Disclaimer: I just wanted to say that this is my first fanfiction that I have ever written. I do not own anything associated with Total Drama or Total Drama in its entirety. On that note, I've always wanted to write a fanfiction about Total Drama because it's been a series that I've enjoyed since it first came out. I especially wanted to write about one of the characters, Dawn. I have always been interested in the mystery that is Dawn and her character in general. I hope that you enjoy this as much as I have writing it. This is the first chapter in my fanfiction "No Fear".

Chapter 1: Meeting Someone New

August 15th, 2012

"Dawn, are you alright?' my mother asked.

"Oh yes mother, I'm just a bit tired is all." I said with a sight.

"Really Dawn, are you sure?' my mother asked with a concerned look on her face.

"Mother, really, I'm alright." I repeated.

'Well then, are you excited to be in a new town?" she asked me obviously trying to start a conversation.

"Yes, I am a bit excited for the opportunity to try something new." "Now mother, would you mind if I get some sleep, I am a bit tired like I said earlier?" I asked wearily.

"Go ahead, I'll wake you up when we're close to Wawanakwa." she said happily.

I turned to the right side of the passenger's seat and looked out the window. I began to think about what lead to this sudden move. I remembered back in the last town I had lived in (some small town a few miles away from Ontario I believe, I don't remember the name to it exactly), I was getting bullied and harassed for being "different". It didn't bother me at first, but as the year progressed, it started to trouble me a little bit. All I did to them was read their auras, tea leaves and spend all my time in the woods and that lead them to calling me a witch and a hippie. Without having friends, I struggled with those hateful words they spewed, so I ended up spending all my time in the woods. The woods were the only safe haven I had from people and the only friends I had were the animals that lived in them. My mother began to question me upon hearing that all I ever did in school was read auras and tea leaves.

I could tell that she was not happy upon hearing this, but she became even more upset upon hearing that people were bullying me for me just being me. I was questioned many times about why I was doing nothing about it, to which I always replied that I would never try to hurt people, even if they hurt me. Well, she finally had enough when I came home one day about the end of the last school year in tears. She asked me what was wrong. I told her that I wish I could've done something to help these people who had been so mean to me. My mother was so angry with my answer that she sold our house and told me that we were moving far away from this place. That leads me to now, sitting in the car, wishing that I could've had a chance to help those people.

3 Hours Later

"Dawn…Dawn?" my mother said.

"Yes Mother?" I said sluggishly.

"You need to wake up honey." we're here, she said.

I awoke to see that we had indeed arrived. The house I noticed looked very old, but I didn't complain. I understood that my mother could only afford so much (she worked as an artist and sometimes she'd make a lot of money, and sometimes she wouldn't). I unbuckled my seatbelt and opened the car door. As I did this, I looked at what was around the house. It was a forest.

"Oh mother, did you get this house just because you knew I'd want to be near the woods?" I asked surprised.

"Well I did take that into account, now could you reach into the trunk and take you things upstairs, feel free to choose whatever room you'd like." my mother said.

I started going to the trunk. When I reached into it, I grabbed the box labeled "Dawn's Things". I then hurried to the door (as I had not expected that I had so much stuff just in this one box). The inside of the house looked almost as old as the outside did, except that the inside wasn't falling apart necessarily as bad as the outside was, but I really didn't mind. I climbed up the stairs and decided to put my stuff onto the nearest room to the stairs. After I put my box of things down, I went back down the stairs to see that my mother was waiting for me.

"Dawn, oh I'm glad to see you, would you like to meet your new neighbors?" she asked.

"I'd love to." I replied.

My mother then led me outside to the car. I could see a man and woman with who I could only assume was their daughter.

"Well hey there new neighbor." the man said happily.

"We just wanted to come over and welcome you to our neighborhood…oh how rude of us to not introduce ourselves, I'm Jessica Campbell, this is my husband Wayne, and our daughter Zoey." she said.

"I'm Mary Bouchard and this is my daughter Dawn." my mother replied.

"Well Zoey, how bout you go and help Dawn unpack her things, get to know her a little." Mr. Campbell said.

"Sure Dad!" Zoey said happily.

"Dawn, show her up to your room." my mother said.

"Yes mother."

I began to walk back into the house with Zoey following. She seemed really nice from what I could read from her aura and from her appearance. She had red hair and wore a flower in her hair. She dressed in clothes I wouldn't normally see on someone. I could tell that she was a bit different from people, like me.

"So Dawn, why don't you tell me a little about yourself." said Zoey as we arrived at my room.

"Well, I like to read people's auras and tea leaves, I enjoy spending time in the woods, and being around animals." I said calmly.

I noticed that Zoey had a confused look on her face.

"I can tell that you might be a bit weirded out to hear someone say that." I said.

"Oh I'm so sorry; it's just that I didn't expect that at all, I think that's really interesting." she said very happily. "Would you read my aura?"

"Oh, I'd love to." I said ecstatically. I was a bit surprised to hear that from someone. I don't think I've ever heard anyone tell me they'd let me read their aura. I began to get closer to her and looked her straight in the eyes (to which she moved back a little). After a few minutes of doing this, I finally said something.

"You have a very bright red aura. You're very passionate about the things and people you love and also about everything that you do. I can tell that you also seem to be very apologetic about things, even when you don't need to apologize about it."

"Wow, you're very good at that." said an astonished Zoey.

"Why thank you, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." I said happily.

"Really?" she asked surprised.

"Well, more like the only nice thing anyone has ever said to me." I said.

"Oh Dawn." said a now saddened Zoey. She then did something I didn't expect. She gave me a hug.

"You don't have many friends do you?" she asked.

"Not really, I don't think I've ever had a friend." I said a little disheartened.

"I'm sorry, well that changes now!" she said loudly. "I'll be your friend!"

Before I could say something about how surprised I was to hear that,

"Zoey, it's time to go home." her mother called.

"Alright mom, I'll be down in a second." she called back. "Dawn, before I leave, I'm gonna be watching a movie tomorrow with my boyfriend Mike and our friend Cameron, and I was wondering if you'd like to come over and watch it with us as well?"

"Sure, I'd like that." I said.

"Great!" she yelled. "Just come by my house around six, I'll see you there!" she said happily.

She then got up and walked down the stairs. I couldn't believe what had just happened. I began to walk down the stairs to see that my mother was waiting.

"So, what did you two talk about?" my mother asked curiously.

"She just wanted to get to know me…and she also wants me to go watch a movie with her tomorrow." I said calmly.

"Dawn, did you make a friend?" my mother asked.

"I think I did." I said. I quickly told my mother that I was tired and wanted to go to bed. As I didn't have a bed yet, I just took a blanket and crawled up into one of the corners in my room. Before I fell asleep, one thing kept going through my mind that night, one of the last things Zoey had said to me.

"I'll be your friend."

Well that's Chapter 1 for all of you. I hoped that you enjoyed it, and I apologize if it is a bit stale or bland in any way. I'd love to get some feedback on this, so don't be afraid to review it and tell me what you enjoyed and what I can improve on. Chapter 2 will come out shortly in the nearby future.

