I'm updating again! (/^.^)/

Enjoy Chapter 5 everyone! And don't forget to review!


So I Thought: Chapter 5

I was fast asleep. I can hear soft breathing in my ear and warmth all around me. I could sense the smell of slight nicotine and a hint of cologne.

I was still groggy and half asleep, but I could still sense it.

I could still sense him

Knock Knock Knock!

My eyes snapped open, as I came back to reality. My room was now dark, but all of my school stuff was still on the floor along with someone elses.

"Mmmm…" I heard a moan in my ear behind me and an arm tighten around my midsection. At first I was confused, but then my face grew hot.

Oh yeah. Craig and I…

...had sex!

Knock Knock Knock!

"Stanley! Dinner is ready!" I heard my mother call to me behind my bedroom door, and felt Craig's arm holding onto me tighter.

"O-okay, Mom! We'll be down in a minute…" I yelled, and sighed when I heard footsteps walk back down the hall.

I turned onto my back and shook Craig's arm, only for him to moan in protest more.

"Come on, Craig. Lets go eat." I spoke to him lightly.

"Okay...Just give me a minute." He spoke in his usual monotone, husky voice. I rolled my eyes, and forced his arm off of me, sitting up.

"Come on, dude. If we don't go down there now, my mom will come back up and kick down my door." Craig finally sat up, moaning again when I threw his arm off. He rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Fine." He said. I got up to retrieve my clothes, and threw his on the bed next to him. Before putting my boxers on, I noticed him staring at me.

"What?" I asked. He kept staring. I blushed hard, and quickly put my boxers back on, putting my pants on next. Craig smirked.

"You know" he started, still staring "you look good naked." He put his shirt on, and got up to put on the rest of his clothes. I stood there crossing my arms.

"Yeah whatever." I stated. Craig knelt down to my cheek and planted a kiss. I blushed.

"Come one, Stan. Don't act like you don't care after all we did." He said. I looked at him and gave him a glare. When I did, he gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Come on. Lets go before your mom 'kicks down the door.'" He said, smiling at the last part. I smiled.

"Okay." I unlocked the door, and opened it. My eyes widened when I saw Darin, just standing there with a sly smile on his face. I glared at him, and Craig has his hands balled up into fists.

"You guys have some fun in there?" He said. I glared at him harder.

"That's none of your fucking business." I replied, before grabbing Craig by the wrist and dragged him down the stairs.

His hands were still in fists.

We got to the dinner table and took our places. My mom put down a plate of mashed potatoes, chicken fried steak, and cooked vegetables in front of him, and then me.

"Thank you Mrs. Marsh." Craig spoke, before digging in. My mom smiled.

"Oh, Craig, you call me Sharron." She said. I blushed. Craig looked at me and laughed.

"Haha will do, Sharron." Just then, Darin sat down next to Shelly and my mom set down another plate in front of him.

"Oh, thank you Sharron." He spoke, and took a bite of potatoes.

"Okay Sharron. Stop serving everyone else and sit down." My dad said with humor behind his voice. My mom laughed some more before she sat down.

"It's fine. Everyone has their food anyways." She spoke, before looking at Craig with a smile on her face.

"So, Craig. How's your family doing? Are they well?" Craig looked up at her and swallowed his food. I looked at him a little curious. He never does talk about his family.

"Um, they're fine I guess." He said. My eyebrows rose. I wasn't really buying it, but that's a conversation for later.

"Oh well that's good." My mom said, taking a bite of some of her steak.

"So, Stanley. Football season's coming up. Thinking about joining?" I heard my dad speak. I glared at my food.

"I don't know, Dad."

"Well, you haven't done any sort of sport in a few years. You know you can still do sports, even if you're ga-" I cut him off stabbing a fork into my carrot.

"Please, Dad. Don't. I'm fine." God I hate it when he does that. Craig gave me a worried look.

"Well, Randy. I heard he wanted to be an artist. He's a really good one too." I heard Darin say. We all looked at him, and my dad laughed a little. A long with Shelly.

"Yeah, I'd like to see the turd get a good job drawing stick figures for a living." I shut my eyes and felt tears well up. Here we go again…

"They're not stick figures." I heard Craig say in a hard tone. I snapped my head up and looked at him. Craig was glaring at Shelly now, and I could tell he's not happy.

"Stan is the greatest artist I've ever seen. He's done so many amazing sets for the Drama department, and you can make a great living doing art. Pablo Picasso's art sometimes looks like a child painted them, but he made millions. At least have a little faith in him." My family were speechless. My mom smiled again.

"Thank you, Craig." She said. Craig looked at her with slight confusion. He doesn't understand yet.

"Well" Darin started, "he'll definitely be the cutest artist out there if he does make it." I glared at him again, and so did Craig. Shelly burst out laughing.

"Yeah! About as cute as a goat." Craig was about to bite back, but I put a hand on his knee. He looked at me with anger filling his eyes.

"It's fine. She's always like this." I said. Craig nodded, and went back to his food. My dad cleared his throat.

"I didn't mean to upset you, Stanley." He spoke with regret. I gave a small smile.

"It's fine dad." Darin snickered.

"By the way, Stan. How long have you two been dating?" Everyone brought their eyes to us, and my mom smiled again. My dad stared hard.

"You two are going out?" My dad asked. I looked down at my plate and nodded.

"We've only been dating for about two weeks now. It's not that big a deal." I said. Shelly laughed again.

"Amazing. This time it's actually someone kind of good looking." I sneered and slammed my hands into the table, standing up from my chair.

"Don't. You. Dare." I spoke, with an immense amount of anger. I felt Craig put a hand on my back to try and calm me down. I didn't want to be here anymore. I grabbed Craig's wrist again, and dragged him back up to my room. I wasn't that hungry to begin with.

I opened my door, and angrily flipped my light switch on. Craig came in behind me and shut the door. I grabbed handfuls of my hair, and started to breath hard.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't intend on my family completely humiliating me in front of you! I can't believe that just happened. I'm so sorry!" I started crying at this point. "I can't believe them! Shelly still treats me like a piece of shit, my dad still wants me to do football and give up on my dreams so he can have a perfect son! Plus, he thinks that I believe being gay is some sort of disability! And to top it all off, I have a creep hitting on me all the time and my mom-" I was cut off when Craig took my fists out of my hair and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

At first I was going to push him away and tell him I'm too angry to kiss, but then I felt like jelly. I fell into the kiss, and felt as if I was going to sink into the floor. After a few long seconds, Craig slowly pulled away from my lips, and took me into an embrace.

"It's okay if you have family problems. You're not the only one. And honestly, your family is more put together than mine is." He spoke in a hush tone. I rose my eyebrows and my watery eyes grew at the mention of his family.

What was your family like?

I wanted to ask so bad, but didn't feel like I could. All I knew was that his dad was against homosexuals.

"Hey" he started. I looked up at him.

"Yeah, Craig?"

"Remember a couple weeks back when you came into class angry after you talked to Wendy?" He said. I rose an eyebrow.


"Well you said you would tell me what she said to you. What did she say to you?" He loosened his grip around me so that I could look up at him. I looked at him with utter confusion.

"Why do you wanna know now anyways? That's ancient history." I said. Craig scoffed.

"I want to know." I sighed.

"Okay. Well, she told me she made a mistake by breaking up with me and she was trying to get back together with me. But what pissed me off was when she said I can stop 'being gay' and just be in love with her again." I felt my hands ball up into fists. "And then she had the audacity to tell me that being gay is a choice. A choice!" I shook my head to try to get myself to calm down. Craig put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's fine, Stan. I hear that from my dad everyday. Even though he doesn't know I'm gay and I don't want him to know, I sometimes want to beat the shit out of him." He sighed again, and looked back at me, putting his hands in his pockets. "Does she still contact you?" I looked back at the floor, knowing where this is going.

"Yeah. She felt bad for what she said to me and apologized. Then after that we continued to talk." I said. Craig gave me a glare.

"I don't trust her." I snapped my head back up at him. Is he comparing her to…

"She's nothing like Darin, Craig." I said. Craig's eyes grew big. I looked back up at him. Uh oh…

"I never said that. I'm saying she still wants to be with you, and you still talking to her doesn't help. Darin...is a fucking different story." He looked away, glaring at the floor at the last part. I sighed again. He was probably right. If I wanted Wendy to get over me, I needed to stop contacting her.

"I see what you're saying, and you're right. I'll stop contacting her." I said. Craig looked at me and smiled. I know Craig means well. It's not like he's possessive and only wants me to hang out with him and only him.

I felt Craig grab me by the chin and kiss me on the lips. I draped my arms over his shoulders and kissed him back.

Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz Bzzzzzz

We were interrupted by the sound of Craig's phone vibrating. I groaned out of frustration into my lips and let go. He grabbed his phone from my night stand and answered it.

"Hey, Dad." He spoke. I felt my face drop. His dad?

"Yeah I'll come back home now. I was working on my project with Stan. Yeah." I took a seat back down at my bed and looked at the calendar. Our project was due in four days, and I haven't even started on my drawing of the Cathedral of Rouen yet! I got back up and went over to my desk, getting out a large, thick piece of drawing paper. This paper was bigger than my head, and I figured it'd be perfect.

"Okay. See you soon." Craig spoke before he put his phone in his pocket and looked over at me with a brow raised.

"What are you doing?" He asked. I did a rough sketch of the Cathedral with a little picture I printed off a while ago pinned to my wall as reference.

"Our project is due in four days, and I haven't even started on our visual yet!" I spoke. Craig laughed and put his arms around me from behind. My hand stopped.

"I have to go, but you don't have to work on it right now." He whispered into my ear. I felt my face go hot and my body shudder. I dropped my pencil and folded my hands in my lap.

"O-okay." I said. Craig snuck to the side of me and gave me a long, passionate kiss on the lips. He pulled away slowly and smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow so we can get it done together." I felt my heart pound, and I nodded my head.

"Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." I watched Craig grab all of his stuff and head to my door. He opened it up, exposing the now dark hallway and looked back at me with that same poker face, only it's not as blank. He looked at me with love.

Am I the only one you give that look to?

"I love you, Stan. Good night." He said, before leaving and shutting the door. I sat there and still stared.

"I love you too."

Welp...There it is! I hope you enjoyed it!

