Caroline tossed on the hard ground beneath her tent for what seemed like the 100th time. Despite her thick sleeping bag and Tyler's warm body snoring next to her's, she was incredibly uncomfortable and cold. She couldn't sleep, her mind raced with the day's events. She could hear the fire still crackling outside and she knew he was sitting out there on one of the logs, all alone.

If she was rattled by everything that had happened, she couldn't imagine how he was feeling. Almost from the moment they'd all stepped on the island they'd wanted to go back; they could feel Silas' presence, they could tell how dark and ominous it was. The majority of them felt like the cure wasn't worth it if it meant going anywhere near him, but Stefan and Shane had refused to leave until they'd at least tried.

Then, just as they'd found the cave where Silas and the cure rested below they were struck with another ominous presence; one far less immobile. Mikael. He'd simply been sitting there, leaning against the cave entrance, tapping the white oak stake against his palm while he waited for them. Tyler and the others had bolted in mere seconds, leaving only her, Klaus and Stefan to deal with the Original patriarch.

"Hello, Niklaus," he'd taunted. Caroline had heard Klaus gasp, listened to his heart race at a speed that would've been impossible for a human. But despite his fear, he'd immediately grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind him. One thousand years of running for his life from this man and Klaus had tried to protect her. It was overwhelming.

It didn't help Tyler's cause much that he had run scared without sparing her a second glance.

Don't think like that! Caroline scolded herself. She had enough things to be stressed out about, like the fact that they were sleeping on an island that contained the two most powerful, deadly creatures on the face of the earth. Even though they had managed to escape Mikael, even though Klaus had wrangled the white oak stake from his possession, she was still terrified, and not only for herself.

Caroline couldn't deny that she cared for Klaus. They were becoming friends, so it was okay to care about him. They were just friends. Right?

That's what she tried to tell herself, but there were so many things gnawing at her, challenging her beliefs of the idea, keeping her up on that cold night. His protectiveness, his chivalry. He was everything that Tyler wasn't.


Another thing that was making her head spin. Since the day the cure had been discovered, it was all he'd talked about. He said he didn't really want it since it would turn him into a werewolf again, but he would be willing to take it for her, so they could grow old together and start a family. He'd acted like he was committing this courageous act of love by sacrificing his hybrid state to make her happy. He'd never even asked her how she felt about it.

Which of course, made her think about the only person in the world who both knew how she felt and had never even had to ask her. You like being strong, ageless, fearless.

Caroline couldn't take it anymore. With a frustrated sigh, she slipped on her Uggs and snuck out of the tent. She was holding her breath, terrified that Tyler would wake up and want to console her; which would mean sex. It made her feel horrible, but his company was the last thing she wanted.

Klaus' face was full of concern when she came to sit next to him by the fire.

"Can't sleep, love?" he murmured. He had seemed to be deep in thought before she'd interrupted; the white oak stake was gripped tightly in his hand.

"I'm not really into camping," she joked. He smiled tightly at her. "What about you?" she whispered softly.

"You could say my mind is a bit preoccupied," he teased, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. She could tell he was hurting and she was surprised by how much it hurt her.

"It'll be okay," she soothed. "We'll get the hell off this island first thing in the morning and he won't be able to hurt you,"

Klaus turned to her, his eyes burning with that intensity that always caught her off guard. No one had ever looked at her like that and she was pretty sure she could live forever and no one else ever would.

"It's crazy, but for the first time in one thousand years, it's not me I'm worried about," he sighed. His eyes bore into hers and her breath hitched in response. She found she was unable to tear herself away from his gaze. Thankfully, he was the first to look away, turning his attention back to the fire.

The silence fell heavily upon them and Caroline was desperate to relieve the tension. "Do you want me to make you a s'more?" she chimed. Klaus broke into a smile and she felt like a weight was being lifted off her chest.

"I don't know, are they good?" he replied.

Caroline's eyes widened. "You've never had a s'more?!" Klaus simply shook his head, smirking at her bewilderment. She stood up suddenly, in search of supplies.

"Niklaus Mikaelson, what have you been doing for the last 1,000 years? Never had s'mores before. That's ridiculous!" she ranted, her arms full of graham crackers and marshmallows. She sat next to him again and began roasting one, ignoring the way he was chuckling at her.

"How can you claim to be so experienced and knowledged when you've never even set a marshmallow on fire?" she laughed, knowing how ridiculous she sounded but she wanted to keep the atmosphere the way it was. They kept laughing as she finally finished his s'more and watched him intently as he took a bite.

"It's good," he nodded with a grin after he'd smiled and wiped the marshmallow off his chin.

Caroline scoffed. "Understatement of the millenium. My s'mores are the best,"

They sat in silence for awhile longer, but it was no longer uncomfortable. They were both content just sitting next to each other by the fire. Finally, Caroline felt her eyes starting to get heavy.

"You should get some sleep, love," he murmured. She nodded tiredly. "What about you? You need sleep, too, ya know. It's going to be a long trip home tomorrow,"

Klaus looked down and opened his mouth to say something, but he seemed to change his mind. Something flashed in his eyes but before Caroline could decipher it he looked away for a moment and when he turned back to her his face was impassive.

"Goodnight, Caroline," he whispered. She was confused at his change in demeanor but she was too sleepy to press the issue.

"Goodnight, Klaus,"