"What did you just say?" Jon asked, his hands tightening around his phone.

"I know you heard me Good. I said I don't want that girl anymore. I can't stand having her around. Do you know how many men she has ran off? I'm so sick of having to take care of her. I'm handing her over to you. I'm giving up custody, my lawyer is already working on it." His ex, Scarlet said with a hint of irritation in her voice.

Jon sighed. How did he ever get involved with a self-absorbed bitch like her was beyond him. "You know that once I get full custody, you're not going to be getting any money from me right? And who do you think is going to take care of her. I'm traveling all the time you know."

"Good, I really don't care. Take her with you or whatever. Heck, hand her off to a nanny. I really don't care. I just want you to get this girl as soon as you make it home. I really never want to see her again."

Jon sighed again, running a hand through his hair. "Fine, I should be there in a few hours. I'll stop by your place, and pick her up than. Make sure all her things are ready to go." He hung up his phone without waiting for a reply. He already knew that Holly's, his daughter, stuff would be packed by the way her mother was talking.

A couple hours later, he pulled up to Scarlet's house. The door opened as soon as he turned his car off, and she came out. Her dark red hair flared out behind her as she strode over him. She was wearing a tight short black dress, and a pair of high heels. Looking at her, Jon remembered why he got involved with her in the first place. Her looks were beautiful, probably to make up for her rotten personality.

She stopped in front of his car, and tapped her foot on the cement. Jon got out, and came around the car to stand in front of her.

"Took you long enough to get here Good." She turned around, walking back to her house. When he didn't follow, she looked back at him. "Are you coming or what. You need to get her and her stuff you know. I'm not bringing any of it out myself."

Jon hands tightened into fists, and he took a couple of deep breaths to calm himself before following her into the house. Yeah, it was only her look that he fell for.

"So here is all her stuff." His ex said once they entered the house. She pointed towards a pile of three large suitcases, a small box filled with toys, and a car seat.

"So, where is Holly than?" Jon asked.

She gave a huff of annoyance, before motioning for him to follow again. She led them to the dining room where Holly sat at the table silently playing with a Barbie doll. At the sound of their entrance, she paused and turned to face them.

"Hey, your dad is here to pick you up. You're going to be living with him from now on."

Holly looked between him and her mother for a bit before nodding her head, her dark blonde pigtails bouncing along with the nod. She slid down from the chair she sat in and walked over to him. With her free hand not holding her doll, she slipped her hand into Jon's.

Jon watched her for a while standing next to him silently, hugging her doll to her chest tightly. When she made no movement or sound, he looked to his ex. "Is something wrong with her?"

Scarlet shrugged. "I wouldn't know. She just stopped talking one day. I really can't deal with her anymore. Just take her away now please." She fell back into a chair, hiding her face in her hands.

Jon walked away without a second thought. Holly followed him out silently, but looked back at her mother every few steps. Jon grabbed the car seat by the door and headed back to his car outside. After installing the seat ten minutes later, he strapped Holly in and went back for the rest of her stuff. Another ten minutes later, and he pulled out the driveway and headed back towards his home.


"Jonathan Good, what can I do for you? Aren't you on break right now?" the voice of WWE chairmen rang through the phone.

Jon sighed, running his hand through his hair, than leaning on his kitchen counter. "Well, I know this is last minute and all, but can I have the rest of next week off? I ran into a problem when I came home today."

The phone fell silent, and Jon held his breath.

"What do you mean? Good, you know this is our busiest time of the year, you can't take any more time off. We can't afford you taking any more time off. What kind of trouble have you ran into that you feel the need to take time off?" Vince McMahon's voice boomed through the phone.

Jon glanced over to Holly at Vince's question. She sat at his dining room table, playing with two of her dolls. Crayons and papers were spread across the table. She must have felt him staring when she stopped playing and looked over at him. Jon gave her a small smile that she returned and went back to her dolls.

"My ex-girlfriend and I have a daughter. She had custody of our daughter. Today, she called me and just handed over our daughter, and claiming that she is revoking her custody. I need the week, even a few more days off to figure out what is going to happen when I go on tour with her."

Another silence fell between the two.

"How old is your daughter?" Vince finally asked.

"She just turned three a few months ago." He answered, unsure of where the question was going.

"Is she well behaved?"

At the question, Jon looked over to his daughter again. This time, she continued to play. "Yes sir, she mostly keeps and plays with herself. She barely talks at all."

"Then I have a temporary solution. Take your daughter on tour with you. Since she doesn't cause any trouble, I see no problem in it. Ultimately though, it is up to you."

"No sir, I see no problem with that. Thank you very much sir."

"Good, I will see back this Monday then." Vince hung up after that.

Placing his phone down, Jon placed his elbow on the counter. He leaned his face into his hand and sighed. He was finally living his dream, he was part of the main roaster and considered as one of the future of the company. How is it when everything starts to go right for him, a problem presents itself.

Jon lifted his head up and looked down when he felt tugging on his pants. Holly stood in front of him, her ever present doll clutched to her chest. He squatted down until he was lined up to her height.

"What is it Holly? Everything okay?" he asked.

She shook her head, and then pointed to her stomach. Jon eyebrows knotted together. Was she hungry? Couldn't someone say whether or not they were hungry? He remembered that the last time he had seen her a few months ago, she would at least tell him that she was hungry.

"Are you hungry?" Jon asked.

Holly nodded, pointing at her stomach once again. Jon stood up to his full height, and turned into the kitchen. He opened the refrigerator, a quiet curse escaping his mouth when the refrigerator ended up being empty.

"How about pizza?" he asked. Holly, who had went back to the table, placed her doll down and nodded. "What kind do you want?" he continued as he picked up his phone.

Jon looked back over to Holly after he got the phone; she had her mouth opened as if she was about to answer. When she saw Jon turn his attention to her, she closed her mouth and glanced down at the kitchen. Jon waited to see if she would saw anything or not. After a minute, and Holly was still looking at the table.

"How about cheese?" he finally offered. Holly looked up to him, and nodded with a small smile on her face. Jon gave one back, and dialed the number for the pizza place.

As they waited for the pizza at the table, Jon couldn't help but wonder what had happen to his daughter. The last time he had seen her, she was a normal little girl. And now? She wouldn't say anything at all. She was even acting as if she was afraid to say anything when he asked her. He made a mental note to call up his ex and question her about Holly in the past few months.


Jon stopped the car, glancing back at Holly to see that she was fast asleep. He reached back, placing a hand on her knee and shaking her awake. "Holly, wake up. We're here."

She stirred, her eyes opening. He smiled at her before getting out of the car. He went over to her door, pulling it open and getting her out. Holly followed him to the trunk where he got their bags. She then slipped her hand not holding onto her doll into his, and together they headed into the arena where Raw was being held.

He felt the stares of the people in the back and he led Holly through the backstage to the dressing room. He wasn't surprise though. He never made a mention of ever having a daughter to any one, not even his friends.

"Hey there Jon." He heard Phil call to him. Jon stopped and Phil walked up to them. He raised an eyebrow when he spotted Holly. "And who are you?" he asked, squatting down to her level.

Holly tighten the hold on his hand, and took a few steps back until she could hide behind his leg. Phil looked back up at Jon, an eyebrow raised at her behavior. Jon shrugged.

"Sorry, she's a little shy." Jon pulled his hand free, placing it behind her back and pushed her forward. "This is Holly, she's my daughter. She gonna be traveling with me for now until I figure out something better."

Phil nodded, and then offered a smile at Holly before standing back up. "Just now? Did something happen to her mom or something?"

"Yeah, she ended up being a female dog." Jon answered, making sure his words were censored for Holly's ears. "She just called when I was home this weekend and pretty much said that she doesn't want anything to do with Holly anymore. Now here she is 'cause it's too short notice for me to think of anything else."

Phil looked down at Holly with a frown on his face. "That's just messed up. It's not okay at all. Parents should never abandon their kids." He squatted back down in front of Holly. "Hey kid, if you need anything, ask me okay. My name is Phil, but you can call me Punk."

Holly nodded and smiled a little. Phil smiled back and stood back up. "Well, I'm gonna go now. Need to get ready and stuff. See you later Jon. Bye-bye Holly." Phil walked off, patting Jon on the back on the way.

Jon and Holly continued on their way. Outside of the dressing room, Jon opened the door and stuck his head in.

"Everyone decent?" he called out. A few answered with yes and whatever's.

Jon, determining it was as decent as a guy's dressing room can get, opened the door farther for Holly to follow him in. Once she walked in front of him, Jon placed a hand over Holly's eyes and led her to the back of the dressing room where his stable mates were. He could feel the eyes of the other guys as he went pass.

"Whoa Jon, who is this little cutie?" Colby asked when they made it to the back where he and Joe were.

Jon removed his hand away from Holly since everyone in the room was decent. Holly looked around first, and feeling that most of the guys' attention was her, immediately hid behind Jon's leg. Colby squatted down from the bench he was sitting on, and peeked around Jon.

"Hi there sweetie! I'm Colby. What is your name?"

Holly shrunk back a little more, and looked up at Jon. He nodded, pushing her towards Colby, who smiled warmly at her.

"Go ahead, answer him." Jon encouraged. He wasn't sure if she was going to answer or not. Over the weekend since he got Holly, she hadn't said more than fifty words around him.

Holly peeked around Jon's head, and opened her mouth. "I'm Holly." She said. Pushing her doll forward towards Colby she introduced it. "Her name is Bee."

Colby smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you Holly. And you too Bee." Colby stood up and raised an eyebrow at Jon. "She's cute. Who is she?"

For the second time that day, Jon explained who Holly was and his situation. Both Colby and Joe reacted with anger at his ex. Joe was especially angry, saying he couldn't understand why anyone could give up their children when he couldn't stand knowing he was missing his daughter grow up.

"Yeah, I wished I never got involved with her in the first place. It was only a fling and some good times." Jon sighed.

"Hey, you need to get dressed." Colby said after he looked at the clock. Turning to Holly who had sat down a while ago he asked, "Do you want to go play with me and Joe while your dad gets ready?"

Holly nodded, and jumped down from the bench. She placed her hand into Colby's and waved at Jon. Jon waved back and watched in curiosity at how fast Holly seemed to trust Colby. It took him the whole weekend to just get her to talk to him, and in a few minutes she was already going off with Colby without hesitation. Jon handed Joe Holly's bag that contained all her toys before her followed after the two leaving.

"Be good Holly. Don't cause trouble for Colby and Joe." He called after them.

After dressing up and one of the crew members calling him that he had to head to position for the start of the show, Jon went towards catering to find Holly and the guys. He found them at one of the tables near the back. Holly was playing next to Colby with her doll, and Jon saw her laugh out loud when Colby went to tickle her sides.

For an instant, Jon felt a surge of jealousy at how fast Holly was warming up to Colby. He was her father, but not once had she seen her laugh like that with him. Looking at her with Colby, she was looking and acting like a normal three year old.

Jon paused in his steps. He shouldn't be jealous of Colby. He should be glad and happy right now that someone was getting through to his daughter. When he called his ex this weekend, all he found out was pretty much nothing. Holly just started to pull back from everyone one, until she had stopped talking to others. His ex took her to the doctor, but everything was normal. He was completely confused on what was going on with his daughter.

Coming up to the group, Jon placed his hands on the back of Holly's seat. She turned her head upward and smiled at him, reaching up a hand to give him a piece of candy. He smiled down at her, taking the candy and eating it. Content, Holly turned back around to continue playing with her toys on the table.

"Where did you get the candy Holly?" Jon asked.

"Uncle Colby." She answered without pausing in her playing.

Jon turned to Colby, raising an eyebrow. Uncle? When did that happen? They were with each other for barely an hour and already he was Uncle Colby? Jon could feel the jealously raise up again but he pushed it back down.

"Hey, we need to go. We're up soon." He said to the guys. "You're staying here Holly, okay? Don't go anywhere, and don't cause trouble for anyone, okay?"

Holly nodded, turning around on her chair and standing up. She opened her arm up and hugged Jon before sitting back down and playing with her toys again. Jon was more than shock by the hug, but he smiled, happy by the sudden gesture.

"I'll be back soon. Bye Holly."


Phil was walking around backstage, waiting for the end of the show before he had to go back out. Coming into the catering area, Phil spotted Jon's daughter near the back playing with her doll and drawing. He smiled a little as he watched her. She looked so sweet and innocent. How her mom just gave her up, he couldn't understand.

Phil started heading over to Holly. She looked up when he stood directly in front of her. "Hey kid, are you having fun here?"

She nodded and picked up one of the Starburst on the table. She offered it toward him, and smiled when he took it. She went back to one of her drawings after, and Phil took that as his cue to leave. He went over to where a couple of the guys were hanging out, and sat down where he could still keep an eye out on Holly.

A couple minutes later, he saw a group of a couple of the divas head over to Holly. They stood in front of her, and by the face she was making, he could tell that Holly wasn't enjoying the attention that she was getting. Phil stood up, saying a couple of byes to the guys, and made his way back over to Holly. A couple of steps away, he knew that he wasn't quick enough. Holly let out a high pitched cry causing all the Divas to take a step away from her.

"Hey, Holly! What happened?" Phil questioned, pushing his way past the Divas to squat in front of her. Holly stared at him with her teary face, and reached her arms out to him. Phil picked her and she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face into his neck. Phil turned around to the Divas. "What happened?"

Natalya was the one to answer his question, while the others backed a couple of more steps away. "We don't know. We were just asking her what her name was, and then she started crying."

"Hey! What's going on here?"

Phil turned facing Holly's dad.

Thank you for reading and tell me what you think by leaving a review.

Each chapter will have have a lesson that Jon will learn while having to raise his daughter.

If you have a lesson that Jon needs to learn, leave it in the review and I'll add it to my growing list of potential ideas.
