The rest of that evening passed fairly uneventfully, until quarter to seven arrived, and Daniel finished work to drive the two to Donald's old beat-boxing group. Lilly felt slightly nervous as they pulled up to the building and Donald hopped out, his confidence practically oozing from his cheerful smile.

"Ok Lils?" he grinned, waving to Daniel as he drove off. Lilly nodded and Donald led the way up and up flights of stairs until they reached the roof, or at least what used to be the top floor, only the ceiling had vanished and the sky was above them, cloudy but rainless. "Not what you were expecting, huh?" Donald chuckled, noting Lilly's expression.

"Only pelicans expect what to expect." She replied. Donald raised his eyebrows, but didn't get to reply as another boy about his age came from the small group standing nearby and yelled,

"Hey, Ducky!"

"Hey Jamie." Donald grinned, slapping hands with him. "How's the group been?"

"Not the same, man, we've missed you!" Jamie patted Donald on the back, then noticed Lilly. "Hey, who's this?"

"This is my friend, Lilly." Donald replied. "She's already pretty skilled and I reckon she could easily take on Billy or someone that level."

"Sweet." Jamie nodded. Lilly looked at him and murmured.

"It's really easy to hide cyanide in sherbet lemons."

"Uuuhhh..." Jamie looked a little freaked, and glanced at Donald, who raised his eyebrows as if daring the other boy to say anything. "Um, ok." Jamie attempted, then glanced at his watch. "Looks like we're starting then- sorry, got to dash, promised Seb I'd go doubles with him on the twins."

When he had returned to the group, who had formed two lines, Donald turned back to Lilly.

"What?" he asked, noticing she seemed to be biting back laughter. Lilly couldn't help it, and burst into rare giggles. Donald was absorbed by the sound of her laugh, but was also confused. "What's funny?"

"Ducky?!" Lilly laughed. "Really, Donald? Ducky?"

"Oh please no!" Donald covered his face with his hand. "That was middle school! Jamie just still calls me that sometimes!"

"Ducky, though..."

"Don't call me that at Barden."


Time passed, and at first Lilly just watched, noting how many people knew and welcomed Donald, often using the nickname "Ducky.". They were very different people to the Trebles and the Bellas, there was none of that pretentious 'I have to be the best' rubbish, and Lilly saw several times where a less experienced beat boxer was cheered on and then applauded when they finally admitted defeat. Her confidence growing, Lilly joined one of the lines and found herself getting right into it, experimenting with new beats and ideas she hadn't thought of before. And every time she stood down, picking up on the custom to nod a well-done to her opponent, Donald was always there, smiling like she had achieved an Olympic gold.

"You're doing brilliantly, Lil!" he laughed at one point, and Lilly felt her face heating up at his praise. Donald himself was in his element, and Lilly found herself mesmerised by the way he moved when he was freely beatboxing like that. It was like he wasn't performing in the way most people saw him beatbox, and she couldn't help finding the mix of concentration and enjoyment on his face somewhat attractive. Well, everyone had their own tastes, didn't they? And if Donald's 'taste' happened to be her...Lilly shook her head to clear it. She would dwell on that later, she told herself, and joined the queue again for another round, when suddenly her phone pinged and buzzed in her pocket. Glancing down at the screen, Lilly saw that the text was from Aubrey.

"Great news, acca-bitches! Bellas advance to finals, footnotes disqualified! Rehersals start Monday 8am sharp!"

Delighted, Lilly jumped on the spot. Yes, Aubrey was probably going to be a horror, but Lilly was on a cloud nine at that moment and just kept her elation as she stepped up to a new opponent.


Daniel picked them up at ten, like he'd promised, but even though it was half eleven by the time they got back and Daniel headed straight for bed, Lilly had to admit she wasn't tired.

"Donallllllld..." she whined cheekily when he yawned. "I'm not sleepy, I'm bored!"

"Bored? That didn't take long." Donald chuckled. "Tell you what, let's look through Daniel's movie collection. He actually has some decent stuff."

Lilly's grin widened and she watched as Donald crouched by the TV and pulled out a basket from underneath it, full of DVDs. Sitting beside him, the two looked through the films, when suddenly Lilly's eyes brightened.

"Donny, look at this!"

Donald completely ignored her. Lilly rolled her eyes. "Donald, look!"

"What is it?" Donald looked up with a slight smirk.

"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind!" Lilly beamed, hugging the DVD case to her chest. "It's my favourite movie!"

"Really? I didn't know that..." Donald looked at it, slightly confused.

"Don't tell me you haven't seen it..."


"We're watching this one, or the moon will collapse like origami in a lake." Lilly thrust the DVD into Donald's hands and he chuckled before setting it all up and then joining Lilly on the couch.

The movie was great, as always, but Lilly couldn't help getting distracted by Donald, by the way his forehead creased when there was something he didn't get, the sparkle in his eyes at the happy bits, and the casual way he sat, with those georgeous curls falling over his forehead. Wait, georgeous? Well, she had to admit...

Swallowing slightly, Lilly decided to throw caution to the wind and take a chance. "Donald?"

"Yeah?" Donald looked over at her. Lilly adopted her most serious face and quietest voice as she whispered,

"Can...can you keep secrets?"

Donald was a little bit confused, but Lilly's eyes demanded a reply. "Yeah, unless they, like, really need to be told."

Lilly tilted her head slightly and let her eyes flit to Donald's lips before screwing up her courage and leaning forward to kiss him. At first Donald was stunned, and Lilly felt a mix of panic and triumph that she had surprised someone like him. Then Lilly heard Donald chuckle lowly, before his arms crept around her waist and pulled her across his lap so she was straddling him and kissing her back with something like...relief. Lilly wound her arms around his neck, allowing him to lead the kiss and guiltily enjoying the way one hand was around her waist, keeping her close, while the other tangled in her hair. Normally she hated her hair being messy, but in these circumstances, that had to be excused.

The need for oxygen eventually overtook them, and the two parted, Lilly leaning her forehead against his and stared at him as they caught their breath. She had iniciated the kiss, but now it was really his move. A few moments passed before a wide smile crossed Donald's face.

"Yeah." He grinned "I can definitely keep this secret, Lils."

"You'd better, or the pelican that eats the chocolate the night after Easter will get you."

"How the hell are you so damn adorable?!"

Unable to answer verbally, Lilly found that kissing Donald again was probably the best way to shut him up.

A/N: *hides behind sofa* Ok, there is really no excuse for how long this took...writer's block was killing me, then I was away at music camp, but ANYWAY, the important thing is, here it is :)