"Sam." Cat leaned over and nuzzled her mouth against the girl's neck. Sam's skin was warm but smooth, a feeling Cat always associated with her love.

"Hmm?" Sam murmured, half asleep. She lay on her back, eyes closed, though she was hyperaware of every move Cat made. Cat watched Sam's chest rise and fall rhythmically, matching her breaths with the other girl.

Cat draped one arm around Sam's waist and pulled herself closer to her side, breathing in her nameless scent. Cat always thought of summer when she smelled Sam. Blue skies and a slight breeze. It made Cat's stomach flip.

"I want to ask you something, Sam." Cat reached up and trailed the tip of her pale finger along Sam's jawline. Sam's lips parted slightly, curving a bit at the corners into a smile.

"What is it?" Sam opened her eyes, shifting her blue orbs to gaze into Cat's brown ones. She turned on her side and placed one small hand on Cat's thigh, relishing in the warmth that nearly radiated off her skin like heat off the sun.

Cat suddenly looked serious, her eyebrows furrowed in the center of her forehead. "What is love?"

Sam blinked in surprise. For the longest time she had known she was in love with Cat. It was one of the few things Sam hadn't tried to deny or push away. Cat was the best thing to ever happen to her. Had she really gone all this time without vocally claiming her love for Cat?

"Um," Sam started, unsure what to say to the girl. She was often in situations like this with Cat - she was still so naive and innocent. If Dice were here, Sam thought, he could explain this so much better than I ever could. "It's, um." She stared into Cat's eyes and smiled faintly, remembering their first kiss. Cat had cornered Sam in a closet of all places, stuttering something about getting flutters in her stomach whenever she passed Sam's path. Sam had silenced her with a soft press of her lips to Cat's, and that had sealed the deal.

"When I kiss you, Cat," Sam said, trailling her fingertips up the side of Cat's body. She smiled when Cat noticeably shivered to her touch. "When I touch you, like this," Sam whispered now, her voice dark and husky. Sam slowly pushed herself up on her elbow, swung one leg around Cat's body and rolled so she was straddling her. Sam's blonde hair spilled around her pale face. "When we are together in this intimate way," Sam's words dripped with desire as she lowered her soft lips to Cat's neck, grazing the warm skin there. She felt Cat's skin flush with blood and heat and her heart started to pound heavily in her chest. "What do you feel?"

Cat's breathing was still heavy as she rested her hands on Sam's thighs. She could barely keep her thoughts straight, let alone come up with a comprehendable answer for Sam. "Um," she attempted, losing herself in Sam's endless eyes. "I feel invincible. I feel like I could be here forever with you, Sam. I don't want anything else more in this world more than I want you right now."

Sam smiled softly. "That's love, Cat." She brushed Cat's red-velvet hair from her face and kissed her tenderly, sealing the deal.