Disclaimer; I don't own Transformers nor Harry Potter.

Not entirely sure where I'm going with this and due to my not so decent writing skills, there may be a few errors within this story.

This is a brief summary, basically setting up the story as a whole. Clara Potter; Fem Harry! There may be a romance for her but I'm not sure as to who just yet.


If someone had told Clara Potter that she would be living the life she was living right now; she would have never believed it. For one, it was so… muggle. She very rarely used her magic anymore, other than the odd occasion where someone from her 'old life' would catch a lead and track her down. Something Clara loathed.

Didn't they understand that she wanted nothing to do with that damned world? It could drop down to hell and the people could sink with it.

Harsh? Maybe; but there was only so much pain and disappointment a person could take before they decided enough was enough. And with that set in Clara's mind, she began plotting to escape as the Wizarding world slowly began putting back together its fractured pieces. Making sure she had her fortune and the odd few prized pieces, she fled Britain and left her old life behind her.

It wasn't easy; especially trying to live life as a muggle, in America of all places, but she'd pulled through, doing what she did best. Survive.

She bought a small apartment and acquired a job as a waitress while she attempted to get her muggle education. And it was through this time that Clara couldn't help think of her muggleborn bookworm friend. Was Hermione doing the same? Rebuilding her muggle life so she could further her studies? But then Clara would remember how that young girl had long since died, only to be replaced by an ambitious young woman who just couldn't help but think she was the only being who knew what needed to be known. If she wasn't a Dumbledore in the making then Clara didn't know who was. Hermione had long ago revealed her plans of climbing the ranks of the new Ministry and being friend of the god damn golden girl was the ticket.

Ron had unfortunately shown his true colours much earlier, back when she was in her fourth year, but even keeping him at arm's length did nothing but further his own ego and reputation. Clara would never forget the shame of seeing his face plastered across the Daily Prophet and him claiming how he'd not only taken Clara's virginity but they'd been 'sleeping' with one another for years. Molly Weasley sure had something to say about that and suddenly Clara was some common tart who Ron needed to marry.

The fickle world bought the lies and what had been once revered whispers of the Girl-Who-Lived, turned into nasty spiteful hisses about the latest man Clara had slept with. It hurt to know that no matter what she said or did, she would never truly have an ally to back her. They loved her, then they hated her; there was just no in between.

In truth; Clara had only slept with one boy and, for her, once had been enough. Said boy had been killed during the battle of Hogwarts and Clara honestly didn't think anyone had known. He had been a Ravenclaw two years older than her and the only thing she could truly remember about him was his name. Davis Richards. A muggleborn who had stumbled across a crying girl and in need of 'comfort.' Clara honestly cherished that moment; it didn't matter how awkward and painful it had been. It had been a normal teenage action that had no secretive motives, just two teenagers taking comfort in each other.

And ever since, Clara hadn't dated nor slept with another man.

A year after settling in the States, Clara came across something that had immediately captured her interest. Art. Thankfully, she was quite talented but due to the lack of money, Clara began struggling with the life she was trying to lead. Like hell would she go back to the world of magic so she took another route. One that lead her to a life of stealing, lying and cheating. Something her younger self would have never believed.

And so Clara's life began as a con woman, and so what if she actually enjoyed it. Hadn't she suffered enough to do what she wanted in life? But then in the usual "Welcome to Clara's fucked up world of Wonderland" shit hit the fan in the images of several giant alien robots.

But how did that happen exactly?

It began with a startled Clara Potter in nothing but her underwear and a wide-eyed William Lennox.

Not into writing as a whole but this idea just wouldn't leave me! The first chapter should be up soon.