The kitchen was filled with tension which worried Courage. His villainous caretakers were preparing breakfast, but there was something about their movements that sent warning signals to him. Courage tried to recall anything peculiar happening the night before but couldn't. Then again he fell asleep as the villains were arguing about what was best for him…

The foul mood had everyone on edge, but Courage didn't want to ask what was wrong in fear of being strangled, drowned, or crushed!

So he was careful in following their directions and helping out with what he could. Just as everyone was settling at the table, Cajun Fox grabbed Courage by the shoulders. The fox gave him a tray of food to carry and steered him out of the room.

"Here's the thing dog, no one wants to get near the freak so you'll be giving him his meals." said Cajun Fox, pushing Courage up the stairs and making a run for it back to the kitchen. Courage stood in confusion and stared down at the tray he was holding.

Freak? Was there a guest upstairs?

Courage slowly made his way up and paused at the top of the stairs. He strained his ears for any signs of movement, but heard nothing.

Well if there was someone up here, then they could only be in the guest room…

Courage knocked on the door and waited for a response. After a few moments of silence, he cautiously opened the door and made his way in. He looked around the room, but there wasn't anyone-


Startled, Courage quickly turned around and felt his heart drop to his stomach.

"Courage…" Fred said, giving him a wide smile.

"AHHHHHHH!" Courage screamed, tossing the tray into the air only to have the food splatter all over him.

"…your hair…"


The villains all looked up at the ceiling before turning back to their breakfast, ignoring the loud noises coming from upstairs.


Before Courage could make a run for it, Fred had quickly grabbed him and hauled him into the bathroom. Courage was then tossed into the tub and given a bath.

Courage let out a whine at the rough treatment to his fur and struggled a bit. Fred stopped scrubbing and Courage was afraid that the man was going to drown him to keep him quiet. To his surprise, the man continued to bathe him but with a more gentle handling.

Ten minutes later, Courage found himself being dried with a towel and his fur being brushed with a comb.

"Your hair is quite long," Fred said, running fingers through his fur. "It makes me feel…well we really have no time for that. We have places to go, people to visit."

This was all too surreal! Courage could only stare up at the man in front of him. He was confused and wary, but didn't try to run.

Fred gave Courage a gentle pat on the head and picked him up. Courage made no fuss and even nestled within the man's arms.

Everyone in the living room was watching them come down the stairs though Courage noticed Katz giving Fred a steely glare. The man simply gave the villains a wave as they made their way out the door.

"Precious Courage and I have some bonding to do." Fred called outside. "Don't wait up, tender caretakers!"

Courage didn't know what Fred had in store for them, but he began to have his suspicions when they entered the downtown area of Nowhere.

Their first stop was at a flower shop.

They didn't take long since it seemed Fred knew what he wanted in the shop.

"Excuse me, shopkeeper? I would like an arrangement of lilies." Fred said, gesturing to the flowers on the shelf. The shopkeeper gave the man a grimace before nodding and going to the back to prepare the flowers.

"Do you think she will like them?" asked Fred.

Realization dawned on Courage and he gave the man a small nod.

Fred gave Courage a scratch behind his ear, and the two waited patiently for the shopkeeper to return…

Courage silently watched the man lay down the lilies in front of the gravestone. Fred then knelt on the ground and traced one of the names inscribed on the stone.

Muriel Bagge...

Courage feebly tried to stop his tears from falling but failed miserably. Suddenly, a handkerchief was thrust towards him, causing him to look up. Courage was startled at the look on the man's face. Fred's smile was gone and replaced with a frown; however, the hurt and concern in the man's eyes released a fresh wave of tears from Courage.

At that moment, Courage understood…

He wasn't alone in his grief.

Courage readily accepted the handkerchief and loudly blew his nose. As he was cleaning himself up, Fred reached out and gave him a scratch behind his ear.

"Sweet Courage," said Fred, becoming a little teary eyed. "Let us always treasure the memories we have of her."

Courage reached out a paw to wipe away the lone tear falling from the man's face, causing Fred to smile at the gesture.

Courage smiled right back.

[End of "Precious Pup Extra"]