(A/n: This is the last chapter :) This was planned all along... This was meant to be short)

1 month after Sydney's accident, at the DL Charity Gala Ball. No one except Sky, Bridge, Syd, Kat and Ally know Jack and Z's new identity.

Sky waited for Z annoyed, not because she was late or rather he was early but because he was fed up of politely declining many girls' dance proposals. He then saw Bridge and Sydney come, Bridge looked dapper in a full black tux with a bottle green waistcoat and Sydney shimmied in a little pink shiny gown which hugged her in the right places and really tall stilettos, and her hair was straightened out. He then saw Jack come with Ally wearing a dark gray tux, with a glossy red shirt and Ally wore an LBD with a halter neck and black pumps with her hair made into a messy bun and a shiny blue stone glittered in her finger which showed that Jack had proposed her for marriage. After seeing many many couples come in and not the girl he wanted to see, he straightened the collar of his fully black tux, with a glossy blue shirt and navy blue waistcoat. He then heard gasps and when he looked up he saw Z coming down the stairs looking absolutely gorgeous in a strapless body hugging golden gown which hugged her body till her knees but then opened up and flowed, complete with golden stilettos. Her long blackish-brown hair was open, and she had done light but glossy makeup on her eyes and lips. Sky smiled at her as he walked towards him and kissed her hand and pulled her towards him and said "You are so worth the wait..."

Z blushed as Sky put his hand over her butt as if no one was watching as he hugged her, she glared at him playfully and pulled his hand up and placed it on her waist. Sky smirked at her and was about to kiss her when Syd came up and said "You look amazing Z! Even better than me!"

Sky looked shocked and Bridge immediately shook his head when Syd looked at him and Z chuckled.

Syd then playfully hit Sky and told "I told you I wanted a long gown!"

Sky shot back "When was that? I promised you that the ball's dress was my treat and I thought you liked short dresses!"

Syd pouted "I do but..."

Bridge then kissed her bare shoulder and said "You look amazing Syddy."

Sydney smiled at him and looked over at Z and said genuinely "Thank you Z for you're help that day, I was nothing but mean to you thinking you were poor but now you are the richest and most humble person I know... I wish I were humble like you..."

Z smiled and said "You ARE humble Syd, now that you live with Bridge, you've changed a lot."

Bridge chuckles "My family loves her..."

Syd then kisses him and says "And I love your family!"

After the gala, the girls stood in the balcony of the hall gossiping and Sky came and said "Excuse me ladies can I steal my girlfriend?"

The girls chuckled and Syd said "We're leaving Sky! You guys stay" and they left leaving Z and him alone.

As they left, Sky wasted no time and pulled her to him and started kissing her passionately.

After a while, when they broke apart for air, Sky said "I have been waiting to do this since you came..."

Z smirked and said "Me too..." as she pulled him by his collar and started kissing him with force and he returned all her passion, after they broke off, Sky started kissing her neck and shoulders, his hands travelling all over her body as she moaned. He then picked her up princess style and took her into an empty room of the hall and locked the door as he placed her on the bed and smirked while opening his coat.

At the party Ally still stared at her ring and Jack hugged her from behind and said "Get over it Al!"

She said "I can't, it's just sooo big and precious! And you're so rich it freaks me out!"

Jack chuckles and kisses her cheek "Ally I love you. You were with me even when you thought I was poor, and you went through for me..."

Ally turned towards him as he still hugged her and kissed him "I love you too Jack..."

Bridge and Syd were dancing when Syd smirked at him and took him to her limo in the parking lot, and pulled him in and locked the doors.

Bridge asked confused "What are you doing?"

Syd smirked as she started opening his coat and waistcoat and said "Something you're gonna love." as she kissed him passionately.

Everything was well but Kat was the only one who was sad as Connor stood her up, but just then saw Morgana come towards her and Kat asked her "Stood up?"

Morgana nodded and noticed Kat wearing a little strapless orange and black dress and said "You look amazing Kat."

Kat inturn saw Morgana wearing a purple and silver body hugging gown and said "Not as much as you!"

They both laughed and then Kat bit her lip and so did Morgana and they came close and leaned in..


(A/n: That's it... Kat and Morgana end up together! :P I love happy endings! So had to do so! Also im not a fan of slash so didn't explain or hint anything explicitly! I hope you enjoyed my simple romantic college lovestory!)