I don't own Kuroko no Basuke.

"Akashi-kun is like an annoying puzzle I couldn't solve."

Kuroko Tetsumi

Chapter VI: Firsts

December 24, 2064, Winter.

Ah, did I come too early? Kuroko questioned herself in her mind. She looked at her wristwatch that said quarter to seven. Oh, I did. Kuroko thought. It was Christmas Eve, and she was standing in front of the shopping center where she and Akashi agreed to meet. They were to meet at exactly seven but she came a bit early.

She wore a simple long-sleeved white dress that reached her mid-thighs under her brown coat, a pair of thick black socks that reached her upper thighs and a pair of cream-colored knee-high boots. A small white bag dangled on her right shoulder and a navy blue scarf around her neck. She left her hair flowing on her back and shoulders.

Since she came fifteen minutes earlier, she decided to sit first at the bench she spotted. She walked over there and saw a little boy around the age of five, sitting on the bench alone. "Do you mind if I sit here?" Kuroko spoke, startling the young boy.

"U-um… no." He said. Kuroko sat there and looked at the boy in the corner of her eyes. He has no scarf and he seemed cold. His parents weren't there, either.

"Are you alone?" Kuroko asked. The boy seemed surprised at her sudden question, so she smiled at him warmly.

"U-um… I g-got separated from my mama." He said and he looked like he was about to cry.

Is he holding back his tears? Kuroko thought. The little boy shivered when a mild winter wind blew past them. "Aren't you cold? Here." Kuroko removed her scarf and put it around the poor little boy's neck. The young boy looked up at her and made an expression that broke her heart. "It's okay, you can cry. You haven't cried since you got separated from your mama, right? You've been a brave little man." She said. The little boy cried and hugged her. "There, there. I'm sure your mother is coming to find you." She comforted the boy as she gently patted his head.

"Ryounosuke! Ryounosuke!" A woman's voice reached their ears. The little boy pulled from Kuroko and searched for the owner of the voice.

"Mama! Mama! Ryounosuke is here! I'm here!" The little guy shouted. The woman spotted the child and immediately ran to him and hugged him.

"Oh God, Ryounosuke! I'm glad you're safe." The woman cried as she hugged her child tightly.

"Un. Onee-san kept me company and she even lent me her scarf." The little boy said.

"Onee-san?" The mother of the child said, confused. She didn't see anyone there aside from her child.

"This onee-san." The boy said as he grabbed Kuroko's hand. The mother seemed surprised by the 'sudden' appearance of Kuroko, but she immediately got herself together. The mother straightened on her back and faced Kuroko with the sincerest and most thankful expression she could ever make.

"Thank you for attending to my child. I'm deeply indebted to you." She said as she bowed. Kuroko, being a polite and refined girl that she was, immediately stood up and politely told the older woman that she didn't need to bow to her and said that what she did was the right thing to do. "If not for you, I don't know what will happen to my Ryounosuke. How can I repay you?" She asked.

"Oh, no. There is no need for that. Just seeing that he gets to find you is enough for me." Kuroko said as she smiled politely.

"A-are you sure? But…."

"No, madame, it's really fine. And besides, little Ryounosuke here is a brave boy himself."

"You are such a kindhearted young lady. I will never forget you." The woman told Kuroko and then she turned to her son, "Ryounosuke, return the scarf to onee-san, we're going home."

The little boy nodded and was about to remove the scarf but Kuroko stopped him. "No, you can have that." Kuroko said as she kneeled to the little boy's level, "Because Ryounosuke is such a brave boy, I'll give you that as a present." She smiled as she patted the young boy's head. His eyes immediately lit up in delight upon hearing the statement. The mother tried to change the mind of Kuroko but she politely dismissed it.

"Really, onee-san?" Ryounosuke happily asked and Kuroko nodded. "Can I ask the name of onee-san?"

"Onee-san's name is Kuroko Tetsumi." Kuroko answered as she smiled.

"Kuroko… Tetsumi." The young boy repeated and Kuroko nodded, "Onee-san's name is as beautiful as she is." He added. Kuroko smiled and his mother quietly giggled. "I will marry onee-san when I grow up." He declared. Before Kuroko or the little boy's mother could say anything, a male voice was heard.

"Sorry, young lad, but the beautiful onee-san is already taken." A voice that was so familiar to Kuroko appeared behind her. Kuroko turned at the back and as she expected, it was the one that she was waiting for.

"Akashi-kun…." Kuroko said.

"Taken?" Ryounosuke asked, confused of what the red-haired man was saying. Akashi, being a smart-ass and romantic that he was, explained what the word meant to the young boy as he gently pulled Kuroko up and removed his own scarf and put it around her neck while staring straightly at her blue orbs. Akashi then pulled Kuroko by her waist to get her closer to him and then smiled victoriously at the boy. The young boy could only gape in fascination to Akashi's words and actions.

"Akashi-kun, what are you doing in front of an innocent child?" Kuroko whisper-shouted to Akashi, who was being childish at the wrong time and not to mention, at the wrong place. Akashi only gave her a confused look as an answer.

"A-ah! Well then, my child and I are going. Thank you again, Kuroko-san!" The mother bowed and pulled her child with her. The two immediately walked away to leave the two love birds. When they were far enough, Kuroko pulled herself away from Akashi and looked at him questioningly.

"Why are you giving me that look?" Akashi tried to play dumb.

"What the hell was that about?" Kuroko calmly asked, ignoring the fact that she kind of cursed in her question.

"I was jealous." Akashi answered.

"What? To a child?" Kuroko couldn't believe it, like hell. And then Akashi snickered, that was when she realized it, "Akashi-kun, you're playing with me, again, aren't you?" Kuroko monotonously asked. Akashi laughed upon the question. Seeing him react like that, Kuroko's face turned red in anger. This guy couldn't annoy her more, could he? Why did she agree to go out with this guy, anyway?

Kuroko removed the scarf and threw it on the bench beside them and quickly walked away. Akashi then followed his girlfriend but not before quickly grabbing the scarf. He ran to catch up with her and tried to speak to her but she only ignored him. "Come on, Tetsumi. I was just joking." He persuaded further.

Finally, after what seemed like forever—at least for Akashi—Kuroko stopped on her tracks and decided to let Akashi explain. This wasn't the first time that something like that happened, anyway. This smart-ass and cocky and jealous and annoying yet adorable and loving boyfriend of hers never failed to get under her skin. Every. Single. Day.

Kuroko crossed her arms over her chest as Akashi stood in front of her. An annoying grin plastered on his handsome face. Kuroko wanted to slap herself for getting involved with a guy like this, but this guy was also the person that made her days exciting and unpredictable.

Akashi, still grinning, put the red scarf around Kuroko's neck again. Kuroko huffed in annoyance and asked Akashi, "Care to explain yourself?"

Akashi kissed Kuroko's nose, grabbed her hand and pulled her with him. Kuroko was obviously stunned with Akashi's actions so she didn't know how to react. She covered half of her face with her free hand as she blushed, and before she could say anything, Akashi spoke, "Because I wanted to see your flustered face. Your flustered face is adorable, don't you know that?" Kuroko, if possible, blushed even more. "So, where do you want to go first?" He asked. When Kuroko didn't answer, he stopped and looked at her. He found her covering half of her face as she looked at the ground as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. "What's the matter, Tetsumi?" He asked. When Kuroko didn't answer for the second time, Akashi leaned down and gently removed her hand away from her face to get a better look at her.

"I don't understand you." Kuroko stated, which confused Akashi. "Akashi-kun is like an annoying puzzle I couldn't solve." She stated further.

"Tetsumi, are you possibly throwing a pick-up line at me?" Akashi joked as he made an I-can't-believe-this-is-happening face. When Kuroko punched him in his guts, he knew that his girlfriend was being serious. She was always serious, anyway, so why the hell did he throw a (lame) joke at the worst possible time? "Okay, okay. Sorry." Akashi said as he held his stomach. "So what do you mean that you don't understand me?"

"Akashi-kun, you understand that you just threw me the lamest joke you could ever make, don't you?" Kuroko deadpanned.

"Uh… sorry?"Akashi answered, still holding his stomach.

"Do you think I'll answer your supposed serious question after hearing that lame joke of yours?" Kuroko threw another statement in guise of a question.

"Right. That's fairly correct." Akashi answered. Kuroko walked past him without saying anything. Akashi, as if he just snapped out of daydreaming, ran to catch up with her. "So… is there any specific thing you want to do tonight?"

Kuroko paused to think, tapping her index finger on her chin. "I'm hungry, I want to eat."

"Let's eat then." Akashi said, grabbing Kuroko by her hand as he led the way. "Is there something that you want to eat specifically?" He asked, and Kuroko shook her head no as she smiled.

"Anything is fine." She said.

"Did you like it?" Akashi asked and Kuroko nodded as an answer. Comfortable silence engulfed them as they walked towards wherever their feet might bring them to.

Suddenly, a set of colorful fireworks burst in the sky as the snow continued to blanket the surface they walked on. The crowd stopped as they watched the beautiful firework display.

Akashi watched the different colors that reflected in Kuroko's sky blue orbs. He stared at them for the longest time as Kuroko smiled at the wonderful sight before them.

Kuroko felt Akashi's gaze on her. She turned and looked at him with wondering eyes. Akashi moved his right hand and reached for Kuroko. He cupped her cheek and gently rubbed his thumb on it. "Tetsumi," he begun, his voice was gentle and sweet, "you know that I love you, right?" He asked, his eyes full of adoration towards Kuroko.

Kuroko felt her blood rushing towards her face. She looked down to hide her red face from Akashi's sight. Even though she knew about Akashi's feelings, hearing him say it made her feel like her heart was going to burst. It was the first time that Akashi said it to her. She felt embarrassed and happy at the same time.

When Kuroko finally calmed herself down, she looked up to find Akashi still staring at her. She sweetly smiled at him as she put her hand over Akashi's own that was still on her cheek. "I know, Akashi-kun. I know." She answered as she looked straight at Akashi's burning orbs.

Akashi moved his hand to Kuroko's nape and gently pulled her into a hug. He kissed Kuroko's hair and inhaled the vanilla scent that came from her. It was the most comfortable feelings that Akashi felt. Kuroko was someone he held dearest to his heart.

Kuroko's face was buried in Akashi's strong chest. His scent was strong and manly. I wonder what perfume he uses, Kuroko thought. She blushed at her own thoughts and internally slapped her face. She gently pulled away from Akashi and shyly smiled as she avoided his gaze, "…Akashi-kun, I was thinking to give you a present."

"Present?" Akashi asked and Kuroko nodded, still avoiding his gaze.

"…I wasn't able to give you any on your birthday, so… is there anything you want?" Kuroko was finally able to ask the question that bugged her since the day after Akashi's birthday. "And um… I'll also give you a Christmas present…." She quickly added, still avoiding Akashi's eyes, as she played with her fingers. An awkward silence surrounded the two of them; Akashi staring wide-eyed at Kuroko, and Kuroko looking at the ground as if that was the most interesting thing in the world. It was the first time that Kuroko offered him something. Even though they were officially dating, Kuroko was still quite distant.

"…are you serious?" Akashi asked, his voice laced of disbelief. Kuroko timidly nodded in affirmation. Akashi stared at her for a little more while until he couldn't hold it any longer, "Pffft!"

"Why are you laughing?" Kuroko asked, reverting back to her original self.

"I'm not laughi—!" Akashi tried to suppress it but he snorted instead.

"Look! You even snorted!" Kuroko said as she pointed an accusing finger at Akashi.

"…I'm sorry. I j-just—!" Akashi tried to explain himself but failed. He couldn't help but laugh. "You're too cute and funny at the same time, Tetsumi, so forgive me." He added, still laughing.

"Akashi-kun!" Kuroko whisper-shouted at him. Soon enough, she also laughed, holding her stomach. The two of them laughed with one another, not caring about the stares they got from the people around them.

"Okay, okay. So I get to have two presents and you said anything I want, right?" Akashi asked when he finally calmed down.

"Yes, yes." Kuroko answered, still struggling to suppress her laughs.

"Call me 'Sei'." Akashi said, effectively stopping Kuroko's incoming laughs.

"What?" Kuroko asked as she stared at Akashi incredulously.

"Call me 'Sei'; that's the first present I want from you." Akashi elaborated as he looked straight at Kuroko's eyes.

Kuroko stared at him with wide eyes as she opened and closed her mouth like she was about to protest. After a while, she looked downwards and took a deep breath, and then looked up again to meet Akashi's eyes. "…Sei." She finally said.

Upon hearing his girlfriend say his name, Akashi felt like his heart was about to jump from its place. He never thought that his name would sound that good. "…Can you say that again?" He asked, he needed to hear it again from Kuroko to make sure that she really did say it.

"…Sei." Kuroko obliged, her eyes looked like sparkling gems under the fireworks.

"Again." Akashi said, reaching his hands to cup Kuroko's cheeks.

"Sei." Kuroko breathed as Akashi touched his forehead with her own.

"I never thought you'd agree to that." Akashi said, gently rubbing his thumbs on Kuroko's cheeks.

"I did say anything, right?" Kuroko said, smiling as she put her hands over Akashi's. "So, have you thought about your second present?" She asked.

Akashi closed his eyes as he smiled, and then opened them again. He looked at Kuroko's lips, asking her quietly. Kuroko looked at him with gentle eyes before slowly nodding, and then they both smiled at each other. Akashi slowly moved his left hand to Kuroko's back, pulling her closer to him. His right hand remained on the other side of her face. They looked at each other with passionate eyes for a little more while, and then Akashi slowly leaned down. Their lips touched in the slightest, their breaths in sync with one another as they still looked at each other. And then as they closed their eyes, Akashi sealed Kuroko's lips with his own under the colorful fireworks that exploded above them, around the couples that looked at them with envious eyes, and under the snowflakes that melted as they fell within the radius of their burning love.

Unbeknownst to them, it was the beginning of the tragedy that was slowly creeping its way to them.

Soooooo! I just had to put that sad reminder as an ending. Haha. Well, it has been a while since I last updated, and I am so sorry for that. Also, the ending is a bitter reminder that this fanfic is under romance and tragedy. But really, I enjoyed writing this chapter, so I really hope that you also enjoyed reading this.

Don't forget to type your thoughts in the review box at the bottom right of this page. Thank you for the support! Love lots!

Sorry for the OOCness of our beloved characters. Annyeong!
