
Karin tilted her head up to the heavens and silently screamed as Suigetsu thrust hardly into her, hitting her g-spot repeatedly. She felt her walls undulate around his thick cock and embraced her orgasm. She wrapped her legs tightly around his waist and dug her nails into his shoulders, drawing a bit of blood, as the hot water pattered down on their slick, naked bodies. Suigetsu jerked his hips into her one last time as he groaned loudly and bit down on her neck.

"You don't know how long I've wanted to have shower sex," Karin panted.

"Same here," Suigetsu agreed. He moved away from the wall so that Karin was no longer pressed against it and kissed her, his hands cupping her ass.

The day had been long anticipated. It had taken Suigetsu two weeks to be released from the hospital, and then he had to endure an additional three months of physical therapy before his lower body strength returned. In the meantime, the two had experimented with many different positions – which Karin enjoyed because many of them established her as the dominant partner. Still, she had been gleefully anticipating (and fantasizing about) the day when Suigetsu finally could take her up against the shower wall.

It was also a bittersweet day, because it would be the last time she'd be seeing Suigetsu for awhile. He had decided to finally leave Konoha and look for other sword wielders to restart the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. He had asked Karin to go with him, and as much as she wanted to, she knew in her heart that she belonged in Konoha with her new family and friends. She changed her registration from the hidden grass to the hidden leaf, and was now a genin (because of her powers, however, she had already been on an A-ranked mission).

The bright side was that they had both signed up to take the chuunin exams in four months, albeit on different teams. Karin was going to be on Naruto and Sasuke's team, which was admittedly a bit awkward, but she had made her peace with Sasuke. There were rumors that Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't even be allowed to participate in the final round because it wouldn't be fair and that they basically had a free ride to chuunin promotion. Karin thought this was a load of bull, but Suigetsu looked forward to the prospect of entertaining the masses by dominating the finals. Karin, of course, had pointed out that he would have to fight her, to which he made a lewd comment about sex tape sales and Karin whacked him.

Until then, they were just going to have to get by without being able to argue or sex each other (their two favorite activities).

After they dried off, they went to the lumpy old bed in the abandoned Uchiha house one last time. Suigetsu would obviously be leaving, and Karin had managed to save up enough money to start renting an apartment. Juugo had also left the house and gone back to being Sasuke's roommate (they were both very quiet and reserved so the arrangement worked very well).

Karin rested her head on Suigetsu's chest as he wrapped his arm around her.

"I can't believe I'm finally going to be rid of your ugly mug tomorrow," Karin said.

"You can still come with me, ya' know," Suigetsu replied.

"We've been through this a million times; you know I can't do that, especially because I have a job and you don't."

"Once I start gathering swordsmen, we'll be making a shit ton on mercenary work. Besides, people still remember my brother and Zabuza-sensei, and once people realize I've surpassed them, making money should be easy."

"Don't get too cocky there," Karin whispered huskily. She lightly trailed her finger down Suigetsu's navel.

"Heh." Suigetsu chuckled. "You know, it's crazy to think that you could've had a big pregnant belly by now. You'd probably snore even worse than you already do."

"Well, just be thankful I don't then," Karin said crossly. She sighed. "That's where it all began, though. You and I."

"Bullshit," said Suigetsu. "You never would've slept with me if you didn't want me. We just couldn't resist each other."

"Or I was just incredibly horny and wasn't thinking about what I was doing," Karin replied. "But I definitely don't regret it."

"Me too." Suigetsu turned to face Karin. He grabbed a strand of her hair. "It's the thing I wanted most ever since I met you."

"Okay, now you're bullshitting."

"Maybe, but I just can't remember a time when I didn't want to fuck your brains out, even if I couldn't admit it to myself at first."

"All this talk of fucking is making me horny again," Karin whispered huskily. "What do you say? One more time for the road?"

"Mmm, that sounds like a good idea," Suigetsu agreed, climbing on top of her. "Let's make this a night that you'll never, ever want to forget."

And they did.

Author's Note: The End! I hope you enjoyed reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Any feedback is welcome, so please leave me a review. I'm not going to have as much time soon to write long fics like this one, but expect some drabbles here and there. Thanks for reading!