Disclaimer: Reluctantly I have to admit that I don't own these characters. They are property of others far luckier than myself.

This is the long, overdue sequel to 'Heat'. This is a different take on the wicked witch that came to town with a Frozen twist. As much as I enjoyed Zelena and all her drama, I wanted to make the character my own. I hope you all enjoy, and please take a moment to let me know how I'm doing.

In the dead of night on the eve of a new moon, all of Storybrooke was tucked in safe and sound. At the edge of town, a bright light sparked and a new figure emerged from the shadows.

"So this is Storybrooke," the mysterious figure grinned as she inhaled deeply. "It's time to work my magic." She held up her palm and blew. Ice crystals erupted from her hand, sending a chill throughout the town.

Another figure emerged from the shadows and went to the visitor's side. "We're going to have fun in this sleepy little town. I can feel it."

The creature next to the mysterious figure cackled with laughter.

"It's time to put our little plan into action," the figure grinned as she petted the creature, "Is my little spy ready?"

The creature nodded.

"You know what to do."

Emma woke up in the middle of the night to see her breath turn into a cloud of vapor. She mentally cursed herself for thinking that it was a good idea to fall asleep with the window open in April.

"Close the window, Jones," Emma nudged her husband, "I'm cold."

"Come here, Love," he opened his arms to her in his half awake state, "I'll keep you warm."

"Yes, you will," she turned into his arms with a sleepy smile, "But we have children to keep warm, too."

Killian rolled out of bed and closed the window as she requested. Instead of returning to bed, he grabbed two blankets from their closet and stumbled down the stairs to cover the children.

Emma smiled as he disappeared. He'd been such a natural as a father in the two years that he'd laid claim to the title. He doted on not just his daughter but also his stepson. Killian and Henry were nearly inseparable, spending nearly every weekend aboard the Jolly Roger. As inseparable as Killian and Henry were, their daughter, Fallon, was hardly the third wheel.

Fallon was a Jones through and through. She was more at home aboard her father's ship than she was on dry land, taking her first steps aboard the ship. Her first word was 'papa'. Her second had been 'ship' at least they told everyone it was 'ship'. They were pretty sure that was what she'd been trying to say.

Emma wasn't surprised when Killian returned from checking on the children with Fallon in his arms.

"What are you doing awake, Princess?" Emma asked her daughter when Killian lowered her onto their bed.

"Cold, Mommy," Fallon stated as she wrapped her arms around her mother, "Brrr."

"Lucky for us, Papa will keep us warm," Emma giggled as Killian fished another blanket out of their closet to add to the bed to keep them all warm. "Get some sleep, Sweetheart."

"Brrr," Fallon repeated as she snuggled in with both Emma and Killian.

Fallon was sandwiched between her parents as they all snuggled in together. Emma's fingers interlocked with her husband's. Their eyes met as Fallon drifted off into dreamland. They loved the tranquility of their current life. After three centuries of heartache for Killian and nearly three decades for Emma, they'd found love in each other and were immensely happy.

"Sleep, Love," Killian whispered as he gave her hand a slight squeeze, "I'll be right here when you wake up."

In no time at all, Emma drifted off. The consistency that she'd missed out on her entire life was now her life, and she relished it.

Killian loved to watch both of the women in his life sleep. Fallon had the innocence of youth. Emma had the look of contentment. He never thought he'd find the happiness that had eluded him for most of his life. As much as he loved his Milah, his love for Emma was greater though she'd never ask him to admit it. She accepted his past, accepted that he'd loved another.

Several hours later, Killian was still watching his two greatest loves sleep when Fallon's eyes popped open.

"Hi, Papa," Fallon snuggled in closer to her father.

"Shhh," Killian brought his finger to his lips, "Mama's still sleeping."

"Wanna sail," Fallon's crystal blue eyes connected with her father's. "Go now."

"We'll sail later, Little Love," Killian assured her as he rubbed circles into the little girl's back, hoping that he'd be able to soothe her back to sleep.

"Go now," Fallon repeated as she maneuvered around in the bed until she was on her knees, raining kisses up and down his cheeks.

"Your mother taught you that, didn't she?" Killian chuckled as he began tickling his daughter. There was no point in trying to get her back to sleep. She was awake until it was time for her morning nap, many hours later. His tickling motions woke his wife.

"Is Fallon trying to charm you again?" Emma mumbled as the movements on the other side of the bed woke her further. Fallon's feet were the first thing Emma saw as her eyes came open. It wasn't the first time that had happened.

"It's what she does best," Killian laughed as he tickled Fallon harder now that Emma was fully awake, "Takes after her poppy in that way."

"Go sailing, Mama," Fallon broke free of her father's grasp to hug her mother.

"Sorry, Sweetheart, but Mama has to work," Emma kissed her daughter's cheek.

Fallon frowned at the news.

"I bet Papa will take you and Henry sailing though," Emma assured her.

"Funner with you," Fallon's lip turned into a pout.

"I know, Sweetheart," Emma hugged her daughter, "For me too, but you want me to protect the town from bad guys, don't you?"

"Yes," her daughter's head bobbed reluctantly.

"We can all go sailing together next weekend," Emma assured her, "Uncle Robin will be taking next weekend's shift."

"Okay," Fallon stated as she climbed over Emma to slid out of bed. She took off like a shot as soon as her feet hit the floor. There wasn't a question as to where she was heading. She was going to wake up her brother. She was the designated alarm clock for everyone in the cottage, and she took her job seriously.

"Good morning, Love," Killian shifted in the bed until he was hovering over his wife.

"Good morning, Husband," Emma smiled as her hand went to the back of his neck to force his lips against hers.

"Did I warm you sufficiently?" he asked as his hands found the hem of her shirt and slid under it to test her body temperature.

"I can do with a bit more warming," she smiled as her hands slid under the cotton shirt he wore to bed, sliding it up his torso and over his head. He hadn't always worn clothes to bed. It was only after Fallon had started climbing out of her crib and later her bed to join them that he started wearing clothes to sleep in. She'd never admit it, but she missed the days when he slept in nothing at all.

"You've always enjoyed my warmth," he chuckled as he returned the favor.

"Papa," Fallon called to him from downstairs, "I hungry."

"Fallon, I'm making cereal," they heard Henry respond to the young girl.

"No cereal," she reply, "Pamcakes."

"Pancakes," they heard Henry correct her, "And you'll only eat Killian's pancakes."

"Papa," Fallon called up the stairs again.

"I think you're being summoned," Emma giggled as Killian groaned into her neck.

"Why did we teach her to talk?" Killian groaned as he retrieved the shirt she'd tossed aside.

"Because she's so darn cute," Emma laughed as he pushed away the covers and untangled his limbs, "She takes after you in that she talks so much."

"I thought you liked hearing me speak," he paused as his feet hit the hardwood floor.

"Damn it, I do," she sighed, "It's that bloody accent of yours."

"Papa!" Fallon called up to him again. Her patience was wearing thin. She was only moments away from storming up the stairs.

"Coming, Little Love," Killian called out to her. He turned to kiss Emma once more before making his way downstairs, picking Fallon up and tossing her over his shoulder. The little girl squealed with in delight as he set her at the kitchen counter so he could make breakfast for the cottage before Emma had to get to work.

"I guess winter is still hanging on," Henry frowned as he made his way to the Jolly Roger with Killian carrying Fallon. Snowflakes were falling. The little tot was attempting to catch them in her gloved hand. "Is it too cold to go out?"

"It's never too cold to sail, Lad," Killian assured him as they stepped aboard the ship. The duo worked in tandem to get the ship ready to sail as Fallon went to the wheel and spun it around to her heart's content until they left the docks. The wheel was then turned over to her father or brother, as she couldn't see over the wheel to actually navigate.

In the open sea, Fallon immediately ran to the bow to feel the wind whip through her brunette locks. Killian went with her, lifting her up so that she could see over rail.

"Dolphins, Papa," Fallon pointed towards the animals swimming along side the ship.

Killian laughed at her exuberance. Every time they went out, she saw dolphins, yet her reaction was the same. She had the heart of a sailor.

"Very good, Fallon," Killian kissed her cheek, "Come on. Let's give Henry a hand."

Back on her feet, Fallon ran back to the helm of the ship to 'assist' her brother in navigating. Killian resumed his teachings of how to read the nautical charts. She was proving to be a quick study.

"Come about, Henry," Fallon shouted out abruptly.

"No, not yet, Fallon," Killian laughed as he tickled her stomach. That was her favorite nautical expression, and she used it as often as she could.

"But I want him to come about," she gave him her best pouting, managing to squeeze out a few crocodile tears as well.

"You're too good at that already," Killian kissed her cheek, "Did Mommy teach you that?"

"Yep," she bobbed her head proudly.

After getting to their desired fishing spot for the day, hooks were dropped as Fallon took her first nap. She didn't yet have the patience for her father's profession. Rather than cut into the day's profits by having the fishing cut short, Killian had learned to put Fallon down for a nap while he and Henry fished.

It was that hour of time that Killian and Henry would talk through all the mysteries of life. That day's topic was Henry's father.

Neal had returned to Storybrooke after a year in prison for committing multiple robberies around town and then framing Killian for the crime. It had been difficult for Neal to fit back into Storybrooke, even harder to find his place in Henry's life. Not only was he competing against former pirate turned stepfather, but Regina had brought Robin Hook into Henry's life.

"How was dinner last night with Neal?" Killian inquired.

"Okay," Henry shrugged, "We went bowling. He's not very good."

"Couldn't be any worse than me," Killian chuckled. He'd gone bowling a handful of times since his arrival in Storybrooke. He had yet to break a hundred. He liked to blame his ineptitude on the beer that Emma would ply him with, but he had a feeling that even Fallon could out bowl him if she could lift the ball.

"No, I suppose not," Henry conceded.

"He's trying, Henry," Killian tried to ease his stepson's clearly turbulent mind.

"Doesn't feel like it," the boy muttered.

"A lot changed during that time he was away for both him and yourself," Killian stated.

"He doesn't like you," Henry stated.

"We have a bit of history," Killian conceded, "And he doesn't agree with your mum's choice of marrying me. That's something that he has to work through."

"He doesn't think it's safe for me to go sailing with you," Henry replied, "He doesn't think it's safe to be anywhere near you."

"You know differently," Killian patted his shoulder; "You can ask him to stop speaking that way if it bothers you."

"Why don't you talk bad about him? Why don't you say things like it's dangerous to be around him?" Henry asked.

"Because it isn't true," Killian replied, "He has made some bad choices that have put you in danger, but that was never his intention. I believe that he has every intention of protecting you. His intentions were simply misguided. He thought it was best to keep you away from me. He did have valid points. I do have a colorful past."

"So does he," Henry muttered, "And you've never betrayed my mother like he did. You've always been there for my mother."

"Always will be," Killian assured him, "I'll always be there for you too, but I need you to know that you don't have to choose between me and your father, just as you haven't had to choose between Emma and Regina. They didn't get along at first either, but they found their way to a truce for you. Neal and I will as well."

"How is that accomplished when you can't be in the same room without a mediator?" Henry asked, "And it's because he always starts it. Why does he always start it?"

"Because I have the life that he wants. It's easy to be the bigger man when you have the happiness that your mother and I have. Your father needs to find his own happiness," Killian explained, "Perhaps he needs someone to show him how."

"Aren't fathers supposed to teach sons about life?" Henry asked.

"I'm not suggesting that you show him how to live," Killian chuckled, "I'm suggesting you give him something to look forward to…perhaps a chance to be a father to you."

"I just can't get past the fact that he abandoned my mother, essentially abandoning me," Henry shrugged.

"I believe if Baelfire had known about you, he never would have left," Killian stated, "He knew what it was like to be abandoned as a boy, as do I. That's not a fate he would have wanted for his own son."

"How do you know that?" Henry asked.

"Because I knew the boy that had been abandoned by his father," Killian replied, "I could see in his eyes how much it hurt for his father to choose the dark magic over his own flesh and blood."

"Sometimes I forget that you knew him before this world," Henry replied.

"It was a lifetime ago," Killian conceded.

"Do you miss Neverland?" Henry asked.

"I certainly don't miss Pan," Killian replied, "There wasn't much on the island that I enjoyed. Neverland was merely a tool needed to plot my revenge against Rumplestiltskin. Nothing good comes from never aging. A boy your age should be growing…learning from his mistakes."

"I'll try to go easier on Neal," Henry offered after several moment of contemplation.

"There's a good lad," Killian patted his back.

"Mama," Fallon raced towards her mother upon meeting up for dinner. In her haste to greet her mother, her hair was flying in every direction.

"Hi, Princess," Emma caught her in her arms, kissing her cheek, "Did you have fun sailing today with Henry and Papa?"

"Yep, saw dolphin," Fallon nodded, her cheeks rosy from the breeze blasting against them on the swift sail back to Storybrooke.

"You always see dolphins, Sweetheart," Emma chuckled as she tried to run her fingers through the tangled mess that was her daughter's hair, "Didn't Papa brush your hair this morning before you left the cottage?"

"Yes, I did," Killian quickly defended himself, "Blame that on the wind and the fact that she would not sit still when I tried to tie it back this morning into one of those pony things you are so fond of."

"Papa pulls my hair," Fallon replied as she gave a lock of her hair a tug to demonstrate, "Ouch."

"He doesn't have that gentle touch, does he?" Emma chuckled, "He'll learn."

"You do hair tomorrow," Fallon's head came to rest against her mother's shoulder.

"How was sailing, Henry?" Emma asked as her son hugged around her waist briefly, avoiding his sister's limbs that were wrapped all around Emma.

"Docked the Jolly Roger all by myself today," he proclaimed proudly. It was the first time Killian had let him try such an endeavor solo.

"Good job, Kid," Emma beamed with pride, "You're going to be able to take out the ship solo one of these days."

"You first, Love," Killian snorted in amusement. He knew she was as protective of her vehicle as he was of his ship.

"He has to get his learner's permit first," Emma shook her head, "There is no such thing for sailing."

Henry laughed off the tug of war his mother and stepfather were currently engaged it. He knew their protests had nothing to do with his abilities.

"Catch bad guys, Mama?" Fallon asked.

"Not today," Emma tapped her nose, "But there has been a bit of suspicious activity reported at an abandoned farmhouse just outside town. David and I will be paying a visit first thing Monday."

"Are there farm homes within the city limits?" Killian inquired as he opened the door to Granny's diner for everyone to file in.

"Just barely," Emma nodded, "It's right on one of the town's borders. It's on the way to the mines, which is how it was discovered. Dopey saw smoke coming from the chimney which is very odd considering it's been abandoned for over thirty years."

"Aunt Ruby!" Fallon squirmed out of her mother's arms to greet one of her many honorary aunts. Nearly the entire town had been given the honorary title since Fallon had begun to work her charms with the townspeople.

"Hi there, Pumpkin," Ruby gathered her into her arms in a gigantic hug.

"Is it a full moon yet?" Fallon asked as she tugged affectionately on a red streak in Ruby's hair.

"Nope, still a couple of weeks away," Ruby smiled as she kissed the little girl's cheek.

Fallon released a wolf howl, "Mama, can I go with Ruby next full moon?"

"Sorry, Sweetheart, but you need to be a werewolf for that," Emma chuckled along with Ruby.

Fallon huffed as Ruby returned her to her feet, "Do you want your roni and cheese, Pumpkin?" Ruby tapped at the top of Fallon's head with her order pad.

"Yes, please," Fallon's head bobbed up and down as she climbed into what had become their regular booth. Ruby took the rest of the family's order before returning to the counter to take care of the other patrons.

As patrons filed in and out throughout the meal, Fallon greeted each one by name along with an anxious wave.

"Someone is looking to be named Miss Congeniality," Ruby set the ice cream sundae in front of the little brunette at the end of the meal which was her reward for eating the side of broccoli that Emma had ordered for her along with the macaroni and cheese.

"She is a very popular little tyke," Killian rub circles into his daughter's back as she scooped a rather large amount of ice cream into her mouth.

"Must get that from your grandmother," Ruby patted the child's head, "I'm surprised they didn't join you tonight."

"Leo was being grumpy today when I called my mom to invite them," Emma explained, "They didn't want to subject other patrons to his tantrums."

"Considering how upbeat and happy Mister and Mrs. Charming always are, they have two grumpy children," Ruby noted.

"I'm not grumpy," Emma responded defensively as she looked to her husband who was biting his lip to keep from laughing, "Am I?"

"Perhaps from time to time," Killian offered.

"Well, I'm nothing like Leo," Emma huffed as she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

Killian and Henry wisely kept silent. The conversation had gone completely over Fallon's head as she happily gulped down her sweet treat.

"Good luck getting Fallon to sleep with all that sugar you bribed her with," Emma sighed as she walked with her family to the cottage before she had to return to the station to finish out her shift. She knew Fallon would likely be tucked in before she got home.

"You're the one that wants her to eat her vegetables," Killian smiled as Fallon and Henry raced to the front door.

"I think the ice cream defeated the purpose of me trying to get her to eat a bit healthier," Emma smiled as she leaned into her husband.

"I'll keep that in mind for next time," Killian smiled as he framed her face with his hands, "Don't stay too late at the station."

"I'll be home before you tuck yourself in to bed," she vowed as she tugged on his jacket to bring their bodies into contact.

"I'm holding you to that, Love," Killian pressed his lips against hers, "We have something to finish."

"We were interrupted this morning, weren't we," she chuckled.

"That thought has kept all day," his head bobbed up and down.

"For me too," she assured him.

"Hurry home, Love," Killian gave her one more tempting kiss before they separated.