Here is the last chapter. Sorry that I'm that late, but I was on vacation. I want to thank you all for reading and reviewing my story. I hope you will leave a last review for me. Enjoy this chapter J

As soon as they were in the air Abby started to talk about New Orleans and how much she miss her team. Gibbs tried a couple times to interrupt her, but he had no luck. After an hour Abby fell asleep and her head sank on Gibbs' shoulder, which made him smile. Carefully he put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer.

»How do you do that? «, he whispered in her hairs, »How is it possible that you can annoy me in one second and then you fell asleep and I can't be angry with you anymore? You really are a miracle. «

After a while he fell asleep too.

Hours later they landed at the airport of Washington DC. Abby awoke when Gibbs tried to close her seat belt.

»Gibbs? «

»Hey Abbs. «

»What are you doing? «

»We are landing. «, he chuckled, »I just wanted to close your seat belt. «

»Oh. «

Suddenly she felt how the airplane started to sink. It took them fifteen minutes to get outside and to get their luggage.

»Do you want to share a cab with me? «, Abby asked, when they walked through the hall.

»Nope. «

Shocked Abby looked at him.

»Honestly? You don't want to share a cab with me? «

»Yeah. Come on. «

He took her suitcase and walked towards the parking area. Abby hesitated, but then she followed him.

»What are you doing? «

»I walk to my car. «

»Your car is here? «

»Of course. I took the next flight after yours. I needed to get you. I couldn't waste time with a cab. «

»And that's why you said that you don't share a cab with me. «, Abby concluded.

»What did you think? «

»Err… nothing. Let's go to your car. «

»I can't wait to see my lab again. And Tony and Ziva and McGee and... «

»Abbs. Please. You already told me that in the plane. «

»I know. I'm just that excited, you know? «

»Yes, I know. «

»When I'm at home you are free again. «

»Free? I don't think so. «

»I meant for the rest of this day. Not for the rest of your life. «

»I'm not even free for this day. «

»What do you mean? «

But Gibbs didn't answer. Suddenly he stopped the car, but when Abby looked up she didn't see her house.

»Gibbs. That is your house. «

»Really? «, Gibbs asked sarcastically and got outside.

Abby opened her door, while Gibbs took their luggage.

»I know that you know that this is your house. But I thought you would drop me of at my place. «

»Well you will stay for a while at MY place. «

»What? Why? And what do you mean with "a while"? «

Gibbs walked towards his door and Abby followed him quickly.

»Gibbs! Could you please answer me? «

He opened the front door.

»It means that you are grounded for at least a month. «

With those words he went inside and left a shocked Abby outside.

»WHAT?! You can't be serious! «, she yelled after she found her voice again.

»I am serious. «

»Why am I grounded? I did nothing wrong! I… «

Suddenly he stood in front of her.

»You did nothing wrong? «, he asked slowly.

»Yes? «

»And what do you call it to fly to New Orleans without my permission? «

»I had the permission of the director. «

»But not mine! You didn't even ask me! «

»Yeah, but… «

»And what is about playing agent in New Orleans and follow a dangerous man? «

»Well, Pride said… «

»I don't care what Pride said! You are a part of MY team and not of his! You do what I say! Did I make myself clear?! «

»Yes, Sir. «, she answered quietly.

»Good! Go upstairs. You can have the guest room. «

Quickly she took her suitcase and walked to the stairs, but before she got upstairs she turned around to him.

»You do realize that I'm a grown-up woman? You can't ground me like a little child. «

He gave her "the look" and without another word she went. Gibbs sighed. He really needed a coffee.

At the evening he called Abby down. She had a shower and was wearing one of Gibbs shirts.

»Don't you already have one of mine? «

»Yeah. But I need to wash it. I slept the last days in it. «

»So you decided to take a new one? «

»Shall I take it off? «

»No. It's fine. «, he sighed, »I ordered Chinese. «

»Sounds good to me. «

She sat down and took one of the bags.

»Can we talk about the grounding thing? «

»Sure. What do you want to know? «

»Actually I thought I could convince you to drop it. «

»Nope. «

»Why not? «

»Because you deserves it. The next time you think about it when you want to go somewhere without asking me. «

»Gibbs that is stupid. I'm a grown-up woman. I don't need someone, who tells me what I'm allowed to do and what not. «

»Yeah? Then tell me why do you always get in trouble? «

»I don't get always… «

»What was with LA? «

»I… I'm not responsible that this crazy killer wanted to kill me. I just did my job. «

»Yes, but I wasn't there. «

»But I had Callen and Sam and Kensi and… «

»And they couldn't prevent it. «

»It wasn't there fault, Gibbs. «

»Yes it was. They had the exercise to keep you safe and they didn't. «

»They had the exercise to catch the killer. «

»And to keep you safe. Callen knew that. «

»But they saved me. Doesn't that count? «

»No. «

»You are cruel. «

»Are we finish now? «

»No. If you are so worried about my safety, then why don't you show me to shoot? «

»You don't get a gun. «

»Why not? I use guns at work the whole time. «

»Yeah, but you don't get a gun. You are not an agent. How often do I have to remind you? «

»I already got that part. I believe you repeated it a lot in New Orleans. «

»See? Another place where you get in trouble. «

»I wasn't in danger in New Orleans at the beginning. «

»You followed a dangerous man. «

»But I told Pride that I would follow him. «

»Yeah, but you didn't wait for him. «

Abby opened her mouth, but no words came out.

»And because you did this, a murderer thought you would be a problem for him and told his contract killers to eliminate you. «

»Okay I get it! I put myself in danger. But still there is no reason to ground me. «

»You are grounded for a month. End of discussion. «

Abby opened her mouth again, but Gibbs cut her off.

»And if you don't stop now I will raise it. Your choice Abby. «

She bit her lip and gave him an evil eye, but she stopped. They ate in silence, until Gibbs' mobile phone rang.

»Gibbs? «

»Hey brother. Do you know where Abby is? I tried to reach her, but she didn't answer. «

»I believe her phone is in her bag. «

»Why do I have the feeling that she is with you? «

»Maybe because she is? «

»It's late. Why is she at your place? «

»She is grounded for a month. «

»You didn't. «

»I did. «

»You are cruel. «

»Be careful. You are the reason why she is grounded. «

»Okay, okay. I just wanted to know if you two are alright. «

»Wait a second. «

»What? Gibbs? Are you there? «

Gibbs gave Abby the mobile phone.

»He wants to talk to you. «

»Yeah? «

»Hey kid. How are you? «

»Good. Can you believe that I'm grounded? «

»For how long? «

»A month. «

»He is just doing this, because he loves you, you know?. «

»Yeah. I know. But it still sucks. «

»I believe you. Okay kid. Be nice to him and then maybe it won't be a month. I pray for you. «

»Thank you. Bye. «

»Bye kid. «

She closed the mobile phone.

»He thinks it is stupid, too. «

Gibbs gave her "the look" again and she quickly stood up and put the bags away.

»So what do we do now? «, she asked, when she came back.

»You go sleeping. «

»And you? You go in your basement? «

»No I will sleep too. We have work to do tomorrow. «

»And where will you sleep? «

»Go. I'm tired. «

»But… «

»Abby. I'm not in the mood to discuss this now. «

»But… «

»Abby! «

»Fine! «, she said and stormed upstairs.

When she reached the guest room, Gibbs was behind her. Within a second he bent her over and landed five hard smacks on her butt.


He allowed her to raise herself again and she rubbed her butt.

»That hurts. «

»Good, because I don't like your behavior. «

»You're the one, who doesn't listen to me. «

»I don't listen to you, because I'm tired and I don't want discuss with you. «

»You don't even know what I wanted to ask you! «

»I don't need to know! You only want that I will drop your grounding, but I will not! «

»I wanted to ask you if you would stay with me! But I already got your answer. «

Again she wanted to storm off, but Gibbs grasped her arm quickly.

»Wait. Okay, I overreacted. But in my defense you have to admit that when you argue the whole time with me about your grounding that it is normal to think that you still want to try it. «

»Well there are people, who listen if someone tells them no. But it is obviously that you think of me as a stupid little child. «

He saw how tears built up in her eyes.

»Don't cry. «

Quickly he pulled her tight against him and stroked her hairs.

»Please don't cry. I don't think that you are a stupid little child. Stubborn maybe but not stupid. I would never say that. «

»But you think that I'm like a child. «

»Well, sometimes you act like one. Especially when you storm off. «

»I was angry. «

»I know. Come on, let's go to bed. I will stay with you. «

»You don't have to if you don't want to. «

He smiled and pressed his lips against her forehead.

»I thought you know me better. «

In the morning Gibbs' mobile phone rang and woke them up. Gibbs had his arm around Abbys shoulders and her head rested on his chest.

»Gibbs? «

»Hey boss. We have a new case. Are you still in New Orleans or do you come to work today? «

»We will be there in an hour, Dinozzo. «

»I don't want to stand up. «, Abby murmured, after Gibbs closed his mobile phone.

»We have to. Besides don't you want to see your lab? And didn't you tell me yesterday how much you want to see Tony, Ziva, McGee, Ducky… «

Those words woke Abby fully and she jumped out of the bed.

»You are right. I'm in the bathroom. «

Chuckling Gibbs watched how she ran outside. It was a good feeling that everything was back to normal. His little girl was back in DC and she was safe. Now he could focus on his work again.