A short drabble written on tumblr. Dedicated to my wonderful Skype friends.

The day of his departure was slowly approaching. His nerves tingled at the familiar thought of the battlefield. It was a faint omen of the carnage that was to follow.

Still, he couldn't deny the anticipation that was bubbling up inside him. His fondness of war and the need to protect his territory were spreading a sly smile across the Wolf's face. The political differences of the mundies once again called for the truest form of negotiation: War.

Lighting a cigarette, he leaned back into his chair. The beast within him hungered and yearned for the rush of excitement combat filled him with and the alternation of his job as Sheriff which strategizing provided him with. He was a stray dog, with no family to hold him back, only his duty as Sheriff would lead him back to Fabletown once victory was in his grasp.

Well, there is also another reason, he smiled dryly.

A sharp knock on the wooden door of his office snapped him out of his thoughts. The distinct smell of the person behind that door made him sit up. It's Snow.

He cleared his throat, tugging at his tie. "Come in" he muttered, inhaling more of his cigarette. The door slowly opened to reveal her pristine form. Her black hair fell over one shoulder, piercing blue eyes were spotting him and her sensual lips were curled up into a polite smile. "Hello Bigby" she greeted with a nod as she softly closed the door behind her. She took a few steps forward standing in front of his desk. He eyed her for a few seconds.

"You know Snow… you can sit down…" he hesitantly said. An awkward silence was stretching between them. He continued looking up and noticed that her hands were clasped behind her back.

"You're leaving soon…" she spoke quickly, avoiding his eyes, shifting from one leg to the other. She ignored his statement about taking a seat completely. Is she nervous? He wondered suspiciously. Bigby nodded slowly, taking another drag from his cigarette. He waited for her to continue, eager to know where this way going.

"I thought I'd… "She began unsure how to phrase her sentence with a frown on her face. She sighed and revealed her hand from behind her back. "Here this is for you" She mumbled softly, placing something that looked like a piece of cloth on his desk. Bigbys eyes widened in surprise. He couldn't tell what the piece of cloth was so he stretched his arm to grab it.

"I have to go. I need to manage a few things for the Deputy Mayor" she spoke a little too loud. He raised his brow at her as she hurried to get out of his office. "Thanks…" he mumbled, perplexed by her weird behavior. As her hand was on the doorknob she turned her head to him and he could make out a faint blush on her porcelain cheeks. "You're welcome" she smiled softly and closed the door behind her.

Well, that was strange.

His eyes lingered on the door for a few more seconds before his attention turned to the cloth Snow left on his desk. He stubbed out his cigarette in the ashtray before reaching for the little gift she left him.

As he held it, he instantly felt the softness and recognized what it was. It was a handkerchief; an artful seam was stitched into the lilac fabric. He brought it up to his nose and inhaled deeply, his eyes closed at the familiar and comforting scent of Snow that the handkerchief was holding.

A warm feeling of tranquility was spreading through his heart as a grateful smile appeared on his face. She wanted him to take this, so that he could always have something to remember her, even when they are thousands of miles apart.

He slowly unfolded the handkerchief to find a little piece of paper falling out of it, onto his lap. His mouth opened in surprise and with his other hand he took the piece of paper. She had only written these few short words with her elegantly curved handwriting.

Come back soon.

The pure simplicity of pain and joy rushed through him all at once and he felt as if his heart was swelling. His love drunk smile was proof of the happiness he felt at receiving this gift from her.

He slowly brought the handkerchief to his mouth and pressed a soft kiss into the fabric, smiling the whole time.

"I will Snow, I promise."

Thanks for reading. Princesses Choice will be updated in the following days