food. If I did that to other agents they would want to have 'collateral' if you know what I mean." Pinky said drinking on his coffee.

"It was a person who I'm to surveillance." Perry stated not giving out any more details to the Pink haired man. Pinky practically spit out his coffee, he never expected Perry to actually tell him! He watched Perry drink out the orange carton, taking it in gulps waiting to ask a question after the man finished.

"Ooo, I never knew you went against the rules!" Pinky couldn't help his excitement, Agent P. is known for being secretive and cunning agent, he got to share secrets with him! That's like a once in a lifetime thing! Perry shrugged. "OMG,OMG,OMG!" Pinky chanted. "Was it male or female?!" he couldn't tell if Perry was straight or bi, it was hard reading his poker face.

"Does it matter?" Perry's gravel voice muttered.

Pinky squealed in his chair, he didn't know Perry was that type! Pinky was fan boy-ing, he sipped his coffee eagerly. "Agent P. I never would have thought! I mean, wow, this is news to me. Wow."

"So what are you?" Perry asked the pink individual that looked as . Pinky looked confused and was about to ask but Perry answered before him."Your preferences." Pinky gave an 'oh'.

"I'm straight." Perry's eyes almost popped out of his head, he couldn't form words. This had to be the most unbelievable thing Perry had heard in his life.

"You can't be?" Perry was confused,"If you're straight why do you resemble a chick?"

"I'm born looking like this, I don't use products or anything for my hair and face. And I don't get my haircut because my father never cut his hair, its like a traditional thing."

Perry had never been so wrong about something in his life, he really became speechless. "I, um, well, how? Are you sure?!"

Pinky nodded,"I'm in love with Isabella, she's way younger than me but love is love. I haven't been with men and I've never been attracted to a man like I have to a woman. I know its shocking because of the way I look. I'm just not about that life, you are."

Perry did what he only could do;nodded.

"I have to go. I'm going to pick up Isabella!" with that Pinky was out.

Perry walked to office still a little faze about earlier; he really didn't expect that answer."Computer turn on Cameras on Heinz."

He watched the man. Doof was just waking up, covered in hickies and love marks. Perry soon got out of confused state as he watched the other. Doof looked over to the other side of the bed to it was empty, the older man looked sadden as if he was going to cry. Perry felt guilt in himself for leaving too early. The man got out of bed with a limp walking to the bathroom then shut the door.

Perry suddenly wished he had installed cameras in the bathroom. He wanted to see the man. "Damn." he was getting hard. Thinking about the man in the shower dripping wet made him go mad. He got up from his chair." Computer end camera. I'll be gone for a while, do not send a message to Monogram of a disappearance. "

"Command saved into data. Camera is shut off."

Perry made it to Doofs house, while the man was still taking a shower. He stripped himself of his night shirt leaving him in his blue boxer. He walked into the scientists room, and sat on the edge of his bed nonchalantly. Doof came out the bathroom steam existing with him. He was face to face with Perry. The blue haired got up, standing tall over the other male.

Perry snatched the towel that hung around Doof's hips then drooped it to the ground leaving him naked. "Agent P.!" the older cried surprised at the agents actions. Perry looked to the bed then back at his doof. He didn't want to have sex in a bed they already used, he saw the steam from the bathroom and ideas flew through his mind in flashes. He grabbed the older man, dragging him to the bathroom.

Hours flew by and they finally came out. Perry was carrying a used Doofenshmirtz in bridal style to the bed. They were dripping from hot water and lust filled steam came out with them. Doof breathed heavily, his chest moving up and down with every heartbeat. Perry laid him down gently on the bed, he moved to pick up his clothes but a hand grabbed him.

"You're not going to leave me? Are you?" Doof asked gripping Perry for dear life. Perry had to think. Doof waited for an answer, the wait was killing him. Perry looked at him with thoughts,"I'll stay." Perry picked Doof up like you would to a child and took the sheets of his bed, then laid Doof back down.

"I'm going to wash these sheets, they're still stained from last night." Perry walked out of the room to clean the sheets. Doof sat in the room by himself wondering how this all was going to end. He could hear the washing machine being started and other movements from the agent. His eyes drooped a little he couldn't stay awake any longer. All of what happened in the bathroom took all of what he had.

Doof woke up to clean sheets and a clean room. Everything was put in order, he never had anything organized it was usually jumbled. The whole room was pretty clean, the floor, his dressers, and himself was dressed in his pajamas. He got up, the smell of food cooking hit his nose. He limped a little and walked to the kitchen seeing Perry in nothing but his blue boxers cooking. "Agent P.?"

Perry turned around seeing the man with awe in his eyes. Doof looked around into the kitchen and living room."Did you clean my whole house?" the scientist asked. The agent came behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Perry kissed the back of his head,"I needed something to do while my baby was sleeping."

Doof blushed,"Agent P. I thought you left." he was being truthful. It hurt but he had to say it.

"Call me Perry."

Doof was surprised."You're giving me your real name?! Do you know nothing about your organizations rules?!" Perry laughed and leaned in to kiss the idiot. Perry was happy he couldn't remember the last time he had been this happy.

"I have to go check on the food." but he didn't let go of Doof instead he had him walk with him. "I know you love pasta and cheesecake." Doofs eyes lit up then turned in Perrys hold and kissed him.

They ate in comfortable silence, Doof chewed on his cheesecake then broke the silence."So what do you want from me? Is this just for sex?" he asked his mouth was full from food.

Perry shook his head. He didn't think of it just for sex, he thought it had meaning in a way."I want to be in a relationship with you." Doof almost choked on his food. He had never in his life heard those words come to him. "I'm going to be over here more often and when I'm not I'm still watching you." that gave Doof chills, it sounded weird like Perry knew his every move.

Perry stood up from the tables chair and walked behind Doofs chair and felt upon the man from behind."I'm getting in the mood again, I think I deserve an award for doing all the house work." he whispered to brunettes ear. Doof stopped in mid-chew of his cake and blushed deeper. Perry smirked."You wanna see how I can make you cum in six times in thirty minutes?" Perry took the food out of the others hand and carried him to the bedroom.

He practically ripped the clothes off the man. He pushed down his pajamas bottoms and then his under wear and noticed the man was already wet. Doof looked away ashamed of himself for coming too fast. Perry smiled,"Do I turn you on that much?" Doof felt like coming again but held it in. Perry saw and chuckled, he was just making it harder for Doof. "You can cum." at those words, Doof came like a running river. Perry messed with his tip circling it and glazing his nail over the sensitive area."Again" Perry commanded. The brunette came again.

Perry smiled at how much control he had over the others body. In the next few seconds he made Doof cum two more times."I told you I can make you cum six times in thirty minutes. Eh, that wasn't even thirty minutes it was like five minutes. New record." Doof couldn't help himself as he came again.

"I'm not even naked or fucking you. I must really look good." Perry teased. Doof looked tired out all ready. Perry kissed him,"I have to go now. I'll be back, tomorrow or the next day." Doof nodded ready to get the man out of his house, he was embarrassed enough. "Remember to clean the sheets." he whispered in Doofs ear.

Perry winked at the man and put on his pajamas that he had wore here and walked out the door not before blowing a kiss to the scientist. Doof hid underneath his covers in embarrassment.

A/N I hope you like it. Fave, comment, or follow. I don't own Phineas and Ferb if I did Perry and Doof would've been got together.