Okay so I just wanna start with apologizing for how I acted. Some people PM'd me and helped me realize I'm not fully over what happened with me..

And so I started to really hate this story, I considered deleting it but couldn't bring myself to do it. Ya wanna know why?

Because of you guys. Those who didn't unfavorite the story and the new people who viewed it and started fallowing it. Thank you for being a good friend Rukotsu. Thank you all.

I know I acted like a child after getting a bad review and If you're reading guest:Ana, I'm sorry. I don't know what took over me like that. Everyone has their opinions and I shouldn't have flipped like that because you didn't like something I did in my story.

Well anyway, here's the long awaited next chapter. (I'll be updating once ever week from now on)

I decided I couldn't stick near her house anymore and listen to my frienamy fuck the girl of my dreams. After taking a few shots from my flask I started walking away, hoping the voice would stop freaking out because I didn't go in there and fuck shit up.

I can't hurt Lucy again,

I never said anything about hurting her, I wanted to fuck the Ice Cube up!

He's my friend though!

Yeah... real friend.

I continued walking through Magnolia. I didn't know where I was going but I needed to get far away from Lucy's apartment. But I could still hear her, "Oh, Gray!"

They've been having sex literally all night. It was disgusting. My stomach threatened to spill it's contents so I pressed the flask to my lips again and tipped my head back, chugging the rest of the contents in it. For the first time since I started blacking out, I gladly accepted the blackness that over came me.

Every night, every damn night! She was bringing different men home. Some from our guild, others just random men she meets on the street. But it makes me all the more angry, considering I could tear apart the normal men in a instant.

I continued sitting outside her house and drinking, listening to her fuck around with different men. After Gray, she brought Laxus home. Of all the people in our damn guild, Laxus! It really pissed me off, especially because I could see them through her window.

Wouldn't you love to bend her over like that?The voice asked me. I looked up and noticed Laxus had her bent over the bed, the side of her face being pressed into the sheets.

God this makes me sick.. I took another shot.

After that, she brought Mystogan(Let's pretend he's not in Edolas, I really love his character!^.^) home. They were alot quieter than when she was with Gray or Laxus, but it still made my blood boil knowing he was touching her and I wasn't.

Then she brought Bixlow home. That fucking freak! A slight thought passed through my head and made me laugh, I wonder where his "babies" are...

After every night of watching and/or hearing her with another man, I would stumble home and pass out. Happy often found me on the floor still holding my flask. I continued drinking alot, especially because I didn't black out as much. I blacked out maybe one time out of two of me drinking and i was fine with that.

The guild was starting to get really tense. Lucy was excluding herself from the people that she once called friends, the only people she talked to were the men-not including me- Mira, Levy and Erza. The rest of the woman started to avoid her like the plague. Juvia went up and bitched her out the day after she slept with Gray because now Gray fallowed her around like a lost puppy. Bixlow and Laxus laughed at her from their table, talking loudly about what they did to her and what they wanted to do the next time. Evergreen would shoot daggers her way and mutter things like, "Skank," "Slut," "Whore," Whenever Lucy passed by.

Even Cana was getting pissed off. She noticed Lucy talking to Gildarts one day when he got back from a quest and started chugging her wine while watching them.

I looked over to my brown haired drinking buddy and questioned, "What's yer issue?"

She sighed then looked down to the amber liquid that was floating around in her mug. "She better not touch my fucking dad.." Was all she said before changing the subject.

I leaned close to Gildarts and whispered in his ear, "I wanna ride you later, see if you can disassemble me like people say." I pulled back and gave him a little wink.

His eyes grew wide and he looked me up and down, taking in my new appearance. He didn't recognize me at first until I started talking to him. But he seemed more than happy to talk back considering I was wearing a mini-skirt and a tight long sleeve V-neck shirt that my breasts popped out of.

He ran a hand through his orange-brown hair and looked around, asking me, "How old are you.. because I ain't sleeping with some little girl."

I giggled loudly and gave him a playful slap on his shoulder. "I think I'm old enough," I gave him my sweetest smile, making an uneasy smile play on his lips.

I looked out of the guilds window and noted that the sun had gone down, it has to be atleast 9 O'clock by now. My eyes lingered over to the other side of me and I noticed Cana and Natsu glaring at me and Gildarts. I'm sorry Cana, I mentally apologized.

I grabbed hold of Gildarts hand and started pulling him out of the guild. "C'mon we can go to my place," I breathed as we approached the guild's door.

Once we were outside, Gildarts gave a playful growl and quickly picked me up so I was on his shoulder. I could tell my ass was hanging out of the bottom of my skirt but I just giggled as Gildarts smacked it and continued walking to my apartment. Once we reached my building he set me down and pinned my body in between his and the wall. We were still outside but there wasn't anyone on the street so I lifted a leg to wrap it around his body.

"Mavis, you're so fucking sexy," Gildarts groaned before pressing his lips to mine. I moaned in response and pushed my body out more so my crotch rubbed up against his erection.

We pulled away to catch out breaths and I whispered, "Take me, here."

He didn't hesitate. Gildarts followed my orders and moved to push down his pants slightly so his member could poke out. One of his hands moved to push my undies out of the way while the other gripped my ass tightly. When I felt his member brush over my wet opening, I pulled his face to mine and moaned against his lips. My moan must have drove him mad because he quickly trusted into me, filling me with him.

He lifted me off of my feet and continued pumping into me, closing his mouth over mine so he could muffle my moans. He was hitting a spot deep within me and I couldn't help myself. I could feel my release coming on, quickly. I arched my back and grabbed hold of his hair, pushing his face off of mine.

But before I could reach my peak, a voice stopped Gildarts in his track, "What the actual fuck?!" Gildarts was still inside me and we both turned to look at the person who interrupted us. Gildarts let out a sigh of relief when he saw Natsu standing there, but I knew better. I pushed Gildarts off of me and bolted to my apartment, leaving the two men to deal with one another.

Gildarts fixed himself then turned to me. "Way to go, Natsu. You're an official cockblock.." He started walking and tried to pass me.

I grabbed hold of his shirt and pushed him back so he stood in front of me. "In the street? Really?" I yelled. Mavis, I am beyond pissed now! Not only is she fucking the person who's like my dad but in public?

Told ya, she's a little slut. Too bad she wont let YOU get it in..the voice snickered, making me groan in frustration. I didn't even let Gildarts answer me, I raised my fist and slammed it into his jaw, making him fall back a few steps.

"You little shit!" Gildarts muttered as he whipped blood from his face. I seemed to have already cracked his lip and I couldn't help but smile at the realization

Come on! Get fired up! Show him what happens when he touches whats yours!

I slammed the fist that hit him into my palm and grinned at him as he watched me wearily. "Don't touch whats mine!" I growled. I could feel Dragon Force coming on and it made me even more excited. I'll finally beat you, Gildarts!

"Whats yours? You're not serious right?" Gildarts started laughing at me and I let my arms fall down. "She's a person, Natsu. She's the one that wanted me to come here, so if ya don't mind.." He turned and started to walk toward her buildings entrance.

I pounced before he could even take another step. I let the fire within me engulf my fists and I started slamming them into his face over and over. For some reason he wasn't fighting back but that didn't stop me. I continued to hit him until I had blood splattered all over my body.

Mavis, it feels so good to get the rage out!

I laughed along with the voice in my head then stood up and took the flask I always had with me out of my pocket. I took a long gulp of the liquid that seemed to be the one thing that was always there for me.

"Fucking scum bag," I laughed, kicking Gildarts one last time before turning and walking away.

I feel so much better now, maybe I should listen to you more.

"Princess!" Virgo yelled as soon as I ran into my house, making me jump out of my skin. She seemed like she had been waiting for me for a while, she was sitting comfortably on my bed and reading one of the books from my collection. "We need to talk about your recent... habits."

I shrugged her off and jumped onto my bed so I could look out the window. I saw Natsu and Gildarts talking to one another, then Gildarts turning to walk to my building. I would gladly let him in, as long as that monster doesn't try to follow him.

I gasped loudly when I watched Natsu pounce on him and start hitting him with flaming fists. Virgo crawled next to me and we both watched in horror as the strongest mage in the guild was beaten to a pulp by Natsu.

After Natsu turned to leave, I looked at Virgo and told her to go down and bring Gildarts up. She listened to me and within no time she had Gildarts sprawled out on my bed, unconscious. We sprang into action and had him cleaned up in no time. When we were done, I sat next to him and pet his hair away from his swollen face. "I'm sorry... This is my fault," I whimpered as a lone tear slid down my face.

Virgo came back over to me and ordered, "Come sit, I made tea."

I grabbed her outstretched hand and let her pull me to my feet and lead me to the little table that sat in my kitchen. She poured some tea into a cup for me and handed it over. I looked down and took a small sip, trying to avoid her eyes.

"Princess," Virgo began, her blue eyes boring into my face. "Loke asked me to speak with you about..." her voice trailed off as she searched for the right words to use. Finally she spit out, "About the whoring around you've been doing. Why are you doing it?"

I shrugged and took another sip of my tea.

"Well we ask that you stop punishing yourself! First it was your hair, then you hurt yourself, now this?! You're changing and we're scared for you-"

"I never asked you to worry about me!" I screamed, slamming my cup down on the table. "I'm doing this because I want to!"

Virgo gave a sad smile and shook her head, "I know you, Princess. This isn't what you wa-"

"You don't know shit about me.."

Virgo and I just glared at one another for another moment. She looked humble and calm and I'm sure I looked frantic. I was so close to losing my temper. So I lifted the cup of tea again and took another couple of sips.

A bright light appeared in my house, announcing the arrival of my most loyal spirit, Loke. "Listen to her, Lucy." Loke warned as he walked up to join us at the table. He sat in between me and Virgo and pleaded with me with his hazel eyes that were covered by his sunglasses. "She's right you know. We had Crux look into it and well.. we think you're hurting yourself because of what happened. We think you're suffering from an illness and we want to help you." He grabbed hold of my hand and squeezed it, finishing, "You won't find the love your looking for in those men. They're using you."

"I'm a whore, Loke." I expected to start crying when I said it, but the tears didn't come. "Natsu showed me that I'm nothing but a disgusting whore. So I'm playing my role." I hoped that made sense to him because it barely made any to me.

"You are nothing like that!" Loke raised his voice, making me flinch. He saw my apparent fear so he continued in a calming voice, "Just because he used your body does not mean that all men will. People will love you for what's in there," He pointed to my head then to my chest, "And for what's in there. You're a smart and lovely person."

I nodded and cast my eyes down. God I feel so stupid... Everything he's saying is right.

"We love you, Princess." Virgo said with a bright smile on her face. She stood up and walked over to my other side, grabbing my free hand. "We'll always be here to help you out."

Sorry it was so long, had alot to write. Plus sorry for the grammatical errors, i'm running on 3 hours of sleep, coffee and caramel .

well anyway, thankya for reading(:

