SO! A friend of mine asked for me to do a songfic on Beyoncé and Jay- z's song On The Run. I told her I would and I just never got to it.

Now that I've been off the computer for a while with school coming up, I've had time to think about it and I thought who else to write it on besides Lucy and Bixy!

This chapter is a little on the Angst side. Don't worry it is not an angst story. It's going to be Drama, Adventure, and Action. But manly Romance and Hurt/Comfort. (Like I put in the description.)

Oh also Bickslow's background story is not the one in the Manga/Anime. If there is another, I don't know it so I made this one up. But I don't think there is because then I would have known. I don't think the whole thunder god tribe has one. (But Laxus). Fingers crossed we get one in the future.

Anyways here is the first chapter.

Sorry for any mistakes!

Lucy walked into her apartment with a sigh before she turned to the man behind her. "So," she said sitting in her chair facing the front door where he stood at, Legs crossed, elbow resting on the arm of the chair and her head resting in her palm, "care to tell me what happened and why you're outside my apartment at three o'clock on this Thursday morning?" she frowned at him then waved at the crouch beside her for him to sit down.

He walked over and planted himself into the piece of furniture. Throwing his face into his hands he sighed. "I screwed up that's what happened."

She frowned at him. She wasn't very happy waking up in the middle of her peaceful night's sleep to see Bickslow outside her door. "What happened" she repeated.

Bickslow looked up at her, his face bare of his visor and his neon green eyes staring at her. Dark circles hung under those eyes which told her something wasn't right. Well something bad enough for him to not to be sleeping right. "I just, I just don't know what to do." he said after a minute passed.

She cringed. "What? What's wrong?"

"It seems that soldiers from my home town, even after all these years, haven't given up." He stood up and walked over to her window and peered out. "Sorry, I just want to make sure they haven't followed me to your house." She excused him with a wave of her hand.

"Go on, I know that's not the end of this story. What do you mean they haven't given up?"

"A while back my parents were both drafted into an army against magical abilities. Shortly after, around the time I was ten, they realized I clearly had those very magical abilities they were against and my parents often got ridiculed about that. They didn't try to get rid of me like other families did but instead took me into hiding. Hiding was a mistake. The army figured out the magic I used, the magic of seeing and controlling souls. They were afraid I would start killing people and using their souls. They've been after me ever since. My mom she- she told me to run away, to get away as far as I could from those people. If I was found, I'd be executed, she didn't want that. I was afraid more than I could admit, but not for myself. They were after my parents also and I knew that if they were also captured, they too would be executed. I figured out I could protect them if I just gave myself up. So I did.

I walked straight out the house and stood there in the cold as the army surround me. Two grabbed my arms and proceeded in taking me to where ever they were going to kill me until they were interrupted. By my father. He fought those soldiers with the same skills they had taught him to use against people like me. And then it was mother, also fighting. I couldn't help them fight. I got scared and didn't know what to do, I didn't know my power. But I wanted to help so badly. Then the worst sight caught my eye. A few of the soldiers hid in the bushes with guns in their hands pointed at my parents. All the feelings of being scared left me at once and suddenly I was pissed. Real pissed. And before I knew it…." He slammed his fist into the wall beside the window and looked out it scowling at the reflection that stared back at him. "I killed them all. My power got out of control and I went on a rampage hurting anyone that had even laid a finger on my parents. They were terrified of me and ran off to warn others. I still remember my parents falling to their knees in the snow and pulled me into their arms whispering things like ' it'll be alright' or 'well always be together'. They didn't care I had just killed maybe ten people right before their eyes. I was disgusted at myself and I was afraid. It was like the army feared, I would go and start killing people.

I had to get away from them. I couldn't stay by their side or they would end up like the army.

I begged my parents to forget about me and to move on. I would leave and they would tell the army they killed me themselves. They didn't want to, but after I threated to kill myself they agreed. That night I left and I stayed away for four years. When did I came back I wanted be a man that could control his magic ability and could even suppress it. After the four eyes I thought I was. I searched for my parents, asking around town. It had changed and someone else was over it, allowing the use of magic and mages. No one knew a thing. About a year and a few mouths past and finally I back tracked myself to the old house finding they had left to go live in isolation. I ran to the new address and found them. Lucy they….. they moved on. Someone else was running around outside, a little girl no more than about four or five. She looked up at me with the same neon eyes I had and ran inside pulling a woman out and pointing to me. It was my mother. She froze when she saw me ushering the girl back inside. I turned and I walked away. They had another child. I guess I did ask for them to move on, but it still pained, it still hurt.

That's when I found Laxus. He promised he would make me stronger. To cover up what I saw. I believed in him and trained the best I could to cover up the pain I felt. At the time Freed was already with him and we both became his disciples. A little after, evergreen came into the picture and all three of us joined the guild Laxus belonged to." Bickslow sighed as he walked over to her bed and took a seat. She watched him with sadden eyes.

He continued. "Laxus went on a mission alone the other day and when he came back he pulled me to the side. With him stood a tall man with messy and spiky blue hair. It was my dad. He had heard about me through the new job he had and when he saw Laxus, he remembered I was a part of his team. He begged Laxus take him to me. That day, he explained to me and Laxus the army that was after us at the time had moved somewhere else but were still after them and that was why they had to live in isolation. Then he asked that I come with him into hiding. I walked away as if he never asked. I passed master on the way. He looked up at me with a stern look and said.

'The choices you make today, may be your regrets tomorrow if you don't think over them closely. Look carefully at the ones that stand before you and usher in the nostalgic felling. It maybe your only memory' but I didn't feel nostalgic. I felt the same pain I felt when I saw the little girl. They moved on and I just needed time to let that sink in. Seeing that man again send a wave of anger and regret and I just couldn't stand there and promise him I would go with him, not when I found the only family I needed there in fairy tail. I just couldn't. So I walked past master without a word.

Last night my house was surrounded. The army had found me. They capture my parents and the little girl. The leader promised a safe return if I went back to my old town and kill everyone that lived there with my own hands. I looked up into those eyes of the little girl. She knew. She knew who I was. I wanted to save them but I also didn't want to kill innocent people. I was confused on what to do.

The leader must have gotten angry without my direct answer and right there in my face killed my mother and father." Lucy's eyes widen and her chest started to burn. She didn't know what to say, she was frozen with shock. Did he really just go through all of that? Or was this all just some sick joke. Bickslow clenched his hands into a fist and grinned his teeth together. "The leader told me I have one week. One week to kill all those people or the girl dies. She cried and she kicked begging me to save her. I ran after them to try and get to her but I wasn't fast enough. I didn't know what to do.

After basically destroying everything in my house I grabbed my parents and left them in my room, safely in my bed. I couldn't burry them the way they needed to be and I couldn't just leave them outside. I knew for a fact I wasn't about to come back to the place anyway. Ever. I ended up at Master's house spilling everything. He didn't know what to do in the middle of the night so he asked me to inform Laxus and stay there for the night. I didn't. I knew Laxus would be angry, disappointed in me that I didn't protect the ones I loved, I couldn't go to his house. I wondered around town and found myself in front of an apartment complex and I remembered you. I felt jealous of your forgiveness and power to protect the people around you and suddenly was angry at you. Then I realized that was pathetic. I also realized I was walking up the stairs. I felt somehow seeing your face would keep me from the break of insanity and so far, you have."

Lucy couldn't keep the tears from spilling down her face. He was telling the truth. Everything he said was true. Everything he felt, everything he seen, it had all been true. He was nearly broken, how could she fix him. She wanted to comfort him, but what was she supposed to do?

Bickslow saw the tears and immediately regretted coming here. He shouldn't have come, he shouldn't have told her everything and yet he couldn't pull himself to walk away or apologize. He was screwing everything up, and Lucy still had it in her heart to cry tears for him. He didn't understand.

Lucy pulled herself up and paddled across the room to him and threw her arms around his neck. He stood shocked but he didn't pull away. She cried into his chest and held him close. "It's alright to cry Bickslow." She said. "It's alright to cry when you have so many feelings and you want to let it out. I know you're holding it in. Don't. It's alright to let it out. Please, let it go, for me." She slid her hand up behind his head and pulled him closer. "For me" she repeated in broken sobs.

Bickslow stared at the floor before closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around her waist. Then he felt the tears. He felt them fall and hit her shoulder where his head rested. He knew that the woman he was now holding unlocked apart of him that was closed and locked away without his knowledge. Apart of him that could show his feelings and not be ashamed of them. Master was right about what he told him, he regretted not talking to his father that day. He should have listened to what he had to say. Yeah maybe he didn't have to go with him into hiding, but he could have protected them. Now that poor little girl was without both a mother and a father to watch over her because of his selfish reasons. He had to save her. It was what his parents would have wanted him to do.

Then he would get revenge on his parent's killers. He had one week. One week to fix what he screwed up. That was all the time he needed. He would leave a note for Laxus and the rest of the thunder god tribe saying that he was out on a mission.

But Lucy. He had just told her everything and she was opening up her heart to him, holding him, trying to comfort him. He couldn't just leave her alone, not when she knew everything. He knew how she was, she would be worried and probably stay alone to think things over, and then her team would worry. He just couldn't leave things here untended to, to go and fix something else. That wasn't right. But what was he going to tell her? He couldn't lie and say he was going on a mission, again, he told her everything. When he left she would immediately know where he went. Probably blaming himself for why he left. For not stopping him. He had to tell her the truth "I'm going to go save her, the little girl" he mumbled into Lucy's neck.

"Bickslow" Lucy pulled away from him and held his cheeks in her hands. Still a little shaken up she took in a breath to keep herself composed before looking him in the eyes. "I'll go with you"

He shook his head. "No, I made the mistake so I should fix it."

"No" she protested. "I can't let you go alone. It's too dangerous." Bickslow raised his hand to hers cupping his cheek. He closed his eyes and shook his head again.

"And I don't want you to get hurt. There's no telling how many soldiers that man has. And see you with me he'll know you're another important person to me and target you. I won't chance it Lucy" Lucy frowned. She wanted to help, she couldn't let him go through this alone. Each time he said her name instead her nickname she felt a small pang of sadness. That funny, goofy, flirty Bickslow was gone. It was just pure hurt and seriousness in his face, nothing more. That's when she noticed.

"The babies" she mumbled. "You're totem poles"

His face clouded with a deeper sadness as he pulled away from her and looked back out the window. "I…..i had to get rid of them." He said.


"I couldn't stand to look at them, those where other people's souls. I don't even know why I had them to begin with. They were my strength but that was all they were"

"You're lying."


"My keys are my strength but I also love them. Their people too just like the spirits you control. We're getting them back. And right after that we're going to save your sister" he winced looking away from the window.

"Don't say that" he grumbled. "I don't deserve to be her brother so swallow that down with the thought of you going with me." He knew he sounded harsh but he couldn't take her with him. He couldn't protect her, he knew he probably couldn't even protect the little girl.

He turned back to Lucy and found her taking out a bag and throwing clothes into it her jaw set and her eyes focused. "Oi!" Bickslow said grabbing her hand and turning her around to face him. "I said you're not going."

"I'm not going just because I want to, I'm going because you need Me." she snapped. Bickslow took a step back releasing her hand. "I'm going because I want to help you, I want to be there for you. Your team can't be with you but I can. Let someone in Bickslow let someone protect you for once. You always want to do the protecting. If you would just let someone else do it, you wouldn't feel so upset if something messes up because it wouldn't be your fault." He looked away understanding what she meant. "Laxus would want you to be strong, your parents would to. You never gave your father a chance to explain himself. Like I hadn't let mine." Bickslow clenched his teeth. Lucy continued on. "Let me help you, please."

He walked over and firmly placed his hands on her shoulders. "You stay by my side at all times, if I tell you to run, you run. If I say hide, you hide. And if I tell you something, believe it don't trust anyone but me understand." She nodded. He pulled her into a hug. "God, if anything happens to you I don't know what I'll do, so be safe Lucy, be safe."

She closed her eyes and nodded. "Okay."


Bickslow pulled the bag Lucy packed over his shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "We can't take a train. I'm afraid they are going to try and track down my movements to make sure I'm doing what they asked."

Lucy tightened the knot on her walking boots and stood up from her bed. She rechecked her desk for the note she left for Natsu and turned back to Bickslow. "Alright. What are we going to do?" he gave her a gentle smile that tugged at her heart strings.

"There's a place in Hargeon that we're going to go to. I've got a plan but first," he took in a deep breath and walked over to her. He leaned down and rested his head on her forehead. "I'm going to get my babies back"

Lucy smiled and nodded. "Got it!"


The walk to Bickslow's house wasn't long. It was a little off the out skirts of town and took less than ten minutes to get to it. He looked up to a particular window and instructed for Lucy to not go upstairs. She didn't disobey him and only went where he allowed her to.

The house was a mess. Everything was broken on the ground or smashed into a wall. She stepped over what used to be a flower pot, the remains scattered on the ground, and watched as Bickslow grabbed a few things adding them to the bag before throwing it back over his shoulders. Lucy was starting to get use to him without the visor, the tattoo painted over the bridge of his nose and extending up to his forehead and across his cheeks, and his neon eyes that where actually not in one bit disturbing to her. He met her stare. She held out her hand. He grabbed it, lacing his fingers in hers.

"Now just wait a second." He said. She waited as he closed his eyes and started to draw magical energy to himself. His eyes shot open showing them glowing. A few seconds later she felt a small pulse there the room. When she felt it again she looked up to bickslow's focused eyes, was this his way of connecting to his babies?

Suddenly she heard small giggling and up shot five little totem poles. "Bickslow! Bickslow!" they chanted. They began circling around them with little giggles. The corners of his face turned up into a smile.

"I'm sorry" he told them.

"Don't be sorry" one said.

"Yeah, you're back and that's all that matters" another chimed

"Just don't leave again" Lucy smiled at them. They loved Bickslow just as much as he loved them. It was good they came back.

"I won't I promise" he reassured them.

"Looky" one said "it's Lucy."

"Lucy! Lucy!" the others cheered.

"And they're holding hands" she could feel her face flush. But she had to admit she was surprised they even remembered her. It's been a while since she fought Bickslow, since the S-class trails.

Bickslow frowned at them but he didn't let go of her hand. "You're lucky she saved you" he mumbled before pulling her with him out the door.

"What! What!" they chimed behind them.

"Nothing! Come on we got a lot to do." He narrowed his eyes. "We have to go same that gi-" he sighed. "My sister"

"Right! Right!" Lucy nodded. They walked out. Bickslow turned to close the door and froze. There in the middle of the room they just left out of was two figures. They were smiling at him. Lucy peered around him and gasped.

"Mom, dad" Bickslow mumbled. The couple looked back at him. A woman with long pale blue hair almost white, stepped forward and held out something to him.

"Be safe" she said. Her voice seemed to float in are and echo into their ears. She let go of the item as it began to float to Bickslow. He grabbed it and looked down to the necklace. A miniature totem figure attached to the thin chain.

"Be safe" the man said. His neon eyes staring at them. They started to fade.

Bickslow clenched the necklace in his hand and yelled. "Wait!"

"It'll be alright. We'll always be with you." They said in unison. A tear fell from both of them and slowly fall to the ground. It looked to real but he knew it wasn't. That was their souls he was seeing.

And yet he wanted them to be real. "Don't go" he mumbled. Lucy held on tighter to his hand. He looked back at her forgetting she was behind him.

"Let it go" she said. And like on cue, the tears feel down his cheeks. He clenched his teeth turning back to the couple.

"It'll be alright" they repeated. "We'll always be with you"

The mini totem pool began to glow as the tears that fell forged themselves into it. The couple repeated themselves once more before they disappeared completely, the only worlds left, "we love you, Bickslow, Kianira"

"Kianira" Lucy repeated. That must be the little girl's name. Bickslow let go of her hand and raced up stairs. "Bickslow!" she called after him. Hesitating at first, she took off behind him the babies right behind her.

She peered into his bedroom where he disappeared into. He was staring down at an empty bed. "They're gone" he mumbled. "That means…" he looked down to the necklace. "They put themselves in the necklace. I still have them." He let out a pathetic laugh and turned to Lucy's concerned look. "And you." He said walking towards her.


"I'm fine" he said. "Just shook me up a little" he grabbed her hand and held it to his chest. She could feel his heartbeat, fast from running.

"Are you sure?" she asked. He never did answer her instead he looked over to the clock that sat on his nightstand. It was five.

"We should get going, this the first day starting the week. We have to save her." Lucy nodded. He lowered their joined hands in-between them and walked out. He didn't say anything until they made it outside.

"Hargeon right" Lucy said looking up at him. He shook his head.

"Hargeon." She took in a deep breath and took a step forward before Bickslow pulled her back. "I meant what I said, Lucy." He said. "My side only." She nodded.

"I know." He gripped her hand tighter.

"Please, I'm serious." She didn't say anything this time. He pulled her closer into his arms. "Please. I can't protect you from afar." She frowned at him. He chuckled. "And you can't protect me the same way." She smiled.

"Okay, I won't." he cupped her cheeks.

"Say it" she sighed. But she understood he just needed that reassurance. He needed to know that she really did understand him and wouldn't leave him.

"I won't leave your-" he cut her off by resting his lips on hers. It shocked her at first but she closed her eyes letting him kiss her. To open up to her. This was him showing her his feelings and she wanted him to.

He pulled away slowly looking down into her brown eyes. "Side" she finished she could feel her cheeks heated with a blush. He smiled and hugged her once more before letting her go.

"Good, now let's get going." She smiled back and nodded. "Babies" they flew around from their hiding place in some bushes chuckling. Bickslow raised an eyebrow before sighing.

With that they started. On a journey bond to be felled with dangerous obstacles. But they had someone to save and they weren't going to stop until their mission was completed.

Lucy new she had her own mission. To clear the pain the man beside her felt inside. It was what she wanted to do herself.

Bickslow had his. To repay the pain that man gave him and save maybe the next important part of his life. But also to seek his comfort in the blonde he never thought he would.

It was going to be hard, but they we not about to give up. Not when they had just started.

On the run.