A/n: I'm a lot of you have waiting patiently for an update, on my fic's, or at the very least an explanation for my absence. So here it is. The past several months have been very hectic for me, with my parent's moving to Arizona, me moving in with my brother and his fiance and having to get a job. Then my brother I was staying with decided to move to South Dakota to be closer to his fiance's family, this forced me to look for an apartment for myself.

Which I did, but the first couple of weeks I had to go without internet, because it wasn't included in the rent. And to top it all off my new apartment is almost 4 miles away from where I work, which isn't too bad considering it takes me a half-hour on bike to get there(And it's uphill both ways).

So all of this has completely drained all my motivation to sit down and continue my Fic's. Not to mention I need to figure out just what I want to do with the plot's. That's not to say I'm abandoning them, but I wanted to let you guys know what's been happening and hope you will forgive for the length absence.

~Sir Demon Wolf Lord