This did well so I decided to give you a second chapter. Be warned… I probably won't make another one after this. Anyone watching Book of Circus at the moment? Sebastian, what a bae am I right?

Levi paced around in his office. Oh god, what had he just done? A recap of twenty minutes ago: Levi had kissed Eren after tossing the letter over the wall and said that it said, "I love you." Well sure it was really cute and made his heart go KABOOM but holy hell!? As soon as it was over all Eren could do was incoherently stutter and he was even on the verge of tears. Then, when Levi went into shock at Eren's reaction the younger boy made a run for it.

Levi sat in his office moaning and suffering. Oh god he had just committed first hand sexual assault. Oh God, what was he going to do? He wanted to die. What the hell was he thinking!? There's no way a stud like Eren is gay!? There's no way even if he was that he would be into Levi! Levi is short and angry and violent and crude and OLD! He's a total fogy! Levi decided then that he would run away and if he died on the first day then lucky him! He won't have to live with the shame of being rejected by a fifteen year old!

Oh god Eren is fifteen! He's a pedophile! Levi started smacking his face on his desk. He didn't care if it was out of character! He didn't care what he did from then on! No regrets right!? Fuck that! REGRETS! REGRETS! REGRETS! He needs help! He needs guidance! He got up and strut as quickly as possible to Erwin's office. Erwin will know what to do! He can always rely on Erwin's wisdom! He opened the door and ran in.

"Erwin! I need you help with-"

He stopped at the sight… he very quietly left the office. That was way too kinky and modern for Levi's old man eyes. He stalked down the hallway feeling extremely tired and pissed when Eren bumped into him.

"Ah! Heicho!"

Levi's left eye twitched as he glared at the brat, "What the fuck do you want!?"

Eren blushed and looked at his feet. No doubt wanting to talk about the kiss then explain why he ran away. Don't worry ass hole, Levi got the hint. You're not interested. Just leave him be already.

"Umm Heicho?"

"What," he scolded the boy.

"… You look tired."

Levi's glare turned to ice as it went full force on Eren. The boy very simply looked down on Levi because he's taller but even so it was like he was looking up to him.

"Heicho… about… about that kiss…"


Levi made a swift kick for Eren's head, but the boy dodged it, woah! Levi felt his cheeks warm up, his little boy was getting good! He was almost proud of the brat until he remembered he was a miserable fogy living a one sided romance. He should have just let Eren read the letter and tell the brat it was from him for him. Maybe then Levi wouldn't be in this situation. His letter got everyone but him a date for national holidays.


Levi pinched the bridge of his nose, even if he gave Eren the letter the feelings would be bogus, a total trick. The letter had some weird power over people. It wouldn't be a real love. What a corny thought.


"… I wrote you a letter?"

Levi looked down, glaring at the floor and yet not even seeing it. The brat… was making fun of him. He was looking down on him. It wasn't enough to reject him, he had to make a big joke out of him. Levi was never one for feelings and this is exactly why. He walked over and smacked Eren's face. He smacked him so hard the boy fell over. Eren was about to yell at Levi for the sudden action when a drop of water hit his face. He looked up and really focused on Levi's features. Everything in his face was scrunched up, a reflex to try and stop crying, but his eyes betrayed him and let out all of his feels.

"Fuck. You."

Levi pivoted on his heel and started to walk away when he heard Eren get up and run after him. Levi made a break for it but Eren's damn long legs helped him catch up. He was taken by the wrist and spun around when suddenly Eren had his arms around Levi. Levi froze. Holy shit. He's sleeping, he's just dreaming again. He tried to get Eren off of him, but he was kind of half assed about it so Eren very easily kept his hold on the fogy.

"E-Eren," damn that sudden stutter, "P-people are staring."

"I don't care."

"Fuck you, I care."

"Then why won't you throw me off?"

"You fucking know why," Levi said under his breath.

The next thing Levi knew the younger boy was dragging him off. A bunch of people started cheering behind him. He wanted nothing more than for them to each drop dead. They were back in Levi's office now. Eren was holding the folded paper out to Levi.

"Please, read it. Then you can tell me you never want to see me again."

Levi snatched the paper and grit his teeth, "fine."

Dear Levi,

I thought I'd write you a letter because, like, you wrote me a letter and stuff? I mean, I never got to read your letter? But I mean, I like guess I sort of get what you were going for, you know?

Levi cringed, he writes like a drunken Valley Girl.

But yeah, I don't know what to say or how to say it so I thought I could like write it or something? Anyways I only ran away from you because, after you kissed me and stuff, I got really excited and I wanted so scream but I didn't want you to think I was lame or anything so I like ran to go scream in peace. Then again I mean you wrote me a love letter? That was pretty lame.


Levi stared blankly at the sheet of paper and then up at Eren. It was like Eren suddenly had a second head. What the hell did Levi just read?

"W-well," said the blushing fifteen year old.

"… I never want to see you again."


"That letter was single handedly the biggest piece of shit you've ever taken."

"F-fuck you Levi! I was trying to be romantic!"


"Yeah… cuz I… I like love you…"

"… Really?"

Levi didn't sound excited, he sounded irritated if anything.

"Don't say it like that!"

Levi took hold of Eren's hand and glared at him. The glare ultimately softened into a smirk.

"Ok brat, I'm gonna tell you the three words you wanna hear. Then we can put all this love letter shit behind us."


"Let's get naked."

Eren was confused, and even went to count the words. He didn't have time to get to three before Levi was on top of him. Eren didn't mind. It was basically "I love you."

The End~