When Anna awoke, the bed was empty. She felt relieved yet strangely saddened that Elsa had gotten up without her. Sighing, she checked the time, 5:30, and rolled out of bed.

She quickly went through the process of getting ready. She brushed out her crazy bedhead, washed her face and put on a pair of jeans and a long sleeved shirt. She would always change into her agent uniform at the base to avoid suspicion from her neighbors.

Elsa was waiting for her in the kitchen with a smile and a cup of coffee. The domesticity of this act made Anna feel all warm and giddy on the inside. It's almost as if we really are getting married…Anna blushed behind her coffee mug as she took a hearty gulp. She paused for a moment.

"How did you know I liked my coffee with lots of cream and sugar?" Anna suddenly asked.

Elsa just giggled, pouring herself a cup of herbal tea. The calming scent of chamomile rose from the steaming liquid. "After seeing your favorite flavor of ice cream, I assumed you had a bit of a sweet tooth." She calmly took a sip from her tea, the action capturing Anna's attention. She is so graceful in everything she does…like royalty or something.

"Would you like me to make you some toast before you go?" Elsa asked.

Anna shook her head and smiled. "No, I'll be fine. They usually have breakfast available down at the agency."

The blonde nodded, taking another sip. "Do you have a busy day today?" she asked with an air of nonchalance. But Anna briefly glimpsed concern in those blue eyes watching her from across the counter.

"I honestly don't know if I'll have any missions today, Flynn just said that he needed me to come in," she glanced at the clock, downing the rest of her coffee and moving to place the empty mug in the dishwasher, "I should be going now."

Elsa nodded, placing her tea cup down and following her to the front door. She picked a jacket off the coat rack and helped Anna into it. "Will you be back in time for dinner?" she asked.

Anna turned around and gave her another smile. "Of course. And remember, if you ever need anything at all, even if it's just a quick question or you're feeling lonely, I will always answer my phone. Always, no matter what happens, okay?"

Elsa smiled, her blue eyes practically glowing with warmth. "Okay." A brief pause passed between them where they just stood there, staring at each other. Almost as if they were waiting for something.

Finally Elsa released a nervous giggle and stepped forward, giving Anna a soft peck on the cheek. "Stay safe. I'll see you when you get home." She murmured gently as she pulled away.

Anna's face felt so hot that she could've sworn steam was shooting out of her ears. Her heart had simultaneously stopped and hit warp speed, robbing her lungs of functionality. She somehow stammered out an affirmation before she practically tripped over herself on the way to her car.

Behind the wheel, she finally exhaled. Ohmygodohmygod—she just kissed me! Holy cheese! I mean, that happened, right? I wasn't hallucinating, right? She took a few calming breaths as she started the car. She put the convertible top down, hoping it would help her face cool down. Okay, Anna, relax. She probably didn't mean anything by it. Friends kiss each other on the cheeks all the time…

After nearly crashing into a mailbox, running three red lights, and almost mowing over a cabbage stand, Anna pulled into her parking space at The Corona. To say that she was distracted would be a dire understatement. The scene from that morning wouldn't stop replaying over and over in her mind's eye.

"Okay, Anna," she told herself as she pressed the sun panel on the back wall, "You need to focus. No more spacing out."

When the elevator stopped on her floor, she strode to her office with a newfound determination to get her head in the game. She wouldn't let a tiny incident shake her resolve.

When she strode into her office, however, she realized that she was not alone. She quickly found that the room had another occupant. A familiar one.

"Belle? What are you doing here?" Anna questioned in surprise. She quickly checked the hallways before closing the door. "You realize that this is a restricted area, right? If they catch you in here without authorization, we'll both be in trouble."

Belle, who had been leisurely reading a thick book, glanced up at her. She sighed and took off her reading glasses.

"Good morning to you as well, Anna." She deadpanned, closing the book and placing it on the mahogany desk. Anna glanced at the title. 'Cognitive Computational Neuroscience'…Yeesh.

"Is that for one of your classes?" Anna asked sympathetically, pointing at the brick-like book.

Belle giggled. "Why no, it's just for leisure. The subject captured my interest, so I decided to engage in a bit of light research."

Anna grimaced. "Right." I'm scared to ask what she considers heavy research.

A knock at the door caused the redhead to jump. "Oh no! You have to go, or hide, or something!" she was filled with worry. Anna had never broken any of the major rules, and harboring an unauthorized person was a big no-no.

Before either of them could move, however, the door was opened.

"Good morning!" Flynn greeted as he poked his head in. He stopped as soon as he saw the look of horror on Anna's face.

"Look Flynn, I can explain…you see I, uh, there was…this thing, and…" Anna trailed off nervously.

He gave her confused look before his eyes fell upon Belle, who was sitting in Anna's chair. He smiled at the brunette. "Good morning, Ms. Du Franc."

Belle gave a polite nod. "And to you as well, Mr. Ryder."

The redhead's jaw dropped open. "Wait, what?" she was stunned as she looked back and forth between them. "I don't understand why you're not freaking out, Flynn. Is she a client or something?"

The man shook his head and grinned. "Not a client, but an intern."

"Intern?" Anna repeated, dumbstruck.

Belle stood up, revealing a lanyard with a security clearance card hanging around her neck. She's already got Level 2 clearance?! It took me seven months to get that! "Yes," Belle said, "I was so impressed by the fundamentals of your organization that I made inquiries about offering my expertise. An internship was the ideal solution, seeing as I still wish to engage in other academic pursuits."

"In other words," Flynn stated excitedly, "She going to be helping us out. I've chosen you to be her mentor here, seeing as you know her more than everyone else."

Anna's brow was thoroughly furrowed by this point. "I still don't understand. You want me to train her to be an agent?"

"No," Belle quickly stated, "I'm afraid physical endeavors aren't my strong suit. Mr. Ryder has deemed it best that I work in Communications."

The Communications division acted as a link to agents out in the field, relaying data and other information from the base of operations while they were out on a mission. It was a very important division; behind every good agent was an even better communications specialist, and vice versa. The two divisions were so co-dependent on each other they even combined their workspaces for efficiency.

"Yep!" Flynn said with a cheery grin, "She's going to be your new Comm. Specialist!"

Anna didn't know whether to groan or be happy. Belle seemed like a nice girl, and VERY smart…and Anna did need a new Comm. Specialist after her last one went away on maternity leave… "Okay, so do you want me to show her the ropes?" she finally asked, resigning herself to the idea.

Flynn nodded. "Just a brief tour will do. When you're done with that, I have an assignment for you."

"Right," Anna gave an affirmative nod, "Let's go then."

Belle followed her out of the room, trying to keep up with her brisk pace. "I hope my presence here does not cause you any undue emotional stress," the brunette said as they made their way down the hall, "I will try to be as productive as possible. I really admired the way you conducted yourself when you saved me, and I just…I wished to be a part of it."

Anna felt like a terrible person for internally griping over Belle joining their cause. The little brunette seemed to look up to her, wanting to help her in whatever way she could. Anna had to make it up to her. She had to be the best mentor ever.

"Hey, don't worry about it," Anna said with a bright smile, "I actually needed an assistant anyway. I think you'll do a great job."

The way Belle's eyes lit up at her words made Anna feel like she was the cool older sister that everyone aspired to be like. Idol status achieved!

They stopped when they reached the room at the end of the hall. "This is the agent break room." Anna supplied, "Everyone comes here to decompress or eat, or watch T.V…. there's a bathroom and an elevator right next door."

Belle nodded, casting her eyes over the room in appraisal.

"'Ey Lass!" a feminine brogue called out, "I 'eard that yeh 'ad a special assignment, eh?"

They both turned to see a woman approaching them with hair as red as a fire truck and as wild as the fire itself. She was wearing the standard issue agent uniform: formfitting black pants, bullet vest, t-shirt, black leather jacket, boots, and special utility belt. Each agent customized their attire a bit to suit their style. The woman had foregone the jacket in favor of a pair of black leather bracers. Anna suddenly remembered she was still in civilian clothes. I'll have to change later.

"Belle, I'd like you to meet Agent Merida." Anna introduced, "Merida, this is my new Comm. Specialist, Belle."

The wild haired redhead looked the girl up and down, her eyes squinting as she appraised her. "Don't she look a wee young to yeh?" she commented critically, "The lass can't be a day over fifteen."

Belle frowned and her nose scrunched up cutely. "I am seventeen and I'll have you know that I am not a child, despite my appearance. I have several PhDs in both technological and scientific fields of study. I speak over seventeen languages, not including computer code, and I am heiress to one of the biggest conglomerates in the world." She placed a defiant hand on her hip. "I believe I am more than qualified for the job."

Merida blinked in surprise at the brunette's little temper tantrum. Then she burst out laughing, doubling over and clutching at her sides as she cackled away.

Belle seemed both shocked and appalled, while Anna watched on with a knowing smile. Merida only laughed in front of people she trusted. Otherwise, she was all 'game face'.

"Oh dear, I like this one," Merida breathed, wiping the corner of her eyes, "She's feisty!"

Belle seemed a bit befuddled at this point so Anna just patted her on the shoulder and offered her a smile of approval.

Soon another woman joined them in the break room. This woman was dressed in an agent uniform as well, though she customized her attire by wrapping a green and gold scarf with white lotus embroidery around her neck. She had an exotic face and long dark hair. Anna had also noticed that she always had impeccable posture.

"Greetings," the woman acknowledged with a cordial dip of her head. "I see we have a new face present."

She regarded Belle with a kind smile. The brunette smiled back a bit shyly in response.

"My name is Mulan," the dark haired woman introduced herself, "I am an agent alongside these two. It is my pleasure to welcome you as our comrade."

Anna giggled to herself. Mulan could speak a bit oddly at times, but that was part of her charm. Belle didn't seem bothered in the least.

"The pleasure is all mine." The brunette replied with a wide smile, "I'm going to be joining the Communications division. My name is Belle."

"Belle…"Mulan tested the name out, she smiled and nodded, "I believe such a lovely name is fitting for such a beautiful face. Though, I am certain that you are much more than that. Your eyes reflect an intelligent mind."

Anna raised an eyebrow. Was Mulan actually flirting? She shook her head. No, Mulan was always unknowingly charming. She was what most people would call 'romantically oblivious'.

Belle smiled at her, a little pink in the cheeks. "I have much to learn, I'm sure."

Before Mulan could say anything else, Anna took Belle's wrist and was pulling her towards the elevator. "We'd love to stay and chat, but we've got a tour to finish."

"Of course," Mulan said with a polite nod, "I will not delay you any further, then."

"Make sure yeh tell me all about tha' little secret mission yeh got when yeh get back, alright?" Merida called from the couch. She was watching an archery tournament and frowning at the screen, muttering something about 'poor form'.

Anna didn't respond as the elevator doors closed. Her cheeks flushed pink as she thought about discussing Elsa with the other redhead. Or anyone, really.

Belle curiously took note of her embarrassment.

"Are you alright?" she asked, concern etched into her youthful features, "You seem a bit flushed."

This only made Anna blush more. "O-Oh? Uh, it's nothing. I'm fine! See?" she made a goofy face for emphasis.

Belle didn't seem to be buying it, unfortunately. "There seems to be something you are not telling me." She stated frankly, "However, I respect the fact that you are entitled to your privacy, therefore, I will not press the matter."

After a pause, Belle continued, "Though I do wish you would place more trust in my discretion." She told her with a frown, "We are a team, are we not? I believe that warrants the disclosure of personal agendas and other relevant information."

Anna just stared at her blankly, only having understood part of what the young genius said. That was enough, though, for her to know that Belle wanted Anna to trust her more. Not being one to make people sad or disappointed, Anna decided to divulge a little bit. After all, we are going to be a team. Maybe a little sharing won't hurt…

"Well, I happen to be…uh, guarding someone at my house right now." Anna said, trying to be as vague as possible, "But I haven't been told why this person needs protection, or who this person even is, really." It kind of hurt to admit that last part, because Anna so badly wanted to know everything about Elsa.

Belle took in this information, a thoughtful look on her face. "I'm afraid I don't see where the conflict lies. Has this person done anything suspicious in nature?"

Anna quickly shook her head. "No, no. She's been nothing short of wonderful!"

"'She'?" Belle intoned.

Oh, fudge!

Anna inwardly cursed her slip, but continued on. "I just wish that I could have more information on who she is." Then she quickly added, "For security reasons."

Belle didn't seem to buy that, but didn't call her out on it either. "Right." A thoughtful pause. "Well, I suppose I could assist you on this matter."

Anna's eyebrows shot up in surprise. The elevator dinged as they reached the next floor.

"How are you going to do that?" she asked as they both stepped out. "Flynn's got everything all confidential and classified."

Belle gave her a look of exasperation. "In case you've forgotten, I am highly proficient with various technologies. Bypassing your measly security encryptions should be child's play."

"So," Anna grinned, excitement shining in her eyes, "You're like a super-hacker?"

Belle rolled her eyes, a reluctant smile ghosting her lips. "Yes, Anna. I am a 'super-hacker'."


They finally reached their next destination on their tour, the Data Evaluation Center. Or as everyone else called it, 'Damage Control'. It was a large room with several floating holographic monitors on display, each one having a person typing away on them.

A blonde woman wearing a headset came to greet them. She was dressed in the DEC uniform, which merely consisted of a nice pantsuit.

"No," she spoke into the headset, "I know what the reports say, I'm asking you to change the cause to a mechanical failure. It's not that complicated, I could do it in my sleep!"

Anna and Belle both glanced at each other quizzically before turning back to the woman.

"Just send it to me, Diaval," the woman sighed, "I'll take care of it. Just make sure you get me the Ironring report later, alright?"

She hit a button on her headset before smiling at them. "Hello, Anna, how are you?" she greeted kindly. "I heard you had a little mishap with that warehouse mission. Something about a fire that got out of hand?" the tone was slightly accusatory, but overall quite gentle. Like a mother chiding a small child.

Anna grinned sheepishly. "Uh, yeah, something like that," she hedged, "Anyway, I was just showing my new Comm. Specialist around."

Belle stepped forward and offered her hand. "My name is Belle, it is nice to meet you."

The blonde woman raised an amused eyebrow. "The same Belle from the warehouse incident, I presume?" she stated with a knowing smile, "Welcome to the team, Ms. Du Franc. I am Aurora, the Head of the Data Evaluation Center. Our job is to correct any 'inconsistencies' in the public eye. We may be able to use someone of your talents here, so don't be surprised if I ask to borrow you at times."

Belle nodded. "I will do what I can to assist."

Aurora offered them both a warm smile. "Once again, welcome to the team."


The ground beneath them suddenly shook as the sound of an explosion echoed beneath the floor. Aurora frowned. "Another failure, it seems…" She stated with a helpless sigh. "I really need a nap…"

Belle seemed a bit unnerved by the event. "What in the world was that?"

Anna grinned. "It's probably best if I just showed you," she said, "To the elevator!" she declared with a wave of her arm.

Belle followed, a bit skeptical.

One floor down led them to the largest room yet. It was practically the size of a small warehouse, with walls that were lined with impregnable titanium. Various machinery, chemistry workstations, and other things filled the space. A small pillar of smoke was rising from the corner, most likely where the explosion had occurred.

Anna and Belle approached the scene. Whatever had exploded was completely unrecognizable, nothing more than a pile of smoking black goo on the floor.

"Quite the discovery!" a voice startled them both from behind.

They turned to see a short sandy-blonde woman dressed in safety goggles and a lab coat. Her front was covered in smears of black soot and her hair was stuck in a crazy blown back position. She was quite comical looking, really. Almost like a cartoon character.

"Ah yes," the short woman said, "I believe this is the best failure yet!"

She strode forward to examine the sludgy remains left behind, seemingly oblivious to the two visitors she had. "The viscosity remains intact after combustion," she murmured in astonishment, "Curiouser and curiouser…"

"What were you trying to make this time?" Anna asked.

The woman's head shot up, as if she'd just noticed that there were other people in the room. "Hello friends!" she greeted enthusiastically, "I was just trying to create a bulletproof jam! For all your protective toast needs!"

Belle raised an incredulous eyebrow. "That seems a bit…unorthodox."

The woman just shrugged. "I find that only the best things in this world are."

"Anyway," Anna cut in, "Belle's new, so I was giving her a brief tour."

The blonde nodded sagely. "Ah yes, very good. I am Alice," she spread her arms out, "Welcome to my Wonderland."

"This is the Lab. Everything research related goes through here." Anna supplied, "Alice is in charge of this place."

"I see." Belle acknowledged, looking around at a few things. "It is…interesting, to say the least."

"Why, thank you!" Alice said with a smile, typing something out on a holographic tablet. She began to mumble things as her eyes skimmed over the variables on the screen.

"Well, that's the last stop on our tour," Anna stated, "There's more, but your clearance only allows this much."

"Fair enough." Belle replied as she followed the redhead back to the elevator. She turned back as they entered.

"Oh, and Alice?" the young brunette called, "Have you tried equalizing the hydrogen with another element in order to reduce its reactivity? That may provide enough structural stability to prevent volatile combustion."

The blonde paused in thought, a maniacal smile slowly spreading across her face. "Why that's…positively brilliant!"

The elevator doors slid closed. Belle smirked proudly. "I never produce anything less."

Anna chortled, which caused the young genius to frown. "What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing," Anna fought off her chuckles, "Just the fact that you're so proud of helping invent bulletproof jam."

Belle frowned, her nose crinkling. "Well, it may be useful someday!" she defended.

Anna's giggling increased. "I'm sure toast everywhere will thank you."

Belle huffed and folded her arms over her chest. She pouted the whole way back to the office.

Belle's back!

So how's everyone doing? The fall semester has started, which means I'll be spending a bunch of time at the campus library (fun fact: I'm there right now as I'm typing this, teehee! No one suspects a thing! Mwahahahaha!). Hopefully, this also means I'll have a bit more time to work on this along with ATW.

Up Next: We take a look at how Elsa's day is going!