Author's note: I hhaven't updated this in a VERY long time (sorry!) I've been pretty busy with life. But I'm back with a new made up character that will be playing an important role later in the story. I also have a hint at a possible future pairing ;) and a cliff hanger! DUN DUN DUN! Enjoy!

Again, I own nothing!

Chapter 4

No Place Like Home

Shauna and I walked into the main office of Professor Sycamore's lab and were immediately greeted by the receptionist. She was young and very pretty, with light blonde hair and a big smile. I didn't recognize her but she recognized Shauna.

"Shauna! How nice to see you dear," she said.

"Hi Britney. We are here to see Trevor. What floor is he on?"

"The second floor, dear. Torino is also there helping him out. They'll be so happy to see you both."

"Torino is here too?" I asked excitingly.

"Sorry. And you are?" Britney was still smiling.

"Serena. Serena Ryder."

Britney's suddenly frowned. "Oh. You must be the Serena he told me about."

"I'm sorry but who told you about me?"

Britney frowned at me one more time before turning and smiling at Shauna. "They are on the second floor. Have fun ladies."

Shauna and I entered the elevator and waited till the doors closed before angrily turning to her. "What was with that bitch? The Serena? What the hell!"

"Britney is a nice person. I'm sure she just overheard us talk about you and it caught her off guard. You'll love her."

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Suddenly music filtered in loudly.

"Is that Footloose?" I asked.

"Shauna! Over here!" Trevor yelled from the room.

We walked in to see a very interesting sight. Trevor and Torino had their back towards us and Trevor was sitting down in a chair. His bright red hair bobbed with the music as he took notes. Torino was facing towards four squirtles, teaching them dance moves. The Pokemon were hooked up to sensors.

"That's it guys! Now grab your partner and swing!" Torino cheered as the Pokemon obeyed.

"This is absolutely amazing! I had a hypothesis that Pokemon could possibly train better if they associate commands to something tangible, like music. I can't believe how well this worked."

The song ended and we all clapped and Torino high-fived the squirtles.

"That was so cool Trev!" Shauna cheered.

"Yeah that was incredible you guys. I'm glad that you both still have the same passions." I said.

Torino and Trevor spun around to finally look at Shauna and I.

"Serena!" Torino cheered and ran to give me a hug. He was still taller than I was but he was more solid then I remembered.

"I've missed you Torino! Did you lose weight?"

Torino chuckled. "Nah I just got more muscle now. All my dancing I think."

"That and you stopped eating cheeseburgers for breakfast, lunch and dinner." Shauna laughed.

"You forgot dessert too!" Torino laughed.

"Serena I can't believe you're here! Why didn't you tell me Shauna?" Trevor asked.

"She wanted to surprise you."

"Well I am very surprised. I've missed you Serena." Trevor stood up and started to walk towards me.

As Trevor got closer, I gasped and reflexively took a step back. Four years ago, I said good bye to one of my closest friends, a little red headed boy. Now, I am reuniting with that same friend and with the same head of hair. But instead of looking down at Trevor...

I was looking up.

"Serena are you ok?" Trevor asked.

"'re tall!"

Shauna and Torino started laughing as Trevor awkwardly ran a hand through his hair.

"Yeah I guess I've grown quite a bit since you left."

"You think?"

Torino was laughing as he walked up to Trevor, who has grown taller than than him! I couldn't believe my eyes.

Torino wrapped his arm around Trevor's shoulder. "My good buddy Trevor finally hit puberty Serena!" he cheered.

Was it just me or did I notice Trevor blush and look away when Torino touched him?

"Well as shocking as this is, I've missed you Trevor," I laughed and ran to Trevor for a hug.

I will never get used to him being taller.

"I can't wait to hear about your travels Serena," he replied.

"Yeah are there any cool dance crews in the other regions?" Torino asked.

"Any cute boys? That possibly resemble Sycamore?" Shauna giggled.


"It's fine Serena. We all know that you like him." Trevor said.

"What?! But how?"

"You're not exactly subtle." Shauna laughed.

The elevator door dinged but I barely heard it. I was too mortified to look up.

"Yeah every time you two were together, I would always mutter to Trevor 'Serena and the professor, sitting in a tree. K-i-s-"

Torino was interrupted by a deeper voice.

"Mon ami Torino. Please tell me what Serena and I were doing exactly in a tree."

End of Chapter 4