Kuroko's pov:

It have been a year since the phone call. I met a strong headed young man(my age) named Kagami. He reminds me so much of Aomine kun that it hurts. I haven't even talked to them for such a long time. They used to ask me 'what was happening?' Or 'if I was okay?' Or really anything!

But I never replied to them, wanting to choose a new life. I wanted to show them. That this shadow didn't need a light to be seen. That this phantom will rise to glory. So much that I closed myself off from my friends. But were they really my friends? I don't know. But it was still nice knowing that they cared for me. A part of me kept shouting that I didn't need them, that they weren't worth anything.

But suddenly all those messanges stopped.

I wanted to know, what happened to THEM. Later I found out. They had fallen from pride. Kise stopped going for practices, Aomine was a...jerk. Murasakibara became lazier, Midorima wasn't as bad but you could tell something happened. But Akashi, oh god.

I don't even want to talk about it.


We are at the winter cup. We have defeated touou,Kaijo,Yosen, Shutoku already. I cannot believe it. Aomine, midorima, Kise and murasakibara, they changed. I can't even express my joy. All my friends, they are back to how they were in Teiko. Caring, passionate players,friends.

Now all I have to do is defeat Akashi. Can I do it? I changed. I am independent now, Kagami is my partner but I can play on my own. I need no light. This phantom has became a human.

Akashi became stronger though. All of seirin and the kiseki no sedai know it. He is not easy to defeat from the beginning and now is invincible.


Akashi PoV:

Next match is seirin. Kuroko is in that team. I am impressed. He can now shoot independently. But he left us.


I leave for the washroom. My heart is beating faster than usual. I look in the mirror. A pair of red and hello eyes look at me, scaring me.

I loved you, you have broken me. You monster,

I can't back out now. I want him back.


I know, It has been forever since the last update, but lately I didn't really have any ideas(stupid reason, I know) and there has been a lot of change in my thinking. I changed some of my shippings and now I have a bit of a different plot. Just a bit though, I'm still following the story.

Sorry for the short chapters, I am really trying to write longer.

hope you like it:)