Chapter 3

We walked to our lockers and got our books ready for English. We had some time, so we chatted in the hallway.

"So, you're just not done personalizing your Instantgram yet, huh?" Maya asked.

"Yup that's exactly it, nothing else." I replied.

"Don't even try with me; you're a REALLY bad liar."

"Wow Maya, you know me so well."

"Well why wouldn't I?" Maya said with a big goofy smile on her face.

Just then, Lucas stopped by us.

"Howdy Maya, hey Riley!" he said.

"H-h-h-hi Lucas!" I stuttered. He's so cute, I thought to myself, he's so cute that I can't even talk straight!

"So I see you have an Instantgram Lucas. But it's probably nothing like what you have in the good ol' west, so you probably don't know how to use it, right?" Maya asked, looking at Lucas straight in the eyes with her annoyed face.

"Well then, if I don't know how to use it, then I guess I'll be confused, and you can make fun of me all you want." Lucas replied with a smart face.

"You're still not playing this right." Maya said, pointing a finger at Lucas' nose.

"Well that's certainly not what I intended," Lucas said, shaking Maya's finger side to side.

"I will crush you," Maya said, slowly making a fist.

"If that makes you happy, I'll look forward to it, ma'am." Lucas said with a devious face.

"Oo-oo-ooh" Maya said in a descending tone.

Then, Missy came up behind Lucas. Ugh, I hate that girl.

"Lucas, why aren't you following me?" Missy asked.

"Following you…?" Lucas asked.

"You know, on Instantgram, , and etcetera?"

"Oh, sorry, I haven't had much time."

"Alright then, just wanted to let you know!" she said while having a smirk on her face. Like I said, I HATE HER FOR FLIRTING WITH LUCAS HE'S MINE. Um, did I just say that? I meant I really dislike her for trying to flirt with the guy I like. There, I think that sounds a little less harsh.

"Hello Riley." She said, putting emphasis on my name.

"Hi." I said, trying to hold back on looking annoyed.

"Have you made a Tweeter account yet?" she asked.


" ?"


"At least tell me Instantgram."

"um..u-u-uh.." I stuttered.

"She made one, but she's not done setting it up yet, she hasn't had much time." Maya said.

"Thank you for saving me." I muttered to Maya.

"No problem." She muttered back.

"Oh, well then, tell me when you're done, and I'll follow you!" Missy said.

"Um...ok?" I said, annoyed at myself.

"Good." Missy said, and then walked back to her locker.

Just then, the intercom came on and said:

"Attention students, those who have English period at this time will not be going to English today, but will have a special class in the Multi-Purpose Room. Thank you."

"Well, I guess we're having a special class today. I'm going to go put my books back. Byr\e Maya. Bye Riley." Lucas said.

"Bye cowboy." Maya said.

"B-b-bye Lucas." I stuttered. Again. I really have to stop stuttering.

As he left to go to his locker I stared at him thinking about what would appen if he asked me out.

"Riles." Maya said.

I didn't answer. Again.


I still didn't answer. Again.


I suddenly awoke from my stare when she yelled my name.

"Sorry Maya, I was just…thinking."

"Yeah, well you were 'thinking' right into Lucas' eyes."

"REALLY?! I mean.. really?"

"Yes really."

"Oh well. We really have to get ready for that class, or we'll be late."