A/N: Please read the author's note at the bottom!

Chapter 1 - Wrecked Nerves

Our bags were packed and ready to go. This was definitely not a mission I was looking forward to; seeing all the faces of my past was kind of haunting in a way and terrifying as well. I had maintained a fake identity for so long and now I was about to recreate a new, especially one that all the civilians of Roseville hated. I was about to become the snobby counterpart of myself, to tie in with the role of an uptight rich Gallagher girl. There was something frightening about that, because as much as I wanted to say I didn't care what people thought of me that was entirely not true. I cared. And I cared a lot.

We were all pouring into seriously expensive looking cars that had tinted black windows. I knew once I got into that car, I would have to put up a façade for myself, and right now that seemed like the hardest thing to do, especially after what my mother had announced.

"Come on, Gallagher girl. We have work to do" said Zach as he hurled our suitcases into the boot of the large range rover that he had acquired. I guess being a spy does have its benefits; this was definitely one of them.

I climbed into the car, and Zach got in after me into the driver's seat. He put the gear into reverse and revered out of the parking spot. His muscles tensed beneath his strong grip on the steering wheel. I could feel how tense he was, and that he was just as nervous about this situation as I was, though I was not sure why. You could almost cut the tension in the air with a knife.

"What wrong?" I questioned as I placed my hand on his bicep in a somewhat reassuring way.

"We are going into a normal high school; with civilians might I add, with no back up, no real weapons and no sense of a plan. You already have a target on your head; this is exactly like if you were to go out into a battlefield in the middle of the night wearing bright flashing neon lights pointing to where you are. You are basically an open target and what is worse is that anybody could attack. I don't understand why they would allow this to happen. I guess nobody would attack at a civilian high school, with the risk of being exposed, but still, this is so unsafe. They better have bloody put us in safe house. Oh and if that wasn't it, Jimmy is in that fucking school!" snarled Zach, finishing off louder than he had started off with his rant. His anger was visible for all to see.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. You know why? Because I have you, and we have our friends. They would die for us, and we would die for them. Plus 'Jimmy' means nothing to me, but you mean everything to me" I said as I comforted Zach by stroking his arm affectionately.

Zach merely nodded and turned the corner, as we followed the GPS as it leaded us to our accommodation. What Zach had said, represented my biggest fear. Putting us into a civilian school meant we were exposed to the highest level of risk and right now we were victims with a clear target aimed at our head. I dreaded to think of what would happen if something was to go wrong.

Some time later.

For the rest of our journey we had stayed in silence, listening to the soft hum of the music and comforted by the mere presence of each other. This was why I loved Zach so much. We were always comfortable around each other; we knew what each other was thinking. He knew me better than anyone else, sometimes even better than I know my own self. We could enjoy each other's company, just by sitting next to each other, we didn't have to make small talk and use useless words. Being with him had a calming effect, a soothing one, which lifted me to euphoric high. I indulged in it and absolutely loved it. Nobody could compare to him.

We were nearing our destination and Zach turned the corner and pulled into a gravel driveway. I turned around and saw two other similar cars pull up to houses on the same road. We stayed in the car and surveyed the area. So far, everything looked normal. I gazed upon the house, and it looked relatively normal, but then from the corner of my eye, I could see Zach smirking. I followed his gaze curiously and saw the door.

I grinned.

The door was not manufactured in the normal way. This was a safe house. We just hit the jackpot.

Zach pulled the keys out of the ignition and climbed out of the car. I followed suit and walked back to the car boot. He popped open the trunk and reached in and grabbed our bags. His biceps flexed as he lifted the bags, one in each hand. I stared at him in a daze and I wondered just what I had done to deserve the most perfect boy ever.

He caught me staring at him, and showed me his all too famous smirk that I had come to like and even love. "Come on baby, there is plenty of time for that when we are inside!" He called out over his shoulder as he started to walk towards the door.

I followed him, feebly carrying my handbag. Zach was waiting at the front of the door. I realized why, as I came to stand by his side. The door was made of wood in its entirety. Large oak planks of exquisite craftsmanship were strung from side to side. The latch was made of a fancy wooden knocker and upon closer inspection it was for security. I lifted the latch and saw a little dent in the wood. Bingo!

Zach then placed his finger in the dent and a little whirring noise was heard. It was scanning his fingerprint. After the analysis had taken place, I then repeated the action. I small clink was heard and I realized that the door had opened. I grabbed onto the handle and pushed it down; the door opened.

Entering the house felt foreign, but exciting at the same time. I had never been outside of Gallagher except for my grandparent's ranch in Nebraska; this felt different, I felt independent and totally free. The house itself was luxurious from the looks of the hallway. Marble tiles adorned the floor with mosaic patterns. It was unlike anything I had ever seen, so unusual, but so comforting. Zach placed our bags down at the front door and closed the door with a swift kick of his foot. He grabbed my hand and led me into the house. I looked around; craning my neck so much I am pretty sure I left chinks in it.

We walked into the living room and striking paintings hung of the wall. It was enchanting, not in the fantasy or mystical way; but in the real way. This was my life; these were the types of places I would be put up in whenever I went on missions. It was a shattering thought that hit me full-fledged in the face, but in a way it was exciting and thrilling.

Zach and I explored the rest of the house. The kitchen looked modern and sleek, packed full of many appliances, many of which I am sure I will never use. The open space led out into a large conservatory which had a small pool. Lights lit the inside of the pool and crystal clear waters shone back at me. Decking supported a garden table with sleek and angular cuts. Many nights would be spent there with our friends, chatting and enjoying the remainder of our high school life. We searched upstairs and found two bedrooms. Both were furnished to the highest of standards with large double beds set in the middle of the room. Floor to ceiling cupboards filled up one wall. Both came with en-suites that looked enticing enough for me to want to have another bath today.

As we went into the next bedroom, it looked similar but was larger. Zach had carried our suitcases up here and without asking me he had dumped them both in this room. That action promised a lot of things. As he turned around to look at me, I caught his eyes staring back at me. They pierced through my soul and without a second's thought, in a fraction of a second we were clinging to each other desperately.

He had thrust his hands into my hair and was threading through my long locks with his rough hands. His mouth pressed against my own hotly, and our tongues battled for dominance. His mouth was slanted over mine and I felt a hot pulsating need. I arched my back and he bent me back and we both fell onto the bed. He was all over me and I loved every second of it. I loved this boy with all of the strength in my body, he was my everything; and nothing had ever felt better than knowing that I was his everything.

After our hot and heavy make out session, we climbed back downstairs. I had to readjust my clothes as they had found themselves dragged upwards. I looked at Zach as we sat down opposite each other on the dining table. He had made us spaghetti and we were eating it while watching each other with lusty eyes. I caught sight of many lipstick marks adorning his neck and shoulders. His own lips were sporting a rather pink filled hue. I knew without a second of doubt that my own lips had lipstick smudged all over them and as Zach had been kissing me, he had plastered my own lipstick back all over my neck. With that thought in my mind, I had never felt more wanting of his lips back on my own. I was turning into one of those girls who loved PDA, and honestly it didn't feel like a bad thing. I wanted the world to know of my love for Zach and that no one else could even attempt to weave their way into my heart. This heart beat for one boy only.

"Come on Cammie, we have had a long day. Let's go to sleep. We have a full day tomorrow," Zach drawled to me as I continued to watch him.

He took the plates and placed them into the dishwasher. I had already begun climbing the stairs, when I heard him coming up behind me.

Changing into comfortable sleeping clothes and sleeping on Zach's chest as I felt his heart beat was so incredibly satisfying. With thoughts of Zach and my family and friends filling my head, I drifted off to sleep, lulled by the soft hum of Zach's breaths and cocooned in warmth and Zach's arms encircled my body.

The Next Day.

Woken up by birds chirping, I found the bed empty ad I stretched out my hands searching for Zach. I got up, confused and begin to climb down the stairs.

"Zach. Zach?" I called out.

"In here." I followed the reply to the kitchen and saw Zach making breakfast. His shirt was off and no sight had ever looked so beautiful.

"Come on. Eat. We got a big day ahead of us." Zach placed down some food onto the breakfast bar and I climbed up onto the chair and watched him as he scrambled his own eggs.

After breakfast, we had changed into our clothes. The outfit I was wearing was like nothing I ever wore. A tight white dress was wrapped around my body, ending at mid-thigh. I wore strappy sandals and I had paired it with a denim jacket. I think Macey would be proud. I had styled my hair so it fell to one side and it curled naturally. I had primped up by eyelashes with some mascara and had applied some eyeliner. Some natural gloss was applied to my lips and I bit them to add some colour.

Zach had worn some jeans and a tight white shirt. He had paired it off with a leather black jacket. His hair was tousled in a 'just-got-out-of-bed' way. To put it in words, he looked capital HOT.

We climbed into the car and he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently.

"Ready?" he whispered in my ear as he gave the junction between my neck and shoulder a kiss.

I put on my sunglasses and whispered back to him as my lips neared his "As ready as I will ever be." I pecked his lips softly and he put the car into reverse and we backed out of the driveway.

A/N: Hey guys! This is the sequel that I promised you. I am writing a lot more now and I have written some chapters. Although I do have a favour to ask.

I am writing my own original story which has my own characters and my own ideas. It is on a site called wattpad. I would be so grateful if you could take the time to visit those two stories and vote for them and comment on them. I would love some advice or an opinion of my story. I would be so grateful if you could do that. I will put up the link to my Wattpad profile on my fanfiction profile.

Go to the Wattpad site. Unfortunately I cannot type up the full website URL, as fanfiction is not allowing me. However if you type wattpad into the search engine, it is the first link.

Also you can leave me a comment down below or a personal message as to whether you use wattpad or not?

The first story is called Hearts in Hawaii:


The second story is called The Wrong Man:


My profile name is:


Please go an read these stories. They are still very short as they are just starting, but I would be so grateful for your opinions and votes. I would love to have some feedback so it would motivate me to write some more. Plus I feel like everytime I see more reads here and there I am more inspired to write.

