Okay, so here's chapter two. Sorry that I haven't post sooner but in a few days I'm going to Belgium for a year so I have to pack.

Anyway, enjoy! And review! If you have any suggestions or something you want to see, just tell me, it can happen.

Chapter 2

"Rachel, Santana! I'm back!" Kurt exclaimed as he opened the door to his apartment in New York. When no one responded, he knocked on the two opposite doors that belonged to the girls. Still no answer. Kurt made his way to his room, leaving the suitcase beside his bed. He chose an outfit and took the clothes in his hands and then made his way to the shared bathroom.

"Oh my god!" Kurt shrieked, even higher than normal, as he saw a naked man in the shower. "I-I... uh," Kurt quickly closed the door and slid down the wall next to the bathroom door so now he was sitting on the floor, confused. What the hell was the guy doing in my apartment?He put his head into his hands.

Few minutes later the guy came out of the bathroom but Kurt was still sitting on the floor, head in his palms.

"Are you okay?" The guy asked, watching Kurt.

"No! I'm not okay. A guy, whom I don't know by the way, just appeared in my apartment! In my shower!" Kurt said, already standing, facing the guy. Just after his words, he realized that the guy was standing there just in a towel around his hips. He quickly examined the guy. He had dark curls, wet at the moment. His body was not covered by muscles, there was just a hint of them, more like contours. And drops of water were still on his body, slipping from his hair, just waiting to be licked- What the hell, Kurt? Kurt started blushing.

"You don't have to blush, gorgeous, you already saw me naked," the guy said with a smirk, watching Kurt blushing even more. "I'm Blaine Anderson by the way," he leaned towards Kurt, "you should remember that because I'm your new roomie. And also for non PG activities." Blaine winked at him, leaving Kurt as he made his way to his room.

Kurt was staring with open mouth at the door where Blaine disappeared. Few seconds later, the entrance door opened, Santana talking to Rachel, bags with food in their hands. They realized that Kurt was standing in the middle of the apartment, looking at Blaine's door. Santana was smirking while Rachel's face was covered by fear, and it should be.

Kurt turned to the girls. "What the hell?!" He shouted at them with his high pitched voice.

"Well, I'm gonna leave you two to sort it out," Santana said as she put the bags on the table and vanished in her room. Rachel looked at her, betrayed. Then she went to the kitchen, She was taking the food from the bags and placing it in the fridge and cupboards.

"What were you thinking?!" Kurt was still mad, shouting at the short girl, his hands on his hips. Rachel did not turn around, continuing placing the food where it belongs.

"We needed someone to pay the rent with us..." she said but was interrupted.

"You could tell me about him something about that! I wouldn't say no because I know that we need someone now that Finn moved out. But I'm mad because you didn't tell me!" Kurt was still talking loud but at least not shouting.

"Why aren't you complaining about that to Santana? It was her idea," Rachel said, now sounding a little annoyed because Kurt was blaming her.

"Because you are the wiser." Kurt said.

A voice called behind the door. "I heard that!" Rachel and Kurt broke into laugh.

"So are we okay?" Rachel asked after she managed to stop laughing, looking at Kurt as if he was about to start yelling at her again.

Kurt sighed. "Yeah, we're okay." Rachel squeaked and hopped but then she spun to the bags and because they were empty, she put them into a drawer to save them for next time.

"And you are cooking today. I can't stand the Mexican cuisine and pizza anymore," Rachel said. "And make lots of it. I'm hungry and so are the two other roommates."

"Okay, but you are gonna make everything I want for at least a month," Kurt told her as she was disappeared in her room with something like 'yeah, yeah, whatever.'

Kurt sighed and went to his own room when he heard a sound of guitar from the room opposite of his. He was wavering if he should go inside or not. He finally decided to knock but when there was no response and the strings were still playing, he slightly opened the door to look inside. Blaine was sitting on a big bed in the corner of the room. He was in some jeans and a black polo shirt, holding his guitar and playing some chords. He did not raise his head when Kurt peeped his head through the door.

"Uh, hi," Kurt said nervously but then he entered the room, closing the door behind him.

Blaine finally raised his head, a smug smile sneaking on his lips. "Hello, beautiful," he said, watching Kurt dither. When it looked like Kurt is not going to talk soon, Blaine continued. "So what do I own someone for you showing up here?" he asked, putting the guitar against the wall next to his bed.

"I-I wanted to say that I'm sorry for, well, being not nice before. It just- I didn't know that Rachel and Santana are gonna find someone without me knowing," Kurt said. "I just didn't expect a stranger in my shower, I-,"Kurt started rambling.

"Apology accepted. I know what could it make better though," Blaine interrupted him and patted the bed next to him. "We could do the non-PG activities," he said but when he saw Kurt's expression he continued with a smirk. "Or something else."

"I-I'm gonna do the dinner, yeah, that's it," Kurt stuttered and grabbed behind him to find the door handle but without luck. He tried find it few more times, looking at Blaine. Finally, he turned around and exited the door, his whole face red. He went to the kitchen where he leaned against the counter, trying to calm himself down. What was the boy doing to him?

Kurt made their dinner, calling everybody to get to the table where were few plates and bowls with the food. Santana and Rachel sat next to each other which made Kurt to sit next to Blaine.

"That looks amazing, Kurt," Rachel said and moved some of the vegetables on her plate. "Definitely better than the food from cans."

"Like you couldn't just buy something else..." Santana told her, shaking her head, mouthful.

What she told next Kurt did not hear because he was disturbed by something under the table. It was Blaine's leg brushing against his gently. He looked up at Blaine but the boy was eating his meal like there was nothing wrong.

"Kurt. Kurt!" He heard Santana calling him. He looked up from his plate with a "hmm?" Obviously he missed their whole conversation. Blaine's leg was obviously distracting him a lot.

"I was saying that we're going out with Rachel in fifteen minutes," she repeated herself with a knowing look. Her eyes roamed to Blaine for a minute with a smirk and then back at Kurt.

"Oh, right, is it something-," he wanted to ask but was interrupted.

"Yeah, it's a concert. But our tickets were the last," Rachel said quickly, looking at Blaine with a weird expression. Kurt frowned, why were they acting like that?

"Oh, okay," he said.

"Sorry, but we have to go. Have a nice day!" Santana took Rachel's arm and dragged her out of the apartment. That left him and Blaine with lots of dishes. He sighed and watched Blaine stood up and cleaning the plates from the table. Blaine quickly went to the kitchen and Kurt could hear water behind him so he stood up and carried the rest of the dishes to the counter where Blaine was already washing the plates.

"You know, you don't have to do that," Kurt said as he was watching Blaine.

"Why wouldn't I? You made the meal I wash the dishes. It's simple," Blaine said with a shrug. "And I couldn't disappoint a person with an ass like yours," he added with a smirk.

Kurt blushed and in a hurry rambled something and then turned around and sprinted in his room. Of course, Blaine turned to look at his ass with a smug expression.