***Probably one of my more mature chapters. Would classify it as M***

Chapter 5 - Sinful Thoughts

Lessons were becoming increasingly boring. The syllabus was dry and incredibly boring, but I guess once you have gone to a spy school, pretty much everything else bores you. Spanish lessons involved talking to Zach about the five pets I 'owned' and the 'fabulous' music I listened to. Science lessons involved popping Hydrogen and burning metals.

It was so different to Gallagher. There was no rush, no death-defying situations, and no worry about anything. People weren't in a hurry to do anything; everything just seemed mundane, relentlessly repetitive. I was shocked at how people could do this day in day out. I was already ready to pull my hair out after a couple days of this. There was so much frustration I had for this never-ending cycle. It felt like one day almost melded into the next, there were no deadlines, and no real sense of direction or goal. I felt like I was leaping, but leaping into what? The questions seemed to go on forever.

The thought of this life shocked me to my very core. Gallagher life was always fast paced, it had to be. You had to make decisions on the spot, spur of the moment decisions. You had to act fast because that meant the choice between life and death. One slip up, one delay could not only end your life, but it could disrupt the whole mission. It could compromise a team's very existence. Once the enemy knew you were there, watching in the shadows, it wouldn't be long before they found out who you were. Some of the world's most notorious hackers would be shutting down systems and bringing down hellfire on you. You always had to have a goal and act fast.

Just thinking about all of this brought me back to sophomore year; I was ready to give this all up, give up my aspirations and my very sense of being for a boy. I was ready to throw this all away. How could I have thought that that was what I wanted? It seems selfish of me to sort of discount a person's life, just because it isn't like mine; but in all honesty once you have lived mine, you couldn't and wouldn't want to go back. Because my life is one that holds those memories ready to be shared around a fireplace, it's a life that brings about greater change to a greater cause. Even if I am invisible and will always be invisible, this life gives me a secret to hold onto for the rest of eternity.

How could I have ever thought I could have given this up?


After our first day where we had been set our mission it seemed like we would have to work things out on our own. Nobody seemed to be in a rush to solve their mission, but how would I know we don't exactly discuss our missions with each other. The first day was tough; trying to blend in to a school where you will always stand out didn't make it any easier.

I was sitting on the bed rushing through the homework that had been set yesterday and was due today. The sunlight was peaking in through the curtains, hitting a glass of water on the side table where it burst into a rainbow of colours. I could hear the steady stream on water falling from the bathroom where Zach was having a shower. It abruptly turned off and I decided to get ready for my shower grabbing my towel and my favourite soap; it smelled of apples and cinnamon and Zach loved burying his head into my hair whenever I wore it.

Zach walked out of the shower, his towel wrapped dangerously low on his hips, water dripping down from the end of his hair making a trail down his chest. I was shocked to discover I wanted to be that water droplet and make a trail down his chest with my tongue. My cheeks blushed and I hurried into the shower ready to wash away my lustful thoughts in the shower.

I pushed my head under the steaming water and started washing myself with the loofa and the delicious scent of apples. Too busy scrubbing away, I didn't hear the bathroom door open and by the time I looked up my eyes were already drowning in endless pools of green. He stepped towards me and my eyes flashed to the side as I edged backwards hitting the wall, directly under the water. His arms encaged me as he placed them on either side of my head and leaned into me. I giggled as I saw his towel becoming wet and his hair flopping all over the place.

I gently wrapped my arms around his shoulders and said "Couldn't stay away huh?"

"How could I?" he said breathlessly. Good, he was as shaken up as I was.

His eyes looked down towards my lips and he gently pushed forward which would have seemed impossible considering there was already no space between us. His lips landed almost forcefully on mine and his tongue plunged into my mouth. He tasted of minty fresh toothpaste and I loved it. The fire grew in my belly and slowly left my knees feeling weak. My arms were wrapped around his neck and my fingers were gently caressing his hair. He groaned and placed his arm on my thigh lifting my leg up and around his waist. I took the hint and wrapped my other leg around his waist.

He raised my arms and linked my hands in his as he held them against the wall. His lips were already burning my own and the gentle burn didn't stop as he trailed kisses down my neck and gently bit down. I moaned at the contact and light graze his teeth made on my skin as he started sucking. God, I would never get tired of this.

The water cascaded over both of us burning our already warm skin and steaming up the bathroom. My eyes closed as his lips once again came over mine. One of his hands moved to my waist and as it crept dangerously higher I wrapped my one free arm around his shoulder and drew my nails in. His hands were all over me. I was all over him. I couldn't even think as I fell blissfully into heaven. If this was sinful, then let the devil take me because this was too damn good to give up.

As he buried his nose into my neck his teeth grazed slightly over my skin, he whispered "We are gonna be late for school."

He put me down gently and walked out of the bathroom dropping his towel and grabbing another one.

I was so goddamn lucky.


A/N: Well its been well over a year since the last update. Oops!

I have my final exams coming up and the last year has been really hectic for me. I don't know when the next update will be but I am staying optimistic.

This is just a small, fun chapter because I had half of it written and thought let me just finish it and post it.

Thank You all for your lovely reviews and once again I am so sorry about the year long delay.