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"Do you see her?" Francis asked Jason as they sat on the bleachers.

"Fifth row, four from the left." Jason had spotted his wife in the processional and never took his eyes off her. One reason was that it was an absolute pleasure to look at his wife. The second was he felt nervous about her being in out in the open without a guard close by. They had caught a break when the weather went from sunny to rainy forcing the graduation ceremony indoors, but she was still too exposed for his liking.

"How proud are you?" AJ grinned at his brother. "You're wife becomes a doctor today."

Since Francis, Johnny, and Milo had their eyes on Elizabeth he tore his away briefly. "She worked hard to earn her degree." Jason said smiling wide. He had done everything he could to support her while she was in school. Mostly that meant making sure she had free time to study. Their friends and family had also helped by having sleep overs for the kids when mid-terms and finals rolled around. He had no idea how she managed to balance family and school, but in typical Elizabeth fashion she made it look easy.

The ceremony was just about to begin as the last of the students filed in. Since he had a bit of time Jason made a call. "How's it going?"

"Same as the last time you called." Matt told his brother in-law. "The contractions are still four minutes apart. Em's water hasn't broken yet so Kelly told us not to come in. If anything changes I will let you know." The doctor watched his pregnant wife walk around their large backyard. She was trying to encourage her labor to move along.

"Okay." Jason said hanging up. He passed the update along to AJ, knowing all their friends were listening.

"Emily was cursing a blue streak when I called to check in as we were leaving." AJ grinned. "She was lamenting the fact that her daughter had the worst timing ever. Em really wanted to be here for this."

"It's being recorded." It was the best Jason could do.

Now that the graduates were seated, the dignitaries filed in along with the university's Board of Trustees. That included Edward which meant he would get a front row seat to his granddaughter officially earning her doctorate. Elizabeth had finished classes last December, but decided to wait until June to participate in graduation. She did start back at the hospital right after the holidays.

Dr. Elizabeth Morgan, had her own office, and her own patients. It was working out well, and it gave the hospital something else to brag about.

Carolyn Webber came rushing over. "I made it." She said catching her breath.

"Elizabeth would have understood if you hadn't." Jason assured his mother in-law.

"I wouldn't have." Carolyn had been called into an emergency surgery early this morning. If it hadn't involved a little girl she would have suggested another surgeon, as this was a personal day off for her. But a technique that Carolyn created was considered the best option of making sure the child, who had been hit by a car, would walk again. Elizabeth had been the one to tell her mother to go in.

As Carolyn took her seat next to her son in-law the ceremony got underway. Jeff was down on the stage. Six months after joining the faculty the Dean of the Medical School left after a scandal involving female students and Jeff was asked to step in. He officially became chair at the beginning of the winter session. So today would be even more special, because Elizabeth was receiving her doctorate from her father.

Three hours after it started the graduates filled out and the group that had come to cheer Elizabeth on began trying to get out of the auditorium. She had been told to head to the statue just outside the main doors. Milo was already waiting for Elizabeth to arrive. Jason's phone beeped twice as they moved, along with everyone else to the double doors. "Morgan."

"Elizabeth is with me." Milo reported.

"Thanks." Jason breathed a sigh of relief.

AJ's phone rang. "Hello?"

"We are heading into the hospital now. Where do you stand on time?" Matt asked following Emily to the car.

"The ceremony is over, and we are attempting to make our way to freedom." AJ joked. "We'll be there as soon as that happens."

"Okay." Matt hung up and focused on his wife.

"They are going to the hospital." AJ told the group.

"I'll call the house." Carly pulled out her phone. The kids and nannies were there today. "First babies take forever."

The now impatient group headed slowly to the door until they eventually found themselves outside. Still moving through a sea of people. Elizabeth smiled when they finally made it over. Jason kissed her and grinned. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Elizabeth smiled up at him. "I know I got my certification before Christmas, but it feels real now."

"We are going to celebrate later, because Emily is on her way to the hospital." Jason told his wife taking her hand in his and heading to the car.

"How is she doing?" Elizabeth wanted an update.

"AJ talked to Matt, and the conversation was brief." Jason held open the car door for his wife, while their family piled into their cars as well. Just over a year ago they had gone to the hospital to welcome AJ's second daughter to the family. Rachel Quartermaine was just as cute as her older sister. "Emily still says the baby is a girl."

"The pool at the hospital is trending toward boy." Elizabeth passed along. "Your sister said we don't get to be godparents."

"She still not over that?" Jason laughed as they stopped at a red light. Looking over he smiled. "She mentioned the other night that we owe her another baby.

"Well as soon as we get around to deciding its time to knock me up again she will be thrilled." Elizabeth was enjoying their practice sessions so far. She was thinking in another year they would be ready. She wanted some time to settle into her job first. "Boy is she going to be miffed when she isn't named godmother to this one." Elizabeth said with an evil grin. Nope Milo and Sabrina and Steven and Maggie were going to be the godparents to the next Morgan. After that she would be done. Elizabeth was hoping for another girl to even things in the house out some.

Jason parked while around him the family did the same and as a group they all hurried into the hospital.

Madison Jessica Hunter took sixteen hours to arrive but make her grand entrance she finally did. Emily and Matt had trouble conceiving and had to undergo in vetro, but in the end they had their very own princess. The family filed in and fussed over their newest member. Matt announced that Elizabeth and Jason along with Patrick and Robin were going to be the godparents. Patrick was less than pleased but was smart enough to keep his mouth shut.

One month after that Monica and Howie married at the Metro Court in a small ceremony. The Christmas wedding that the ladies were so busy planning hadn't happened. Monica announced she wanted to enjoy being engaged for a bit, and Howie said he wanted whatever Monica wanted.

A few weeks after that Johnny and Maya eloped. He had a business trip to Vegas and she tagged along. One night over dinner she told Johnny that she was ready to get married. Since he had been waiting for that announcement he didn't waste any time. They found a church and made it official. They broke the news by sending out a text message showing their hands with wedding rings. So instead of a wedding, the ladies planned a reception. Which was held at the mansion.

Nine months after the reception Kelly had another little boy. Christopher Paul. Kelly had been calling him her party favor since announcing the pregnancy. She proved once again to be a horrible patient, which surprised no one.

Seven months after the twins turned two Elizabeth gave birth to the fifth Morgan child. This was another routine pregnancy and she delivered a healthy seven pound nine ounce baby boy named Ryan Jeffery. The naming of the godparents brought more pouting from Carly and Emily.

The next baby came from Sabrina, and the little girl named Lillianna was delivered at home in the dark by her dad when an ice storm made it impossible to get to the hospital. Milo became the first dad in the history of the hospital to pass out hours after the baby came. In fact he held it together until the Kelly declared Sabrina and their daughter were both in perfect health. After what they had been through he was allowed.

Shortly after Ryan's first birthday Edward passed away in his sleep. The Morgans had been in England at the family estate. Once a year they went spending time in the country and enjoying the quiet. They flew home and eight year old Cameron cried the entire flight home. He and Edward were inseparable so the loss hit the little boy hard. It was made easier when the during the will reading the lawyer said that Edward had left his entire train collection to Cameron.

They did a remodel of the basement putting in a wall to create a large room in the back that they turned into one giant train layout. Often Cameron spent time downstairs running the engines. It was something that he did with his dad.

In fact Jason had something he did with each of the children. He and Cameron could be found most Monday nights building a new structure to put on the layout. Now ten the oldest Morgan child had gotten good at wood working. With Jake the activity was riding on the ATVs in the warm weather and the snowmobiles they now owned in the winter months. Jason said they rode out a bit and then walked around talking occasionally. The seven year old was quiet by nature like his dad, but enjoyed sharing his thoughts with those closest to him. His best friend was Brady and the two often spent hours building with their Legos. Five year old Adam liked to play games. Either good old fashioned board games or something on the gaming system. Ryan liked to spend his time sitting on Jason's lap, at three he didn't really have a thing yet, but when he did they would share that.

But it was time spent with Charlie, which was what they called her, that Jason treasured the most. His daughter had not turned into the tomboy Elizabeth predicted. Nope, Charlie was a girl's girl. She liked dressing up her dolls, playing with the scale model kitchen serving wonderful pretend meals, or playing with her toy medical kit tending to her teddy bear. Charlie's favorite place in the house was mommy's studio and she and Elizabeth spent lots of time together back there creating masterpieces.

Jason treated all the children equally, but Charlie was the only girl and everyone doted on her. She liked to hear him read. However once a week they did something special. Every Saturday Charlie liked to have tea. Monica had gifted her one of Lila's everyday tea sets. The ceramic pot and cups were something that if the little girl accidentally broke it would be fine. But that didn't happen. Charlie was very careful with her things.

Every Saturday at noon she took the pot to the kitchen and mommy filled it with tea bringing it and tiny sandwiches back up the Charlie's room. The little girl would set the small table in her room and place her favorite stuffed animals in the chairs. Then she would call her dad up. They would sit and talk while she wore the fancy hat that Aunt Diane brought back from Kentucky. It was always the highlight of Jason's week.

"How was tea?" Elizabeth asked smiling when Jason brought the dirty dishes down.

"Wonderful as always." He put the cups and saucers in the dishwasher and the pot in the sink. "One of these days she won't want to have tea with me anymore."

"No she won't." Charlie growing up was hard on her dad. "She'll want to do something else. Like go horseback riding, or go to the art museum."

"One of these days she will bring home someone else to do all those things with." Jason said pulling his wife close.

"Yeah she will." Elizabeth turned and looked up at him. "That's not for a really long time." She gave her husband a soft kiss. The way he loved their children made her love him even more. "No matter what happens she will always love you."

"Like her mom?" Jason said kissing her.

"Just like her mom." Elizabeth said nodding.

"Then I'm a really fortunate man." Jason said swaying them slightly. He had gotten a second chance and was smart enough not to waste it. The most amazing woman in the world loved him, together they had five wonderful children. It simply didn't get any better than this.

We've finished another one! Thanks for reading my story, and for all the reviews. I love chatting with you guys. My next story is going to start posting on Monday. Its not fully edited so you guys will be getting one chapter a day, because I don't want you to have to wait too long for a new story. The September one shot will post next week as well. The poll that is currently on my FF page will close the same day Never Tear Us Apart begins. For those of you who have been asking about Deb's prompt The Lottery, I am in writing it and will give you an update during the posting of the new story.

Thanks again to babeboo1968 for the story idea.

Thank you Liason102 for your hard work.

See you guys next week.

Thank you for the reviews, the follows, the favorites, and the continued support!