You guys waited forever! Because of that, and my 100th follower, here's chapter 5.

"She wants to meet you. You don't have to. I know I'm unloading a lot on you right now. We go to the book store every Saturday, and she wants you to go."

Derek's eyes snapped up from where he was drinking in the photos of his daughter.

"No! I mean no it's not too much. I'd love to go. I want..."

Derek ran a hand over his head and sighed.

"I want to know her. I don't want to miss anything else."

Spencer smiled brightly before laughing.

"It's funny what people remember isn't it? I had to be forced into those clothes and that's what stuck out."

Derek shook his head absent mindedly, eyes going back to the photos.

"Actually I don't remember anything."

He looked up just in time to see the pain cross Spencer's face and cringed.

"I mean I don't remember that night or two months prior. I was just getting off of an eighteen month undercover opp. That night wold have been my last. The bust was early the next morning. The ring leader ran off into a highly wooded area and I ran after him. He hit me in the head with a bat."

"That was my last operation before I moved out here. It was when I was moving that I found that shirt and a letter. I could tell from the letter that whoever you were, you meant a lot to me. I kept both."

Spencer sat there stone face for two minutes before speaking and when he did it was so quiet Derek had to strain to hear.

"There was a letter?"

Derek shrugged. "Yeah I mean.. I found it on the floor next to the night stand. The shirt was under the bed."

Spencer looked like his entire world had been flipped around.

"Can I... Can I see it?"

"Sure. I mean, it was meant for you anyway."

Spencer just bit his lip and nodded.

"I better get home. Do you want to meet us here tomorrow? The book shop isn't far."

Derek smiled and nodded. "Can't wait."

That night when Derek got home he finally let the emotions take over him. He was angry. He was angry that such an amazing night got taken away from him. He was angry that Spencer never found that letter He was angry that an 18 year old was left to raise his baby alone. He screamed, he threw things, he even broke that lamp shaped like a shoe that Garcia had gotten him. Once his anger was vented he was left with such a profound sadness that It took his breath away.

He had always wanted a family. He had always dreamed of having a child and being the kind of dad that his own father had been. Now he had missed three years of his child's life. He missed her first steps, her first words, he missed singing her to sleep and reading her stories.

When his heart settled, he pulled out his phone and dialed a familiar number. It rang once before a female voice sounded at the other end.

"Now it's not my birthday or a holiday, and I haven't left you a voice mail guilting you to call. I know what that means. What's wrong?"

Derek laughed guiltily.

"Hey Ma."

"Hey baby. What's wrong."

"Everything's messed up Ma. You remember I said we were getting a new guy on the team?"

"Of course, baby. I'm old, not senile."

Derek smiled.

"His name is Spencer."

"Oh nice name! Is he cute?"

Derek laughed.


"Well you can't blame me! You're nearing 30 and I want grandbabies!"

Derek coughed and slid to the floor.

"That's actually part of why I'm calling. You remember I told you about that note? The one I found when I was cleaning?"

Fran squeeled on the other end of the phone.

"That sweet one? Oh baby, did you remember what happened?"

"Not really Ma. It turns out Spencer was the one I left it for. We were together 4 years ago. He has a daughter, Ma. My daughter."

Fran was quiet for a moment before she screamed so loud that Derek almost dropped the phone.

"I have a grand baby? How old is she? What's her name?"

Derek smiled. "Her name's Akeila. She's three, and she's beautiful Ma. And she's smart too. I'm meeting them tomorrow to go shopping for books. I guess she likes to read."

"My baby has a baby! Oh, you have to bring them Here soon. And pictures! I want pictures!"

"I'll talk to Spencer about it."

He could hear the smile in his mother's voice When she spoke next.

"Sounds like he was worth that letter."

"Yeah, Ma. He really was."

Across town, Spencer slammed the shot glass down on the counter top and waited for Tina to fill it back up.

"There was a note." He states emotionlessly.

"I know."

He downs his third shot.

"There was a note. And I've spent four years mad at him."

"I know."

"I was mad at him and he was in the hospital with a cracked open head."

"I know."

Spencer downs his forth shot.

"I spent four years wondering what was wrong with me and mad at him. I was so offended that he couldn't remember me and he's spent four years trying to. What kind of horrible person am I?"

Tina takes away the glass before he can pour himself another and sets it in the sink.

"You're not a horrible person Spencer. You went on the information you had. He said the note was on the floor. How were you supposed to see it? It's not like you'd had a one-night-stand before."

"What do I do?"

"You be a father to your daughter and let him do the same. You start over."

Spencer was laying on the pillow next to him and tracing the muscles on his stomach.

The steam from the shower still floated into the room and the feel of Spencer's fingers, wrinkled from the long shower, felt electric over his skin.

He reached up and moved a strand of Spencer's damp hair behind his ear and kissed the younger boys forehead.

"It would be so easy to love you."

Spencer looked up from his chest to his eyes and smiled brightly.

"Then do it."

He leaned in and pressed their mouths together gently, but Spencer had other ideas. Derek gasped as Spencer licked the line of his mouth before biting gently at his lower lip. He opened his mouth wider and groaned when Spencer began exploring his tongue with his own.

He twined his fingers into the smaller man's hair and broke the kiss long enough to move Spencer on top of him.

The kiss turned frantic and Spencer rotated his hips, pressing him self against Derek.

"Fuck baby, you've come a long way from dancing."

Spencer chuckled in his ear and he melted.

Spencer reached between them, grabbing Derek's now hard length and lined it up with his still prepared hole before sinking down on it with a long, drawn out, moan.

"Spencer. So fucking good, pretty boy. Can't get enough of you. Never gonna have enough of you."

Spencer rolled his hips experimentally and let out another moan.

"You feel so good Derek. Always gonna want you. Only you."

Derek moaned, half at the smaller boys words and half at his actions. He griped Spencer's hips and pulled him off of his cock before slamming back inside. Spencer dug his nails into Derek's shoulders and took over, impaling himself on Derek's length faster and faster.

"Spencer. Fuck, Spencer. That's it, baby, ride me. I want you to make yourself come from just my cock. Can you do it baby?"

Spencer whimpered against Derek's skin before adjusting his position slightly and increasing his speed.

Derek knew his hands were going to leave perfect fingerprint bruises on those delicious hips, but when Spencer started moaning and whimpering with every thrust he gripped harder still.

Soon, Spencer was a mess of begging and broken sentences, pleading with Derek to let him cum.

Derek held him close and flipped them over before pounding in to Spencer with a punishing pace.

Spencer wrapped his legs around Derek, digging his heels into the man's back trying to pull him closer.

"Please. Derek, so close. Need you, please!"

Derek angled his hips and the boy under him screamed, coming in ropes across his own stomach with Derek following shortly after.

Derek leaned his head against Spencer's and kissed him soundly.

"It would be so, so easy."

Derek shot up in bed with a deep breath and slowly the world came back to him.

He wiped the sweat from his face and grimaced at his now messy sheets before standing and heading for the shower.

That had been a memory. It had been too vivid and too realistic to be anything else.

Spencer had been amazing. So innocent and still begging for more. He remembered how the man had leaned in to his touch and then blushed at the action. He remembered all the things he'd whispered, and the doubtful hope that had entered his eyes.

How could Spencer ever forgive him?

Looking at the time, he rushed to get dressed and headed for the door. It was time to meet his daughter.

He was sitting at one of the tables in Starbucks when Spencer walked In followed by Akeila.

Spencer went to the counter, but Akeila came straight to him and sat in the neighboring chair.

"Hi, Mr. Morgan. You're my daddy."

Derek stared for a moment before nodding.

"Yes I am."

"I like your name. It's prettier then Reid. Daddy says if you let me I can put Morgan in my name too. Are you drinking coffee? You shouldn't do that. Tina says it's not healthy. Did you know coffee can kill you? It takes about 100 cups. The word coffee is originally from Arabic. Qahhwat al-bun. It means 'Wine of the bean'.

Akeila opened her mouth to continue talking, but Spencer came up and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Baby, what did I tell you."

Akeila looked down at her shoes and sighed.

"Always wait for a person to answer your questions before you continue talking and that I don't need to be nervous because Mr. Morgan Is going going to like me, and no I probably don't have to call him Mr. Morgan."

Derek looked back and forth between the two of them before letting out a loud laugh.

"Didn't get much from me, did she? And he's right Akeila, you can call me anything you want to and I already love you."

Akeila gave a bright smile before rushing around the table and throwing herself in Derek's lap.

"I call Daddy 'daddy' so I'll make a list so synonyms and get back to you."

The book store was a bigger deal then he'd anticipated. The second they entered Akeila was off in every direction exclaiming over this title and that.

Derek spent the time nodding in agreement to everything Akeila said and sneaking glances at Spencer who was trying not to appear as excited as his daughter.

By the time they left, three hours had passed and both adults were weighed down with book bags.

Derek saw a cold stone across the street and his exclamation of 'Ice cream!' was met with cheers of approval.

Three hours later, after a concoction made of vanilla ice cream and every topping known to man and a trip to the park, Derek carried a sleeping Akeila into Spencer's apartment.

Spencer pulled back a set of Hello Kitty bed sheets and Derek laid her down in bed before both exited the room.

Spencer went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer which he knew Derek liked and a soda for himself before making his way over to the man.

Derek nodded his thanks and took a drink before Spencer spoke.

"I just want to say thank you. You were really great with her today."

Derek shrugged.

"I know I missed a lot, but she's my kid. I want to be there for her as much as you'll let me. I know you've been going this alone for a long time, but I'm not going anywhere."

Spencer took a breath and felt a weight leave him that he hadn't realized he was carrying.

"Well all the same. Thank you."

Spencer looked up at him and gave him that full bright smile, just like he remembered, and before he could register his own actions, he had set down his beer and pressed his lips to Spencers.