Author's Note: la la la – Akashi makes me too happy. :D Wayyy too much. I hope he makes you happy as well. :) Anyway, to those who reviewed the last chapter, I give you a big thank you. Reviews always give me the drive to try harder and get my butt working. I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Title: Renegade

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I love Akashi and the GoM but I don't own them. I just really really like writing this story about them. :)


Chapter 2 Ignis

Liquorice woke up with her throat feeling parched. She sat up, wincing slightly at the wave of pain that crept up her back. She was slightly disoriented, feeling strange and lost amidst unfamiliar trees and greenery. What did reassure her that she wasn't in some foreign land was the sight of different colored heads within her periphery. She found Maize and Harlequin leaning on opposite sides of one big tree while Zaffre and Thistle were sprawled on the ground snoozing unconcernedly. They were all bundled up in black cloth and their expressions were softer and more relaxed.

Carmine, however, was nowhere to be found. Had he already woken up?

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and tried to determine what time it was from the small light that came from the sky. It was a still a bit too early for them to rise, around 4 in the morning at most. It was dark but she didn't need light to find what she wanted. She closed her eyes and listened more carefully.

She wanted water.

The others had chosen this as a camp site because there was a nearby stream that came from the top of the mountain. She heard it faintly from behind her and carefully lifted herself from the ground. She was used to moving in the dark and it wasn't hard for her to make her way towards that faint rushing of water.

She found what she had been looking for soon enough – both of them, for that matter. Carmine was there by the stream, seated comfortably with a small lamp beside him and doing something she couldn't quite figure out from where she was in the foliage of the forest.

His hands paused after a minute and he turned in the direction where she was standing.

"Liquorice?" Carmine's steady voice floated into the rhythm of flowing water.

How had he known it was her? People almost never sensed her presence, not this obviously, and certainly not this keenly.

Liquorice extricated herself from the shadows she had been hiding in. She felt slightly embarrassed to have been caught watching him from the shadows like that.

He gave her that knowing smile again, that smile that made her feel like she was an open book to him. "Good morning. Are you thirsty?" he asked intentionally.


"Please, take a seat." He gestured to the spot beside him, on the other side of the small light. She drew closer to him and took a seat quietly. He handed her a cupful of water from the jug that he placed on his other side.

She took it gratefully and took small sips from the cup, relieving the dry spell in her throat. She watched his hands with interest. Carmine had pretty fingers, long and slender, but looked like they had a firm grip. She had finally figured out what he had been doing. He was cleaning his sword. His hands were meticulous and careful; they moved across the surface of the blade with practiced ease.

Carmine... was different to the other four. It was in the way he carried himself, his profile, the way and manner he spoke, his subdued expressions and the aura he projected. She liked that he didn't shower her with his attention so completely. Even now, he was only focused on the task at hand – he didn't ask her any questions and just tended to her needs.

She spoke when she was sure her voice would not come out as a croak.

"How did you know?" she asked steadily.

"That it was you?" he continued, his eyes glancing at her briefly.

"That I was even present," she clarified. Carmine leaned forward and let the water run over the surface of the blade. She watched his palm glide over the surface once on both sides before he lifted it out of the water and onto a dark cloth he set in front of him by his legs.

"I could hear you moving from a few meters away," he answered, "Your movement is not quite like the others. It's much too quiet and your presence is weaker compared to most people. I could tell if it was one of the other four just by the sound of their footsteps. It was not hard to pinpoint that it was you."

"Then –" she was about to say the other question on her mind but Carmine gave her a swift answer.

"I knew you were thirsty because the first place you chose to go once you woke up was a water source. I haven't given you your own water jug yet, so you'd have to get it directly from a nearby source," he said logically.

"I still have a lot to learn it seems," she mumbled to herself but Carmine seemed to have heard it, nonetheless.

"You are indeed skilled at hiding your presence," he acknowledged as he was applying some sort of jelly-like substance on his sword. It left the metal with a beautiful sheen when he had applied it evenly. "It may seem arrogant of me to say this, but those types of skills are ineffective against me. I'm very good at sensing another person's presence, no matter how faint it is or how skilled they are."

"Is that how you managed to defeat them?" she knew he would figure out who she was referring to.

"I'm used to fighting, so are the others. We fight to survive all the time," he said in a light tone.

His hands never ceased moving as they conversed. There was another that had resurfaced in her mind this time. One she had been pondering on for quite some time. Now seemed like the best opportunity to voice it.

"Carmine," his name felt strange on her lips. It felt like she needed to address him more respectfully.

"Hmm?" He did not seem bothered, however. To be addressed by someone like her.

"Why...did you save me?"

His hands finished lathering that strange substance on both sides of the blade. He washed his right hand in the flowing stream, then dried them on the dark cloth. He picked up his scabbard with his gloved hand and returned the clean and shiny blade. He was still grasping his sword by the hilt as he responded to her.

"My sword," His grip tightened on the hilt and he wasn't looking at her, "is not something I use for unnecessary killing. It is only for the sake of cutting down my enemies. I don't...take the lives of people on a whim."

"How are you sure I am not your enemy?" she questioned. She saw the corner of his lips raise a bit at her question.

"Because I want you to become our comrade. I decided," he placed the blade in front of him and reached out one of his hands towards her. "When I saw this." his index finger lightly tapped the exact place where he had seen the brand. He pulled back his hand as he let what he said register in Liquorice's mind.

Liquorice felt her face darken and the blood drain from her face. "I'm a traitor and a wanted woman," she said matter-of-factly. There was a whole sentence that was left unsaid in her mind. She wanted to say something more – but she didn't trust Carmine completely. She could not tell him a little bit without having to explain everything in detail. She decided to say nothing else.

"I know," was all Carmine said in reply. He pulled off his left glove and unwound the bandage to reveal his secret. He brought his hand closer to the lamp and closer to her gaze. Liquorice felt her eyes widen.

The black ink of the brand looked even darker in lamp-light. She reached out and brushed her fingers lightly over the back of his hand. The burn was real and authentic, it had healed a long time ago – but it was something that could not be forgotten. Touching it reminded her of the time when they had given it to her as well. Memories of pain, blood and grief.

She raised her head and met Carmine's flaming orbs. Carmine said nothing. His gaze was resilient and unwavering.

He knew.

They both understood the burden of this brand. They only stared at each other, communicating without words. Carmine was the first to break the silence.

"I won't force you, however," he pulled back his hand gently and covered up his mark. "I'm giving you a choice."

He had told her that he wanted her to become a part of their group – but he would not force her.

"It seems the others have woken up," he said, glancing briefly in the direction of the forest where faint noises could be heard, "Let us return."

Carmine packed the materials he had used for cleaning his sword into the dark cloth and bundled them up neatly. He picked up his scabbard and stood up gracefully. Liquorice followed suite and stood up as well, volunteering to carry the jug of water.

He walked into the forest with sure and muted steps. She followed after him, looking at his regal back profile, pondering over the choice he had given her and this person – this person who had seen her mark and had wanted her as a companion, rather than wanting her head.


"There is really no need for you to accompany me so, Maize." Liquorice argued as the two of them were walking along the street.

"Carmine asked me to," he replied calmly, strolling leisurely by her side. He towered over her, not as much as Thistle, however, and she was uncomfortable with the attention he was attracting. Maize was smiling at every person they passed and Liquorice deduced that he was probably a naturally friendly person.

"He specifically asked me to 'ensure that all your material needs are met'," Maize repeated the exact words Carmine had said when Liquorice had asked permission to leave the inn to purchase some essentials from the stores in the village.

"But –" she wanted to protest. "It would inconvenience you." She added a little regretfully. Even if it was a request from Carmine, she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble for him like this. It wasn't as if she had any intention of running away.

Liquorice had been thinking a lot since her chat with Carmine the morning after they had left the previous village. She wanted something else to occupy her mind today and had settled on doing a bit of shopping. Maize had not been incorporated into her plans at all.

Then again, his company fulfilled the primary purpose of distracting herself despite her apprehension.

"Liquorice," he called for her attention.


"Do I make you uncomfortable?" he asked with a slightly playful tone.

Liquorice glanced at him for a moment before she returned her gaze to line of shops on her right. "Not particularly," she asked vaguely, "I'm still trying to figure you out. I apologize if I seem uneasy around you."

"That's good." She caught the flash of relief that flitted across his expression for a moment.

"I'd like to become good friends with you, Liquorice." He asserted with a smile that might have stolen the heart of an innocent maiden. That sort of line delivered with such a smile was much too sly and Liquorice could only stare at him for a moment.

"Is something the matter?" he asked pleasantly. She was debating whether or not this was a natural action or a premeditated one.

"'s nothing." She decided not to mention. She needed to observe him a bit more if she wanted to make conclusions about his character.

"That makes me even more curious," Maize complained lightly.

Liquorice turned her gaze away and finally found a store that probably had what she needed. Leading the way, both of them entered the store and Liquorice immediately approached one of the shelves. She picked up one of the smaller water jugs and weighed it in her hand.

"Were you travelling alone before we met you?" Maize asked as he watched her from behind.

"Yes," she answered, picking up a light blue canister. "However, I lost all of my possessions when I was captured."

"Hmm," he moved to stand beside her, "You'll need some rope, at least two bags, a pocket knife," he enumerated, "A set of your own utensils," he picked up all of the items he mentioned as the two of them moved along the shelves. Liquorice didn't have the chance to interrupt – it wasn't as if she didn't know what she needed, but he seemed intent on helping her out so she decided to just let him be.

He glanced back at her, "I suppose we should get a tent for you, but..." his voice trailed off as their eyes met. Liquorice understood the silent sentence that should have followed. He wasn't sure she was going to be travelling with them. She nodded to show that she understood.

"You could just buy it next time."

Maize nodded and skipped over the area with tents and moved on to the next shelf. He plucked specific items here and there as he circuited around the whole store, Liquorice following diligently. He'd ask her things like what color she preferred and whether she preferred this kind of material – she was keeping mental note of tips he was throwing in here and there.

When they had gone around the store twice, there was already a sizeable bundle in Maize's arms. He dropped all of the items in the counter with a wink at the female clerk.

"We'll be taking all of these," he said well-naturedly, earning him another blush from the clerk.

He turned back to address Liquorice. "Is there anything I forgot?"

She shook her head and began to rummage through her pocket. She had been calculating the exact amount of everything as they passed by each shelf, taking note of the prices. She probably had it right, but she was not quite sure; she wasn't exemplary at mental computations, so she might've made a mistake somewhere. She held her money pouch in one hand, ready to pay to everything with her own money.

She watched as the clerk neatly packaged all of the items and handed the receipt to Maize. Just as she was about to ask him the exact amount of her purchase, Maize dropped a money pouch on the counter and swiftly picked up their purchases. "Please keep the change," he said with another one of his charming smiles. His actions left both Liquorice and the store clerk dumbfounded.

Maize didn't miss a beat and made his way out of the store before she had gathered her wits.

When he had made it past the door, she followed after him hastily. When she was outside, she grabbed his sleeve, pulling him to a gentle stop.

"How much was inside that pouch?" she inquired.

He looked at her curiously. "Why?"

"Because I'm going to pay for it with my own money. I need to know how much you gave her." She replied.

"You don't have to pay me back." He replied in a careless tone.

"I have to," she said stubbornly, "I'm not letting you pay for my things."

"And I'm not letting you pay me back. I had every intention of paying for all of your things from the very beginning." He responded in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Please let me pay you." She implored him. She didn't want to owe them any more than she already did.

Maize gave her a level look, "I can't."

She met his gaze directly, "There is a different between I can't, and I won't." She interjected and Maize let out a chuckle.

"I can't because it was Carmine's order. To pay for your expenses, I mean. But I won't because I want to pay for your expenses."

"I want to pay for it as well. Although it is Carmine's order, I should have the right to pay for myself." She claimed. Maize stared at her for a moment.

"Will you not let it pass this once?" he asked.

"Not until you let me pay you back." She answered resolutely.

"Most women would be thrilled to have a man pay for their purchases." He pointed out with a teasing smile.

"I would be happier if you would let me pay for it myself," Liquorice interjected. Maize produced a different kind of smile; it was a mixture of amusement and exasperation. They only stared at each other for half a minute before Maize let out a small sigh.

"Alright," he said, "Just pay me back with a favour. I'll think about it, you don't need to worry – I'll think of something that's a bit challenging for the sake of your conscience. " He turned around and began walking again.

"I –" she began to say, but Maize completed the sentence for her.

"Gratefully accept your offer, Maize."

She kept pace with him with somewhat difficulty. "We aren't finished. We'll talk about this another time," she said with finality. She would not give in to him so easily.

He gave her that smile again accompanied by a chuckle. "You're quite stubborn. Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Yes," she acknowledged, "But you are quite persistent as well, Maize."

"Maybe so," he said with a laugh.

He decided to change the topic now that the matter had been partially resolved. "Is there any other store that piques your interest?"

She gave him a measured look. "You are not coming with me," she said flatly.


"You'll return to the inn and let me do the rest of my shopping on my own."

Maize calmly returned her determined gaze with one of amusement. She spotted something as she looked discreetly over his shoulder and she was glad for once that they were around.

"Just a moment," She moved past him without a word and approached the beautiful lady who had been eyeing him just moments ago. The lady was surprised when Liquorice had approached her, but her surprise soon gave way to delight after they had conversed.

Liquorice returned to where Maize was standing, looking slightly confused. Liquorice and the pretty lady stood side by side.

"This is Elice – you're going on a date with her." She announced.

Maize looked incredulous.

"I've made a friend. Please take care of her while I finish the rest of my shopping," she said with a mock innocent smile.

He let out a hearty laugh and smiled at the both of them. Afterwards, he added an exasperated sigh, "Understood," He gave Liquorice a look that said 'I'll oblige you for now'. "Please enjoy your shopping, my Lady. I shall bring your purchases to your room before I attend to Miss Elice." Maize bowed down respectfully, the same way an esteemed servant would bow down to his master. This time it was Liquorice who was left confused. Maize approached Elice and prompted the both of them to take their leave.

Maize glanced back and gave a knowing smile.

Liquorice let out a small sigh. She noticed that the movement he had performed was too natural to have been done in a spur of the moment. He had likely done it any times before. It was her hint to a glimpse of his past. She did not want to pry, but she could not help observing and making hypotheses.

He was such a strange person after all. That was the conclusion she had arrived at.


"Why? Did you sleep with me back then just because you felt like it?" a woman's voice resounded indignantly.

"You're noisy, woman." A familiar voice said nearby from where Liquorice was seated.

She had been minding her own business until this had sprung up.

The male voice was laced with annoyance. "Go away. We have no business with each other."

"Were they all lies then? All of the things you told me when...when we spent the night together?"

There was a loud sigh. "What do you want me to say?"

"When you said those things to me – I know you weren't lying."

"What are you trying to say? Quit going around in circles and just spit it out," he said gruffly. Liquorice heard the snapping of a twig underfoot.

"Do you love me?" the woman's voice was trembling slightly. "Because if you do I –" her next words were quickly cut off by the voice Liquorice knew.

"I don't," he said flatly. "Did you think I was serious? Did you think I fell in love with you at first sight? Why would I fall in love with a woman who is unfaithful to her husband and is so easily swayed in her affections?" there was clear disgust in his voice.

"I... I only –"

"Fell completely into the temptation of a stranger. You don't know me, I don't know you. It's better if it stays that way. You should find some other unsuspecting male to satisfy your sexual needs. You can't satisfy me and I don't want you. I'm sure the brothels around here would be more accommodating." He practically spat the words and Liquorice felt sympathy for the woman at the receiving end of that tirade.

There was a loud sound that followed. The sound of flesh against flesh.

" dare you!"

"We have nothing left to discuss," he said dryly. "If you don't leave now – I'll have to resort to force, woman. Don't test my patience."

There was another loud sound. "I hope you go to hell," the woman hissed. It was followed by the sound of fleeing steps.

When the woman had completely disappeared, the tanned blue-haired boy turned around and closed his eyes. It was almost completely dark now but Liquorice could still make out his face somewhat. She noted the page she was reading before she quietly shut the book in her hands.

Liquorice heard Zaffre cuss under his breath. "It really stings," he said as he gingerly touched his left cheek with his left hand.

"We could put ice on it to lessen the pain," Liquorice said loud enough for him to hear. His eyes snapped open immediately and he looked around slowly until he spotted the outline of her figure on the bench.

"Who are you?"

"I'm sorry for startling you," she apologized. "It's me, Liquorice."

His tense posture visibly relaxed. "Liquorice?"

"Yes," she stood up and approached him, close enough that he could recognize her despite the limited visibility. They only had the light from the nearby temple to go by and Liquorice could only barely make out his face.

His left cheek was red and it seemed to have scratches that were bleeding slightly. The woman had slapped him twice after all.

" long have you been there?"

She was thinking whether she could still lie her way through it, but she had a feeling Zaffre would see right through her.

"I was here even before you and the lady arrived."

Zaffre clicked his tongue, "You heard everything, huh?"

"Yes," Liquorice admitted softly. She was looking up at him now, trying to figure out what sort of expression he was wearing right now.

"You must think I'm a bastard, right now," he said in a knowing tone. He sounded tired.

"Not particularly." She replied vaguely.

He gave a dry laugh.

"Why?" Liquorice asked gently.


"If you knew she had a husband, why did you sleep with her?"

Zaffre scratched the back of his head. "Because she offered," he answered nonchalantly.

"Is that all it takes? For a woman to get you into a bed?"

"What do you think?" he asked pointedly.

"I think you're still hiding something." She replied honestly. "Were you drunk when she offered?"

There was a beat of silence.

"...Yeah." Zaffre admitted.

"Was she your type?"

He laughed sarcastically. "To me all women are the same."

"But you do have preferences, am I correct?"

"You sound a lot like, Carmine. Did you know that? He'd interrogate me the same way if he found out about what just happened." He squared his shoulders, looking a little apprehensive.

"I take it you want to keep this a secret from everyone?"

He gave her a measuring look, "Yeah, I guess."

"Alright. Are you skilled at lying?"

"Are you suggesting that we lie to them?" his voice sounded amused.

"Do you have any other suggestion on how to explain those scratches of yours? Let's go with this. You found me carrying a cat I was playing with. We stopped and chatted, I asked you to hold the cat as I remembered something. The cat didn't like you and scratched you then ran away. What do you think?" her voice was sensible as she relayed her version of the story.

"That...actually sounds plausible."

"Then we'll go with that. Let's go find some ice to tone down the redness and to prevent swelling." She went back to the bench and retrieved the other items she had purchased.

"In exchange however for helping you, you have to answer one question for me honestly. Don't worry, it isn't a difficult question to answer." She reassured him. Zaffre reached out and took her items from her hands, without warning. He walked forward for a few steps before he turned back.

"Alright. Shoot."

"What is your ideal woman?" Liquorice asked curiously. He had not answered her previous question but he had no choice this time.

Zaffre snorted, "My ideal woman doesn't exist," he answered steadfastly. He turned and began walking again. Liquorice moved to catch up to him and she was granted with an addition to his previous answer. It was faint though, as if he had not meant to say it at all.

"Not anymore."

Liquorice was satisfied with that and she walked into step with Zaffre. They walked quietly; the only sound was the soft crunch of her package in his large hands.

Zaffre was easier to understand compared to Maize – but she had still not completely grasped his character either.


Breakfast the next day was quite a spectacle.

It had been a long time since she had been surrounded by so many people. To be exact, it had been a long time since she had willingly let herself be surrounded by a notable number of people. She watched all of them with rapt attention, simultaneously lessening her presence as well. At least, that was what she had hoped to do.

It was almost impossible – being surrounded by such eye-catching companions. They seemed to be attracting the eyes of most of the females present in the salon of the inn they were currently lodging at.

Liquorice watched the girls' crowd around the Maize giggling ceaselessly. On the other hand, there seemed to be no end to the girls who were occupying Zaffre's lap. More ladies were gushing over Thistle, giving him food after food and playing with his somewhat long hair. Even Harlequin, who wore a distinct frown, had a noticeable number of women vying for his attention. Liquorice was quite sure he would lose his temper in the immediate future. Carmine as well, was occupied, chatting politely with ladies who were steadily increasing in number.

No one approached her; the women generally ignored her or could not see her at all. A few times, a guy would bravely try to approach her – but one look from all five of her companions would force him to turn around and never look back. She watched all of them with interest and tried to put to memory their little habits.

The way Maize always gave a discreet smile whenever he managed to make another girl blush. The way Zaffre only seemed to pick long-haired buxom girls. The way Thistle always took large bites and only chewed two to three times. The way Harlequin pushed up his spectacles when he was trying to calm himself down. Even the way Carmine never really smiled at any of the women around him, his mouth had been smiling but his eyes definitely were not.

They seemed like normal males on the outside but Liquorice knew they each carried some sort of secret. Why else would they be associated with people like her and Carmine who carried a brand on their body?

Surrounded by these people, she felt strangely comforted and secure. She had not felt like that in such a long time – not since she had lost her Master. Was it really alright for her to remain here?

Could she really...stay here?

Carmine had told her that he wanted her to join them. But if they took her in – they would take in her baggage as well. Her burden wasn't something so simple. If she joined them... she would have to tell them. She knew Carmine was only resting longer than usual in this village for the sake of waiting for her decision.

She quite liked them.

And because she liked them – she didn't want to bring trouble to them.

"Liquorice," she heard someone call her name. She raised her head to determine who it was. The only one among the other five who was looking at her was Carmine. The ladies he had been entertaining had suddenly disappeared.

"Have you finished eating?" he inquired politely.

She glanced at her half-full plate and looked apologetically at Carmine. "I'm sorry. I can't seem to finish all of it."

He smiled reassuringly, "That's quite alright. Would you like to go for a walk with me to let your stomach settle down?"

It was sudden – but she had no reason to decline his offer. She accepted with a nod.

They excused themselves and left the inn. They walked for a minutes and Liquorice waited patiently. She knew Carmine invited her for a walk for a reason. He was the type who didn't do unnecessary things.

As they walked, Liquorice assessed Carmine in the corner of her eye. Carmine wasn't small, by any means. He was still taller than her by quite a stretch – but compared to the others like Thistle and Harlequin, he was the shortest. He wasn't as muscled and strongly built as the others but was quite slender. What exactly did he possess, that allowed him to function as the leader of such strong-minded people? He had charisma, without a doubt, but there must be something else.

When he finally spoke, she had almost not heard it because she had been so absorbed in her ponderings.

"You don't need to rush," he said once they were a considerable distance from the inn. The two of them walked side by side with only a foot between them. "We usually stay in a village for a week before we proceed to the next. I will not prolong our stay here beyond that. I hope you could give me your decision by then."

He had seen through her thoughts completely. That was why he had invited her for a walk – to alleviate her of the pressure she was feeling.

How could he understand her so perfectly?

Her master had praised her once, saying that she had the perfect poker face; it was almost impossible to determine what she was thinking. She had been confident about that fact – until she had met this man.

They continued walking at a leisure pace. This time, it was Carmine's turn to wait for her to speak.

"May I ask you a question?" she asked softly after a few minutes of silence. She needed his answer to this question by all means.

"If it is something I am capable of answering."

"Why do you want me to join your group?"

"Because you carry the same burden as us – I feel that you are necessary for our goal to succeed."

"Goal?" she said inquisitively.

He smiled ruefully, "Forgive me. I cannot disclose to you all the details until I am sure that you are ready to be a part of the group. Know this however; I truly believe that you belong with us – that you are one of us." His voice was sure.

Carmine stopped once they had reached the other end of the village. The place where they were standing was already very close to the road to the next village.

"I –" she wanted to say something, but she wasn't quite sure what.

Carmine reached out and grasped a few strands of her hair in his hand.

"Your burden – all these shackles that are weighing down on you," His gaze had been lowered to her hair in between his fingers but in the next moment, his eyes met her own from below his eyelashes. "Let me break all of them." His voice was low but it rang clearly in her ears.


Endnote: Felt happy, got into the mood to type and this is what you got. Ha ha ha! I had a lot of fun typing this. (Mainly because I got to squeeze in a little Akashi love in there. :D) I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to drop a review on what you thought of the chapter, it would make me really happy to hear your thoughts as well. :)

Reviewer notes: (You don't need to read it if you didn't review the previous chapter)

Gentle Snow: The reviewee who pointed out the Akashi in one sentence in the previous chapter, I give a sincere thank you. The scenarios always play out in my head and I unconsciously typed out Akashi when I imagined him talking in my mind. Thanks for pointing it out to me! ;D

RubyAngelFire: I already thought about the medieval talk before I started this fic. I was debating if I was going to adjust the speech to the atmosphere and timeline but then, you know, when I pictured the scene playing in my mind (As I always do when I type) – it just felt wrong for them to medieval-speak. Like it wouldn't be Murasakibara if he didn't use –chin or Kise talking medieval didn't appeal to me very much. I imagine him to be a yellow monkey trying to speak medieval and it just felt... wrong. So yeah, I decided against it and kept it to slightly formal and occasional informal speech instead. :) Thanks for reviewing by the way!

More important Notes:

*Ignis is a term used to refer to flame in one of the videogames I played before. Guess what colors are in a flame? Blue, yellow and red. And it's a gas as well, difficult to grasp – like what my darling Kuro-chin was thinking with the others. :) That's why it's the title.