I do not own Kuroko no Basket or any of the characters for that matter. Tadatoshi Fujimaki~sama owns them.


"I don't need you anymore. You are just a hindrance to the team. Let's break up" with that said the red haired guy left not looking back at his former teammate and ex-lover who was now on his knees with his head hung low his heart has been frozen.

A few months later...

The sound of the ball bouncing. Shoes squeaking. Labored breathing as everyone tried to catch their breath. But no one seemed to be complaining about the practice. After all, it was still fresh in their minds. It had been a few weeks since the Winter Cup Finals was finished.


The sound of the buzzer could be heard. A sign indicating the end of the game. It had been a hard game for all of them. The whole stadium was quiet as they internalized what just happened. The players from each team were now slumped in the ground. it was obvious that the game was not an easy one. Everyone was patting and trying to catch their breath. They all stared with unbelievably wide at the score board. 110-111 The whole stadium erupted erupted in cheers and yells. The crowd went wild. it was not every day that they can witness such an intense game. They can still feel the adrenaline in their systems as though the game was still continuing. It was one of the few games everyone wished wouldn't stop. Even though they were just watching, the audience can feel the tension in the court with both teams not letting the other score higher than them. But in the end one team would still win. The outcome was unexpected though. Seirin won. Everyone in the team was crying. They can see the brilliant smiles of their teammates as they still tried to process the information. It was hard to believe that a team formed only for two years was able to stand a chance against the Kings that were in the tournament for ages now. What's more is that they were able to win against them.

End of Flashback

A teal haired guy collapsed as their practice was done. He was tired. His hands and feet hurt with all the running and passes he did during their training. He thought their coach would cut them some slack since they did win the Winter Cup but it seems like the girl had other plans and instead of giving them a break, she gave them more work and threatened to double their training resume if they complain about it. And because of that everyone just bit their tongue so they wouldn't get punished during practice. The teal haired guy looked at his teammates, all sweating and sluggish as they trudged to the locker rooms to change. He on the other hand stayed back to catch his breath. Deciding that it was too early to go back home, he stayed in the gym and played more. He was working on a new skill he realized when they were playing against Rakuzan High. It was his last shot during the game and as he tried to remember what he did, his thoughts went back to the game.


Kuroko sat on the floor. Too exhausted to even comprehend anything. All he knew was that they did it. They won. He can feel the hot tears flowing down each side of his emotionless face. Even without an expression, everyone could see the sparkle of happiness in his face. He thought the last shot would not go in. He can't believe he was the one who led the team to their victory. They were able to defeat Rakuzan. he was able to defeat his ex-captain. At the thought he looked at the other team. With heads hung low, hair covering their eyes. He could see how dejected they all were especially their captain who was sitting on the bench. He could not see his eyes so he could not tell what the ex-captain was feeling. Akashi was after all known for having a cold and serious face. But he knew better. All those times they spent together, he knew Akashi was anything but that. He does have a hard time showing it though. But he can see through this facade. One look in those heterochromatic eyes and he can read him like an open book. The eyes are windows to the soul after all. And the fact that he fell for him because of those mesmerizing eyes didn't change anything. After all, he still had feelings for the ex-captain.

The referee blew his whistle and told them to line up. Seirin was declared as the winners and they all shook hands with the other team. Kuroko could not help but glance at his former teammate. He seemed to still be in a daze not believing he actually lost. His frozen heart began to melt when they shook hands he then looked at the teal haired guy. "I will quit playing basketball" was what he said. It hurt. He had done his best to melt the Ice Emperor but it seems like it was futile. Kuroko could feel his heart freeze again. Kuroko too stunned to speak watched as Akashi left with the rest of the team to line up for the closing ceremony. It was declared that Seirin was the overall champion that year. They achieved it. They were the best in all Japan. But he didn't feel happy. He watched as Akashi with the rest of his team left. "Akashi-kun" he whispered. Longing for the red head to turn back but he never did.

He wanted to speak to Akashi. to tell him that he should not give up. He was about to follow him but his teammates called and told him to give the guy some time to think. It was not every day that they would be able to witness such a formidable team looking dejected because they lost. In fact they knew how awful the feeling of losing is. They knew how horrible the other team must be feeling at the moment. Kuroko sighed and followed his team.

After that, the his team went to their locker room, changed, and packed all their stuff. As a celebration for their achievement. Their coach took them to a restaurant where they can eat all they want. Their school was generous enough to shoulder the expenses of the team. As they entered the restaurant. All eyes turned to watch them. The restaurant was packed with players from different teams. They sat in a table and ordered their food. Kuroko glanced around the crowd hoping to see a certain red head. Disappointment filled his eyes when he didn't see him. Of course they wouldn't be celebrating... It was after all... hard to believe that they lost. His train of thought were broken when Kagami, his current light, shook his shoulders to get his attention.

"Oi... Kuroko, are you okay?" Kagami asked as he looked at his partner in concern. The latter shaking his head. Kagami sighed and continued to eat thinking the boy was just too tired to do anything. They all ate whole heartedly and left the restaurant with full stomachs. They all headed home in different directions. As Kuroko walked towards his house too tired to do anything, he went straight to bed and was out like a switch.

End of Flashback

He laid on the floor in the gym. Too exhausted to move. He still couldn't do it. Maybe it was just a lucky shot. But he knew it as too early to give up. He knew better. He should work harder. it would be great weapon for the next Cup. Finally finding the strength to move, he headed to the locker room and changed. When he got out he saw his coach and captain talking. He knew the two were going out with each other but kept it a secret from the team. But Kuroko, being the observant guy he is, noticed the sudden change during one of their practices. With a simple gesture, he could tell that the two were an item and were in love. Love. He too was in love. They too looked like that. Looked being the keyword. He sighed as he exited the gym and headed home. He thought of the events that occurred during these past few months and his thoughts returned to a certain red head who made him realize his potential. The guy he fell in love with. Akashi Seijuuro.

He could still remember those words as if it only happened yesterday. "I don't need you anymore. You are just a hindrance to the team. Let's break up" Akashi told him and walked away. Away from him. Away from his life. They had been lovers during their middle school years. He still had a hard time believing the red head asked him out. Everything was fine. They were happy. They were in love. But everything changed because of one incident. It all started when their coach, the one who guided and molded them collapsed. Soon after that everything fell into pieces. He tried to keep them together but the team was already falling apart. With their substitute coach telling them to do whatever they want, everyone changed except the two of them. But Kuroko could see that it was only a matter of time before Akashi snapped. The pressure was too much for a middle schooler to take even if it's Akashi we're talking about. And that day finally arrived when Murasakibara challenged the red head. To everyone who was there it looked like Akashi was about to lose but the tables turned around and he won with a Murasakibara lying on the ground seemingly terrified as he watched his captain look at him with colder and more menacing eyes telling him that his words were absolute and that there is no way he would ever lose to anyone. Since then Akashi changed. He became cold. Distant. Cruel. Kuroko could feel his heart breaking as he looked into his lovers hetero-chromatic eyes. He shuddered. The light that was there before can no longer be found and was replaced by a colder and meaner one. And not long after that, he experienced the most heart breaking event in his life when he saw his best friend Ogiwara Shigehiro and his teammates lose in the match. He could feel their hearts and dreams literally crushed as they realized that Akashi and the rest of the Generation of Miracles were only playing around and not taking them seriously. After that, Kuroko confronted them with their behavior only to be told to back off and mind his own business. When everyone but him and Akashi left, he asked his lover again why they did that. And that was when he broke up with him. Time stopped then for him. His heart was frozen. He couldn't move on. It just stopped. Ever since then they never saw each other again until the graduation day where they all declared war against each other. He then promised Akashi that he would defeat him and bring him back to his real self.

And he did. He was able to defeat him. But he wasn't sure if the Akashi he knew and loved would return. His heart ached and his stomach twisted. He didn't know if his heart could take another heartbreak. He was in too deep in his thoughts to notice that someone was following him. He stopped by Maji Burger to buy his favorite milkshake and headed home. As he walked home while sipping his favorite drink, he could not help but feel an ominous aura like someone was watching him. He looked back but didn't find anyone there. He noticed that he was a block away from home so he ran, took a sharp corner and stood there. He heard fast footsteps and knew that his instincts were correct. Someone was following him. Why, he didn't know... He was about to hit the person with his bag when he caught a glimpse of red hair. He was able to stop only a few inches from landing a blow on the persons head.

"Akashi-kun!" the teal haired suddenly exclaimed as he realized who the person was. He lowered his bag and collapsed on the ground panting from the adrenaline that coursed through his veins. Relieved it was not some psycho guy. After regaining his breath he looked up to see a hand waiting for him to take to help him get up. He took the hand and watched the red head. Knowing what was going on in the teal head's mind, the former ex-captain of Teikou answered his unspoken question.

"Tetsuya" Akashi said coolly as he looked at Kuroko whose eyes were still wide seemingly not believing that he was actually in front of him.

"I thought you were in Kyoto... Don't you have classes tomorrow?" Kuroko asked as he regained his composure from the shock earlier and put on his mask. He looked at Akashi with an expressionless face and his usual monotone voice.

"Yeah I have. But I couldn't wait until the next break to talk to you. That would be far too long already..." his voice trailed off. It had a hint of longing in it but Kuroko quickly dismissed it. That was impossible. This was the Akashi he knew now. it was impossible for him to change that easily. And besides, didn't he tell him that he would quit basketball? What more did this guy want. he already felt guilty and miserable. What did he want now and why did he come here? What was so important that he would sacrifice his time to see him. A thought came to his mind. Maybe he had changed. But he shook his head. No, No! He will not hope and endure another heartbreak again. This time he would listen until he heard the words. But he knew that was impossible.

Akashi looked into Kuroko's eyes. Seeing a glint of happiness reflect in those orbs made him hope. But he frowned when he saw the glint replaced by sadness. He cringed. This was going to be tough. Of course it would be. This is Tetsuya we're talking about. He thought and sighed.

"But why? What's so important that you have to come here to say it in my face when you could've just it to me or ordered me to go to Kyoto. It's not like I have a choice anyway. Your words are absolute after all" he said with a rather cold voice that would make anyone shiver after hearing it. He was even surprised. he didn't know he could do that until now.

Akashi inwardly flinched as he heard those words. It was the first time he ever heard his voice like that. It was too cold even for him. He knew he deserved that treatment after what he did to him not too long ago. He can feel the knots in his stomach twist. He can feel something get stuck in his throat when he was about to speak. Unfortunately nothing came out. He can't find his voice. It was the first time he felt this nervous. If it was the usual Akashi he would've been over and done with what he has to say but he's changed. He did not want to go back to being that Akashi knowing that it would hurt the people he cherished the most. Swallowing, he tried to collect his thoughts. he needed to do this if he wanted to change things.

"I came to talk to you. Actually... I've been following you since you left the gym. You didn't notice me following you. Normally you would've notice that being the observant guy you are Kuroko. I guess you were in deep thought to notice anything around you." he said in a soft voice that even he was startled. He hadn't known he was capable of producing such a gentle tone. Kuroko was taken aback by his tone and seemed to be in deep thought again. No, I must not give in that said teal haired thought.

"What is it then? Didn't you tell me you would quit basketball already. Isn't that the same as saying you never wanna talk to me again or have any connection to me" his voice was shaking. He knew it was only a matter of time before he broke down in front of the red head. He can feel his resolve breaking.

Akashi looked at the Kuroko in front of him. He could see the boy shaking. He was too vulnerable like a single touch could break him. He could see how much the boy was suffering because of him. He looked back to all the things he did and all the times he hurt him. It was too much for him. He then pulled him into a tight hug and buried his face in the crook of the teal head's neck. He could feel Kuroko freeze and let out a gasp at his actions too startled to move. He inhaled his scent. Vanilla. He really hasn't changed. he missed this. His scent and his body pressed against his own.

"Let me go" Kuroko finally said with the same cold tone while trying to push Akashi off of him. This was too much for him. His heart was confused. One part told him to give in while the other part told him to stop hoping. The latter seemed to be more sensible. He didn't want his heart to be broken again. He tried to push him again but Akashi refused to move. "Let me go please, Let me go!" gathering up all his strength, he pushed with all his might. This time, the red head seemed to be taken aback by the sudden force and let go of him. Too shocked to move, Akashi just stared at the teal haired who was glaring at him. It hurt. It hurt to know that he rejected him. Did he feel this way too when I told him to break up with me? Now I know what he felt. I thought it was just simple back then. But I can see how much pain I caused. I can feel it. His heart was sinking but he was determined to fix this.

"Just listen to me Tetsuya" he said. He realized how important Kuroko is to him now. Like food. Like air. He needed him.

"No. I don't want to hear it Akashi-kun. I don't want to listen anymore... Just please leave me alone... Let me go..." his voice was weak, vulnerable. Without looking at the red head he rushed passed him and went inside his house. With a quick greeting to his parents, he ran up to his room, locked the door and threw himself on his bed. He could feel his pillow being soaked by his tears. It hurt him to know that Akashi is hurting but he didn't want to experience another heartbreak again. it was just too much. Too much.

Meanwhile, outside his house, Akashi stood. The events replaying in his head over and over again. He knew it would be like this. He deserved this kind of treatment. But it hurt. It hurt too much to he hurt him to the point where he couldn't even look into his eyes. He looked at the window where Kuroko would probably be. He longed to be with him. He wanted to fix things and he was determined to do that. He will not give up. And with one last lingering glance, he left. He wanted it back. He wanted that time back. He would do anything to have that back again. He would melt Kuroko's frozen heart just like how Kuroko melted his.

T^T I couldn't sleep so I ended up writing this. I'm not sure about it. What do you guys think? :")