_The screen was dark. Then suddenly, singing could be heard and screen turned different hues of blue, and snowflakes were shown floating across the scene._

Most gasped in awe at the close ups of the snowflakes. Winter was cruel and unforgiving sometimes, but at other times, it was truly beautiful.

_There was then one snowflake that was put into focus. It grew bigger and started to spin. The scene zoomed out slowly and the singing got louder, then it was showed that the snowflake was floating in the middle of an 'O' carved out in ice, with other letters that spelled a title: Frozen._

"Frozen?" Anna questioned aloud.

"It was what the greater powers decided to call this vision, I believe it's quite accurate." Angel answered.

_The singing stopped and the title faded away to show ice. The scene became clearer and a shadow moved behind the ice. Then abruptly, the shadow (presumably a man) moved and plunged a saw into the ice.

Many gasped in surprise, caught off guard. Elsa herself placed a hand on her chest, heartbeat racing slightly.

_The man started to saw through the ice he stood on, bubbles of air erupted around the blade and proved it was underwater. The scene changed to more saws (three to be exact), all moving and sawing together. The surface was shown and ice harvesters were the figures. As they worked they started to sing a song.

"Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining
This icy force both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth mining."

"So cut through the heart, cold and clear.
Strike for love and strike for fear."

The ice harvesters were shown pushing and hauling sliced ice through the water when a little boy with shaggy blond hair appeared on screen with a small reindeer. The little boy took out a carrot and fed some to his reindeer, then to himself._

All the women (and some gentlemen) in the room collectively cooed at the sight of the little boy. Anna pointed at the screen and giggled at the sight of Kristoff's red face. "Is that you?"

Kristoff mumbled a begrudging "Yes."

"You were so cute!" Rapunzel gushed. Elsa nodded, trying not to coo herself.

"You have a reindeer?" Anna asked, trying to goad some information out of the mysterious ice harvester.

"Yes. His name's Sven." The small smile that appeared on his face at the mention of his reindeer quickly turned to a frown.

Anna frowned as well. "What's wrong?"

Kristoff looked at her for a moment, but said nothing.

_"See the beauty, sharp and sheer
Split the ice apart
And break the frozen heart."

"Hup! Ho!
Watch your step!
Let it go!"

The ice harvesters were shown as they continued to work. They hauled ice from the water and pulled it into the sleds. Little Kristoff and Sven were shown, whirling around them and marching off to help._

There were more coos and Kristoff's face turned a darker shade of red.

_"Hup! Ho!
Watch your step!
Let it go!"

The ice harvesters were then all shown in a line, using clamps to pull ice out of the water. Little Kristoff was shown at the end of the line, trying to do the same, but the ice just slipped from between his clamps._

There was laughter all through the room at the blonde's antics.

"It was my first time on the job!" Kristoff yelled over the laughter and crossed his arms with a pout on his lips.

Anna laughed harder at the blond and wiped a tear from her eye. "What were you even doing there?"

Kristoff's face hardened. "Had no place else to go."

Anna stopped laughing and tilted her head. She wanted ask more, but had a feeling she would be treading on private ground.





"Ice has a magic,
Can't be controlled."_

Elsa looked down at her gloved hands. Couldn't be controlled? She knew plenty about that.

_The scene was starting to transition from day to night. Horses could be seen trekking on the ice, shipping large ice saws across it, and more ice harvesters were shown slicing ice in sync.

"Stronger than one
Stronger than ten
Stronger than a hundred men!

Little Kristoff was shown attempting to pick up the same block of ice from before, but instead he pushed it down into the water, causing it bounce out into the air. It landed back in the river, which caused some water to splash onto his face. Luckily, the little reindeer (that they discovered was named Sven) licked the water of the little boys cheek before it froze to his skin._

"You guys are quite the pair, huh?" Anna asked as she watched the interaction between little Kristoff and Sven.

"Yeah, we are." Kristoff replied with a small smile.

Anna smiled as well. "How did you two come together?"

Kristoff's smile became wistful. "The ice harvesters gave him to me, said his mother had been killed."

Anna's eyes softened. "Oh, that's horrible."

Kristoff nodded. "Yeah, well, he had no one else, neither did I at the time. We helped each other a lot through the years, wouldn't know where I'd be without him."

Anna looked at him again, she didn't really know how to read people all too well, but she could definitely tell there was something still upsetting Kristoff.

"What's wrong really?" Anna pushed. "Is it about Sven?"

Kristoff raised a brow and lumped in his seat. "I couldn't bring Sven with me-I mean, a reindeer in the castle? I just feel bad that he's outside all by himself-"

Just as Kristoff finished speaking, the doors of the throne room burst open. Everyone turned as a large reindeer came bolting around the seats towards the front.

"Sven!" Kristoff called as the reindeer bounded over to him and licked his face.

"Oh wow! Hello there!" Anna spoke kindly. Sven looked to her, curious. He stepped closer and sniffed her hair before he let out a happy huffing noise and licked her cheek.

"Sven! She's a princess!" Kristoff scolded and pushed the reindeer of Anna.

"Oh no, it's alright, really!" Anna shrugged off, rubbing her slimy cheek. In all truth, the reindeer had just given her more affection in those few seconds than Elsa ever had since they were children.

"I thought you might be comfortable with him in here." Angel spoke up, and gave a little wave to Sven who settle down in front of the lounge, enjoying as Anna and then Rapunzel gave him some enjoyable scratches.

"Thank you." Kristoff replied, grateful to have his buddy back beside him, and settle back down to continue watching.

Hans sat still and watched the whole moment unfold. He didn't like how Anna was getting so cozy with the stranger, plus the reindeer smelt of mud and that awful musk that all wild animals gave off. Hans made sure to watch Anna more carefully; he couldn't chance loosing his path to the throne. Though he was wary-what would this 'vision' reveal about him?

_The ice harvesters continued to sing as they hauled ice from the water into wooden crates. The scene became dark as night rolled around at the ice harvesters were show carrying ice on their shoulders.

"Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining."

There was darkness, then an ice harvester was shown lighting a lamp. The scene went to then show the ice harvesters working through the night by lamplight

"This icy force both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth mining."

Some ice was shown being sliced in half. More ice harvesters were shown caring ice to some crates. Little Kristoff finally managed to lift his little slab of ice out of the water and lifted it high about his head. The weight made him stumble about, he was about to fall backwards and dropped his ice and clamps, but his fall was save when Sven caught him and pushed him back up._

"It seems that you finally managed to get that cube." Eugene chuckled. "What was that? Your seventh, eighth slab?"

Kristoff shot the older man a glare. "My first." The blond grounded out.

Eugene saw the glare in the ice harvester's eyes and backed off, a smirk on his lips. He turned to find his wife glaring up at him.


_"Cut through the heart, cold and clear.
Strike for love and strike for fear.
There's beauty and there's danger here
Split the ice apart
Beware the frozen heart..."

The ice harvesters saddled up there sleds and rode off, followed by little Kristof and Sven.

"C'mon Sven!" Kristoff hurried and Sven and the reindeer began to run along, and the shot moved onwards and upwards in to the beautiful northern lights moving through the skies._

Many of the audience awed at sight, and so did Anna.

"The sky's awake." She muttered.

Kristoff turned. "What?"

"When the northern lights would appear in the sky at night, my sister and I used to say that the sky was awake." The younger princess turned to Kristoff. "It's silly I know, but-"

"No no, it's fine." The blond reassured. "It's actually a very apt description. The way the colors move, flout and waver, it's like the sky is-"

"-Dancing." Both Kristoff and Anna said at the same time, and both could feel a blush rise to their cheeks.

Elsa watched her sister and this ice harvester interact; they were so comfortable with each other, each only knowing the other for a few minutes. Maybe Anna had this affect on people. Maybe it's how Han's managed to fall for her so quickly, Elsa wasn't sure.

Elsa felt a some spot of jealousy grow within her. Her curse kept her so far away from her sister, when all she wanted was to hold her and be the way they used to be. Why was everything so complicated? Her thoughts were interrupted by Rapunzel. "My Queen? Are you alright? You've been staring at your hands an awful lot."

Elsa let out a nervous laugh. "Really? Guess it's just a thing I do."

"I'm all ears, if there anything you want to talk about."

Elsa wrapped her arms around herself. "You . . . you wouldn't understand."

"I used to have seventy feet of blond hair that could heal people when I sang and I was locked up all my life because of it. My husband cut it off to save my life and to make sure I never had to carry the burden of having a gift like that." Elsa could see Eugene over Rapunzel's shoulder, giving her look that meant everything his wife was saying was true. And with the seriousness in Rapunzel eyes, Elsa had no doubts about her story. "What ever you got, I'm sure I can understand."

Elsa swallowed and looked to her sister, who was watching the screen with her head on Hans' shoulder. She turned back to Rapunzel. "I have the power to create ice and snow."

Rapunzel's face lit like a Christmas tree and grabbed Elsa's hands. "Oh that amazing! What a wonderful gift!"

"More like a curse." Elsa said and shrugged out of the princess's grip.

"You can't control it?" Eugene cut in, only to get elbowed by his wife.

Elsa just nodded. The Rapunzel then did something no one had done to her in years.

She hugged her.

"Whatever you're going through, I'm going to be there for you, whatever you need, okay?" Rapunzel reassured. Elsa fought against pushing the older woman away. The warmth was so foreign, so forgotten, but comforting.

But she had no idea Anna was watching them, her little sister's heart breaking just that little bit more.